HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-01-22, Page 8fl • • 7 THE SEAFORTH EXPOSITOR; 1.1 CHESS. GAME NO. 56. A brilliant skirmish betweeii. Messrs, Thorold and Fenton, in which the former gives the odds of his Q R, and the latter the odds of his K World. [Remove *White's 9 1, and Black's 11- Kt from the bocer4. (GENTR.E GAMBIT.) WHITE. . BLACK. . (Mr, Thorold.) . (Mr. Fenton,) I PtoK4 P to K 4 -2 P to Q 4 PtksP 3 B to QB 4 B to Kt 5 (eh) -2 4 Pto Q B 3 PtkaP 5 PtksP BtoK2 6 PtoKB4 PtoQ 3 7 Kt to K B 3 . Castles 8 PtoKB5 KtItoQB3 9..BtoKB4' 13-tesKB 3 10 PtoKR4, RtoKsq4 11 1toB2 RtksKP 12 B tks P (c14* K to B sn. 13 QBtoKKt 5 QBtksKBP 14KBtoQ5 RtoKsq 151QattoQ 2 PtoKR 3- 161P to KKt 4$ B. tleaKt P . 17 Q Kt to K 4 • P tks B • ' 18•PtksP BtoK4 19 Kt to K 4§ Kt -to K 2 20 Q tks,B tk's B 21 QtseKB5(ch)KtIteKB 3 r 22 P tks Kt B ties K B P and Whit e mates in three moves, (&e Diagram.) BLACK' . V. .V..,, ees , Os, o • - A \ / A IV.,.,.,„,/f, /„1„,./.4 / ///, ./ A' 14.44 ' A ry./ ,, r , cy i / /: A 4/ / /7h1A / A * ^v ,,4//- /4ATA M - . /' nz / • 1 r 1 - V A6„.45J, A„) /' A e /11- r",. rf , ,,....„ , A, , / 4 "'YerZ/2%. Y./. r - r . /4 r eiw.. I . I A- , A ' -....--, \I WHITE. i. * The begiiining of . a jvery remarkable series of moves. . / , - + 'Unwise to take R Q wouscl check at R 5 . .., . 1 . •.t.' This ands subsequent ' moves . on Mr. Thorolda part, a,re'wortlit of kink we cannbt ' pay him a higher compliment. ' § Finely played, • • # 11 He bad. no other resourse. -,. • i PROBLEM NO., 58. Chess Hut Ho. 160 by E. 13. Gook IC at QsB 2 - P _1( Kt 7 - z KatQR 8 White to play and mate in two moves. SOLUTION TO PR,OBLpl NO.. 56. WHITE. 1 R to K B 6 2 RtoKB 2 •3 R to K 2 4 Mates BLACK. tks K to Q 4 K toB 4 2 •• K to, K 5 3 R to B 5 K to K 6 - 4 R mates e 1 K to K 6 2 R .to. Q 4 . K to K .7 - 3 R to K 4 (ch) fa to Q 8 4. Pe, to K B •sei mate • ' SOLUTION TO PROBLEM No. 57: 1 Q to Q B 7 - moves •2 .Q mates GAME -NO. 57w- PlaY,'64 lastnight between to of the Sea- - forth Chess Club. •(Evans Gambit:). . _ -WHITE. BLACK. 1 PtoK4 PtoK4 2 KttoKB 3 KttoQB 3 3 BtoQ-B4 BtoQB 4 6 4 P to "Q Kt -4 B tks P 5 P to -Q1.13 3 -B to,Q B4 6 'Castle's, P to -Q 3 . 7 PtoQ4' PtksP 8 P tks P • Bito Kt 3 -91(ttoQB 3 PtoKR 3 lOFtoK5 Kt to Q R 4 11 sP tks P • Q tks P 12 Kt to K 4 Q to K 2 13 Rto K sq B to K 3 . 14 Q to R 4 (eh) -.• P to Q B 3 15 B to Q.It 3 Q to Q 2 16 P to Q Kt tks B 17 r tkiB Q to Q.6 18 PtksP(ch) K tk4 P 10 Q R. to Q sq Q tks B 20 Q tks- Kt (ch) K to B sq 21 Kt to K 6 - •Q to K 2 22 Kt to Kt 6(ch) Resigns. vs.—. Gratitude ,is the music of the heart, ;when its cords are swept by the breeze 'of kindness. ...e. An Irish waitel once complimented a sahnon,in the folloWilagi manner ” Faith, it's .not two hours since that salmon wa wakinground hisreal estate, witn his lands in his pockets, Diver drh-Lming 'what a pretty irtvitaslinn beld have to. jine yOu jintlemet at dinner:" -,. - THUNDER.–, --T11 e first idea of a thun- der storth yhen Wigging Mll.le liomi - tight. -He (ani(, into the 100 11 kis xvife and (Laugh:airs, zthLt jrnit then 11( tutu cv r the, crai:le and fell fist leugiSi t fL u.. r a while lo u , „Jet Wife tire ys 1, ere f" " clop cier IL r THOS. • OABINEHT : 1 1 „ -4111 lit ALL kinds hand, Krughruff's Carriages. Coffins ' Work Made Istr A Hearse posite Kidd &- !• March 24, siiii'msw' ,, BELL -& CHAIR MAKER UNDERTAKER & Ca' A Large Stook. 07 ' of furniture kept constantlyon Consisting' of the bet varieties. , Spring Mattrasses, Children's kept constantly on hand. on the premises. for hire. Wareroom op- McMulkins. - THOS. BELL, 1868. , . ly. ' amaiesa GRirD --m--.....,--,-,..-• TRUNK RAILWAY. ...,6447 il P.: Mgr a; •..tvi,2,,, ••-•• ___,__ - follows • -Leave vines Trains t ( r I. ( 4.- .111.1,6 i swe.Y. ,n,.:; . ..9 V.A.,,,p . , c,:4, - - Ari.angements. , .77-..-. _ ..,........_- ,k ; -:.__!__,-....-.:4-:_ta- leave • EAST. and afternoon. .-----.--- migiii- Summer Trains will :----- GOING • 10:30 A.M. 200 stm. 6:08 A.M. ST.A.C3I-MS for ' Ainleyville, Bayfield in the the Seaforth Station, as GOING wEsT. 10:30 A.m. 222 P. m. 9:20 A.M. . , Wroxeter, Leech - Esseter, on] the arrival o . - . D _ H. SPENCER 77 si 1, WATCHMAKING Establishment Nearly Opposite East side of Main on hancl a large Clocks, Jewellery, Brooches, Spectacles, constantly on Lever Watches. Sts -Watches, ed with d.espat year. ' -Segorth, 44 )•• • )14-, tip ' : Has now open a &JEWELERY 1 in Seaforth, the •Post Office, ( Street, where he will keep 4 assortment of Watches, Go % Chains, Rings, •,` &c. He also keeps hand English and American ' Clocks and Jewellery Repair- c 11.' All works warranted one 1 , ... . . ov. -4. 48-3m. 9 G. VOIGHTLANDER -V-E ion GALLERY. o F. Seaforth, Note I. NEW'GALLERYs , Is now WBackgroUnds, first-class guaranteed. over Meyer's. Aug.' •-•,, The Fact 1,. THAT 1PaltridtgeS e n I I' • e complete with a new a INSTRUMENT. t .1.-c,' &c. None but pictures- taken, and, satisfac- • Dr. Smith's Office, next door f I 13, 1868. 38:6m. , --i N CANADA PERMANENT BUILD - INC & SAVING SOCIETY IS prepared to advance money on Improved ' Real Estate, on the most favorable terms r,o borrowers, antl to bity mortgages.. •1 For particularsapply to their appraiser, e •' • ' - W. N. WATSON) C Insurance' Agent, Seaforth. d Seaforth, Feb. '20, 1868. 11-ly g ' • • ,. s 4- seeskie- -WAGGONS, . i r / 1 , . rtiFI, f — , OA. t VP s - • i_ BUGGIES , / AND all implem.ents for farm use manu- factureill by • IWHAUGHT & TEEPLE' GoQcliand Cheap. Remember the 'stand. • f NORTH ROAD SEAFORTH. •1 sedorti), Feb. :20, 18'68. , , 11 -1 y C 1 , " cifortittxpo5itor AND 111,1RON C) NE of the largest ' Counter_ 6 THE i c ,,, " Is ADVERTISER, t . s papers published in the 0 IS PRINTED AND PUBLISHED EVERY 'FRIDAY MaliNINC. I,UXTON, EDITORS AND PUBLISHERS. • MALY STREET, ASTAFORTII; . o TERMS. —$1, 50 per annum, in advance. IP not s6 paid, $2.00 , will invariably be charged. • , RATES OF ADV} RTISING. For each line over ten, first insertion, 0 08 Each subsequent insertion, - 0 02 The number of lines to be reckoned by the 3pace occupied, measured. by as scale of solid Qrevier. . • • Advertisements withbut. specific directions will be published till forbid, and charged ae- corelingly. YEARLY *AGREEMENTS; The following rates will be charged to mer- chanta and others who advertise by the year, and 111110ca,se will exceptions be -made : ane column for twelvemonths, - - $60. 00 " • for Six months, - - 35 00 " t for three months, 7 -• 20 00 flalf-soladaan for _twelve Months, - • 35 00 forsix months, - - 20 00 for three months, - - 12 00 'snorter of a column for tweite snotths, 20 00 " 2 for six months, - - 12 00 for three. months, • - - 9 00 G.Eu. y. ROSS, Propri et Gr. pusuo NOTICE. THE MONTREAL TEA COMPANY.; 6, Hospital Street, Montreal. Our Teas, after the most severe tests by the best medical authorities'and judges of Teas, have been pronounced to be quite pure, and free from any artificial coloring or pois- onous substances so often used to improve the appearance of Tea. They are unequalled for :strength and flavor. Ihey have been -chosen for their intrinsic Worth, keeping hi mind health, economy, .and a high degree of pleasure in drinking them We sell for the smallest possible profits, effecting a saving to the Consumer of 15c. to 20c. per lb. Our Teas are put up in 5, 12. 15, 20 and 25 M. boxes, and are warranted pure and free from poisonous substances. Orders for four 5 lb. boxes, two 12 lb. boxes, or one 20 or 25 lb. box, sent carriage free to any Railway Sta- tion in Canada. Tea will be forwarded im- mediately on receipt of the order by mail •containing money, or the money can be col- lected on delivery by express -man, where there are express offices.. In sending orders below the amount of $10; to save expense it will be better to send money with the order, Where a 25 lb, box would be too much, four families clubbing together could send for four t lb, boxes, or two 12 \lb. boxes. We send 5hem to one address, carriage paid, and mark ea,Ch box plainly, so that each party get their own tea. We warrant all the tea we sell to give entire satisfaction. If the are not satisfactory, they .can be return d at our explanse. BLACK TEA. ---English Breakfa t, Broken Leaf, strong Tea, 45c., 50c.; Fin Flavored New Season do. 550., 60c. and 65c.; Veay Best Full Flavottd. •do. '75c.; Soun4l. Oolong. 45c.; Rich Flavored do. 64c.; Ver Fine do. do. 75c.; Japan, Good, 60c., 55c. ine 60c., Very Fine 65c., Finest 75c. GRE.EN TEA.Twankay 50c., 55.,- 5c.; Young Hyson 50c., .60e. pc 70c. ; Very Fine 85c., Superfine and Veiry Choice 1; Fine Gunpowder 85c. , ; Extra Superfine o. $1. •• Teas not mentioned in this circullitr equal - Ly sheep. Tea only sold by this (sompany, il4r An excellent mixed Tea could be sent or 60c. and 70e. : 'very. good for common urposes 50c. •Sil-ver taken at par. •For notes and post - He orders the l Company will add the pre - um in. tea to the order. •' '4 complimentary box of tea, will be given o parties forming Clubs and sending for 251b oxes. Each box will be marked p amly, so hat each one will get his own tea. .64rBeware of Pedlars and runners using ur. name, or offering our Teas small ackages. Nothing less than a cadilie sold. NOTE THE ADDRESS—The Ilelcntreal Sarsaparillian IL it. •it,. and its Associatos. it GREAT SENSATION. A Goop SENS'AT ON. PAIN CURED IN AN INSTAN CIME ANDITS LESSO'4 S. nventy, rears Experience and Study in Perfaing a Good Medicine Secures a new source e Happ4141 s •• to Millions 1 ! • IlTIPUOVEMEN RADWAY/S READY RELIF. Radway's newly discovered proce10 for ecuring medicinal extracts (in Yacuo), tromc. regetable substances'adds greatiy to tliti im- movement of the Ready Rekef IN AN INSTANT it tops and airei the nost violent PAINS, ACHES, CUAMPS, MAMIE'S, with electrical velocity. It removes every Ache, Cramp, Sp*sin, )r Pain that may eirist in the INSI or 1)1ITSIDE ofItlan, Woman, or Chilt14.4 *I! HOW TO APPLY IT. Rub the part of the body where pain exists 'reely with the Ready Relief,' soak a fivinel n the Relief, and lay it across' the parts where there is a pain or Inflammation. the ?arts are too sensitive for rubbing, bat14 the )ody with the Relief with a sponge. Pets the nost excruciating will -subside in a VIEW ifilsiUTEP. • CONGESTION OF ;THE LU Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder.—and in all eases wher54.1-icre s inflammation, the -Relief 'should bo applied freelyoither Titlxthe hand by rubbing, or a sponge by bat1ung..91 by tflannel soaked with Relief, and laid across the ti.linful )arts. In a few moments all psin will cease, 0-4 the :ause that occasions thapain removed. • • TAKEN INTERNA_LLY. Ten to 30 drops in half tumbler of water, will i five ninutes, stop Bain, Cramps, Spasms, Collo and inflrina- ;ion of the mucus membrane of thointernel viscer this lose repeated every 15minutes, will cure the worst.l.orms Canada Cholera, Cholera. Mortiosl liirarrliea, 1.3ysenter y, im,t1 • tiisehrtrry,ea from - the 13.owels. ea Company, 6 Hospital Street, Montreal. Out of over one Thousand testiinenial, we sert the following : • A YEAR'S TRIAL. heMontreal Tea Company: -Montreal, 1868. GE -Nes -a -It is nearly a year 'since I Purchas- d the .first chest of Tea from your house. have purchaseti many since, and -1 am leased -to inform you that the Tea as in very case proved most satisfactory, as well s. being exceedingly cheap. Yours very etlys F. DE.NNIE. ,Montreal Tea Company : GENTLEMEN—The Teal purchased of you March bas given great satisfaction and. avour of, it is very fine. It is very strange,' ut since I have been drinking your Tea I 1 ave been. quite free -from heart -burn,- which ould always pain use after bseakfast. I at- ibute this purity of your Tea, •and shall ontinue a customer.- • . _ If ours respectfully, FRANCIS T. GREEN. . Wig .54,. S. John Street Montreal. MOUtreal; Apri111868.—To the Montreal ea Company, 6 HoSpital Street, Montreal: We notice with pleasere the large. amount f Tea that we have forewarded to you to ifferent parts of the Dominion, and we are lad. to tio your business so rapidly, micas - leer. We presume:your Teas are giving igene- al satisfaction, -as out of the large amount rwarded we have only had occasion to re- -Ern one box, which, • we understand, was ent out through is:mistake• G. CHENEY, Manager Canadian' Eics ress Co. •NOTHER WONDERFUL- CURE OF CONSUMPTION IN CANADA. MESSRS YOUNG •& (J1AMBEBLIN,--S rs, I eel it a duty I owe to you, as well as to the tiblic to iuform you of the me st wonderful ure of Consumption' a,ccomplished in. my erson, by the use ofthe Great Shoshonees emedy and Pills. 1 coughed a great deal ay and night, expectorating a great quanti- y of matter, and. bad a great pain about my eft lung. I heel cold chills every day, and evere night sweats e-vcrs-nieht, and be ween he rackiug cough and great sweating, was. Ins•ost depeived of ssleep ; by these ini erica s well •as the loss of appetite, I was ole- uced thanI could hardly stand alo e. I was • under the care of a physician or a length of time,. and finding no re ief, I •tried different receipes, but all without any good effect. Squire Peterson of Bat}, re- commended me to use the Great Shoshonees •reamed ; 1 procured three bottles at 1orice, with the Pills, so soon as I commenced :mg . e t it I began to get better, and. when I ha l;liirtis,- ished this complement, the cough, exp' - tion of matter, pain about the lung, hji sweating, &c., left me; and by cont unsg its use I. became strong and. healthy. It is now over two months since I quit the ken e- dy, and there have been no symptoms of the disease returning, and I have been, and am now, healthier and.better than I have been -for years. . 1 trust youewil make this knenn to the public, that they may be aware of lbe peculiar virtues of this truly wonderful la- dian Remedy. . „ •• PETER, C. .V. MILLER. Ernestown, County sof Lennox - . and Addington, Ontario. i To all to whom it may comS.—This is to certify that I have been acquainted with the above mentioned gentleman, Peter C. V. Miller, Esq., for many years, and have kno wn him always to be of the very high- est respectability and. a very candid and creditable person, and. I am confident that 1. can safely vouch for the truth of the above, or any other statement made by him. REV W F 5 HARPER 44-ly Rector of Bath, Ontario. - rprIE ZIMMERMAN IIOTIEE, WPDXE- I. •TER. JOHN ZIMMERMAN, Preprietor. es Dec. 14, 1868. • 53-tf A Great Medical Triumph. NEW PRINCIPLES IN PURGATION ! SECURED IN DR RADWAY'S Perfect routive 1.-A Vegetable Sabstitute for Calomel and Me ory. 2 — Counter-Irrita' tion, made perfe4 in Raelway's Pills, that withdraws fillies -region . froth Congested Blood Vessels, Nei es, Liver, Stomach, Bowels, Kidneys, and 01;her. viscera, and purging all excrementitaus, corrupt humors and diseased deposits itom the3.s_ysitnemth.ese p ills a nourishing- and Mil tr'i- tious principle is secured, by which the blood, juices and fluids of the system, .be- come invested svith the vigor of life--Aey are the only purgative medicine — That - strengthens during the process of purg-ation. These Pills act as a solvent and tank7 to the gastric juice, enabling this solvent of the system to properly dissolve the s141x.-..- tances taken into the stomach, and ,ailli di- gestion, and the convertion of said substan- ces into the proper constituents to make pure, rich and wholesome blood, fhe defiOen- cy of which is the ca-tAe of Dyspepsia, In- digestion. Diabeates and many urmaryilifil- culties, etc. . 4.—They regulate the organs of the 3Ts- tem.; restoring functional harmony and se-. t' eurino, the secretion of the proper colsti- tuents of each organ ; by their action .`,the Liver secretes its allotted proportion a bi- le—the Lungs, Carbon—the Skin, Sweat— the Kidneys, Urine, i&e. . 5 .—The aged, and persons subject:: to Constipation, Costiveness', P aeal ys is andi Weakness of the Dowels, Kidneys and rlad- der, &c., that have to resort to•injections- ; — by taking two or three of Radway's Pi 11 s. ;viii - enjoy natural discharges, and by the ctca- sional use of them have regular operati,ans. In these cases their streagt?iening and ntri- tious principles are exhibited '- e -cry will add new strength to the bowe1s tilose Kidneys, &c., that may be worn or d1.Iter. epitaed 1 by disease or age. - . 6.—In these Pills, a want that s ience-iias ever failed to supply is secured, and th.44 is -' a thorough purgative that can be giverin safety in cases of eruptive fevers, as Sdaall Pox, Erysipelas, Yellow Fever'Scarlet and Typhoid Fevers—when the Mucclus 1\l'in- brane becomes ulcerated—now these pins, purge thoroughly, and heal ulcerated anc1. excoriated parts. . 7.—These Pills are made from extra .:ci-- from new ingredients—entirely Veget4le, superior in every respect to the orditiary powders and substances of the corinnon,ad- vertised .Pills. Two ot Radway's Pills wilt act quicker thanlralf a dozen of the conalion dragtie pills in general use. , ELEGANTLY COATED-Nto TASTE OR S11111 LL. , 1 1 SCOURING THE INSIDES. . Persons who take Pills for the purpose of getting "a good scouring out" are peniaps not aware that they are wearing away tlieir intestines, irritating the Mucous Membrane, and laying -the foundation for Piles, invitard Ulcers) Sores, ` &c MANDRAKE, th- is claimed -by some to be a- ubstitutefora,ler- cury, will produce this e ect; it willour the bowels like any othe drastic, and will . wear them but (See pag 666, Wool & Baches, U. • S. Pharrnac pia). Mandr.ke, as a constituent of a pur ative p'11, loft' ge- neral or continued use is hurtful, and. Ai in- troduction into a pill secures no new p mei- ple. Mandrake is inferior to the sa ie drastic principle, in the officinal a6etic pj11 of' the dispensatory; so there is nothin,r noit in this agent, although its principal iadvate presents it to the public, under Dr. Mad- wafs original discovery,of a vegetable itab- . - a _ .. stitute for Mercury. t communicating its curative properties. thrp4-1 the BLOOD, SWEAT, U.R.11ik and other. fluids. One tea spoonful in oriiinaly eases is *- dose—Two tea spoonsful i1 chronic disease that have aillictcd the pa lent for years -- It is a powerful Remedy but is innoceir. 'harrn.—It is !unlike al preparations 0- SS: r srTs r11a. reifi 1°riaei n - - -a I likYkes k f'r oot e r colt that iat word Sarsaparillian is on he label of eaci bottle—and R..R. R. Re olvent. THE GENII OP HEALTH OTTLE'D UP IN RADWAY'8 SARSAPAILIL AN REBOLvtliT The Properties- of its .ngredients. • SARSAPARILLIA.N.--- ie properties wonderful ingredient (n hich. is e only true enz`..ativ# principle of Sarsaearilla), cleansethe blood ofvitiatec humors, and expels from the systel t the taint of corrup tion—rapidly reiii'eve14... from the ft Pflf.PLES, BLOT ellEs pusTuLES, TIETTERS, A. 'NE, BLACK SPOTS WOH.AS AND INSECTS, impartiro beautib.A. elearnes: to the skin, and the, roseate hoe of he 1th and b,muty toth' cprapleidou. A few doses willmakl arenvirkable change FUCI.--This ext4aordinarrazent, ass° ciated with $.8_11SAPARIELLIN, cures effectually, wit' astonishing buickness, all varieties ef uncured Syphilois 1.71cerz, Nodes. Turner:1, &web lugs, , ever Sores, /fercuria Sora', Itheumati.sin and Wanderin; Pahut, and theswora forms r.,f Skirt Diseases. A' 9, spec1. lt, t i 3 king ofreme idiesfOr these complaints, and its ciation with theothe• ingredientS in the Resolvent p s a cure beyond thi possibility of a doubt. • PAIEEIIIA EZVAltrA.--- ris triarrerom at'eut like a now sun, shine.; with suci elf igen t 1r t, upon flu medical world a3 to Cart in the sh, all otlxr roots. sup Poscd to possen si mil -2r propertleil. Extolled by tImimosi eminent praet itionc r_4. of Europa as r diuretic, dialilloretio alterative, lithrontriptic, superior i,.) Enchn, Digitalis Junipv, Turrentine, flopaiba, CubAbs, iiic., it eurei Vac' worst form.; of Kidney!, lnadder, ainil 'Urinary Diseases ' Its effects in Gras -el, Stetne 1:1 t113.13 i 'der, Suppre&31on ie Retention of Urine, Diebete.:, Ohm e Catarrh, ToneEmns Inflammation of the Bladder, it rdi i? i alnio.t Instantly' and in cases where cathetcr3 hav a bW.a.1110:r it 13/3.1_ proetre a, quick disclmrkm c -f trine. Its asEbeiation vitt _ Faci-Sarsaparillian, am other nigre lents, restoresfunc. tional harmony to tin -et:retina ve ,sels of the kichiey's and secures the secret' it of Um p oper ceiisauents oi urine from the blood. Persuna IN hose mina • i thick cloudy, morbid, turbid. fiepozitinj rick du...t, allymlieh and other deposits, -wi 1 after a. f,,rz ,‘Y doses, witness ths disappearance of t 1033 sigu3, c i .1.4or, and ibex watei changed 0 a clear am, tr and lr, Ith3r -colon Bear ir mind that the, Resolven ia tho-onlY -emedy that contemn Sarsaparillian and the I u e. Paxeira rava. / NEWLY =se ERE NIMOOTS.— Th( pronertie3 of tb.e...i) 1O03 C3X1t3 a 1) Merl -ill az pa on tht skin augmentims the act".03. of' -tho xtretin:," orifices aux; ve-..3.1s, ta eXpel retlinc,1 e::cremerdtions.humeanta that by . irritating the sidn, cause core., pimples, spots, &o Theze,_corabined with other aent. , secure a quibk ex tralsiort. cf ell huraera from the Eys.p M. - FOR BILIOUS D SEASES. Not one in a thoutanki "crula xnpla ts.if ent Is ob- ina-y 13e- - , Coiic, 131.. oid 17,-`ev-er," Fe -ver and Intermit all animal are preiven- AJDOWA., -17"51E4 reanir-ed tor,. slaffer from .131.11ons c nadway's treat served, nald. art -vir seized. with 1311,1ous 1 lolls 'ryp Chills and Pelver, _Ague, Itemittant tant r`exrer. In fact nd -vegotabliev-er ted and. cured by 1331, assisted W -h by the 11.10AIrt7 TittATIVI NT. As a prevention, when either of these maladies prevail, Take one p 11 per day, this will regulate the liver, and upply any defi- cency of the healtly conditio i of the gastric juice, the natural solvent of the system, and secure healtly digestion • Ten to twenty drops of Ready Relief, U 1 -ater as a drink, this will secure invigorati 111 and strength where there is weakness, la situde and lan- guor and neutralize the poisonous acids, generated from the gases of indio-ested food irritant and morbid humors of t stomach, e,•.c., and if seizecl. with any form of fevers, take the pills in large doses to 6, every six hours, a few doses will e sure a cure. it have cured the worst forms of Yellow, Ty. phoid, Marsh Ship, and Ist Imus Fevers, Ili the West Inaies, South • merica, and My treatmentavith the Ready I die; and have -met with the same su cess in the East Indies,—these feverare a 1 of one family,, and will more readily ).]el 1 in their milder forms they exist in temi erate climates, than in their more fatal - typ s of the torrid DODOS. • 01•1--R1 1::) I.JI.1 J I -- - Taken when symptoms ofdiasiness. fullness, or pain 104ho bend. pause:tat stomach, i nligestion, costive-. nes% Iw13 nit et. ea, ing, ;1 cei.le-Tnes, bad dreams, Sce.,' apt ear. NVIII .S001.1 eilr0 11113 LI friCUItY : Radway's Pills ore unlike all °Cher pills. _Faith pill contains' e araiir3 a ilic U, ire '(urative p ineiples of extracts of I be ra rest ) .rodii el S of ill e vee able 1 nig,dom,—or 1 ingredienls Fame of them -never be ore used as medi-, eine. nozt to lie Couna only in t1sc pills. In purehas-, . ing .1 -ilk . see i b at one (sr i.be labolt is merited n. ar, 11.-I No. ::. and Ilye 1'1c-!-,imi13 il-matu tie of 'taxiway .I; Co., pl. i riled- in Red Jul:. and lb at Rlatlway,s Regulator& . On tbo Wirer label, there .are :'..) pi is in each box co- vered widi s'weet, gum. Price 15 cts., per box. Sohl by Druggists and Country Illercha Ls.- • :Dr. 1.-Z.A.JD-W- 3."S SARSAPARILLIAN; RESOLVEN . This extraorclinary medieine is saking astonis' him' curest' all kinds ot Skin Disease , Salt 'Rheum, TeS-•:. tem. Rash. Erysipelas. kings Er I. arrd ali BRIM... I IVE DISE SES of tile Nose /k outh, Throat, Eyes,' Ears, Legs, &e. It has menet° o of the most asto-1 rtishing cures of uncured Syphil tio and Scrofulous Diseases, Fever -Sores, Ulcers, 'Aimors, Swellings of: the Glands, and Mercurial Sores. In all eases of weakening disc1iarges in Ladies, as Louchorrea, Flouraibus, and di -charges from the - Uterus-. it is the most perfect our tivo known. In diseases of the Kidneys, 13 adder and Urinaryl Rassagoa in DiabeAtes, Gravel', 'right's Disease Jai buppression- of Urine, and ine es where the u;nusi deposits; -13rielt Dust," 1.A1110 concretions, -whites thread, or albumen, like the wh.te of an egg, Or that -urine is thick, cloudy, Ste , and w en the patient ha -se great trouble -to hold water wit constant desire to/ discharge, and it comes away i drops, and has ox stromesmell of ammoniac, and sh: rp darting pains arof experienced: along the canal of lie Urctlira, and al dull heavy pain in tho small cf i o baelt, thighs loins,' and over the bladder and kidneys the sarsaparillian Resolvent will soon eliarigo all ti cso dliffieults, -suds cure tho patient. This remedy i better than Buelm, Digitalis, Cubebs, Copabia, Tispentine, Creosoteci and alit other agents used in th so eases. Let thos suffering give it a. trial.- eds of persons whol were compelled to use Cafisetere t secure a dischargei .11 water, have b the use of six! ottles been com:ile tely cured, and by ono toasuoon en, three times ea day, enjoyed the felicity of patsies; their water na,ta rally. In all eases SCO that the svord. " Sarsaparil Iian" bon the label of each bottl , and on the front the label- Rs It. Re RADIVAr ' RENOVATIN ItESOLVENT..Price one ,dollar r bottle, six bottl for fivedollars. Address . - , J0111 RADWAY, M. D. & ca, . 484 .61% r:4411ra,(13R7R4A..r4 SOLD LY .4.14:r4 DiFoG_GisTa 4. 1 31,444244t?Of • 2033 V01- • tt •00 .0. 0 a 0-0f •••• 2.'41 % t 5 .1, • 4 4 • ?tit=t (ire:sines- S.-eels a- • -•7 I :14 tran.r:;1.4 it, 3.Z 1- r2q01 ' • ns'ei Siena nteee Mr;. iuicy ensy. SA.nr l'aris, I ale 14, 18k • E ; TE..N 1-a-4 A t t4ri s .1ad. laree'; Not -arks Vtildie, leVroesster, II. BE ;Seafse-sh, Sec, & 'Us:a ITT1 4,1 4.203.1 neattesaa _lie 1 ;IS eeten iuissiare•er t of harp' c. 14, & F.41: I. and storneys iluattery, Oe-daes- 1.)vvr :1171,1)1;s -1;1. i3ao.fortii„ leth ..... . 0 •••sr 7 Lev:, 3 ancer, ;.37.!.., c. S. il,)`•),.;r,.si).D.z. • 013 re-ftl - 47,..).i*Z3. „I :•1 -=; -4 *tv, s.„ _ • 'ran , tt!.1.1 1 - .3„ S 1.17,u1;.ii sr a, I' a/ • v AM, ty Tne Pro_ he Live, be': , triut 3 saer'eet _NI steel In' 1:iseral1ss Staitirtil; It, r.:IJSK IA ;Seel -a -IA - And ha is; erepars.).i.o er leeseslaieg 411 • lif tne succeSSfal treat neas. t).eiee direetk ,Dry br: i,"34:t_grt3i Seaf _firth, Jee. 1.•4,J nes:iie. °Atli %eels .2. tVe 45 ii'tcl, • 4') Crj ltto:as 4-!I tiv h lir !sr) , se, 'vat, wt- 33 - i b at i.aa; Dee 1-1S I VNE 1111 eel }Cereal prter., Tat: T'ae inn-0E11-;uul 17011111.131g • house in a enm-fe - to accomodate Os' call, The -table is. the market itiforelt laist lvanda etthoL Seaforth, .Dec 110 XETEdI Imes, Prk lately enlar -. Ills roonr. whieh cannot home for tile tra will be furnislteil the season, Cigars at the B geaeral Stee Weoenter,