HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-01-22, Page 7%REHOUSE lock, uliseribcr r 'sp tfully ' tin tea t in abit~a is of . Seaforth and stir:. c irrntrv, that he has , now a lasgo complete stock Of OSOW a Overcoats. o€Iy Conti Vests is and Pants.. s', Mens and Boys' BOOTS,. and : Felt Overcoats, son & gon' . Celel;rated Co-krves, Green,: lack, and Japan: Teas, Sri. .,r , Spices, 'nr€l- . cl kinds of FRU _T.. ciitta31e T z ft)>" the ct:ii aY .r, l;zullvaS,.,. i Alba C(i AL OIL, all orf wb z • LL DE: 601.;D, CII,I.? .P: ATC#1IiC :LD McDOI.FGALL. rt • as and }} i i afacturcr e f all kinds. of Stier as .E rTAIIILI` M..t" i.rx.;' , S , C. .."E.._E & L.11.``.e.'7.:.f a. s T.'.S„t L....:_•t. ItEA 1%4 CHA Ii , and In Great. Variet,.. rt D. has g t-e Fat cor i l nc are made o`<t:ri[n g his 4 to the paha, a,. as, tLL al' e L.1 ()f T, 170‘i S 5.077 eti L71 "7 7 A ai t. bYy t QT'(..'i .^ .,• _ ti.O I; e2EN. 7-'d.' 4'}E ` '.ca'4+r vrs A A a .c a. 5` 4- s' -0,l Oa eat: Slicrrtesta ether;. ■ ith .N a e1sT and I)trv'.pateIi. e arOro i S \ t> iOcnitis S OUTll SHARPS HO TEL .Man c Street. i ` a f rtt.i, Jan_ (AIL - I SCO.• erts HAVE JUST RECEIVED s.,000 KEGS PAST .i .luN `.1`REAL _I I XI BELLS INENDLESS V ARIETY,. LADIES & GENTS A', Of all description: - PP G AXES fit E REST MAKES, _Weavers' Supnlies. c ALL EIN:DS,, EAR, BAND & HOOP : !ROOK, FCc t ITER & SLUG H -STUFF, COOK COX FARL )u S. o a ge and cheap- azort uei t of HARDWARE,. GL ASS, PAINTS, IL- tic., 3r offered in this part of the country. nary Merchants in need of Nails or any article in our line ill fine) it to their Cage to. give us acall.. Remember the place, "Size of the Sir, ,Sart,» Main Street, SW' B Partieularattention of Dlacksmithir ected to their large stock of inCiN BOXES AND AXELS )Lich they cannot be mire sold in tli.e Dominion. l. eembc r, 24th ISt S,. tq_ -- H SE,A.Fb .T XPO$ITO (Continued, from page six.) \ Generals is secretly ...engaged 'in that city making arrangements, with a nitm- 1i r,of- the Spanish scientific and mili- talry officers with view of placing 'Count O.irg;;n i, brother of the e -King of ?Naples, on the` throne of°Meco. - Twol andre 1 o$icers of high rank are Ywant- ,ed to irry the ` movement :i to execu- `ion. heir pay will'be' secured them from t e time ;they` enter upon their d ities. `Several of the. Eirbpean Go- ✓ rinrt.ents assist • secretly in: the enter - J) ise.: General Itrirn grants a number ,o -,officers deiraus, of joining, unlimited lea re af_absence for` the. purpose of tak- ingart in the expedition.. The Em- peror Napoleoi it is said, secretly favours the pro, eat, ashington, Jan.. - 15.-A. partial canvass of the senate shows that. the sentiment is generally favourabble to. the repeal -of the Civil Tenure Law. It is • theught, however. that `• it will not be• acted upon until theelose of the session. • New York; Jan. 15.—The Tr. ilium' special says.: Advices have ;jnst'been received, here from trustworthy parties r residing in Cuba, that t tl i] v ob. tron arY p.crty.s Hourly becoming stronger, and little oubt is entertained: by those. .eompetant to judge of events, that the ravol-utiionists will be successful. These facts, have been made . known to promi- laent Senators anditepreMentatives ant it is, not improbable that -softie action will be taken by Cone ess, showing the s' epsthy of th. United. Stites with the stru gie nowt Ing On in that country.' • Is'aashington, San. 1 5.—The corn- i ittee a npoiinte to examine into tire election frauds ii \New York, returned, this morning, tl e evid n `e taken, which is very yoluniinoiis,. and ,shops that gross frauds were perpetrated. wasragateemesem• PRO. I CI A L. - Mrs, McDougall, wife of Hon. Wil- liam McDougall, -died at Ottawa on. S .t rday last. Thee were over half a million dollars in the 'Post Office Sa viiigs Bank of .the Thrn in,Lon on the 31st nat. The fees of the Ingersoll market were sold list week for 71,1:50, being $.240 .more than the price of last year. In the neig ourlioocl _ ofMeadov'vle . County ofPeel, the fall'wheat looks -fine, as it now become baled by the ware weather. -- du Monday,: last week, the embers of the &;ptist Congregation. a Brant- ford. presented: the Rev W 'tewart with the sum of.$180, A manufactory of counterfeit 50c. and 25e. pieces has been criscovered • iii Kingston. The moulds, ch mica's, etc., .were all seized, bat the • operator had -flow L It is computed that' the criminals of Britain cost .e-crery yea.i $50,000.000. Ib would surely be every way better `o spend i large sera to reclaim the erring. Thegrc,it mass -of the criminals are -.lie children of cti.sssipated parents, bridge. Itis said that -early in the, =morning a cab *eahired on. the other side' of the river; the men; paying theme dor $`2C in gold to take them to Ton e wanua, .whittli place :they reached early in the' . corning. NNo .further- trace of them; we, believe, ha been obtained. The b carpe s of these. strangers very p ne . --clog likely, eon ained, the; plunder. Several ladies voted at the School! Trustee: t, e eetioas' in 'Toronto on Wed- nesday. ne prompt ai'id fearless fe- i male, who. was one of the first at the I polls, being asked why she desired to vote.fo , replied that it was imanaterirl to her, all she - wanted being to- record her vote, arid...thereby assert her rights. Having recorded her vote in this inais- criminate mariner, anci, thereby asserted her rights, the strop -minaret) female retired with tape happy conscioiin,ess `of having won f: signal victory over - the tyrant—mai. , THE DO*INION-TEL1GRAPH COMPANY, ---It is asserted, says. the ' Glove, that the Doixnnion Telegraph Company have given on contracts for the construction of`their •I •nes, which will; produce a net profit to the contractors .of a half .mal- . lion of dollars, . The work has not been given out to "competition:, j The St. Catharines Journal fe> rs - a - general burst of the company, and that the lire will not be built, In rna.ny: pla,cas, St. Catharines- among the - number, the stock books will not be handed over or sent in, and the greater portion of the srubseriI ed stock will not be paid except under conipulion. - The bill pa+ed by the Legislation for giving to Lady Smith the property, be- longing . to other people, opens a new era in the history of legislation. Peo pie who :make `wit's may hereafter ha`ve. thea a.ti:sfacti.on of knowing that their will with regardg o their own property Parliament cif ainoun to notliu P ent rs assumed he right'ef disposing of dead men's property, according to its own sense of what is proper, a td ,Perna.. Ment being supreme, will -making may now be looked upon as a p1 asa.nt but' F less pasttirne to the person who is foolish enough to think that he can clo as he likes with ith. his own.—Aclvertlser.4 Insurance Companies Licensed to - do Business.in.Uanada. Sin J oinr YOUNG spoke at a. Mis- sionary fleeting in. Ottawai 'recently, ui,ging that subscriptions Should be general, and ` not thrown op. a few 'wealthy: ndivicluatls.' : He said he NOS opposed to church endowments, ;which hful d. ne much, harm m the padst'rto the progress of the Church. rile nomination for, a representative f▪ or, Centre' Wellington, vacant by the -untimely death of the lamented Dr. ` Parker, .was held at Fergus on the 18th inst. There' was not a very large ,at- tendance of the electors present ` Mr. James Ross was proposed by Hugh Mil - 'lay, Esq, of Er=in, seconded -by -Lazarus ' Paihinson, Esq., : of Ei ainosa.. No other .candidate being proposed, Mi Ross was declared duly elected; - The recent heavy mill investment tof Mr:. Whitla w has added nrueh to the importance of ''the Elora Wheat Mar its The Lightning' Evpres . says. the whole of tkie water . parer on: the Grand River is now •being°.raiidly` t ken -sip, and we shall .soon Bane more t akin four miles of 'Iammecl up waters, xtending; from Whitlaw's new " mill upiabove Ferenc, When the `whole ,of this power :is fully :brought into ..use, a second Lowell ought to spring up- in and about Elora and The 'British American ,Assur-3nce Company of Toronto The Canada Life Assurance Company of Hariltc,n ; The Agricultural Mutual Assurance As- sociation'of Cana:;cla The Home Insur- ance Company of Ne (v Havein,' Connec- ticut , The Western < Assurnn4e Com- pany of Toronto ; The Liverpool and I ondori and Globe Ins trance Company; The Royal Insurance Company of •Montreal ; The JEtna, Insuaanc e Qom- pang ; The Reliance Mutual Life . As- surance Soeiety of London, .E agland ; The I.lartfercl Insurance .Company of Hartford, Connecticut ; The Northern Assurance Company df: London. and Aube •leen- , The Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Cdnnpany -of Hartford Con- necticut ; The Conn,ecticut`Mutual Life 1 si rance Company of Hartford. ; The ancaslrire Insurance Company ; The Phoenix Fire Insurance `Company of London, England ; The Coin anerciaal Union Assurance Company of London, England The Tra,velleis Insurance Company of Hartford, Connecticut a Ins Lif Stas The :Fergus. The perpetrators of the Bank of Mon ,treat) robbery as St. Catharines, were :supposed to bb two notoreous thieves from Chicago. The journal, says one was antiddl.e-aged roan, say 40. or 45 years of age, and the "other 'voting,. about, 23. or 25 years.. The elder was known as "Dr." and the younger was said to be his son', answering, to the i refix. of " Colonel." - It is supposed the thieves went from. St. Catharines to Thorold, where a carriage was hired on Tuesday morning, at 2 o'clock, to carry -them to the Falls, paying therefor ' 5, in a Provincial note, stipulating hat the journey was to be accomplish- ed in an hour. They had with them two carpet pags, and one was drunk, or acted in a manner to lead to :that belief. These men were- landead at the new. 1 GREAT ATTRACTION Tom; LARGEST STOCKQF ESS GOOD ,THE NEWEST STYLES OIl' NTLES. THI+: CH H,APEST LOT OF :tna Life Insurance. Company of -tford, Connecticut ; The Provincial urance Company -of Canadas ; The A.ssociatioil of ..Scotland; The dard Life Assurance Company . ; Queen. Fire and Life Insurance Company , The Edinbui gh Life As- sui nee Company ; The London As- sur ance Corporation ; The Scottish Pro- vincial Assura,nce Company ; The Lon- don Lancashire., Life Assurance Com- pany t The New York' Life Insurance Company ; The Atlantic Mutual Life Insurance Company of Albany N. Y. ; Tire Equitable Life Insura.nce Society of the United States; The Bii .on Medi-. calx and General „Life Associatio , Lon - do . .England , Thee Union.1Vl tt.ial Life Insurance Company of Maine., The Guardian Fire and Life Assurance Qfhce, London, England ; The Star Life Assurance Society' of England:• Th IN ,sites' of McItillop Council.' awis THE BEST. VALUE IIS 'weeds and Cloths: THE NICEST STOCK OF: READY-MADE CLOTHING -t i AT .HILL"S The new Council meet at the Downey House on Monday last. John Elliott was appointed Auditor by,the Reeve. Moved by John. Malone, seconded by Thos. .Davidson, that John. O'Connell 'be' the other Auditor. Moved by S. Hannah, seconded by Robt. Pattison, that John Kelly be paid $3 for the use of his house for election :- purposes. Moved by Samuel Hannah, seconded by John Malone, that 'tie late Reeve be paid $3.50 for attotrding a meeting of the Reeves and Superintendents at Carronbrook, and postage' and station- ery for the year, Moved by 8: Han- nah, seconded by R. 'PatUason; that. the Council adjourn to the 17th February, at : Kenneth McCloud's Hotel, when tenders will be received for building a frame bridge over the Maitland )River, known as . Lowan's bridge, and that the Clerk get 25 bills prmtedl advertising: for the same.—Carried. T. O'SUJJ4TVAN, Clerk. . THE PRETTIEST -ZIMMER, A ILD . THE GREATEST yARIETY OF 1 AGCY GOOD AT NEW BRICK -ST9R OPPOSITE E, THE LARGE BRICK Wit., SEAFORTH. RRiTANNIA HOUSE, - t GO 'NO9111390 a c Oeid tid ;:z emel 111-,411111 KRU'P STO( ( D.& M'M U.RI AVE just returned:frorn the i with the most replete, cheapest BEST STOCK ! K. arkets ana Eve I imported into Seafarth, whi for price, Style, and.quality, ;Pitts Bankr Goods o hShade!to t e e stock will be -found complete- in the various departmehts, AT PRICES WHIC Challenge Competiti n1 Consisting of Shawls , lz Mantles, Breakfast. Shawls, Pines, Dies' Grossovers, L ies' Chest Protectors, B nets, His; Straw Goods.' Feathers, Flowers, Silks, Irish Po tins, French Xierino: Cobourgs, Lustres, - Baratheas,' Prince's Cords, la Crape Cloth, Prints, Wineies, Cambrics,, Ticking? Grey Cottons, • Ready-made Clothing, Broad Cloths, pier Tweeds, O,rcoatings, Fcy Flannels,. Ine-made Flannels, Cpets, Horse Blankets, Lallies' Satchels, Boots and Shoes, Anel a choice asstirtment'of OCE 0 sh from om the markt, Also a Iarg Tuw— tity of OSONDACO, CODERICH AND CL NTON SALT. ...__r.- KIDD .& MOM.U:IJI' Sforth, October 20, 1868. ICKSON'S EMPORI M. LARGE STOOK,' LARGE PREMI 1. ES, • ,Increased Facilities for doiiig bu±" `ess. CARPETS, I :Tapestry, two and three ply a Wool, Union and Hemp, a fine assortin nt. - L 'CLOTHS—FLOOR AND T BLE. Canada Tweeds, Full Cloths, Satlf ett' ezcl Dress Goods ick Silks, all -wool Plaids, Frene IV:erin-. yes, Coburgs, Plain and Fancy W e cies,- Reps, Railway Cords, &c: BLANKET Canadian n5.ade Blankets, Engl s. -made Blankets. and Horse Mugs. • LADIES' FURS Vietorines, Boas, Collarettes, a c34(31r. Muffs. de and teed= risats, Pants. and Vests, (ready- made to order) and .prood-'Fits Guar; Iloots and . S1i S , the best stock. in West, and a Low Pr, Groceries Crocker,' (; hitn a Se )CS.. anada ces. a pS4 zct to BVERY'1'HI rG hing You flt GET IT AT Tfl (ontrealH se. Ea HICK ortha Nov: Ng, I