HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-01-22, Page 3Kte.
ttiner who
y a paltry
- and be
ie highest
e eelle one
ch used
e the ma
hia ee.sors- 1
loads 'eery fe
o market). . Of mem it is
Serthence that wine farm
not been la the habit of
=et towere arid do" not
eiradvantages, that they
It has' hcea the me in.
aad 1 presfutife it will be
that terlain par -
deviation front
(Ad es shed ene• tom. As the
. fit t 'locomotive en-
y occur-
eetablieh- -
ermers have
oeeed !insane, so in
antnderisaien froM, or lies
ve the old method of --doing
oked apon Its CUM
men, some of wiiomwe
1 arn srry to say. I
a stigma. on the character of
espe'tt1e farmer to say he would
eight• or ten miies with a heavY
to save, 1-n.- avoid a smell fee of 10
, est -shims dee being equal.
villing to give tht farmers in ci
ity credit for mere 1,iliresvdne
to drive that dietemce with a loat
gra1n drld sell it from at 3 cen
ashel 1t than they' cen d Sea-
elely to, avoid P- JLr fee. ,
that if our -ekeepers Who
t the ftrefe'LN grumbling
e trade gaillg to, neigh} oring
iteoint -of the niert.et fees,
the cause to it proper
vould 'rind that they are
se of the trade leaving ,tel'eaforth.
zts tlicy sity, let them
tr it:1(111m nts- to the fermere, let
ir pal% z.18 eleatp or Ores per,
v ez math or mere for pain
oeder pr( -dine as they de other
'cets, and 1 -a ill getarensee that neither
uttirket, nor the initrket fee-, will
-ve-tet the trade frocoining her
proceedtWelVadd t att-.1.1 mere
iteui ng and more hue:tile:3s like Until
these a petition hantked about Itown
reirty!pridiag hiinself es teeing the
chaipion of "•no reetarket,'" mit 7
attiag matterto seeure signs -
tee ietitieu, I a,flistOILI, Was for
f doing tivray with the
arket-• feea Now, Mr.
for the merket "British
ftir and impartial' trial be-
e being, condemned, awl if such is .
1 s4flI gaarantee that farreere
Stoi' 3 aS Wen t'.$ grain deal -
1e% then •one yteer, be
eonvinced that flit) market
luitily 4tivautageone to all. So long
men 111 Jeisinestewll cry down tim
ju;st So much longer will it
o get itt into good working order -
act the imerehanta are themselves to
tee tlie trade is ("eine-to other
- - , --
eta.. Inetead of upholding the mar-
' ftit theyishould do, they mierepree
it adeitintages to the faraiere, and
Irgdso Much on the iajury intlieted
!hat; clasp of the conimunity by its
ddishmentt that they are led to be-
e they ;lire injureds While the !very ,
se hasfpreved itself to be the Case
11 otheri market towns. Instead of
ifttrdiers[haeing to pak the rent of
ima-rkeN as -Lev say they have, they
receive! ttiere ior their paeluee and
ehy be to 4 COnskierahle extent
Jan. ibin. 18.69.
all American, gave
icefellow 1 another, Ameeicate a dianer
onle th'e` othel. day'. This 'was all
r well, for Longfellow deserved the
ler,and we hope enjoyed it ; Mr.
kis could afford to give it, and we
s110 doobt enteyedpari..ag the bill,
we do not see exactly why the af-
vae considered of such importanse
necesaitate an Athettle cable des -
h. For some time past the cable
Mtsinly devoted iteelt se American
in ausiness Soon if a yankety
ize.g at Parie it -will he at once tele -
died to New York.--stineeetto,00t
AN;5-1-E.Dtexiitnetr-i5 Iecture
111 the 'United States ia t0000t, ot.
eri- mart lap of whites, anek blacks,
v dos not the delicate and dainty
ture *Set her benigh*white sistem,
actical e.xample itt the asatter If
cannot -get anebowaaatad jo the
tbile, she eaa (Its teet,y stepp-ing
- the herder Theta. are -color-
sen ill Can -w -la iaot tea' fastidiG149 "604
heie Get "6tOttle-Where. SIW
ad, or peat& will cote to the con -
ton that she is a teypecrite and
alug ; thast nature iatevis.gtvouger,
L her clap:4Na seatiftta ; that, in
she is not the °Man& kdelicate
t she woull make 1ettseifolit to be.
`e 'atm 7m es.
he Bank of /Amin* 11
viaits. agency from'
handed - over its h
k o Commerce.
MARKET Bir -LAW, ---Mr: CoVida Jjas
lodged a complaint against Mr. Ewing
for violation of the By -Law as affect-
ing blitchels. The case is postponed
for eight days.
Met J. DUNCAN wiehes us to notice
the fext, that he is dealing off his stock
of Boots and 11;erent- Hata, Caps, etc,
to- mate rocm for large spriag ironortas
, LoOk out for ft(Ivettisement
neXt week.
- Marl. et weigh scales . ere com-
pleted, and, we understand, are al-
ready much appreciated by. thejarming
-community. .The Clerk, however, in-
forms e5. that the platfornr htie.. been
made too nitilrONY: It iS not irre-
parable. • •
.ACCIDENT.—On Tuesday a yoting
man named Wm. VanEgmond, at Eg-
mondville, gotlis hand into a sawing
- machine, whish larcerated it in a fear-
ful main Cr.Di Vercee, believes, how-
ever, thasilie can save the "'hand, ex-
ceptirg two fingers, w1ih he has am-
..A.MaT Orr 1-11:1711R,
Wile CAN 13AT IT4–' st week; J.
Copeluid of 8tan1ey broeght into Sea -
forth 3ttli-Iset, 9,000 lbs ef pork Which
lIE sold for the slice little ,surn of800,
besiCh•-s this' he Feld • -$400 worth .of
barley, all is off 100 acres of land. Can
bettt that !I asks -the Signa
A LITTLE boy liadne a few miles ont
of "the villane. receivat a sevete kk
a .•
of a horse on his head; on Saturday
night. Dr. Coleman being 'called,
found tleit parte of the -cranium had
Leen dri-ten into the, brain, which he
extrected, turd we ere pleased to know
that lie.has good hopefor his patiene's,
recovery, t
The Town Again in Jeopardy
Yesterday morning, between- three
and four o'clock, Mr, Cardin.o's' stables
*ere diecovered to be in flames. Before -
the alarm: was given, the fire had made
such prOgress that nothing was got out
of the burning buildinW Amongst the
•other ontents were two horses and 'a
pow.- • The loss will not be less than
$500.1 ;But for the extraordinary exer-
tions Of the citizenst the fire must have
communicated with the frame bnildings
in -front, in which case, there.eould be
no knowinab as to where it would have
Mr.-Cardino has strong suspicions of
the incendiary, and we- trust that the
guilty party will come to the hands.a.
justiee, and get the reward which this
vilest of all vile crimes deserves.
ACCIDENT..4.-111evet„ youug men; Wm.
Neal] tied Joh Weieele, at a dioppiant
bei`.-z:i Leidiliop,. this -week, varied the
ent,ertainment 1;y ti lug aC
the cold _steel et the .aaes' eilge on
that- feetB. -It.----t v er e -won nds,
good deel of -paineand loat or blood:
Both' ctIsee are oiling well aindeatthe at-
tendee c of Dr. Smith.
A tY6UNG man maned Andrews was
COZnI lain ad of or wea:ring
coat -it the Skating'Carni via, and a rine
of $20 was inflicted, \but upon further
• i':seurinitioir the magistrate committed
it to ,4 and costs. This 'should be a
arnie 0e - to all hating end' appatel in
their 1oss6seion, not to wear •it en in'a
proper oeceeions,
DRastaado.--rFrance & •Lannier's
Dramatic -Troupe pltlyed in Sharp's
Mueic Hall three, n" ights during the
past week.' The first two nights they
were not greeted with very large audi-
ences, there being other amusements
on the same eveninge, but the last en-
tertainment was well patronized. All
expressed general slitisfaction, and in
not a few cases_ murh admiration. -The
droll -Wit of Mr. Heron, and comieali-
ties of Mr. -France, make many laugh
at every recurrence of the,. thought, of
-what they said and how they said it.
, A i FM dap ago a grain lawyer
heught a load olf pork oft' of the mar-
ket, and a cornplaint being Jodged be--
- fore 1).. L. Silis, Esq., it Was deaermin.-
ed that under the present Bylaw_ the
buyer, ie not, jointly, .respousible with
the seller. It Will drobably be amend -
el iri this particular: •*".
Mtssioneetv vin—OnSabbath
uext, Rev. Mt. McLaurin, will preach
Missionary Sermons -at 11
a id 6:30 p. m., 111 conitecton.
with the Home Missions; under the
auspiees -of the Baptist Church of this
pia e. Ser vices in the' -Masonic Irall
Col ections After each service in ,aid of
the a,bosre named object. •
Who -says the skating Carnival 'en
Monday devetrhsg-' was not a success
Echo am wers "who "—and all is
silent again: Truly it was what we
prognosticated it w-ould one of the
jolliest, nertiest, and happiest evenings
ever spent in Seaforth" The attendance
was 'Very large—the ice 111' excellent or-
der, and the-WM-times varied, and we
were- goieg to say, pretty, but upon sec-
ond thought we will not, for there cer-
tainly were "seine of the grandest ex.
ceptions, and perhaps they were nearly
all exceptions-. At any rate they were
just what they shoirld be for the oc-
casion ; and amongst the very best we
would notice the Scott, the rurk, the
Trapper, theSailor'the Cricketer,- the
Cardinal and Peter Piuder. It may be
invideous to particularize for all were
"jolly good," and we wily hopei that
the next Carnival will be better, and
-that the Egmonsiville Band will be
again present to add zest to the oc-
RUNAWAYS. ---Horse racing is becorne
ing a perfect mania, An our village; so
much so, that the animals as -es taking it
up on their own responsibility. Six or
eight _instances of runaways have oc-
curred during the last few days. Yes-
terday very serious consequences result-
ed from one of those incidents. s A
yoeing man Alamed °Hannah, of tBlite-
vale, reAred a compoued frkettiree of
the leg ineendeavoring to stop his team,
The accident is serious, but the patient
is rapidly on theenund under the treat-
ment of Dr. Smith.
ing 'held in ;•:f/s... :Themes' Church ion,
Wednesday evening-, was attended by
a respectable anti an attentive audience,
1N -ho listened tvItia much pleasure. to
addressee from the Revs. John.
(chaiiman), Bancroft, and Caulti ld,
a,ncliDrs. Schuttie and Tibetts, settng.
forth the claims of " the mission'1y
eases, A very respectable collection
was taken up in aid of the same_erei
“4._ FARM' ER:•"—We cannot insert -
any aohnrnunication. without the writers
'bona fide name, not -necessarily foreine
sertien, but cis a ,guarantee of good
faith, as ere have all -that we want to
docto father our own productions. We
eo not sympathize 'with your ,State-
ments ; butfurnieli us etith your-nameby next issue, and we will pnb_lials your
letter end giste oue ideas en- theenatter
Read_ the letter of " Grain Dealer"--
iu issue.
ma -I -se -The annual meeting of the
ab es e society's was h el d at Lon dsborou gh.
on Wednesilt y last when the following
appoints:seat. were made ; President,
H. Snell ; let Vice -President, Robert
Govenlock e 2nd 'Vice -President, Chas
Morrow. ; S,aretary, S. Malcomson ;
. McTieergaka; Directors,—
; Sil Andrew's, 'Joseph
m. Bali, Jams B. RaceY•
e,.W. Hibgston,
- _Auditors—Robert M.
Its Robson. • For Council
of 'Associaticinf—Robert Gibson.
Treasurer; 1.‘,
Richarrd Co
J. Fisher.
Robert' Curt
The initial number of this -paper, is
rare specinten eftthe printer'S art, and
its literary and political tone is unex-
ceptionally sound and good. We wish
Mr. Shaw every success in thesenter-
erise. - We fancy Elora must be a warm,
fast, andliste place for a newspaper -.at
present. We hopenhowever, that Ore
Lightaing _Express will keep on the.
ti aelt,, and break the neck of neither
passenger nor Observer, though the ne,-'
• tural- result. Would be rather lively -
T, Srero:Ns' is the srot for all the deli-
cacies of :the season, each tas Oysters,
(prepared in any way) Canned Bruit,
Confectionaries, etc., next door to pl..;
sinithi office. . 59 -lin. --
Racy, Nicli
South,Ruron Agricuit.oral Society'
The annual meeting (4\ this ,ISociety
took place at Brucefield, on Tuesday
the 19th. inst The President, James
Dickson, Esq., in the chair. The Se-
cretary in his annual repbrt said the
number of members on tne books -was
135. The Treasurer read his report
Showing that he had a balance on hand,
of $46.00. - (Ap,p'aelse.) Moved by
Mr. Anderson, sec. by Mr. Geo. Ander-
son, thief the report noiv read be receiv-
ed and adopted. —Carried. Moved by
Dr. Coleman, sec. by James, Bell, that
James Dickson, Esq, be our President
for the current yean—Carried
What the igraal Saari&
"Besides those who decry the sea -
"forth Market, there is another party
"is comPetteal of Merchants, Wheat buy-
"ersand garmers. • They maiatain that
"the Market has not yet been tried,
"and it is idly to condem it before it is
"tried—That it is only these who know
"nothing aobut it and- timid pi ople who
"would do so. That it is a beaefit to
"the farmer,- for Without a Market the
"buyers were scattered up and down
"for a mile's diatance.one buying at one
"place, and one or more at tnether When
"the farther might get one, two or three
"dents less a bushel than if the buyers
"were all together. But with the
"Market the es heat buyers ar all to -
'.‘g -ether, there is no chance forsly dodge.
"ing,, the competition- is keener, the
"fanner is always sure of gettind the
,Aligh est, priee, aod the great probatbility
cis that it will be at least acent per -bred -dr -
'%1 more than wit1iout:4 market. And
"what farmer would go ten miles -away
for the f-ake of paying ten cents per load
"when he -Would get sixty cents per load
"more for bringing it here and be sure
"lie had right weight.
ments for celebrating this occasion I1tn1
been perfeited; and the following ex-
cellent programme bas been prepared :
Kennedy's yoncert in Sharp's Hall at
7:30 (see adv.), after which a 'Dinner
will 'come •cif in. the • same place, at
which, Hugh Love, Esq., will preside ;
Peter RaMsay, W. McConnel and .E.
Casn, Esq., will occupy the Vice ChairS.
The Chair will propose the following
toasts : "The Queen," I. "bovea•nor
General," "Army aud Nava" "Memory
of Barna," " The Guest of the evening
-(Kennedy)." •lst Vice —r" The Land
wesleft,": "The Land" we herein," Ag-
riculture,". " Cernmerce," " Manufac-
sures" 2nd Vice—" Tile Ladies,"
:"The Press," Host and Hostess." In
view of the above programme, and
the occasion itself, we may saely-pre-
diet an evenirg's entertainment, the
equals ef which are few.
Da,stardisl- Outrage.
•. , -4e..-
Seaforth Meeting of Teachers' As-
- _sowation.
. ,
-THE Htuon Teachers' Association
met M: Seaforth School House. on Sa-
turday 16th inst. 'Wee. G eri-and, 1st
Vice President in the chair, Jami s
Ferguson, Secretary.
Communications were read, from
Goderi-11 Local Association, and from
Mn.• Molesworth. It was then re-
solved e • ..
ist. That the resignation pf • Mr.
Molesworth, as Treasurer, be accepted.
2nd. That this Association. ,views
with regra the ' resignation ef _ Mr.
Molesworth, and that a hearty vete of
thanks be tendered to hint for his able
and efficient services, a copy, of which
the Secretary will transmit te hint forth-
3rd. That A. Dewar be Treasurer in
place of Mr. Moleswerth. 0 .
Mr. .Morrison read 8 n essay on the
best method of advancing the Teachers'
Salaries; 1 Mr. Simmons read an esssy
on the -Journal of Education,after,
which the following motion. was put :.
Moved by G. A. Sin:U:11011S, seconded
by D. Haraniell, that in the opinith a
this Association the Jowl -nal of Editca.•
&ion should be abolished br the' subsidy
diseontinued in future, and that aii in-
dependent paper devoted to Literature
and Education should be esta-blished,
and that it is the duty of teacherante
susfain a -encourage such a periodical
by ell the Means in their po-wer.' . On
a division this motion was lost.• ''• : ' •
- The Editor of the Seafortho ETTOSI-
TOR being present, offered to devote a
column to the insertion of literary and
educatiOnal articles f..roin the Associa-
tion. The . offer was accepted, and
Messrs. Eeira-r, Ferguson and Gerrond
were appointed as a Committee to re-
view said articles before insertion,
when they may be taken as the opinions
of the Association. A_11 communica-'
tions -to be addressed to Mr. A. Dewar;
Seaforth P. 0. . •-
1Viessr.§. Simmons, Varcoe, Morrison
and Ferguson, were appointed to write
the first articles, but any member be-
sides, who. feels inclined, may' write.
Next meeting to be held at Goderich.
Subject of discussion—" Whether the
duties of. 1 Superintendelts are
satisfactori defined in the SIChool
Monday, last two men who work
at the tank house, named Taylor
Gustl5art (the latter a blind man)
had a little altercation when it appears
.Gusthart attacked Taylor with a hat-
chet,- or other sharp instrument, and ine
flicted most feaftel injuries on the head
and face, tearing up the scalp, knock-
ing ont_sorae of his teeth, and breaking
the—. bones of his face. To such, an
extent are his injuries'thatf his medical
attendant expresses but-sfaint .h.lpes of
his recoyery. Gusthart was arrainged
• before D. L. Sills, Esq., but on account
of the inability of .Taylor to attend
court, he was remElitded- tilr the 14
prox. --
From circumstances, there is every
reason. to believe' that Gusthart was
Planning to have Taylor dismissed from
his situation to secure it for himself;
we hope however,' that, should Taylor
recover from his bodily injuries that he-
willsbe reinstated, as he. bears the re,
putation a being a faithful servant,
8ncl there is no doubt, but that in this
case he was the victim of a base scheme,
originated in the mind of a base man.
P. S.n-Since the above was in type
'we have been informed, that, under
the assidions treatment of Dr. Tracey,
goodehopes are entertained -for the suf-
ferer's recevery.
moualy. Geo. Sproat, Estee was &1
Esq. 1
NVm. Stephen—Rachard
Sweet. Seaforth.—Dr. Coleman.
Tuckersmith.—Wm. Bell, Geo. Ches-
ney. Ilsborne,--Jits. Pickford. Hugh
Lo4, Sen., Fan, was re -appointed Sect
retary. G. E. Cresswell, Esq, Treale
Alestirs. Geo. Jackson and Robt. -Brown_
w( re appointed • Auditors. Rat: Gile
bons, Esq., was appointed a member of
the Council of Agriculture.
t Vice President, and Thos. Larnb,
2nd. Vice President. The diret-
ppointed were : Goderi. h Town.
.• T. Cox. Tp.—Jas., Torrance.
ley.—Geo. Anderson. Hay,—
STEKL—In Egmondville, on Monday- last, at
the residence of her father, Mary, eldest
• daluulitor of.,Tobn St(iet
Snanonen-, Jarniary 214, 1869.
arkets lively—demand and. supply good.
en ey of Nices, advancing.
94 0 1 07
PP.@ • 1 15
9., 50 0 3 00
500 ® 525
200 ®
60 0
•8 0
20. ®
at (Spring) v bushel, 4$
at, (Fall) 19 bushel,
Floir V cwt.
CioN er per bush. •
Timothy per bush.
V bushel,
19 bushel,
toes 19 buslrel,
V ton,
1P dozen;
er V _lb
cey per lb.
Cheese, Factory $.1b
Do, 'Dairy, 411 ib
Porfc 11Y cwt. • -
Wo d. 1.0, cord,
13ar ey IP bushel,
a althours, on reasonable tenn
reafc*It, Dec. 1,4, 1868.
largest and best Livery in Seafort
uitd4le Rigs ror Commercial Travellers.
Two doors North of Sharp's Hotel.
2 50
• 10
. -23
06. • 07
25 30
00 ® 14
8 00 •40
• 2 00 ® 2-25
1 10 ® 120
TOE,OlgO, Jan. 214 1869.
(By Telegraph. )
11 axleets dull --prices standing. •
eat (Fall) 19 -1m§he1, $1 10 to 1 15-
1 00 to 1 04
o (Spring) V .bushel,
Oais 19 bushel, •.
Bailey IP bushel,
Peas, 19 bushel, •
Pon1 49 cwt.
! -
54 to 55,
1 25 to 1 30
85 to 86
9 00 to 9 50.
24 to 28
• Will be found in
Opposite Kidd & Malulkins Store,
IlTherd. he will always keep On hand a lar
stock of Harness, Collars, Saddles and
TrUnks, and everything in 1 is line.'
I • •
Seaforth, Dec. 9th 1868.
rk.,.._ the County of Huron. OFFICE and
ILI, iIDENCE---011e door East of the Methodist
Episcopa1 Church. . . .
Lep4rth, Dec. 14, 1868. 53-Iy
Manual, and the "New School /11--i11-.."
• , •
Seaforth Corcil Proceedings
Full Couucil present The accounts
of John Winter for 90c., and George
McLean for $3. 75c., weme ordered -to
be Paid, The Reeve appointed Mr,
W. Ne Watson as Auditor, - and the
Council, Mr. Al Dewar as the other.
A By -Law was introduced andpassed
for the appointment of a Clerk. It
was resolved thatair. Winter have fill
the 1st February for thA collection of
taxes, and that' he return the Roll on
that day. A Committee was appointed
for furnishing the council room. Coun-
cil adjourned till Monday next, at
1 Sharp's Hotel.
TT1WO splendid Building Lots adjoining
I the Wesleyan Methodist Ohara, in the
Village of Seaforth, will oe sold very cheap.
I North Main Strcet.
aforth, Jan. 21.
TN returning thanks for past favors, has
the 'pleasure of announcing to the mer-
chants and business men of Seaforth that he
Is prepared to receive orders for all kinds �f
lardoods handled with care, and satisfac-
tion guaranteed.
January 21st, 1869. 594y
And dealer in Pure
The Drug Department is under the special
care of an expenenced Chemist,
January 214, 1869. 5C4y
our and Fee
ain Street, Seafor
saorbh,. Nov. 25th. 46.
W. RO 1 LS'
ugs & Mediein
Paints & Oils,
Brushes it Com
6 Sat
air OiI
A'VING received an Agency from W.
J, Scobie, for the sale of their unrivell
ed Flour, I aur now prepared to furnis
purehasers with 'Jr article .
. ough
own on the snorted notice. . .,
Parties ordering Flour or Feed from mei BPS' COAL,
can have the lame delivered in any part of
I . • wait Amp. , i .Pri icians Jensen/at-J.0ns earennia
Seaforth, Jan. ,20th, 1869. 59-72 i October 20ths .186S‘