HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-01-15, Page 6: c • e • TEE SEltrArOftTH EXPOSITOR.. PROVINCIAL. a a i of level•, of a-msligant type, exists is ion sea-eral families in Stratford. The Scotch kirk in Ottawa iiito h ve as nes,, organ in, its gallery next Sunday. :Lille on1 agement ;of the Welland venal was urged by the Gouiicil of the K_rgstu i Board of Trade last week. A .mI e i.s• being made towards the istruc 1=it n of ,a ` bridge across . the % rn'l River at Breslau, County of ','-atr:1'lucr. i -stmt -wood.. sellat from $3 25' to i f . co cl in .Kihston, which: is con- - s'idered a high figl> 'ethere. The total contents of the Red River n4ief box bung lip at the polling I,l. €,C, iu. (J illia and Matchedash were' 1:53. - 'The financial position of Listowell is first rate., After building- a very good school house, it has still $400 left- in the teen:4m.y for further improvements. •; - k inner, 13th battalion', Ham ithr, hers prrchased all the gymnastic r material left by regular troo s,, and P hes presented it to the volunteers. Noi ton and, Molony two lads. who red aw ty from.. Ste,' Michael's College, were caught at: Hamilton on Saturday ivied returned to Toronto, It is now undsrstook. that Mr. 'Hogan has become sole proprietor of the St. Lawrence Bali', :Montreal. As the property is entailed, application will be made to the Quebec Legislature, at its next session, for an act to authorize the sale, and invest the purchaser with full and ,absolute ownership, and to make the alienation final and indissoluble. It is the intention of Mr. Hogan to take down the present: building and erect in its place a much larger and in every way superior ,,building,introducing the latest improvements, and making it one lof the finest hotels on the continent. `c,1liiigwood, with a population: of 2, 000 0 ,how,s a ° very small .death 'rate. Only fifteen people died. their Test r err ; of which two were of oldage. The band of the " 30th. Peel battal- x< n. " isit ;rid to give a seri?.s of concerts the les.adquerters of each company oil the County, commencing' on the 25th `inst. a Mr.McGill, : curate of St. Peters Qh ureli, Cl=obourg, has rdnoved to Chi-. critee Before leaving he was •present - .t by, Iris late parishoners in C:obourg with a -a address and $216 in. gold: - The l Yatrrie Exner says. that Mr. o ss f 1r1:. P. Ykhas been• dangerously for solve time, with the .small pox. =1d0 i -Id,,:;, however, passed the crisis, and° Fri, rapidly recovering: The ,.tractors for the -kettles at the l(incest' iries -salt works, in six weeks titin d ovtt X24 heavy kettles, averaging OF) sesn cls, being the first ever cast at that village. The IUouncil of the "Kingston ' board of Trade as de the last.week on thei sub- ject of tb Ontario. and; Huron Canal, �:Ir ai t they do not consider • the scheme . advisable. :Hylic vote of the electors of eight tt. eta: h ii - heard. from in the County of l�;Igi1n g.a,.•e a majority of . about -1,500 -ill i:avour.. ofthe bye-law in aid; of the Great Southern .Railway. A. petition .was in circulation. in L; ra-isle Columbia,) in November last, bn the 1st bast., John McGorman; of •Dundas, stabbed Mike Foley, a member of a minstrel troupe advertised to perform ins the Hall that: evening, in a tow which took place on the side- -walls near Ridley's Hotel.' Foley was crit -firgm; the'corner of the mouth down. to bel6w the chili. The- .True Banner says it was a fearful gash, and that the Perpetrator of this outrage was allowed quietly to leave town without the sligh- test effort being made by the authori- ties • t which certainly his cries ties to secure , y indicates that the local guardians have a high appreciation of a free and easy sort of life. . A'nost brutal murder was committed in the 3rcl concession: of the Township Charlottenburgh, on the morning of the lst inst. The Cornwall Freeholder says that onthe morning in -,question, a . man by the name of Hughes, and his wife,—the former over sixty years of age, and the latter fifty eight;—had been indulging very freely in bad whisky when a raw : between them ensued, the culmination of which was the death of the old woman from blows received from her h isbai, d. The weapon used by the old man: was a heavy stick about 4 feet long, and snrmunted with a heavy brass ring. After the old villan had` committed eel the deed,. he had careful.y) washed the blood from the stick, but had forgotton to scrape out a crack in it, ' in which were sticking blood and sn alT pieces . of hair. The, unfortunate. woman has always borne a good.iharac ter, and. had been the sole : support of -her Ihusbend for over four. years. An inquest was held, when -the Jury !returned a "verdict of wilful murder .against Hughes, and he was at once coinmited to jail here to await .his -trial for this horrid clime, • out. Nothing was left which coul iinplicate t: the excitem ed a high.., curious wer in addition A WOMAN ARRESTED ON SUSPICION. Mary Nngent; who is employed t clean out the office of the Bank of Montreal, was arrested. yesterday ev ning, sho Ci4y after the robbery, som suspicious ,circumstances being charge to -her. sty in g for the "recall' Gov. Seymour :11),1 the re -appointment of Sir James 1)Fou lis. The: Ferrie property on .York street, • I [ airy it i on, has: been purchased ;from the i �,ro Ba.nk by the Hon: Samuel Mills, ;-pie intends to'conv'ert it into a private I'r'ii(l.,e for himself, at a cost of $10 (100. The Catharines Polio Magistrate on Wednesday morning ordered the police to arrest every person who kept .an "eniseel of-fecal%tied by the legs for a lunger period than half an hour, on the marls et, grounds or streets. A. iit!ali .named- Westrope, a violinist t :a travelling troupe was drowned ., sem ta, canoe on the 24th Nov., in the Ther River, on his Way from Yak to =ew Westrninister. He _ was an En- g; n-g Iu:111 from §liffOlk. • Mt Ienry J.. Black ; 'son of Capt. J Black! of Hamilton, has been a.p- . ' 1a1iinttYl cart Internal Revenue Store- k.eper at New Orleans, on the recom - iu n ation of Supervisory Qreecy of that city. '..'uric a is an interprising little place on the Welland `Canal that: is known indifferently as -Welland City, Thorold Station, Centerville, =Slabtown, and so man y ,other names, that, there is great inconvenience in addressing mail mat- ter to it. • Hereafter the place is to be • known as Merritoh. _ The wifrt of an. Ottawa tradesman arias arrested lately, at the instance of her', husband, in one of those houses that , good women never'.' is t. She wcr.s to /IWO been publicly tried in the litolice court, but was not. pst.od'uced, an- other.trial at home ,having been proba- }ily granted hero A 111:).11 named Mitchell while under the in:l uenee• of liquor went: -from Sar- nia t. ) 1'ort Edward last Friday week, and lit:; not. since: been, heard. of,. . He: sta ,pried to have gone through\ the 1' o on .Ltis'bay Mitchell . was former - ]y (in the army; and belonged tura Vol •;ontpany du,cing,the Feiuia,n ex- cisemen .- .-. i` .v.r areiessfello4s,werebrought up as .li-, )t•,ie.rties before the Montreal Recor- d ,I C.:a : other day, and gave there 11111103 ta.sn Joseph. Howe an 1 John S :yle' t .)1sh trick, w*th the nain'• (ss' ::.the old m ;•1 r loqu nit" of Nov S. otic, and the Iashilsgtm correspor dent of the Hold ' ,)rices: -The Sarnia Observer relates a cruel trick practised-. upon a man with a rat- tlesnake. A person.., named Robert Dunn, residing at Arkona, where he runs a hotel, being at Widder Station. at his brother's -hotel on Christmas day,1 committed an act that placed the life or reason of a man named Jelin °avers in danger. . It appears George Dunn, brother of Robert, keeps a rattlesnake about his premises, sometimes keeping it confined in a box, and at other times allowing ib to run • at large, under the idea that at this season,of the year it is harmless, a point On which there is e robbers. This morniu€ nt `around the bank reac ►' int ; ..but those. who wer enable to obtain, anything o what is already known r The robbers left $5,400 package on the floor of the Bank• It is said that .he authorities have received certain information as to who the guilty parties are. A p erson supposed to be one. of the gang, offered to ttell all; and find his companions for a certain anount, ba' afterwards-- when he was wanted 1 could not be founfl. .• Fatal Arrest On Wed o'click, i Th! Booth, Ste B � l tual• Detect; from . West' prepared to man, in th Chary Cha: Chapman r GANANOQUE, Iesday evening, about 6.30 ad. W. T3. Leavitt, D. F. > cr theMt:- ' a of hen Hali.d Y� Gve League," and a constable port in this country, went the house of Thos. Chap- e rear of Leeds, to arrest e. on a bench warrant, .and sisted, drawing their revol- cHARP'S HO 0 General Stag:: Seaforth, Jan. 8t EL, Livery Stable, and Office, Main Street . L. SHARP, Pr+rrietor. 1869. 133-tf. STRAYED. STRAYED, from. the premiss bf the sub- scriber, Lot 20, Con. 4, H bbert~, about the 1st of June Last, a W 'to Yearling Heifer. Any person giving such information as will lead to her recovery 11 be eaitably rewarded. PATRICK OACH. Hibbert, Jan• 8. 57-3in. vers arid, at once fired. Several shots were instantly exchanged and a general fight ensiled in which Stephen Hali-4 day was ,shot in the neck, it was feared fatally., and the co si able in the side. Both were alive a midnight, but little' hopes were cute twined fir their rc b covery. Several shots were fired at Mr, 'Leavitt, who was. -knocked` down and received' several injuries from: a sister of Cbapman's who joined in the fight and was arrested. Chase and Chapman made their es- cape. The latter received a shot in the, arm. Several persons hearing : of the effai •, proceeded to Chap -lieu's to assist in their arrest and burned Chapman's barn, supposing the villans were in it. Intense excitement ' prevails. Men have been despatched in all directions to secure their immediate arrest. Earthquake in Mexico. SAN - FRANCISCO Jan. 9.—A letter from Colima, Mexico, : gives an account of a'terrible earthquake experienced in that city on themorningof Decmber 20th. For several days .pi evious the volcanoe of Colima, 30 miles from the city exhibited signs of internal' coinrnc- ,.tion, sending forth smoke and steam; accompanied by a, rumbling and shak- ing.. of the earth, The morning of the 20th ult., was ushered by a gentle rocks ing of the earth, which gradually increas- ed ncreaas-ed in violeic > until walls of houses were cracked, and everything demolishable. Vibrations were from the Nortli-East to South. West, and lasted nearly 40 seconds. The Cathedral, werehouses, and .seveial brick buildings were crack - good b ood ground for difference of opinion.] ed from top, to, bottom. People "were ;On the evening of the day referred to, Lavers, who is an inoffensive, easy-go- ing -sort-of a man, upon whom some of the rowdy class think they have a sort of privilege to play gtricks,, slept at. George Dunn's house ; and Robert Dunn, by way of a practical joke, as he appears to have thought it, got hold of the snake and, put it into the bed with •°avers while he was asleep, actu- ally drawing it ;across his face for the purpose of awakening him. Lavers, of course, awoke, and finding the loath- some oathsome reptile in such close proximity to his person, was thrown into a state of great terror. . Strange to say, however, for this `filthy assault, Dunn was allow- ed to go unpunished, which was more than he deserved. It - was, to say the least. a most wonton assault, and might have resulted in serious consequences and nd man capable of such a dastardly act is fit to be entrested with a license to keep a house of public . entertain,' ment. l -• - The Montreal. Bank itobbed of $50,000 • At St. C utherines, on the night of the 111h hiss, some parties, by .means of a false key, entered the- bank. Their attention was immediately given to the safe, to the outside door of which they appear to Katie had a key. Nitro-gly- ceren:e, it is supposed, was then applied to the lock of the inner door. Before the explosion, the outer door of the safe was closed, so as to. deaden , the re- port in a great measure. The explosi- on seemed to have scattered the gold, of which there, was quite a . quantity, over the floor..` The robbers. however, paid but little attention to this coin, as they y seized some fifty thousand dollars in bills, which the safe contained;, and then giickly, made their 'escape: A boy named: Kerrigan, who sleeps in the bank, came in about ten o'clock ; and on perceiving the gold and debris of the explosion lying around, quickly. gave t re alarm; and ,the building was soon fi led with a surging crowd, The w Tole affair appeared to be -the work of ofessional robbers, and was icanaged weith a consumm to caref aallaness through - ESTRAY. CAME into the premises of r 6e subscriber, Lot 30, Con. 6 Morris, abut the 1st of September, a Brin e Steer t -o years old. The owner can ha e the ha 'Q e by proving property, paying :harggs, nd taking it away. CALEB VvHIT1 N. Jan, 7th, 1869. 57 3in tfu)ly intimates to r .respee ta of Seafrith and sur- a*t that be has now a large t ' d c�a�Pl stock of n �� .:Y ia�/ started from their sleep and rushed frantically for the Plaza. It is report- ed that several persons were killed by the falling of. the walls of the National o e. .T e s oc wa e g tance in the interior. In several places the g o Ind oeened ; trees we til r hills levelled; water -courses changeu' and a general upheaving of the .earth - took place. At the city of Manzanillo, the Cathedral building, whicd has stood shocks of earthquake and storms for over 'a century, was riven from top to bottom. - Even the tiles on the roof !were broken. Sothe.eighteen or twen- ty perms were killed by the falling of the all of . the American Hotel ; and thr� a others were buried beneath the ns of Westerman and Co.'s ware souse. .. mis ONTARIO HOUSE, FO' SALE. lit; undersigne now offe for ` sale the House and B acksmith .hop formerly occupied. by Mr. ► caught The: situation is good, and the to q's easy, Enquire -of - HTTI H -GRIEVES, McKillop. Seafifrth, Jan. -4t' 1869. 57-3in. The oldest in the -trade, and the only Gen- eral Stock in Seaforth. FRESH TEAS & NEW FRUIT. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. .A. WELL SELECTED STOCK OF CROCKERY & LAMPS. `'A general stock of Hardware and Glass. A fine lot of - HATS & CAPS. ALSO DRY GOODS, Staple and Fancy, suitable for all seasons. Flannels, Blankets, and Buffalo Robes. Dealer in all kinds of Produce. EDWARD CASH, Goderich Street,-Seafoith. Seaforth, Dee. 14, 1868. • 53-1y. CARTWRI 1 --IT, Surgeon - Dentist, Stratford, Ontario, - beds Most re- spectfully to inforn, the 'inhabitants of Seaforth and surrounding . country that he has opened a 'DENTAL OF�FICE over M.R., HICKSON'S DRUG STORE, Main Street, Seaforth, and has procured the assistance of Mr. J. A. Ellis, S. r. on; Den- : fist to take charge of the same. ur� -Qart- wriaht mill continue, to visit Seaforth the second week of every month 4111 work warranted to give - perfect sat&f-action. Teeth extra,cd with little or no pain by the use of the Ntacotic Spray, which produces local anasth is (want ofpain.) Char es Moderate. TermsCash. Charges REFERENCES :—Dr. Smith, Seaforth Dr. Shaver, Stratford ; J.. Dutton, '.chemist; Stratford ; P. R. Jarvis, Esq., S'atford Dr. Whiting, Berlin ; Dr. Rowans, Drumbo Dr. Bray, Chatham. Mr. C. will be at the Comreircil Hotel, Clinton.,' the third week of every ninth; Seaforth, Dec. 17th 1868.1.3-lv.' N E. W HARNESS S THE undersigned, ` I WILLIAM II. -OLI ER, Begs to announce to the inhabitan, [ of Sea- forth and surrounding country, th'st i he .has opened -a First -Class ]iorness Shop, Opposite the Post Office Opp MAIN STREET. Ile -has had over twenty years ex•rience m the business, and for the last so. ii years has been in the employ of F. A. M•y rs, who speaks highly of his ability as a wkman. Having bought out MR. TAIT`Stock, and purchased a LARGE SUPPLY OF GOOD MATERIAL , elf CO Heavy &Handsome FROM 10 DOLLARS UPWARDS, - He is (prepared to sell AS C.H..AP AS ANY Op -I Pat ESTAB- LISHMENT IN THE COUNTY. [n Scotch and Fancy COLLA I TEAM AND LIGHT HARNESS? He fears no competition. • t Give him a Call, and Save Yoni Money. WM. H. , OLIVER/ Seaforth, Jan. 7th, 1869. 57-tf. AT ; t' 'LEQTIOR Myr Isext door to the Royal Canadian Bank. Seaforth, .No' 25th, .186$. 9). FRANK PALTRID GEE'S Old Established PHOTOGRAPH GALL RY I REMOVED 11TTE 0 E -EHO 0 h7 ver ove y Coats, tests .,.lens', and Bo -I'adie ` _Kelt Overco its. OD OSCOww cDats-. ncl Pants. ys' BOOTS, and. SCHOOCBOOBS —. IN GROCE Robertson:& Son's Celebr` d. Ja an Teas, ids of FR_ e coming Ho . z. OIL,all T SOLD C. ICALT JY numerous customers and a public Irenerally will please not fo that 1 have Removed from the Old St d to' the OPPOSITE SIDE OF Titkl,S EET, Into Scott's New 3 story Brick Qji ock, next to Kidd & M'Alulkin's store, _ f directly south of Hickson's new store, w I have built the best Gallery in the Co : ty especi- ally for my own work, being lar ` ' and corn- modious, and with the proper aatnio light ; being the only Gallery in Seafortikiconstruct. ed on true photographic;; principles. The only light that can refect the true .,atu red. I flatter myself that I can satisfy at who may call. Remember, I don't want your money for nothing; I am bound to please dor no pay. As many have had pictures in ` 'foth, but were- dissatisfied, having cod, i t - , my name with another, I would req,, lest if you want a good picture, pro rly made and you :Paltridge. Frank uac 1Dnany �.--made take,. in dieap. Black, a and all for t CO E�WILL AR Seaforth, Dee. SEAFO W FURNITURE STATIMERY RIES ted Coffees, (reen, Sugars; -Spices, ITS, suitable ys. Also which. ' -cvlu 0t P„ MoDOUGI L � 53-1y M. ROBE TI REQ x0 TSON, Importer .arid manufact = er_ of al nds of HOUSEHOLD F RN 'TURF, Such SOFAS, LOUNGES, CENTRE TABLES, MAT S ASSES, TABLES - DINING &. BREAKFAS .BUREAUS, CHA 11.iS, BED. TEA.DS, In Great Variety_ Mr. R. has great coith ence in offering his goods to the public, as th -y. are made of Good Seasoned L irnber durable, that ask for Don't ask for Paltridge's, onl 'Paltridge.. I am thus explicit,. think they are going to.get a,p` by Frank Paltridge; but by a not going to Frank P.'sr get pointed,' C ASS FOR, AND GO. TO : ANK, In tlie, Brick Block, up one file* of : stairs, and turn.to:the right bar® i • My specimens at ,the; door are all my.,own make,. and: are. not. 1ponght or arrowed. to decoy the public.: . Come any day,,Frank is ,1wa` .' . at home andin Good Temper. Pictures of deceased carefully' copied into any kind.of1 Picture desired. Remember, it is to Frank Pa 'dge's you haw . to ga to et a good: Pho .:. • ph. New and rich Furniture, Scenery, & that will make your picture look rich, and worth sending for your friends. ` :n', does not know FRANK PALTR.IDO� Seaforth, Jan. 6th.. - 53:-ly And b FIRST-CLASS ORKMEN. TO ORDER COFFINS �A� On the Shortes Notice, WOOD T RNINO Done with Neatness an Despatch. W areroc -S ; TWO DOORS SOUTH HARP'S HOTEL Meet. Main S Seaforth, Jan. 6th, 1869. 5i-tf_ SHEFFIELD S 'T O JOHNSo SR S wing Axes, Broad _Axe, Framers" Tools, Carpenters' Tools, oopE rg TooI& HARDWARE OF EYE. Y DESCRIPTION,. A splendid, assortment of CROSSCUT' and MACHINE SAWS! 250 KEGS PECK'S Ailontreal put Nalls. *' LASS; • PUTTY, 'A.INTS,, O ILS VARNISHES} C.,i AsCheap asanny, Hou=se in the Trade, at JOHNSON. BR.Q , STOVES I STOVES 1 Al eomplete assortment of -Cooking, Box, - k'arlor Stoves, Stover Pipe, and Tinware, of all descriptions, VERY` CIiEAP, At -01 SON BRO.'Sr $ION OF 'RE ILIAL3f027,, 001111G STD V. , Seaforth,• Jan. 6th, 1,861.