HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-01-15, Page 3spate their Legis the St nibe Cortes '-g got ,form of under PAnI D that Q the ,the sett) ug to Greece side yesterday. dnaty. Inenced at 4 o, :ate and Turkit re felted , v le er .and a pea r cert it�o fal *nit to the delibera- tions tions of :t Conference is looked for - id not ward to with kt, b -y confidence. The session will take ace on Tue e guests expressed at the heed of decision of the the future crease for IetweeiL et in this city session cog The Greer wee both maath- y disposition, mlxir✓ January 12th, nor of1.—'he indicti �lilish-- Eo�Ijo�, fan, • on of the of the first day a nt of` is the ference on the Postern question leaves l little, if any, doubt of ultimate. mama The Turkish O€iverneUt€ through 18 ver i epresenteti 'e7 consented to maintain the present st,until the clue 0f` leve- ; the.C-onfereae It is the'-geueral was pression that but one more session con- be held, and thatwar between Turkey of and Greece wall lee obviated. . ['ount MA RiD, Ja i.11E--.Additional tree . State are to be sent to Oahe and will , ident from Cadiz in a short tune. can - LONDON, Jan.. 12.—For some uoex xshels plained reason Resos _ Banp le, -the xns in Grecian Ambassador at Parr, who it I Y- be was supposed would represent Greece adian in the Conference, had been refused tet it participation in the •sees. onsx He° Rat is protested against. his exclusion, a and ttp* peaa ed to the Grecian Giternment'ett Athens for instrectiona The Confer--; Knee w ill await the actio. of Greece in this matter, and the mien announced Ines- for to -day will probably te postponed .cdol- . for a time in consequence. i iicla,}•' a ate s des Mil Paws, Jan. 1 TuxLey h p e41 - louse shed Sada. Pasha to this city, as special agent to raise a loan for rpImpose. were Boyd, iii ills= six [ pri- Mak e ow'er sired , ould 's, re- -John .Land were down Loemeat, Jan .12.—A report is in circulation that tie principal members of the ineurrectiouary Gaverrtui€nt of Candle have faller into the hands of the Turks AMERMAN WASHI oToN, Jae fit - The Grand Jury dismissed the aas!against Sur: - raft, en thq. ground tat tI >Presideut's amnesty pi oclainatiamp prions him of _ee. - all past treasonable ofnees against tl f Gov ernm;ent, _ NES YORK/. Jan. 11.—C Field was severely inked by cl by his residence in Irvingyest if fife,-- . IJAVAist, Jan. 9.-110 aerial Bulletin of a leading firm in says the insurrection lei decline, .d s pprehe1cns: might ex�encl to the, te...i ander f ,. atter. ire re- third day rrie'a Is on p ini-. . ..< x deems au now reMovedoi the sugar crop prcoliises: a yield fully equal t that of 1st year. The statement tha the chol a had broke out among the Spanish troops here is untrue. Re portg have reached here Af, & engage - ''.e in- ,root between the troopeandiesurgente ivatg, f iear N ucoitas. The result is.unknown.. ° This afternoon an officer of theSpanisb kd re- h:reny, in a_street quarrel, killecl Senor° wen:- trine, Vazquez, a yoeng Cuban of re-- - : were spectable family. The officer ran his e the Sword entiiely through the young man's body. able `ANAyA, Jan. 9. ---Last night, by or- 1 er of the Government, all the statues Queen Isabella, and other symbals the of the late dynasty, were removed from. f the the squares and public buildings in the re- hat 4r ares. who Mr: y of eat in city. Captain Gen. DuIee has- issued. his `proclamation. It is addressed to Cubans; He says : 1 -will brave even danger, and accept every responsibility@, for your welfare, The revolution has swept away the I3ourboiz ' Dynasty r tearing up by the roots, a plant so pois- onous that it petrified the air we= breathed. To the citizen. shall l>e - re- turned hie right, to erten his dignity-; - and yea will receive all the reeermsa which you require. - H -YANA, Jan. 1 L— e declaration of Captain -General Duke is favorably eel ; a received by the majority of the people, though disliked by the extreniista of- Spanish and Cuban parties.. II AUGUSTA, Ga, Jaii. 10:.-,A.nclerS0a Tung Upton, and three negroes were taken -eland i from jail ant _Appling and hung yester- .se and day, for the murder of a iisan .)fagged re- Martin y'€1 his two sistez.. --ves- Pore city, Con - 1, for cktions to: meet revolutionary leaders to biing .tiye about a compromise for the restoration of peace. - WASHHING'rOY, Jan. 11. --The bags. containing the Richmoi€d:- mail were taken thief tarn., fi 0111 the custodof the Post Off1ee Guard, to an alley near the Ciroicle Office, and rifled'' of their contents.. The thievea planaged to el - rude arrest. WisHINGToes, Jan. 12.= -....The re wire -� of ME Hatch on Reciprocity Canada was received t o-Qa9'. it shows much research, a and- pew&a uzi €s whole •favors itecinrocal trace, but vauv suit to isa limited degree, u at an. Jan, 11.--A commission of influential citizens of Ila, natives Cabal and prominent leen bets of the Liberal party, left tho city `qday for Nuevitas, on their way to Bayaroo fit roken ngttet All v and co ent. a come I• :cm -Nit }�� ^./�.F�' DI,spy A 9gg ., MATTEIS., H S ArORT , EXPOSITOR. KENNEDY, the sottish vocal t1 ° give a concert Wroxeter Qn KW'ed nesday evening, ��. 3rd. , THE first ' meetng of the :Hinge Uouncil takesplace at noon 011' ' ou- day next, at Sharp's }Rotel, THE Aiinuail Meetig of the .mean- hers of the South Hurba. Agricultural society will be held Bi iecefi d on Tuesday, the 19th dist at Il_. ` clock a ni., for the election q offcers; Jf c. • IT is really - wort. our 'troy' call and see Fank Pal teidge'- .Gallery in Scott's -New, B1os k. - -. don't want a picture it'S o diff call any w.ay.' Tilos evening the Tr leaven ' ise to kive one, f their ,inments iii Sha p's Hal of ,.Lt?citations; _ Muti the 'various repo is cur hesitancy in pie ded house, SEAFORTH. vs. CLINTON MAR- • MARRI,AGtS. As--WooziwARn•--0n the 8th vast., by r Harpurhe Mir John HAM the - Rev. Barr, yy:• s Lizzie Woodward, all of. , eKETS. Mr B Our attention has been directed to quotations of the above markets in the Hew bra. - As to :'the accuracy of his. own nigrkets, we are not in a position to give` an opinion, but, that which is there put` forth, as a report. of the Sea - forth markets, we proi:ounce incorrect in every `case. For instance;the ma,ir iia inhabitants,, orhood are to Soiree on the 'airily @pular cara- ete. we ting a bf Fall: wheat; -there quotid is. $1.00, while $1.15 has been paid for an inferi- or nferi-or quality •. during the past week. Spring - do., he quotes_at 90c., to 95c., and in this case 98e., and $1.00 is the correct price. - These are but instances, for - actually n.o single item corres- ponds evith orres- ponds.evith the prices really paid. However earnestly the Editor of that journalmaybe:engaged in seeking to pro- mote local interests,. we characterize his conduct in under -quoting oeir mar- kets as unbeconiing and. unjust. If he quotes the Clinton markets as much too .high .as'he does tieSeaforth too low, `which there is no 'reason to disbe lieve, the ,same motive which actuates him in the one case would necessarily do it in the other, the market reports of that journal are about as much use to those for whom they are i tended, as two Mils to one cat. - - - We do not write in this strain with the least feeling of jealousy to our con-, ifrere, but in . juste to the_ people of our own village as well as to the farm - era of the surrounding townships. Wo believe hovever that the latter ° named class know•very well that the desparity in the markets, ins always in favour .of Seaforth, this week for instance taking the Heil; Fra as a guide ,for the Clin- ton markets, with = ode exception, fol- lows the established rule, and that one exception is Fall Wheat, which we ha - e had no opportunity of fairly quoting as none of good quality,has been offered. We , can cite instances of parties )having made from four to five dollars iclnring the past week, by driving from Clinton to Seaforth. roxeter and be favored with a oth ,in .t., in the hyterian Ch a rch., `„ e array : of liar4on speakers s�' ig algesi. out for the • . indicates i s be ng .a grand ;' 3's. . r : THOMAS' O1iuucH• -We beg 16 attention to the Annual Missionary Meeting in eomi'ection with St. Thomas' Murch,. Seaforth., to be held on Wed- nesday next, the' `30th inst., at 7:30 `n ., when addres;ies will be delivered by a det- putation of Clergymen ' app ed by tie Bishop for that purpose, and 'also by ether Clergymen from a• 'dis- ttan:cee Thomas Mrs Brantford: to THE MARKETS . SEAFARTH, January 14th, 1869. Supplies this week pretty fight. emand ood. Prices on the rise. No Fall Wheat of average' good quali Y__has leen offejred this Week; cane such ha! been, the prdbability iia s that it would command a hig} er price than our quotations below. (I !Wheat (Spring) V bushel, - Wheat, - (Fall) 0 bushel, Flour t?. cwt. Clover per "bush. Timothy per bush. - Oats 19 bushel, Peas '0. -bushel, Potatoes bushel, Hay 0 ton, Eggs 1I dozen,' Butter to? its Turkey per ib. `- Gee.,c. Ch ese, Factory '41 lb Do, ' Dairy, 0 ib Poria 0 cwt. 'Wood P cord, Barley 0 bushel, A GItANo takes place on- Monday next at the ;Victoria Skating .The Egmoudville ° Brass Band is secure ..for the occasion. The admis- ion fee is -very res ;finable. We under - Maud that e£traot;dinary preparations are being :made in. many quarters to "be t -everything.' We .anticipate its be' g one of the jolliest, merriest. and hap ie st evenings :ever ispent in this pia GREAT ATTRACTION THE LARGEST STOCK, 0 DRESS GoOIS. $ 98:(4 1 00 100 115. 2 ,50 3 00 500@ 525 2 00 2 50 48 50 78 a 80 60 70 8 ( . l0 18 ® 25 20 @ 23 06 07 25 30 00@.,14 1211. 850 @ y 25 2 .00 a' 2 25 115@ 113 THE NEWEST STYLES OF STROR(I'S LIVERY & .SALE STABLES. IIRS' "-CL$ SS HORSES and Good. Vehi- Xclef, a all hours, on reasonable tern*. The lax:gest and best Livery in Seaforth Suitable Rigs roc Commercial Travellers. Two`• doors North of Sharp's Hotel. A FEW HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR SALE, Seaforth, Dec. 14, 1868. . MONOPOLY!No Torso TO, Jan. 14th 1861). (By Telegraph. ) Markets, slow. Prices generally, firm. Wheat (Fall) 0 bushel, $1 12 to 1 14 do- (Spring) 0 bushel, 1 04 to 1 05 Oats e bushel, 53 to 54 Barley. 0 bushel, 1 26 to 1 25 Pelts 0' bushel, 85 to - 85 Pork S cwt. 8 25 to 9 25 20 to 22 emitter, usgmma TY UCKERS ITH AGRICULTURAL )4'OCIE- m g took place I.EETINCT. —T� � at harp's hotel, asp••nceinent, on he 12th inst. The following officers were elected :—• R. Govenlock, Esq., President ; E. Cresswell, Vice dot W. MeOonnel, - Secretary; Julius Kansan, Treasurer, and James Broadfoot, Robt. Charts r :, Geo. Chesney, Walter Cowan, os. Hills, Wm. Caldwell, Jno. Hugil, an; James McIntosh, Directors. The T asurer's report was adopted. TBURNS' .ANNIN+TERSARY.—The coming anniversary of Burns' Birthday will U be celebrated in Seaforth in a manner t will cause it to be long remember- K.ennedy,. the Scottish Vocalist, I give one of his pre-eminently re - weed concerts in Sharp's Hall, •com- encing at • o'clock, [see adv.] .after hich the anniversary of the natal day o -the bard whom not only "Scotts," t every patriotloves, will be further .nored by a dinner. From the en- ergy of those who have the matter in hand, we believe the celebration will be a worthy. one. DR. 1 RACE h removed his office and residence to one .dolor ff east of the M:- E. Church.. - • SEAFORTH ANNUAL- (SCHOOL ' MEET- INC. --The Trustees Annual Report was received: W. N. 'Watson was appoint- ed Auditor S. G. McCaughey, A. McDougall .and W. Hill, were elected Trustees for theensuing year. The Auditors' Report was adopted. It was resolved that the expense of the school ?he raised by a tax on the rateable pro- 'pertjr of , the villager Bawds' ALLEVANTOR, the great CATARRH. HEAD e}TE, NEURALGIA and Universal Pain Remed. is unquestionably the meat agree- able, and. efficacious remedy knownto modern science.. It relieves all pain instantaf eously and recluses inflamation with rapidity, crew- ing alhealthy action of all diseased organs, neutralizing all poisonous effects an:,l making a rapid and radical cure of some of the most distressing complaints to which mankind are subject. Briggs' Alltfvantor is sold by Wm. Polls, Agent, and by' druggists and country merchants generally. GET IT. TRY IT. No family should be without it a day. THE CHEAPEST LOT OF n CORRESPONDENCE. HOWICK. - BRIGGs' MODERN CURATIVE, for Corns, Bunions, Ingrowing Nails, Tender Feet, &e. It is the safest and most efficacious remedy ever discovered for the cure and prevention of ailments of the feet. It is not potash of acid; but a soothing. softening and healing ointment; warranted not to inure the most delicate feet, but will soon affect a radical cure of these vexatious torments of the hu- man family. There is no remedy equalth an operation by a skilful Chiropodist. When this is not convenient, Briggs' Modern Cura tive comes as an "angel of. mercy. Sold by Wm, Rolls, Agent, _ and druggists every- where. Dr. J. BRivas, 208, Broadway, N. Y. Address, C. H. WRIGHT & Co., Hamil- ton, Ont, General Agents for British Poss- essions. (55 ly tFrcin our own Correspondent.) THE Leeehville Volnnteer Company -have re -enrolled under the new Apt: The clothing , has, been received, . and will be at cn,e supplied ti the men. THE farmers of this township are sending their produce }to Harristoii and Guelph, the prices realized there, being somewhat in advance of Se forth Itt the annual meeting, the following officers'. were elected for the ensuing year :--J. B. Racy President, Mr. Wise Vice do., ,E. Holmes Seeretary, S. Andrews Treasurer, and J. Shipley, ,J. Flews, and W. 0, Fowles Direc- Auditors. The next meeting will be held at the Royal Cauadian !Hotel Clin- ton. THE annual Missionary connection with the Chur land, was held in Leeehvill day evening. Addresses ed by sewal Rev. Gentl being formerly 0 a Roma Priest, who gave very int emmt of .his conversion to to what amount was not st Mr. Tibbetts presided at th and Dr. Worthington and ters, with some others, did in. their usual pleasing wa .No= ErDiN0 0,F iitTRON AGRICULTURAL, SOOTETY.—The annual meeiing of the above named Society will be held at Londesborough on Wednesday next, at a. In. A procla- mation has been issued by the Reeve making 'that day an holiday in this -village Kiving all (an opportunity of attending the meeting. Wa understand. the Clinton. Band intend go- ing to Lpnde.sborough ou that dan and. will then'favour the residents and viiitors of that village an opportunity, of passing judgement on their abillt3r. Although there eetine in last Saturi. ere deliver - men. One resting. ac- Protesten t- en uP, but ted. Rev. daugh- the singing FARM FOR-SALE.EING South half Lot No. 9, Concession 1 10, Township of Morris,:2i 2i miles from Blythe, containing 100 acres. - For further particulars enquire at the store of John Bra`idwood, SeaR_th. CLARK. . a mill ! THE BEST ITLLUE IN weeds and Cloths. READY-MADE CLOTHING THE Wesleyans held their Mission- ary Meeting in their age, Supt. of eircui, rea frona which it appears t butions are steadily on speech on the Christian freely of their means t God. He was followed tol, B. A., of Ainleyville liarly pleasing and happ lection was taken up, w to a very creditsble sum. has been.a feeling'iof opposiiion on the part to the retirin'g board of directors and their course during the past year,- we anticipate ,forward the best interests of the Society. We hope every means Will be 'Used. to_ push forward the business of' tlae meeting, as there, will be consid.erablo work to do, and that* speeches naaylaW brief ttud, to the point.— lurch, Leeeh- the report, at the contrie the increase. Kincardie e, d impressive s duty to give the cause of in his pecu:. ich amounted An efficient A LL parties are hereby cantioned against sory note made t'by me, and endorsed by IL Hannah, in favor (Si John Moodie, for the amOunt pi Twenty Dollars with interest, payable 1st Jan. 1869, andr dated. at Mc. Killp, as I have yid said note. JAMES HENDERSON. McKillop, Jan. 14th, 1869. . 58 -in NOTES LOST., fAN or abOut the 6th inst., at the Royal kei Canadian Bank, several notes of hand drawn in favor of Dr. Coleman, and also in favor of John Smith, and endersed by:John Smith. They are of no value to any but the owner, as the pa.yment thereof has been stopped. Any person finding the same will be suitably reward.ed by leaving them with the undersigned. DR. COLEMAN. Seaforth, Jan 15th, 1869. 58-tf TO CARPENTERS AND TENDERS • AT HILL'S THE PRETTIEST FAIR, nest Dealing, Will be found in CAMPBELL'S NEIW-HARNESS S4OP, Where he will always keep on hand a large stock of Harness, Collars, Saddles and . Tratiles, and every fling in 1 is line. Seafoilh, Dec. 9th 1868. 53-1v. DUNCAN tic CO.'S AND 0 0 T NEXT DOOR tO SCOTT ROBERTSON'S Main. Streets Seaforth. 46. Seafo#h, Nov. 25th. under. the leader.hip of Mt. J. Depewr performed .t eir.part to the entire satisfaction of the audience judging from the roan s, of applause that followed. the rendering of each Lady Yeung is a native of New South Wales. Her gallant husband strongly. resembles, according to sOme, a well known, elderly, but good-looking Montreal Senator, and according to others, au equally well-known Quebec Two young women, residents of Oril- lia, found a pocket -book containing over one hundred dollars, a few days ago. After taking some treuble- to find the rightful owner, they returned. it, and—were not even thanked by t a individual for their pains 1. 1 Seaforth, Jan. 15th, ( 58-2a, RE required for Carpenter, and other work necessary, at a Dwelling Home to be built for the undersigned, on the Hur- on Road. Plans and specifications can be seen at Sharp's Hotel, where TenderS will be receiv- ed, on Saturday, the. 23rd day of Janua.ry, at 11 o'clock.'.. Th.e lowest, or any tender, will not necessarily be acceptK1.-= Seaforth, January 13th, 1869: 58 -lin "A 'NICHT I,N SCOTLAND." THE GREATEST VARIETY OF FANCY GOODS SHARP'S MUSIC HALLs SEAFORTH1 Mon.day, January 25th.. FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY CELEBR.ATION OF RURNS' BIRTHDAY_ AT NEW BRICK STORE MR. KENNEDY, The celebrated. Scottish Vocalist, will give his Last Entertainment in Seaforth, previous to his departure for California, on which oc- casion the programme will be "A Nicht wi' Burns." In addition to a choice seleztion of Songs, Mr. K. will. recite Burns' immortal Admiesion. 25c.; Reserved Seats 50c. Tickets to be had the stores and at the • door. Doors open at 6i. ; Commence 7-i, OPPOSITE THE LARGE BRICK HOTEL SEAFORTH. BRITANNIA HOUSKI AT . ROLLS' rugs & Medicines Paints & Oils, VARNISHES AND TURPENIEVES, Wushes & Combs, rlp Stu s AND C honeys AND Hair Oil AND Perfumery, Cough Mixtures, BEST GOAL 01' Octobe.r 20th, 1868. 40 'CM