HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-01-08, Page 71 Wh(l,ist 1aS b 11.th of ebn trr } The . , il11' .T'eie it alt 'hat Wits on hand`=busy thirst. Mr. Budges- was „fetid i Montreal last week!, The affair is said. to have; been larilliant There have been 17 4.fire up to date ;thla year,• against t. 14 last year in Mon- treal- ; 14 Armotlie2 traction engine has arrived ; Toronte, from, England, consigned to Sutherland 'Taylor. three libel witl °air ties. lag the tha prune bee made. th_reugh this ttirn,iiig fro Brantford,. Where heha been` prosecut- ing rosecut- inglenquiries, etc. THE SEAFORTH l • S , ng of .Counterfeiters, entry appeals to : be - infested •ang_ of counterfeiters, who are. ;on business„in various locali- he government peliceaare work- ing up, and we understand mus arrests ;have , alrready Deteetivet. Smith passed village the other clay, re - , the neighborhood of The .Leader a' is that Mr. McLeod used the woad `t Sir” 144 tunes in. the House :in -`a speech. of s1eve;n minutes duration. C W.)SSiN S:—Tlle .t~itiaezis;of London, r3az ie �. R., Co. for bridging. the crossings.on the principal streets - '1 There are t*o• Ctilings� two Craigs,. two Grahams, two McCaT, two Scotts, three Smiths, 'ancl two Williamson u the Ontario' House: tis stated' ` that » Col. Grey M. P., Iia been dralying a salary of $20 a clay eves" since lie Waa. gazetted ,Dominion arbitrator, about five Menthe ago, al- though there has as yet been nothing for Min. tes do, the ,' arbi trators s having never met. ;.;_ Mr. S P. Green has stied the boor poration of the town -of . Whitby for x;500, for injuries scttataned by hum . through defective sidewalks. The Free . Baptist congregation a.t roe eek, gave" a donation party and $50 to Ticar pastor, Rev. Mr. Martin, on` wetmesdat•.y`, last week. At the Mount Forest C the 16th inst-, the averag! --for oxen, x-60 to $75 ; $45 ; cows, $16 to 820, a to $14 The result of the Ric lair dson mine An engine driver, while standing with his engine on the G. W. R., near Konoka, fell asleep and remained so till the morning Express 'run. into his engine..; The result of his cariessness was the smashing of his own engine and the two others'belonging to the Express trin as Well as serious injury to him- self and several others, & -A CLARE, PRODUCE COMMSION- MERCHANTS, . Consignments solicited: T010E»TO, J. CLARK, ' A.NGUS maim. Aug. 20th, 1868. 37 -lm. NOTICE._ ALL parties indebted to the estate of . the late Dr. Chalk are requested to call at his late r'esidence, Harpurhey, and settle as. soon as possible and all clams against the said estate must be 'sent in forthwith- for djust went, to W..0. GOTTINLOCK,. Executor,' Seaforth, Nov." 24th, 1868. - 51 -2m -a attle. Fair, i'on prices were steers, $35 to. d heifers $10 -last week are given as f llo's, by the I3ellcville In i1 is e.teer : Twenty tons . of rock gives 0. 2 --cost of working $1.50 per ton. _ It is reported that nth ency of ten thousaJia. c treasury of the Board c which can in no way he o' ore Vanclerbil ESTRAY. CAME into the premises of,. 3 5:tesd Mont gaxnery, Lot 17, , Con. 10,1. Township of McKillop, On or about the : 10th of ` Dec. a Boar Pig about 6 months.. -old. The. owner is required to !prove property, Rayo charges and take the sauce awe'. JAn'I . KONTGOI1(ERY. Saaforth, 'Dec 24th1868. 54-3in,_ The Montreal .1Ierald. says : "An. Tipp; -"Canadian farmer has imported for ei n .assets. Are :there -not enough - of; th native br eecl 7" The -Hamilton Spectator replies : "Need for. a -%reign• importation is thoughtto be. caused by the iufe .•ior duality of. the•breed. in the sister, Province, Where ' a supply might otherwise be obtained." Ire is a clefici- °liars' in the f A grieiilture, ccounted- for. is reported to w w0,004,OQ0, land lately re- i Larked that if he had known as much twenty-izve years ago as he knows now he might, have ,bee a rich man, 11111T TO BE61 YNE S.. --Five year ago i th10 ). was a poor ',man.To- t r.i' proprietor of the finest e in the ward. ; Vora l -A -d _n"r business. ....� The 4e 'ival the Revs : 1 .: o I s Russell is rapidly �exteiief is. Two j•on.v e rted Je\: s were 'recently. There is now living, says the .Perth Courier, in the. Township: of Soutlh Sherbrooke. with his son -in -lav, Win. Curley, a .gats. named Edward Com.ar. who has 'attai n eel the remarkable age of 112 years. -This person evinces .con- siderable consideraLble vitality and Vigour,- for during the past summer lie hoed potatoes and performed. several feats of labour: Tl.d following is the . cable message,: said • to. have been received by Mis4' .McDougall from.the Hon Mr. McDou- gall, both being dangerously ill : "My health; and the exigencies of the -public service will not allow me to embark im`mediately•for Calnada. • Sllould it be the will of God, ' I will see you again ; if not, adieu. ! or rather, we will yet meet in a. better world." - On the 3rd of December, 1868, a new Presbyterian, Church was opened at the town of Winnipeg, Recl ,River Settle_-. mesnt. t It is said to be a neat anct coma- modious.-eclifice, made to seat 200 per- ��� " *'t 'c and Fletcher, f 1'ti::.ar� G��,rS. �y 7' JIiUrch P' erly of dist PAY- `U P I LL parties indebted to J. D. Fee Hardware Merchant, Seaforth, quirecl to fall on the unn�d1ersigned a the amount of their 'rcaspective cl' ares sre� e nd pay bts and save costs. No further notice will 1 e given. 1". JNO. S. PORTER.. Seaforth, - Dec. 24th 1868. 51-3in. a t 44.4 pt� and are now assisting in the good i o1k of evangelization. T r the -Directors zog TTleg `apk Co. (A §.telOtt),-lmave.;'liesigned, , that they slid gdriee to be desea support. A. sleeping car on t11 thrown ever an exi'bai' wood station near Ine pletely . wrecked. The Of the Dgrnin-' `►Iclnnis land J. giving as their not believe the wing' of public NOTICE. T HE creditors of William Reinhart, t de- ceased; are :notified. to send in their claims :against his estate to the undrsigned at .the ohic of McCaughey J: Hohnstead, Barristers `eaforth. - - I•IARLES REINHART. Dec. 24 1868. 54-3in. G W. I; .;. was kmen-tat East- soll, .. and _ coma- caii�e of, the �f of one o the: sons,• of the Canada, Presby y and Rev. -George ;;Young (ft) Toronto), of the . Wesleyan:* ,Met body, took part in the proceedings. MISCELLAN • accident was the break,, eks, `art - nately no lives were lost, NV persons_ were somewhat rn a ixijured. A sale o ly snrceyecl close to" the t in that town_ 1' :,000; to $1 k' ai mall advan ,person Seaforth, RM -FOR SALE. ' BE1G proposed of the" West-hi?f of Lot No,. 12, : in the seventh concession, Hut - on road. survey,. of Tuckersmith, containing 50 acres of choice bland, 24 acres cleared; log House and Barn on the premises. For' par- ticulars silt sly to the undersigned personally. at the prmises of Mr. James Chesney. ROBERT CAII PITFLL. _Ti, ekerszr}ith, Dec. 24th 1868, 54-4in. S thAY EWE. & LAMB. n and park lots recent - in. -the Indian Reserve, n of Sarnia, took place on the 8th. inst.From » 000 w rth-were sold at on tla upset `rices. ova *S- is trere were 7,000 The loss by the - late earthcivake at San, Francisco is ' estimated at . three millions of dollars. - ] 1r. John Ross, saddlbr, of Lonclon, has received $4,000 from the - Grand Trunk Company as compensation for injuries `received on, the line. : a Nine lector es in Detroit produce $2,11-.50, and a profit `of 646.].5. Fred. Douglass had the pest house, $279.55: Charles Slimmer chargecl$400 for his lecture, and drew only $105. The fiat strawberries of the season made their appearance in the New 01 - deans market last week, selling at $3 the basket. The citizens console them- selves with the reflection that the fruit will soon become plentiful and cheap. The celebrated artesian well of St. Louis has reached a dept'h.of nearly three tliousancl five hunched -feet, and is still going downward. No one mows when :the chase will- be. abandoned ; it has been kept up -or rather clown ---clay and night for two years. and. more at .the rate of three feet -per day.• • ,P,.ME into the premises of the s bseriber. Lot No. 21, Con. 4, H. .P4 Survey, Tuckersnmith sometime in July last; a Ewe &. Lamb.- The owner is requested to prove property pay charges and take' the sante the y ar 1851' whil in 1861, there wore 13,000. n 18 i,' the vale ,sof the product of )ur manufactures,' w ita- axliout $245,000 ; in 1861 it was ove one and a half million dollars. _ I3uckley:and Doyle, confined at Otta= wa, aa accessories to the murder of 11Ir. AleGee, are said tobein improved health. A strong effort hasbeen made to . get 33ucl,ley opt, .but avi bout success. It take i; expected that th it `trial place in March or -April. , Cduncil of Bruce; a d to a committee, or -General . that . a` e made for the e slior•e of Lake r • away. ALEX. BROAD_ SOOT. Tuekersmitla, Dec. 24th 1868. - 54-3in. ESTRAY STtERS, AME into the premises of the subscriber k Lot i, Cont 10, Tuckersinith about three .monthsago two Steers, one rising 3 years' anal-theilother4rising foui ;years,' The first w Mentioned ?nearly all red, white tail, the otllex'nearly white, short tail. as ren ,,:to prove property, p ncl takee sante away. ALEX. MaCI7 tNON, In the County notion was refers Irsaying the Goveri gk aut of money ma Huron, on the coast ' of the County of , rbotirs on the east e owner y charges Tuckersinith ec. 17th 1808 s s. 53-33in: —� — MPOR 1 AN C � .CE. kIE books and accounts of Chas. Pent9n T' late - publisher of tbe•Seaforth . "°Exro- sxroR" have been placed m the hands, sof Benson & Meyer, Barristers and Attorneys, Seaforth, who ` will .receive . all moneys. Parties are respectfully requested to' settle when- notified by there of their. indebtedness, as they have.strict orders to close the Led- ger before the 5th of Jany. GHA.S. PENTON. Seaforth, Dec. 17th, 53 3in. NOTICE:! t • In Changer , Carter qs Carter. Bruce. The packing hour largely increased th» that city_ On. Tue e-xtraordinary sup with {an unusual carcasses were were disp $8.45 per have :seldom peen, ket- Th_e Halifax 1T Mr. Wilmot of T elevated to the Be . -'•oust, it was expected that e would l Sabbath longer continue tobe a �l Teacher._ He however did. Gu - 11e work .and with ', 0 zeal yPhen h°� was ,n than ever.� to be -ad froom tlxe. ' it was w = ' Yve up ecord- a, zea- es at n London have ,:arrivals ofpork. in sday there wasan ly of dressed hogs, demand. - The best used of freely, from ices beyond :which noWntin that. mar- itrres says yen ew Btrunswick, was a ch of the Supreme 4TriE Australian Colonies are greatly troubled with living nuisances; which they have been the means 'of initrocluc- ing in the guise of benefits and bless- ings. It. was -thought a great thing to introduce rabbits from England, and all were ready to congratulate themselves when 'the thing had been fairly accom- plishecl. The thing has been, however, too great a success. Rabbits have mul- tiplied to such an extent as to become a serious .nuisance ..»ncl. a formidable loss. They eat down the grass Of Jeep rains. and'are in clangerof supplanting the wool -producers. ' To think of s kill= ing them out stow would be ` almost as hopeless as to proclaim war against flies. One \stock keeper has expended ten thousand pounds in. trying to extir- pate these pests from his 'pasture ranges.;Then it was thought a rare good thing to get English sparrows into thatsu'nny Southern land, and thatim- pudent little fallow now comes. down heavily upon the grapes, which are there cultivated sO successfully. .Sonne folish- ly patrioticcotchmen could not think they could be comfortable without very fair `Caledonia thistles ;, and- these. thistles have now become .fa . _too • Cfl 00 1-4 0 ct NOTICE is hereby. given tha appointccl ii Receiver in the All parties, the r fore, indebted ated •of the late Jonathan. Carter a pay their accounts to me. All paid. within one month from t be telt in suit for collection. ! Dated this 25th day of November 1568. • 568.. LTIDWICK MEYER. Seaforth, Nov. 25th 186. 52-4i. have been above cause. o the Estate e notified to accounts not ais date will THOS. B Cabinet Al aker, UPHOLSTER AHD- UNDE•!,TAKER. LL kinds of f arniture kept Constantly on Ahand, consisting of the latest varieties. 1 rughruff's Spring Mattrasse , Carriages. Collins kept constantly on hand. Work made on the prones. A Hearsefor. hire. 1,t areroom op- posite Kidd & McMulkins. t . THOS BELL, March 24, 1868. - .1 y. ONTARIO HOUSE, The oldest iia the trade, and the only Gen- sh : t a giant evil. e Y : s�fo Tyec 1�4, 1868: to r1 theprosperity ity of the x":r; eral Stock. in Seaforth. FRESH TEAS &N W FRUIT. GROCERIES OF AL KINDS. YELL SELECTED S OCK' OF & LAM Harclwai lot Of HATS & CIA ALSO I .. , DRY 'GOO Ck i, Staple and Fancy, suitable for-allbea- CROCKER itar A general stock of Glass. A fine Flannels, Blank at and uffalo F s, : Dealer in all kinds of Pro ce. I3, EDWA D' C. • Goderic st3fiyth. g 111 1 "g P 'Cv • psi • r.{ CZ • CZ rnmi • Fml KOICit BANK RU PT S- KI DD & 1 uA 'E just returned from the `markets 1 i with the most replete, cl eapt,t, and BEST STO T� r Ever imported into Seafort., -which, for. price, style, and qu lity, its Ban Goods Into the The stock will be found co various departm AT PRICES Challenge Coin Consisting Shawls, Mantles, Breakfast Shaw Peleines, ' Lathes' Urossoiers,, Ladies' Chest Protectors, Bonnets, Hats, Straw Goods. Feathers, Flowers, • II I de t pleat in 1e hts,. ; HH • etion,! Silks Irish Popl .s,. - Frenoh �llnos, Cohourgs, T,,u stres, - Baratheas, Prince's Cords, Crape Cloth, Prints, Wi*cies, Gambries, Ticking, Grey -Cottons,- Deady -made Clothing,. Broad Cloths, Hespler Tweeds, . Overcoatings, Fancy Flannels, Home -Made Flannels, Flannels, Carpets, ' Horse Blankets, Ladies' Satchels, Boots and Shoes, ' And a choice assoi tinea, of . OG Fresh from the markt. Also Sillarie quan- tity of ONONOACO, CODERICH AN CLINTON SALTII • KIDD & 41401)-11/KIR t Seaforth, October 20, 186. • HICKSOWSEMPOIUIV LARGE STOCK, LARGE RIX!SES, Increased Facilities f r doing business. CARP TS, InTapestry,' two and thr e py all Wool, Union and Hemp, a !Fine as >rtment. OIL CLOTHS—FLOOR- AIH TABLE. Canada TweOdS, Full-Cliith SLtiIi ttS,&C. Dress ofAs In Victorines, Bow ii liR Coats, Pants. and made Good Fi- t j30ts an( 1� { %An hes at Low i'rjees. Groceries, Crockery China) axnpS, EVER T Anything • GET IT! AT ( O' of tre l B0 rrra Seaforth, Nov. 2f, "ant' 868. , I