HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-01-08, Page 6tIIH IA PIS ARAD as At TE -L- Livery. Stable, r4nd C A WAREHOW As -in. evidence Of the commercial A AT t0 OAFEIG Ilfo�vi QO� T e n!e r Main Street, al Stage Office, -no )ro \afo e or, speritk_d�& rw,- SHARP, Propri t ire. tAITP om our Pe nit Geo' -Pe4body has I-Correspond+0 ffid big" -1i 8th' tf. Soffs Brick Blo 1869, eaforth, . 0 FORTH or. of Lo SEA U� of, I 6C�OY4 o.th .. q lease -6f -thed n.., or _=4, R -oorpoi4tion STRAYED. 7,' -R. Dn, gl"s, ana of the Rqya i iei�lte e I cribe espectfully ima�bes- Wre1natkable il�ag.e; of 'Mitchell) a of t &-;inhabitants dan. Hotel, tetf6bvillle; hat out to s sold i�eigboring vi i �f the � r. Gilm' JTRAYED frc the sub- Of Seaf and z- sider ess, in ss.- our tickes C Iin -the premi T il We -Pbsse�dpn on .0 ly ecieived $806,)6i 06n,* -ab TO coun as now if Lot 2.0f Con. 4, Hibbert, about try, that he h no a tlie 15th inst. scribex and compleve stock of if ou -.tna -A-ribed as follows -J:4an ohe'liai the j, st Df.-Jime �Last' a White Yearlifig� your- Mr. G-eorge hop0ess'Ly beaten lo' - - adve 'the popular giving such information IGG-8) ALL'tv"TfiA ro has, sold the greai will lead to her.re an -bo.� - xetqr, t Hotef, Keoper jof V Oily in the Heifer. 'Any person covery will be suitably n wrauaiA D,&cHE, Nr pfud ded. PA TRICK ROACH. d 'as 11110 e his premises to Mr... �Ta.mes -Pirker for univ6tsal I am rewar nque, e edy, is u stion-ablyl the most agree- Hi4b, jan. s. In b a you can so Ved WINTER 83P,500 -reinedy)Lchontb modern -ours ,.possession next fall. ble a et4y re ean by, the Loy9l Orange Lodge and 33. A. aiid ke(luces "mation Avith. rapidity,, crea- 14- UAMMAR SCHOOL., 0 GLINTOI T GO- S ven It L�,k�l't relieAes all pain instantaneoislY ii te, � . t�-tnd cry efo -he Th T_Tnion�.Soiree in- e,) gi sbie ce. est ii-GOV.- Evr'e be,eu'a�an, on trial ase oraans n d Temp�ars' Lodge Nyas;, a de-' .06 lhg, heilik' oof-- all disc d et�Od of.,%uj-.pres8A1n61 the i cts au,4 maing HE Clinton Gammar"School will neutralizing a 1 poisonous effe 11C -Wesle. Church- E CHOICE MOSCOW a oxtbred,� T% came darid iadical cure of some of the most --aided� s 'Cess, Ae T rf packe distressing complaints t6 which mankind are RE-OPFN FOR THEr- WINTER ER beinc� Ifterall In. t 16' shape of an -action. for I I 0,-Q00 r IT16 bOrAnAttee 69erve credit forfibe fitf�j ect. d3riggs, Ajjc,�ajtor is sold by .4ve- Over q coats 0 XT a,4es br light by Rolls, Agent,'alld b country 0 o Vests aiid P=ts. id the'lidies y, druggists nd _UARY 7T.H,' -1969. - P xed1leht mma"iyement al dy C W THURSDAY, J�AN ni the Governor in those days of b t pilerally. GiEw rr. TRY IT'�'� No the Terr, an s g "T ull, B. A., for -.the amount and qiiality of -f A4 nal, nd. Boys' BOOTS d Tr a. Mo] 6f.James b d -to be- krnb . : f y ah6lxU be without it a 4ay..: Juder the chart, ried and' Felt Overcoats. TniveTsity, H cad Master. -.goodies." -of Vronto,L B xGcs' Moj)Enw CLrRA.Ti cot'rt had 'not The 'We 6 11 r the Univi4sity, the _81 eth6dists of'Le' for Coims, ech- 11 At th date of our- last- - A puni ns, I�Vroiving Nails-, Tinder Feqt� -&a' v Pupils are prepared fo t I '4 i�rofessi6ns, and for Com SC & a -ville and vicinity-lidd a grra4 Teti- Merel-a PUTS111 S. ice 3. It is he 4fest, i-nd remv' rther s,ve'ry inefting, in their- church on the eveiiing 'y' Tuition Fee modetate. For fn EWES. 0 ever c iscovered for the cure and prevention I �nd. iD4ructive contrist -t ion, address lenis of is not pota informA GROO 0 Jaiii Speedli6s were eliv- of ailta th6 fe6t, sb or _�N ary I st. 4 SECRFTARY GRAMLM SCHOOL BOA= ere inne c -an 4 I d J )an Teas, Spices, '1,­vhb_re UnT the. dhoir led by Mr., J. M. 6 wi dbyse:vei,,,tlp6ptilar*gentlen-te�i d a Clinton, D .0. 26th, 1868. th of cid tilt a Soo-th' . softening and healilig lfts�h &Son's -Celebrated Coflc�s Qreen� tilmlshed- by -Bel' ointment, warranted not to ii the inost an( f F RUITS, 'aelicate fe t - bt - dical kin% 0 S, -it(- I v th-, 111 e 'haTld§' Sug some -very hoice pie6cs of ibiisic,- cure -6f these vex,atious torplients of'66' hu- WRIGHT, Surgeon Dentist f4 the co in-inLr �y e-prie9ts. 75 inhabitants, of -hich tend d ve mu i to in re e le in 'kqe is eqiialfo in Ontario, begs most re, :.-bo ALif, ll oi -which. Av 6 iT cl c as Ai an.fmily. 'I no r6medy C_. Stratford, 849- or 70 -per cent., pperation*by 6, skilful- Chiropodist. "When -spectfully to inform. WILL ZE the' inhabitants of S6LD CHE-P, interest of the meeting. Asther6 were AP.CHI6AtD 31 �n without any S Bri shot to. haN'--e'gro-,8,n- up. this is not convenient, gos' -Modern Cuta- i Seaforth an(! urrounding country that Ome colisiderable provisions left it cDOUGAL:L, oolhig. whatever Iii- other ph,.t -80141 -by* lie Aias 6pened a -DENTAj, OFFICE c e , deatied to have a Social on Win, 1" RIOI-CSON'S DRUa STORE,, olls; Agent, -and- dru�(igists every- ovei MR.' y e 'the fbllowixi,� Mond"Y' i Nvh' --where D J. B.Pw,,s, 208I BroAdAvay,X Arain Street, -Seaforth, and has procured the blaniffact u g parts,th Se -th;11- iefl of the, 491 ,,__ . . ........... even ng ell r. prol*rtiow va�TiOdjbetwieen 31 .48 t1i -IT cb., Him I- assistance of J11r. J. A. Ellis, Su.rr,,e n Den-. -and inrch wa,s, again. comfortabl fillod' C.. R.' W111rl 0 e ol y S �r Cent. -Of .ce rtisanb tbems�l 0 Gincral Agents for ]British Poss- tist to -take ch�4e of the same. r. Cart- IV is to be able to u. anounce I ue io Seforth -the OSions. wriali Ivill-contin -�i 0 only outi of I 000. coula both r6iid that, with .the proceeds of, the two, F RITURE W A Fa a 0 epvl. 'econd week of. every month.. All work- i4-,i,rite' f satisfaction. -Ld, the help of som� friends' anted to give per ect meetings Warr A Teeth extracted With: little. or no pain by the J an. bst­`There wa-S'ar large the c-4rch is no%v' entirely free ESITRAY.,, -9-1 ROBERTSON, produces 11; k r O'_ Fean demostkiLtiod- at -Nyhi6h 'ucotic'Spray,- -which- use of the of 'CAME into the premises of the snbscriber, local ilasthesial (want. of pain.). Chargcs and mannfaicturer II, ki'll(Is ,of v1�s, 0 t tlle-Ist-of Mod -orate. Teri4s Cash. Lot 30, Con. 6, Morr" ab LD F�RNITUR HOM SEHO The- m aeting bf -thb confere"nce'of il�e -Tohe­ -Edtor OlTh or. Smith, Seforth September, a Brindle Stcer,two years old.- 6 EXPOSit aim The owaer'can have the sme by prov aver Tb* Choyal Class in this. -Vilh ing Dr. h Stratford J.Dutton b P Great 'o-6ts on estion P �he oriental qu t tught by Mr. Trott of. Se4orth property, paying. charges, nd, Italting it tStratford P. R. Jarvis, Esq,, Stratford SOVAS,i xe 0 wa�s fi, d fbr the seo'b'd bf Jan- 0 A 1;h B WIfITEN. Dr. Wbiting, Berlin Di Rolvans Drumbo -ga, -e a (rvand Concert I; --vocal n- v ".1ary' has bQo.n p6stp.on'P1d--,, and t.6 date - Y_ 8, JZ. 7th, 1869i 57 3in Dr. Bray, Chaham:. CENTRE TABLE rum ral yen 'its -assembla if iiidedd it- s� ental music iii, the Tempe ice illr_ C. will be at th6 Commercial o el 0 Cli " tMtLS G-jr' & BRE ARF AST TABLES n ris eiiii, with cn'-eat FARM. FOR SALE. Clinton,- the third of every mouth; DININO -ax uncertain., d at all, is -now q,. 7j r (11W ING S half Lot No. 9, Concesson 'CHAIRS and su-ccess. Th6ffiall wats'completely D outh . I - I I Seafortli,ec. lVtb 1868. .53-1y.. Ob f6rdl tlte,dafeated c,wididate -ee T &P-nd all -seem ed to be higlily'A *elighted B10, Towns] ip of TNTorri thi nile tBEDSTEADS, �br Shr has -made a- affidavit -,v%ith -Cne entertainment if we :could from Blythe, containing 100 a4es. N F- W In Great V ariety. the store ie wa offered .9100, and j udge -from all jlio smiling faces that For f urther partienla rs ellquir�- at hw -eaforth. t Fe e A R at confidene' in oeeiinb, erwards.'Y-800 'to. withd from. the Tolin 13,raidwoo4, I are and. roars of lauahter that NESS S1 u wero seen, R. R, CLARK. t good q,ihe p as they a ade ot somitilfies','heXrd. The Concert T were ny tai r 8th, 1869. 57--6in Seaso Mi essrs. Geo. 11,%n d fl. d M fP. for. -Lke to1lail the W.43 opened by w undersi G Thomas Bagley 1\1, P. ]or, dons m ornin which w, -6s FOR !SALE. T And by.- for hav e pre.seikted a -me- ed f, I , ad *" abl followed n mir e n%nner) norial toj�ev&dy Johnso, req,,iesting WIELIAM IL OLIVERI by 11 Merry G times," a solo, [jHE -6;idersigned now offers for sale the and lacks-mitfi.Shop for'lTierly to ur, tb6 American Government 113"'by Miss Trott of. Scafbrtb, ai verIT I House Becr§ to aundlince to the inhabit�nts of Sea- by _'Mr- 'McY aught. Th6 situation f iT�and s-axroilliding cou that he h V9 as F_ TO 0 adapt:tlie system of P 0 'R ennY -�PO,43P�ge 'suitable. piece 'gor the oce'ation, then 11try, 09 F I is �ood..aud the TS MAD y Enquire, of F P- -ween the �U-nited ss follow- es 1.�y the el, 'hortest �goticc, opened a F irst- Class Romess Sh .0 several choice piec op, iet States the -ed by an amusing'solo, Not, for JOCI)) nmem �eforbh, a;u 57-3:n. j:hje� Oiu sic'nccl by TURNING Opposite the Post Office-, MOOD Mildr6ds of meiylr)p-rs of, Parli;4inelit. Slunrr by Mr. Trottj Break it'gently to MAIN STREET. -E. LASt NOTIC Mr. Thomas 116 es D N *h Neatness and Despatch. �Th,6 Landon Times aommen ts favorably -Lc, by my mothei sui s �f time -Ld 'the Harp Ile has hd�6ver ��T�, the memorial. -it say h-, . 11 Sti-ike twenty years experience with Pleasing offecit, LL parties fildebted to'Chailes Penton, iii the business and for the hist seven years Warerooms ry e all the members of Pilrliament gentiv;'.',.by Aliss L a entle wo -ds hu�e of the 'Expositor, are re(Iiiiested yon,' b as been in the, exii Aov of Y A. Myers, who bN 0 DOORS SUTH SHAliP!8 HOTEL 0 uthe by R�iss Foot t o 1),vy ir acco would have signed the petiti6n. nd lovin smiles) �mksighly of ixis ability as worlman. 9th inst., or tbey will Jje plaiced. in coi�rt for 'P Alain 'Street D6iiil Hm,ring boug4t out AIR. TAIT'S Stock, by Iliss A.nc,,vencouiiterha,!3ta,,k'e�i:-Iilace.be- ."The old. old home, colltion on'the Ilth I purchased a Sar'orthrjan. 6th, 1869. 'ret -was ery ere -ween -the C M. an c bli. of wldch ditable &nL Tvirktih for 1TS dies., Happy 6ppy Seaforth, Jan. Sth. 57-1 LARGE SUPPLY OF C006 MATERIAL, Ose YPI1119 which the Turks suffereal a�- heavy th ssrs. rott -red to! sell ks.. :'The'Cret -as pro to Elie- h,appy," su by Me T I Boles He is prepa was th V61 SHEFFIELD e Xc WALL PAPER, �ye T.. 1�ole� e ited roars t NY �441, lip ,iX �auS has not' b b'an AS CHEAP AS 'A OTHER ESTAB F Ala;aia am -ILLI 0 ME'N'T IN THE. COUNTY. provinces of Euro�ean Turkey a crenuuie WALL 'PAPER� t�i dotch and Fancy r i 'c -e 0 re G�d_e f, the :Han e z up. Q110 o Scotch song, Dur- and ..of Greeks -Licen. was also MU -x epoxted that a b 0 T_j Ij -A. Tt S1 d' that in t and nVaded'the province, -an ina tb e intei ��r 0 TL :E bond pV� -.:,o gram TE, A11 A ND LIGHT ounter with the Turkish. trobps seo me JUST MCE IVE c fle ti g with ome mee in -been viet; ious. -The Greek Tro-, tt have -N'-E S S-! H A R nt has. fo 0 ip e e cars 110 n elifertanment ended with 'i HNSON BROMS M- usic on the Ivlelodeon:-, j -tender* d o, clio AND FOR SAL'E 0HEAP1 mtne tition. is as� popil rim- G�7e him cil aud Save Youi Money. aldi, wliose Fresh Sto6k of Wall A c,�-tch Chairs to mend." WINI. H. OLIVER. c�rtinlv deserveo� gr bu lso a spleiidi& assortmeht of Gree i, for- eao qeaf�Arh, Jan. 7th, 1869 67 the pans lie -has taken to:i-ii- KET d G e:Glinc his iQ, ughl -iss thoilo y in flis 0 opping Axes, RANK' PALTRIDGE'S L usic, we Al Ients of M ut say lie ranks S14cial iigh in his pro . aslion as ra�isic,Teachqr Old Establislied. :Broad Axes after Or iiy,one- th sint�� at d c ng ALLERY 1.1 IlP3 h' he TESTAMENTS, Ooi je.tht nilist 11c 11 _Lt 11 e PRAYER BOOKS1 Fxamers' Tools ed master of tho' noble science of nil sic. U & HYMN BOO -KS. REMOVED! A LI§TENER.' t Itters"Tools,.- The o Carp6 DITI ' 0RE4 AP E ON OF THE POETS i men: Dear, 26 1869.. bvern �'arna _,fou�,ht in. I Coopbrg'Tools. 4 ev­ yro Burns, Scott, 0 *h6ji 'Gen., ( li 0 To ihe r qf- -&rpost r.: Shalies'pdare - �oring order. You ,�ilr greatly oblige by 10ARE OF EVERY 1VLTI(7 III RDESCR PTIOI ing On tb e 18th SO sertionto the follow TTO OT- 10 0 Tr S:V it ley - o*ne.r of of Dece m b a lettei*, appeared in. the SLATES, .X'20 854 on the er Mhg w A avoca r the sicr aure PE NS Mitcbpll .1 te, 'ove -incipl INK, W. Grahan.1 of neSbrattpni'of this villa.gre, Aid to sortment of CROSSCUT be e customers, and' the public A ij4naid as -iine which was r ply to'�a Mnumerous with COPY BOOKS,. nd MACHI,N,E in'tllC Huron SigWtl, last Fall. '.generally will �please nqt'. forget that I Bb Diko of Ne-WcAstle is. T1 ha*e from the Old Siand to --the ver -hay -e thouo-lit it worth mv would ne, on.:918 569. Air. Afer-1 OPPOSITE SIDE, OF THE STREET, AtL U Al S E N'S whil.6 to write a- -line on the subject to orner Drug Stor tory B�ick Block, next W, st C, SA ch my letter had.reference, liNd not e. Into Scott's Now '38 to Ki�id & MMulkin's store, And d qu of, wbich B61 lirectly rth iy name been broagbt 'out so me hScafo Jan. 8. �3-tf. t a- run on twel ve','dePA-. :south of Hickson's new a ore, wbx re I havd built thd best Gallery in the County espe6i- "7 hividiously 1� the Goderich Star by an ��s tets him 47,_ C. nd wop aes me ESTRAY'HEIFF.X large and com- e char lly for �my scribbler own work, being -with �nonynious dwi6k: -proper actenic light ng lls,�aud with the asertioli bei .250 YEGS: PECK with falsel�:;,od but his' modio -y'9-,Belad1-udi Is of the subscriber, ,be g the only -Gallery in Seaforth construct-- O.. Mr. eir AME into the premise ib foundqti A e' -ts no one but, hiu�_ C Lot 12,'Con. 3-Tutek-ersinit1l ut the- ho i ss, hui, ed ho ,accessful. t*o-YeZ, old. on true phot6ggraphic principles. self. He endeavors'tb hiitke the, im- 15thofeptember last, a're IS 0 d yearling Heifer. cni 4)-lif/hi that e(Wefle the.. true Fwt*res. [ 9 a -,e most.sdcces�'fu Formos is tL .0 teal at N41 ----er y, pay f j)ression that I sanclio-�ed Dr. Johnson's The owner is re( ired to prove t flaite; myself that I can satisfy all whQ may I I me a w avihg all five' olit 0 than. charges a,ndtak( the s�ame a 'It ember, I don!t. want! your money -aduci in leaving hi's wife etc.1 calL ein JAMVS ST WART.' for nothing; I am bound to- please im no pay, a is -m9re u which notb in nt.ru.e. How lie. Tuckersinith, DecI 1!7th 1968. .43-3in. -pictures j4 Seaorth, but As many have had Yv6uld dare -to miake ch my dissatisfied, having confounded I-,,vitli my letter lookin bii' est if you C AORRESPONDEN sho tbat le- cure, piro 'a in INSOLVENT AOT OF 1864. name with another, I would requ TOTTY, the face, ws 11 want a good pi t iiiiade and _per y -Co luit c vince of wio In the ,Inty Co lurable, that you askfor rank Paltridge. ongs to that s of men Pro Ont, P.�&INTS,. GODB3IC gep ik i6m the I ' s- said the better, In my County A Huron.. of'the County of Hur- Don3 ask for Paltrid only, but Fra es of wl Paltridge. I= ih�a -explicit because inanyl To NViv. on. dent.) letter' to which Stretton s is pro-fos edly 0 ILS, ecial Cormvop ey are going o ge a picture Ff rOM OV.r A9P A thbik t -h t t made "Approve of In die -matter �r A lexaInder G. Ault,. an 'VA�KISHE.Sj ties interested inA-ie.S Works a reply, I say. I entirely d by Faltkidge; but by a mistake ih L alt to F rank P.'s sadly disap- t Air: I�Ays. -th . course �lie Doctor has taken. How get �-A -giving d d ne o e r not g po t in :d.g Cb�ap as hny lKouse M''the Trade, it, this can bqC'opstru6d into, a comn -1 of tile CQ Vrincipa The Insolvent has deposited with the - ftti- FORj �AN tion, I e-. Ile 'c'haradterius- fail to se GO TO FRANK, 46deric., was pre, dergigned Aasigaee a deed -of composition 'the Brick Block up 0 SOHNSON BRO.'S. in ne flight of otairs, the sti4ements I made respectin6 John- nd. est s, at the clos ..o as, ge, d ly e and ilischar, i exe(3ated by a majgn y tident, and turn to the right ha soilis-house bedng'-h-i�aded, his fu�nitu WringDesk. 1`0 of hi� creditors i �udcr the provisions of See- Ni a handsorie f Insolvent 'Act of legally sold, is a tis§ue of - fiils600d.' .t'ion 9, -sub see, of the My speciniena at the door are all my own 0 _VES STOVE, S -,,f'd to -806 that. Our estoeinea Lake, and are not bought or- borrowed to, L 1864; and if op o8ition be not mide to said it -is n6 use. for him io denly4hat every y e I I de o th p the. Orkin himse III aolnpoi�tion and discharge- oil or before the c W Z3 . - ome ome A et� sortment -nk is hi ao one knowsl to be true.. I sball not con C anj day, Vra al"is al ng Box, an ersigm- __ - I I - Sto-,�ea, 8tove Pipe, apd 5ressftillv into �ublic fa Twelfth day of �aniiary next, the 11 13 Temper. Tinware end. to. notied an May ed Assignee W d e�c vth,--n-a more lie shot act upon the said Xot �?6 of deceasetl-�qretffly copied into coopenage,a�t Qodfrich I I D ;l ii Olt of all descriptions., Nvrite,'but subsciribe myself, comi)osition and� discharge according, it of Picture des' a pc�= Put from any kint V kp$ Rem Truly yours, alnb& it is t6 Frank Faltridge' j HN HA-LDAN d Ph t,: W. 0 go o get I 0 0 ograp At HNSOX PIRO IS31 PRESTON. JR. t10 e,. 86ener c1X 71 AT13� Pition coiitemplate 1i e & ville Jan. 6th' 1869. Ainley le � ? - I I I 11, �� - "s - Mir XA 10 k, h ne-xt 4M Data,d 4 c6nipletely'used ee enspa & �Teyers. no*d S t r/eb Iole i 4