HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Expositor, 1869-01-08, Page 31 i [ tt. ice .L. T E R S... s-byteria. Bazaar 60. j `Ded a do `. Services. Thi n.e t M. E. Phl:ureli on the Town Line, between "Hibbert and Tucker= Sthltl; dedicated fqr religious ser 't, ces, 7ae F Sabbath, Dec. 27th, 1:868. The :lyuriduag is la» ge and ,substantial, standing upon. a good stone foundation, and- finished in the modem[, style--- ws, low p f ilei t; etc. The ' ng, carpet, tummm tc.• giva'itthe appearance. n,` more than a country- 'aide it not painted yet ;- we understanc the 'ecattractis les Ad* •will be completed iin the spring. " 'he entire cost is $1,050, and the best f all is that it is all paid or provided for but $60; which is to be pi ovidec_" dor in a few days, sothat it may be sai('" to be free frc om debt. n. a W h dur e au anal meet- ciety of Nort Go idsboro'ugli • ib Tso z s F1RGx. in, St: '. s destroyed 'by fire on the ,boss about 4,000, $27500.. asa eov°ered :by i_uuraoce. 'FM r 1ttElCOED cortespolattents asset ath:e is good peat in the big swamp est: Wawanosh, county of Huron, as bare quantity as in Welland. • *Mb � :a les of St. James' • Church, .a iatfol.l,' at a Bazaar, raised $1,225 clear of expenses, in: aid .of their new Oft -it -eh. 1 TilxCN('II OpEN1xez..—A New }resbv- ter a. (.'{,t} t cape.l)le of seating 600; werg opeiecl • at Llstcwell, :on the 20th [lit& The building cost two thousand. clolhurs. WE Nvo111d call the attention of tine l�u'olit� to :elle pmai[s manuf&ctured-by Tinl iss, of Egrondville. The ax- titles of -his manufacture have attained. it very high reputation.. • i Tx L iquar tel•1y Meeting of the Huron Teachers' ,Association will ; be held on Saturday, the 1,Gth: of 'January, 1869, -at the school _ho ase, , irl Seafor th, at 10 'clock in the foren(on. TUE election or- President and Di- rectors for .the Clinton Branch Agricul- tural Society takes place at the Clinton Hotel, on Tuesday the 12th -hist. _A (rood attendance of members'.is desired. Tao, ann u 1 meeting of the South •litlirt Ag. S6ciety will be held in the .r -village lage o Er kfc l! d; on Teesdale, the 1WI ;fan.'° next. A full attendance is expected. Trrn first- occupan f the• new Lock- up was a man named T. Wilson, wlio \vas tarrested -at Christmas foe abusing his rife;. He was' committal' for the Assizes. • FATAL Row-. —At a druuk.en row in St. Mara's, on Christmas• day, •a man named McQuirk was struck on the head` with t;, - tongs. He died a few _days: afterwards. Fiioaz the press of business this neck we have been Unable to look over several commuuication5 sent its for pula- catian. We. gill however-, attend to ti those matters .the coniine- week.' . P .ESE TgeoN.-.-The Clinton, a ewe .Jrcc saya,that , Mr. Yuill, the popular reacli4r in S. S No. 3, .Tuckersniith, wde-- 'presented witli a ha dsome writing desk by, his- Scholars --whom he is "leav- ing MBDUNCAN, Treasurer of the Tuck= er mitt[ Agilicirltural Society, _requests Sill inetnbe.i to who :u pii.zee have been e waded to Ball for the sane; at his store. before the . meeting on t1>; ; 12th inst. A ME T1NG of the ni ;nlbers. of the Tuckersrnith Agricultural [Society tikes place on the 12th .i st., ail 2 4&'clock, at Sharp's Hotel,,' for .-the appointment: of esters and he transaction. of other eted •with the ;Society. business, conn Soup little agitation was caused dwx= ing the week, about ` a charge brought against Detective Stevens, village conn- - stable, :relative to the discharge of his -official aunties, " The matter, •however, being investiaatecl, he was honorably • REV. H.s _CAUFrELD, of Mitchell, was presented` on Wednesday, through J. Buchan, Esq., with a purse of. $30.00, as a Christmas gift from the conOreea- tion,attending his occasi inid scurvies at! Fullerton village, Ss says the 'Acvo•• '. eat'e. elis�missed. • THE.prisoners charged with corpli- city in the i fullady inurcler, who' have. been" ltndergoiug an examination in this ptace betor 4 Stipendary Magistrate McMtcken, were all discharged, . except- iug. Kehoe, wlio was renin?'. days. '' T teo,expi dta,y< Iast,e d was : THE SERvr(i:;s. At the hour announced for opening, the'liouse was densely packed; and so it continued during the day ; but =they were " destined to be disappointed. as not one of the persons . advertised to pieach, made their .appearance, and the Pastor; Rev. S. ,Williamson, • Was -com- prelled to occupy the pulpit for the three services.. He chose for the moaning; Gal. chap. 6, verse 9, and explained the nature of well doing ; referred to the fact that the'people had been engag- ed in•well doing in erecting the church —exhorted them not to be weary in well doing, but as they hail done well inn the past, they should do still better in the future, and closed byi referring to thereward of their well doing.. in the afternoon he chose Gen.° chap. 37, veise'2�n8, and in the ..veiling; -John, 19 %ei'`.r' 30. . JOND Y EVENING A Tea Meeting WaS Held -which was a. cleciclecl Sic ;Pea leap served in' the old �1 new one wis -611- ed to aver_;-_ 'to listen to the speeches •r The speakers ,vez.e -Rev s ore, John ` Gray, G. Hartle Palmer, and Mr. I-tooper, B, Rev. S. 1Villiam- so1w occupif ir, and also gave the.financi lit resl)ccting the clra rch. : of space prehibits us giving = the speeches ; but stafhce;it t ' 4 were all excellent* indeed, a ;cl eredit upon the :speakers. Y 5 .The Sea#orth'. • . J. . 0:1-..-'1; ,. Mrs. Wile li'ameeni at the 1. gan), _was.pi'cs f dur- ing the whole'seran.ces, and d added an ''h -1(5' the occasion. - A Social was heldthe following etieain,,`. which'_passed Tof pleasantly and profitably: We learn that the receipts of the services; wew'e; in cash and sualcr rpirons, nearly $275. - Great credit is due the ladies for the very excellent tea. Also - the - pastor arad.bculding committee for diel[ ener- gy .c1--.4piayea in the erection of one of the finest country .churches we have ever had the pleasure of sctein;.4 W sieyan ;Soiree. This enter: aurnent, which took place on ChristanaS evennig, in the Piesbyte- rian .Church, was. •a complete success Th:e tables be g. richly spread -a -the at, tench�yj ce . lar•, • e the music xcellent,' and the 1:Lecture ,on Judaism, by, the Rev. Dr. Freehman, goad. ' He said " The iffskrs have a clistinct lineage, ai d have exerciiiel the most influence. ori the history !of mean of • ° any people. 'Elierything most honored by men carne tlidou sh them. they have been the subjects of :ridicule, -but at the same time have excited the interest of All cations: ,They have always maintained thein -peculiar distinctions, though. (1W -ening in every -part cif the habitable globe. The most interesting feature in thein' history is- their close` 'association with €hristianity. The Jewish charac- ter har acterarts one of extremes, being at once, covetous, and generous, etc. The eight million Jews now living ` t re weeld were divided• i to -three sects, Viz., :Ore thodox, Reformed, and 1 nficlel. •' Tlie first iiamecl :believe :in the Old Testa- ment and Tabnud ;-.the second believe in- the .olcl_Testament, but not in the Talm rid, ,and dol not believe in: the Me- sali as a .distinct personage ; but that the term is used to designate their peo- ple the last de not ibelieve in • the teachings of ,anypart of the Bible, though acknowledging the immc talrty of the_soul. All the Jews, now known by that name, emanated from the two tribes, and he believed' that the other ten tribes, Were [nixed through other people: Jewish women --Were exempt froin taking part in pullicreligious cere- monies. .eA11 Jews agree on the matter. of 'circumcision.' They have thirteen.. articles- of faith, instituted. in the 13th century, .~clinch: agree with the belief of the Christian church, excepting in the Divinity of. Christ." He further alllicled to the peculiarities in the Jew- ish character; and expressed himself desirous of seeing a greater interest 'anifested by the Christian chi' hes a conversion of this people, w • 'eh • m.u4 h appreciat ; ,ectt 'e '"eeda of the:. auverrarY se fl" Municipal Elections , a BEAFORT I, REEVE G. McCaughey, Esq. `-COUNCIL RS Messrs. ‘Segmil.ar, -Strong, .Bealttie and Lee. TUCKERSHITH. REEVE- -Geo. Sproat Deputy do:, James McLean, CouNOILLORS Y— Nathaniel' Cousins, James •Dallas, and Gee. Jackson. MCKILLOB. The' candidates.. for Reeve - were— .. • Evans and Shannon. .Votes polled 203. and 206 respectively. Shan- non hannon elected. - • For Deputy . Reeve, Messrs, Han nah and- Hays. . Votes polled 223 and -182 respectively. Hannah elected. For Councillors, Messrs. Horan, Ma- lone, Ross, Jonston, Pattison and- Davidson. ndDavidson. Votes polled, 185,;196, 122, 79, 188, and 189, respectively. 1VIa- lone, Pattison 'and Davidson elected. f. GODERICH. The following are the newly elected municipal officers for this to wn . Reeve, Mr. Robert Gibbons ; Deputy Reeve, Mr. H. Horton:,, Mayor,.Mr. C. Crabb; Councillors, Messrs. R..=.Buchanan, J. Watson, D. C. McKay, and T. B. Van - Every. 1101eVIOK.- The following gentlemen have been elected Councillors for the present year Messrs. R. Ferguson, 'Thos. Wilson,, and Weir, , Jarnes Perkins, Esca, and William Wade beingelected by acclamation to fill ' the offices of .Reeve and Deputy Reeve respectively. The election -passed of very quietly, ,.only a few taking any interest in it, and scarce- ly hp.lf the township voting. . STANLEY. Thomas Simpson, Reeved by acpla it a1i�tr> George Ca l , Depihty B,eeve-; N. -Woods, Wm. Bragg us, Jas. McLeod, Councillors. THE County of Perini Rifle Associa- tion • is,s received 000 from the gala eminent,for the rifle matches. The grant vas. received too - late to_ shoot this ge ISOn, TEr1 I TEici41 p. -The friends of _the L'ietlioclist I'ez Connexion held their aurival Soiree in the Brick Church, Ainleyville, on the evening of the 1st of. January. The -:weather being very. unfavorable, prevented Many from 'bel ing present: : ' Notwithstanding this, the attendance was large, every seat t, -,ng occupied Tlie choir, which has ]illi -re '::iii' been organized, being ably a,ssistecl 'La 'Was Preston with the Me locleon, seemed to gine general satisfaca tion During 'e evening addresses tine[ e (lel zered by the Revs. Hassett; Bristol, and J' V• Dochstacl- der, -which appeared to be'salppreciated. .At ;a.1#ttehour the large auclie se. ated (reel]: sati'shecl with the even entertainment. • BIRTH. GREAT .ATTRACTION Trii L1RGEST STOOK OF DRESS- GOODS. THE 'NEWEST STYLES 01? THE CHEAPEST LOT 01? 'THE .BES VALUE IN Tweeds awl Cloths. J • THE NICEST STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTHING 1 ! AT HIL 4 Y STRON 'SLIVERY :& SALE STABLES..' Y FIRS i _CLASS ,HORSES' an [ Good Vehi . cle , all. hour`s, don area able terms: IThlargest and best Live in Seaforth Suitab e igs for Commercial Travellers. Two door North of Sharp's. Hotel. A -FEW ORSES AND BUCC1Es1"FOR SALE. Seafort'.Dec.. 14, 18.68. 53-ly NO MONOPOLY o. FAIRS n,ea sni& Will be found in AMPEEL 'S NE T ARNESS HOP, Oppos to Kidd & McMuikins `Store, ` where he ill always keep on ii lad .a large stock o ' farness, Collars, Saddles and Trunk.,, and everything in 1 -is line, Seaforth, . 9th 1868. " • 53-1y; TRY .DUNcA.P1 CO n3S • l AND ESTABUUSHET9 NEXT DOOR- SCOT ROBERTSON'S Main treet - Seafart - 1 Seaforth,ov 25th. PctiTo;`T.-In Seafgqreh, on Saturday the 2ncl inst:, the wife of Charles Penton df a -son. MARRIAGES. . STEP 1ENso-151_-ELCONT.=0u the: 24th ult., by the l.4v: Wm. Hawke, Mr. John Ste- - plienson, of Kinbtun, to Miss Ann. Elcoat, of the township of Tuckersnlith. - Cova;� TRY—�Yxr;r x In Seaforth, on Dec. 31st, 1868,. by the Rev. S. Williamson. at the residence of the -bride's mother, Mr. Thomas `Coventry ,t� •Miss Anna Wells all of Seaforth j Sco lJcillizr>s v. — t• Harpurhey on the ' 30th ult., 1,4 the Rey, W. Graham, Mr., Robert Scott to Mary -.(laughter of Mr John eMillan all of Hullet, DIED.. WEs'racoTT. —In We Township . of Tacker smith; on Tttesc`'iay 29th ult;, Mr._ George W'estacott, aged 78 years. -• • Drit0.:S4 Mo4i.10.1 its - .01,.s THE -MARKETS. ,. SE FORTu, January. 8th,' 1869. -Consequent union the [holidays, the receipts haire been very light in all particulars. The . general tendency of prices appear to be on the rise -especially • of Pork, Peas and Barley. Potatoes are on the decline. The. demand for all province is goo& Wheat (Spring) 4P' bushel, ' 4 X90 ® ., 95 Wheat, (Fall) t bushel; Flour.' 1; :. c -cit. - Clover per bush. _ Timothy per bush, Oats .19 bushel, Peas bushel, Potatoes .ip bushel, Hay tri ton, Eggs . dozen,, Butter elb- Tur ' ey per lb, Gee e Che se, 'Factory ip lb DO, Dairy, 19, lb Porgy cwt. Wood .0. cord, - Barley bushel, 95 @ 1110- 2 50 3 4'00 "00L 525 2 00 @ 2 50 45.® 47 70 ® 72 50 Q 60 8 (C3. 10 .20 ® 26 20 @ 23 06 07 25 30 . 00 ® 4 ® 124 775,«r 850 2.00 '® 2 1 00 ® 1,106 TOROYTO, Jan. 8bJ13S69 (By Telegraph;) Markets dull; prices slightlyo ,he rise. What (Fall) 4 bushel, $1 ,i0 -to 1 15 d1 (Spring) 1j9 bushel, . !.c/95 to 1 02 53 to 54 1 15 to 1 25` 83 to. • Pt' 53.00 to '8 .00 ":, 19 to 24 . Oats p'. bushelj. Barley 19:1)ushelt Peal 49 bushel, yr Tre'wt. ut r. ILLXN AND 'THE GREATEN VARIETY 9 FAMJY G000 AT NEW -BRXCI STO1E.- OPPO:SITJ THE : DIRGE :BRICK HOTEL, SEAF RTH. .1. A BRITANNIA liOUSEA E. Brushes & Com Lam AND CHANDELT. Ch rune s Hai Physicians llotn Fr 2�O4 AND AND , e •