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Times -Advocate Christmas Greetings 2008 15
Dear Santa,
My name is Kyla and I am 16
months old. I was a very good girl
this year. I am sure you and the
elves are busy getting ready for
the big day. I don t need much for
Christmas, but I would love for you
to bring me anything Dora. She is
my favourite. I also love the Back-
yardigans too... I am just starting to
play with dolls too. Hope you have a safe flight on Christmas
Eve. I will be sure to leave you a bunch of cookies and carrots
for the reindeer.
Merry Christmas, Love Kyla XO
Dear Santa,
How are you? Hope you are not too
tired from all the toy making in the
north. Evan, Kamryn and I have been
good this year. I was hoping to get
a Nintendo DS for Christmas. Evan
would like a hockey stick and some
tractors. I think that my new baby
sister would like a soft baby doll to
cuddle with. We will leave some milk and cookies out for
you. Thanks Santa
Kaylee, Evan and Kamryn Geiger, RR#2 Hensall
Parents: Ben and Karen
Dear Santa,
I thought I should take a quick sec-
ond to explain a few things before you
decide my Christmas fate. I have
a big brother its not ALWAYS my
fault. I know that I should try harder
but it s not as easy as it looks. This
year I am wishing for a pony. Mom
and Dad said I can t have a real one
so I was thinking a pink rocking horse
would be awesome too. I would like
you to bring pink horses to all my friends too. Thanks for
understanding- have a safe trip !
Sydnee Kief Partridge, Age: 3
Parents: Willy & Shallon Partridge, Exeter
Dear Santa,
I ve been a very good girl this year.
If you have room in your bag, may I
please have a play kitchen and some
Dora toys. I 11 leave you some cookies.
Robyn Denomme, age 2
Bryan and Cathleen
Denomme, Exeter
Dear Santa,
I saw you at the Exeter parade, did you see me? I would
like for Christmas playdough and dig-
ger trucks. I hope I am on your nice
list! We are waiting for you! How are
the reindeer? Oh, yes could you please
bring Bella and Meiko new chews?
Thank you. Bye.
Brody Robert Feltz, age 3
Parents: Jenn and Rick Feltz,
Let it Snow! >,
Let it Snow! Let it Snow! '\
We're extending our holiday wishes to you and yours.
May you enjoy each and every fun -filled day
of this very special holiday.
94 London Rd.
Hwy #4 Hensall
519-262-3634 ..
E-mail: briankipfer@hay.net
•>. >l< •—
Dear Santa,
I m writing you this letter for both
my brother and I. Tristan is only 4
months old, so he really doesn t
want much for Christmas. As long
as we keep feeding him, he s a pret-
ty happy boy. What I d really like
for Christmas is for Tristan to get up
and play with me. Mom and dad tell
me I 11 just have to wait a little bit
longer for that. I guess if you could bring me a remote con-
trol tractor that would be nice and maybe a Diego DVD
for Tristan, ok, that s for me too. Thanks Santa
Love Dayman and Tristan Merner,
ages 2 years and 4 months
Parents: Justin and Tina Merner, Hensall
Dear Santa,
I hope you have a great Christmas. I
would like you to bring me something
that is nice from my list. You know
what I m talking about. I think Eden
would like a baby doll that is soft.
Thanks Santa for getting the things
that I wanted for me and Eden.
Your friends; McKenna
and Eden
Ages: McKenna- 4 years,
Eden- 9 months
Parents: Kent and Nina Robson, RRI St. Marys
Dear Santa,
I have been a very good girl this
year. This Christmas I would like
some Thomas the train toys and an
art easel to draw on. Also, could you
make sure that my new cousin Kyle
gets something too.
Keirsten Ryan, Age 2
Parents: Bill and Juanita Ryan
Dear Santa,
Thank you for the presents that you brought my brother
William and I last year. This year I would like an optimus
prime transformer and William would like a lightning Mc-
Quen (cars) puzzle. Mom says my sisters Allison and Amy
really don t need anything this year, but, they want to thank
everyone for their love and prayers. We have all had a great
year and want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a
Happy new year!
4- I /2 years,
2 years old,
Allison, 6 months,
Amy 6 months
Rick and Michelle
Smith, Zurich
Humbly, they came in wonder and
adoration bearing gifts to the
newborn babe.
May the peace, hope and joy of the
season be yours always.
Thank you for your friendship
and your patronage.
Design -Build
RR 2 Zurich
Dear Santa Claus
Hannah Wallace Grade 3 Huron Centennial
Dear Santa Claus and the elves, when you are mak-
ing your list, don t forget about these awesome kids!
First, Kelsey wants a DS because she has been helpful by
cleaning her bunny s cage. Next, Dakota wants an iPod
because she has been responsible by taking the dishes to
the counter. Last, Hunter wants 2 webkinz because he
was been honest by sharing his toys with others! So that s
why you don t want to forget these awesome kids at
Christmas Eve!
By Fraser Fulton Gr. 5/6 Exeter P.S.
Christmas is a day for joy and happiness
Hanukkah is a day of Jewish Christmas
Icicles hang roof top over roof top
Santa s sleigh glides through the dark, cold sky
Trees sparkle with ornaments in every house
Mary and Joseph were at the first Christmas
Across the misty sky Santa flies
Silver bells glistening on Santa s sleigh
Holiday Poem
Bright, white snow
Fresh baked cookies
Rustling wrapping paper
Smooth creamy egg nog
Warm cozy covers
By Ben Schwetz
Grade 4/5, Biddulph Central School
My wish
Do you what to know my wish for the world? My wish
is for everybody to have a home so when they go home
after school they would have a bed to sleep in. I also wish
for everybody to have food to eat and that everybody is
healthy. No one will go to war because it will make world
peace and no one will die. Do you have a lot of food? Well
some people don t have food at all! That is my wish for
the world!
By Hailey Richardson
Grade 4, Mt. Carmel
May this
holiday season
fill you with
a sense of
warmth and
that will
Tight your way
through the year.
Phone 519-236-4934
Fax 519-236-7330
Email: cgfarm@hay.net