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Wednesday, December 17, 2008 Times -Advocate
Fed steers sell at good active in Brussels
Brussels Livestock report for
the week ending Dec. 12.
E-mail info@brusselslivestock.ca
Total receipts: 2,169 head of
cattle, 1,794 lambs and goats
Tuesday: Fed steers and heif-
ers sold on a good active trade at
prices a $1 higher. Choice steers
and heifers sold 100-103 with
sales to 110.50. Second cut sold
97-100. Cows sold $2-$3 higher.
Thursday: Veal sold strong.
Lambs sold on a good strong ac-
tive trade, Sheep sold steady and
goats sold lower.
Friday: Calves and yearling
sold on a strong market.
Steers: There were 168 steers on
Toby Brubacher of Elmira
consigned 14 steers averaging
1,591 lbs. selling for an average
of 102.79. With one char steer
weighing 1,525 lbs. selling to Do-
minion Meat Packers for 110.50.
Emerson L. Martin of Linwood
consigned 10 steers averaging
1,342 lbs. selling for an average of
102.71. With one lim steer weigh-
ing 1,265 lbs. selling to Holly
Park Meat Packers for 106.75.
Lawrence B. Martin of Harris -
ton consigned 11 steers averag-
ing 1,420 lbs. selling for an aver-
age of 99.10. With one lim steer
weighing 1,165 lbs. selling for
Jeff Borth of Milday consigned
15 steers averaging 1,328 lbs. sell-
ing for an average of 101.39. With
one lim steer weighing 1,325 lbs.
selling to St. Helen s Meat Pack-
ers for 105.
Lorne Peat of Bright consigned
seven steers averaging 1,324 lbs.
selling for an average of 98.93.
With one char steer weighing
1,325 lbs. selling to Dominion
Meat Packers for 103.
Bruce Eden Farms of Holyrood
consigned 11 steers averaging
1,516 lbs. selling for an average
of 102.32. With five red steers
averaging 1,494 lbs. selling to St.
Helen s Meat Packers for 103.
Matt Haney of Seaforth con-
signed four steers averaging
1,395 lbs. selling for an average
of 101.53. With two char steers
averaging 1,438 lbs. selling for
K&A Beef Farms of Wroxeter
consigned four x -bred steers
averaging 1,480 lbs. selling for
Arnold Lamb of Goderich con-
signed eight steers averaging
1,291 lbs. selling for an average
of 100.99. With four lim steers av-
eraging 1,285 lbs. selling to Holly
Park Meat Packers for 101.50.
Heifers: There were 117 heifers
on offer
Andy VanderVeen of Blyth
consigned 12 heifers averaging
1,351 lbs. selling for an average
of 101.94. With one blk heifer
weighing 1,325 lbs. selling to Do-
minion Meat Packers for 105.50.
Weigand Farms of Dashwood
consigned two heifers averaging
1,142 lbs. selling for an average of
98.88. With one blk heifer weigh-
ing 1,110 lbs. selling to Dominion
Meat Packers for 103.
Mapleridge Farms of Brussels
consigned three heifers averag-
ing 1,318 lbs. selling for an av-
erage of 100.91. With one char
weighing 1,495 lbs. selling to St.
Helens Meat Packers for 102.
Tom Hern of Woodham con-
signed two char heifers averag-
ing 1,353 lbs. selling for 101.50.
Allan Edgar of Brussels con-
signed three heifers averaging
1,351 lbs. selling for an average of
98.62. With one rwf heifer weigh-
ing 1,355 lbs. selling for 101.
Martin Metske of Lucknow
consigned 16 heifers averaging
1,280 lbs. selling for an average
of 100.28. With nine blk heifers
averaging 1,279 lbs. selling for
Ronland Farms of Stratford
consigned seven heifers averag-
ing 1,389 lbs. selling for an aver-
age of 99.55. With five char heif-
ers averaging 1,367 lbs. selling
for 100.
George Johnston of Listowel
consigned six heifers averaging
1,352 lbs. selling for an average
of 99.23. With three char heifers
averaging 1,373 lbs. selling for
Paul B. Bowman of Listowel
consigned six heifers averaging
1,150 lbs. selling for an average
of 98.35. With three blk heifers
averaging 1,128 lbs. selling for
Cows: There were 279 cows on
Beef Cows: 45-60 with sales to
77. D1 & D2 40-49, D3 28-39
Murray Borth of Mildmay con-
signed two cows averaging 1,370
lbs. selling for an average of
59.65. With one hol cow weigh-
ing 1,455 lbs. selling for 77.
Basil Loranger of Ealton con-
signed six cows averaging 1,498
lbs. selling for an average of
54.89. With one hol cow weigh-
ing 1,645 lbs. selling for 74
George Lee of Ailsa Craig con-
signed seven cows averaging
1,297 lbs. selling for an average
of 45.66. With one blk cow weigh-
ing 1,110 lbs. selling for 70
Bulls: There were seven bulls
on offer 60- 69 sales to 70
Scottslea Farms of Blyth con-
signed two char bulls averaging
1,955 lbs. selling for an aver-
age of 62.96. With one sim bull
weighing 1,515 lbs. selling for 70
Clyde Sleighthome of Listowel
consigned one char bull weigh-
ing 1,680 lbs. selling for 59.50.
Veal: There were 184 head of
veal on offer
Good Holstein 110 140 sales to
147.50, 105 -115 sale to 120, Me-
dium Holstein 90-105, Plain and
Heavy Holstein
Plain: 60-80
Good Heavy: 90-105 with sales
to 110
Maynard Brubacher of Wallen -
stein consigned eight veal aver-
aging 711 lbs. selling for an av-
erage of 132.66. With three limo
heifers averaging 740 lbs. selling
for 147.50
Lewis Wideman of Moorefield
consigned nine veal averaging
732 lbs. selling for an average
of 141.78. With two bion heif-
ers averaging 788 lbs. selling for
Darryl Vansickle of Thames-
ville consigned two veal averag-
ing 708 lbs. selling for an average
of 134.32. With one char steer
weighing 730 lbs. selling for 144.
Lambs: under 50 lbs. N/A,
50-65 lbs. 201-267, 65-80 lbs.
151-235, 80-95 lbs. 147-182,
95-110 lbs. 148-164, 110 lbs. and
over 140-157
Sheep: 38-50 with sales to 60
Goats: Kids 40-100 with sales
to 140 per head
Nannies: 50-80 with sales to
100 per head
Billies: 125- 200 with sales to
250 per head
Top Quality Stocker Steers:
under 400 lbs. 80 -118, 400-500
lbs. 91-119.50, 500-600 85.50-120,
600-700 77-110.50, 700 - 800
81.50-106, 800-900 81.50-107.50,
900-1000 84-106.75, over 1,000
92.50 -107.75
Top Quality Stockers Heifers:
under 300 lbs. 67- 82, 300-400
93-109, 400-500 80-121, 500-600
87-117, 600-700 82-114 700 - 800
72-100, 800-900 80.75-102, Over
900 lbs. 85-104
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Denfield Livestock Sales
Denfield Livestock market re-
port for Tues., Dec. 9 2008.
The market at Denfield Live-
stock sales traded on a strong de-
mand on all classes of fed cattle
with the fancy cattle trading $1
- $2 higher. A large run of cows
sold active with the good cows $1
- $2 higher, stockers were steady,
holstein bull calves were steady.
Jim Scott, Lucan sold 22 heif-
ers average weight 1354 average
price 97.36 to a high of 102.75
purchased by Norwich Packers.
Mark Schepers, Parkhill sold
eight heifers average weight 1268
average price 96.46.
Ralph Pool, Wyoming sold 30
head average weight 1465 av-
erage price 97.12 with sales to
101.75 purchased by Ralph Bos
Meats, Strathroy.
Choice steers 97-107.75, Good
steers 92-97, plain steers 80 -
90, Choice Exotic cross heifers
97-102.75, Good heifers 90-96,
Plain heifers 75-85, Good fed
cows 50 - 60, D1 & D2 cows 40-49,
D3 & D4 cows 30-40, Shells 20-30,
Good beef bulls 50 - 61.50, Good
holstein bulls 45-50, Stocker
steer calves 500-600 lbs. 95-105,
Stocker heifers 500-600 lbs. 90-99,
Good started holstein bull calves
$75-$125, Plain holstein bull
calves $10-$70
Ag Service meeting
EXETER I wouldn t buy anything without inventory price protec-
tion, said Mervyn Erb at the Huron Perth Ag Service winter informa-
tion meeting in Exeter Dec. 5.
Erb, from Agri Solve in Brucefield, told those in attendance not to be
tempted to pre -pay for fertilizer. Erb said fertilizer use in the United
States is at an all-time low and that the price of Baltic Sea urea is down
$300 or $400 a ton from July.
Erb also spoke on the composition of dirt and how it relates to you....
you can t change it, what you ve got, you ve got.
Erb also described the process of soil testing and said samples sent to
laboratories for testing are often not a complete sample of soil from a
farm and therefore are not accurate. Erb said before he sends a sample to
a lab he dries and grinds it himself, then mixes it.
It s a nice sample and a good representation.
Also speaking at the meeting was field agronomist Dean Shantz who
said 2008 saw a cooling trend compared to a 12 -year average from 1996
to 2007, as well as double the amount of moisture from 2007 with 23 days
of measurable rainfall in June.
Impaired driver
MIDDLESEX On Dec. 4 at
11:49 a.m., a Middlesex OPP offi-
cer stopped the driver of a GMC
pickup on Mount Carmel Dr. in
North Middlesex for not wear-
ing his seatbelt. The driver had
been drinking heavily.
Upon arrest, the driver was
transported to Lucan OPP de-
tachment, where he provided
breath samples. The results were
over four times the legal limit.
OPP officers contacted Middle-
sex London EMS to transport the
man to hospital due to the abnor-
mally high reading. This is done
to ensure the driver s immediate
health is not in jeopardy.
The driver was treated at South
Huron Hospital and released
back into police custody.
He has been charged with
Drive over 80 mgs.
Upon being charged with Im-
paired Driving or Drive over 80
milligrams there is an immedi-
ate 90 -day licence suspension. If
caught driving during this sus-
pension period, the driver faces
a minimum fine of $2,000.
$5,375 12 : w
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