HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2008-12-17, Page 1414 Times -Advocate Wednesday, December 17, 2008 Smile Cookie Campaign helps SHH Supporting local health Above, Dennis Whaling, right, and Jodi Grimminck of Tim Hortons present a cheque for $ 1,260 to John Wuerth of the South Huron Hospital Foundation.The money was raised during Tim Hortons October Smile Cookie Campaign. Wuerth thanked Tim Hortons for its support. (photo/submitted) Beta Theta and Beta Alpha celebrate EXETER - Beta Theta and Beta Alpha Master Chapters gathered to- gether on Dec. 2 for their annual Christmas party at the Masonic Hall. Rev. Susan Moore gave the grace before the delicious meal served by the Eastern Star ladies. Beta Theta s program committee tested our puzzle solving skills with two Christmas theme contests. The 50-50 draw was won by Lois Godbolt. The sororities and Lois donated the proceeds to the Trevor English Trust Fund. The members also brought grocery items for the Food Bank. Janice Brock won the door prize, a beautiful poinsettia plant. Beginning with a social hour, good food and sisterly love created an environment to end the evening with warm wishes to all for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Not too late to donate to local Food Grains Project By Rhoda Rohde THAMES ROAD CORRESPONDENT THAMES ROAD - Rev. Judith Ritchie was in charge of Advent 3 church service on Sunday morn- ing. Rev. Judith lit the Peace candle and told of the 3 soldiers that lost their life on the weekend. Rev. Judith gave words of wel- come and everyone passed the Peace. The introit two verses of A Can- dle Is Burning was sung. Rev. Judith led in the call to worship responsively and every- one read the opening prayer. Rev. Judith read the Old Tes- tament Lesson Isaiah 40:1-11 Words of Hope, Psalm 85 was read responsively. The choir sang Calypso Carol accompanied by the pianist Jean Hodgert. Samantha Ritchie read the Gospel Lesson Mark 1:1-8 The Preaching of John the Baptist. Rev. Judith lit the first candle in the Advent Wreath which was for Hope. Evan Geiger lit the second can- dle for Peace. Sydney Rowcliffe lit the third candle for Joy. The Lord s Prayer was sung in unison. The title of Rev. Judith s message was What Did I Get? A presentation of White Gifts with Rev. Judith, Virginia War- wick, Kaylee Geiger, Evan Geiger, Mitchell Rowcliffe, Sydney Row- cliffe, Tatianna Hamilton, Katelyn Parsons and Cole Heessels taking part, which was quite interesting. Everyone sang the hymn Today We Are Called to be Disciples. The Affirmation of our Faith A New Creed was read by every- one. Dan and Janet Coward received the offering. The Doxology was sung and the offertory prayer was read in unison. Rev. Judith gave the announce- ments. Sharon Lynn gave the council report. Rev. Judith gave the prayers of the people with si- lences and everyone singing the first verse of 0 Come, 0 Come Em- manuel. The service closed with singing Hark The Glad Sound. Rev. Judith gave the commis- sioning and pronounced the benediction. Everyone sang the choral benediction. Announcements Rev. Judith will be away from Jan. 14-30, 2009. Church services will still be held. Observer renewals are due shortly and for new subscriptions contact someone from the out- reach committee. Thank you to Les Cudmore for donating our Christmas tree in the sanctuary. Next Sunday, Christmas Sunday the regular church service will be held at 10 a.m. Dec. 24 - Christmas Eve and Communion service at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 28 - CLUC service at 11 a.m. at Zion West. Special music by The Agri Tones . Light lunch to follow the service. Jan. 11, 2009 - Committee reports are due to Sharon Lynn for the an- nual report. The annual meeting will be Feb. 1, 2009 (snow date Feb. 8). Why not contribute? If anyone would like to contrib- ute to the local South Huron Food Grains Project, please submit your payment to Brent Caslick, 256 Vic- toria Drive, Centralia, ON., NOM 1K0 by Dec. 19. Brent has to sub- mit all information to Winnipeg by Dec. 29. Make cheque payable to South Huron Food Grains Proj- ect. Personals Happy birthday to Keith McIn- tosh whose birthday is Dec. 19, to Val Rohde whose birthday is Dec. 24, to Bob Jeffery whose birthday is Dec. 25, to Don Bray whose birthday is Dec. 27; and to Dave Passmore, Ronnie Simpson and Barry Cunnington whose birth- days are Dec. 29. Happy birthday as well to Edna Kleinfeldt who celebrates on Dec. 30. UCW meeting The December meeting of the UCW was held on Tuesday eve- ning in the church basement. The meeting table was covered with a cloth, eight large red candles, greenery and coloured lights. Lorraine Alexander welcomed everyone and gave a reading It s Christmas Time. The ladies sang 0 Come All Ye Faithful. Kay Cun- nington read Luke 11:1-14. Kathy Bray led in prayer. Virginia Warwick and Kathy Bray received the offering with prayer by Lorraine. A humorous skit Christmas Concert at Us - borne Central School 1964, with principal Arnold Mathers played by Virginia Warwick and teacher Jean Hodgert played by Kathy Bray. The Christmas Story led by Margaret Stewart as teacher with the following assisting: Jean Hodgert, Myrtle Pengelly, Sharon Lynn, Lorraine Alexander, Janis Richardson all dressed for the Christmas Story singing Silent Night, Holy Night. Christmas baking with Judith Parker as teacher with the fol- lowing assistance: Marion Cann, Marilyn Pym, Agnes Bray, Pat Ballantyne, Shirley Cooper all dressed with aprons and chef hats. They sang Jingle Bells. Spelling out the word Christ- mas with Diane Jeffery as teacher and those assisting were Leona Cottle, June Stewart, Muriel Par- sons, Helen Kadey, and Rev. Ju- dith Ritchie. They sang We Wish You A Merry Christmas. Jean Hodgert played and every- one sang Away In A Manger. Grace Pym was teacher with the following assistance: Melonie Miller, Sharon Passmore, Marilyn Vadenbussche, Kay Cunnington dressed with reindeer antlers and bob tails and they sang Reindeer Hoky Poky and Frosty the Snow- man. The Christmas Animals with Karen Etherington as teacher and the following assisting: Beatrice Dawson, Anne Kernick, Doris Elford, Helen Webber and they sang Away In A Manger. There was a banner hung at the front that read Usborne Christ- mas Concert 1964. It was all the pretend younger grades that per- formed which was very interest- ing. Everyone sang We Wish You A Merry Christmas. Lorraine Alexander read Santa Claus Is Woman and St. Peter at the Pearly Gates. Business Joyce Fulton opened the busi- ness part of the meeting with a poem Christ- mas Memo- ries. The UCW Purpose was read. Marilyn Pym took the roll call which was answered by What is your favourite candle scent? The minutes of the last meeting were read. The correspondence was dealt with. Helen Kadey gave the trea- surer s report. Margaret Stew- art gave Mission and Outreach committee re- port. Diane Jeffery gave Christian Development and Leadership committee re- port. Sharon Lynn gave the council report. She said that Becky Beal s church member- ship has been transferred from Hensall U.C. to Thames Road Elimville U.C. The Community of Local Unit- ed Churches will be held at Zion U.C. on Dec. 28 at 11 a.m. (note time). The annual meeting of the U.C.W. will be held at Atwood U.C. on Jan. 26. The annual reports are to be given to Sharon Lynn by Jan. 11 and they will be given out Jan. 25. The annual meeting will be Feb. 1. Induction service The induction service for the UCW will be Sun., Jan. 9 at the church ser- vice. Joyce Fulton thanked the ladies for their help for the past two years. Mar- garet moved a vote of thanks to Joyce for her leadership for the past two years. The meeting closed with the U.C.W. prayer. A delicious lunch of different fruit breads, cheese, grapes and beverages was partaken of which was prepared by Helen Weston, Leona Cottle, Melonie Miller, Agnes Bray and Janis Richardson. There were 35 ladies in atten- dance. Loonie gifts and secret pal gifts were handed out. They will be continued next year. It was a wonderful Christmas meeting. GUSSIE'S BOOK NOW FOR NEW YEARS! •V••.%WINTER HOURS mar . Sunday 8 A.M. - 8 P.M. Mon. - Thurs. 8:30 A.M. - 8:30 P.M. Fridays & Saturdays 8 A.M. - 9 P.M. FOR RESERVATIONS OR TAKE OUT CALL: 519-238-6786. 135 Ontario St. S., Grand Bend (Beside the Bluewater Motel) CLINTON BIA presents The Joy of the Holiday Season is here and good tidings are abound everywhere! Avoid the crowds ...in Dontoi nClinton! Save gas, skip the Mall The Christmas Excitement has begun Shop in the town in the Heart ofHuron! That has it all! * See individual stores for Selected Prize and ballots