HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2008-12-03, Page 27Wednesday, December 3, 2008 Times -Advocate 27 Conservationists visit schools Bird lovers Over 250 butterfly boxes will be assembled by Grade 5 pupils of 11 tri -county schools as part of the Lake Smith Conservationists (LSC) fall program.The LSC provides this ser- vice free to the schools.Among the different projects have been bat houses and several different types of bird feeders and bird houses.Above are Stephen Central students Steven Payne, Gra- ham Rundle and Tyler Hamilton with LCS members Eric Brown and Tom Randall. (photos/submitted) Stewardship workshop in Exeter on Wed., Dec. 3 EXETER There is still time to participate in the upcom- ing Lowering Your Home En- ergy Bill workshop in Exeter, which will look at ways to help reduce home energy costs. The workshop is sponsored by the Ausable Bayfield Con- servation Authority (ABCA). The workshop, originally sched- uled for Nov. 20 has been resched- uled to tonight (Wednesday) from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Centre for Employment and Learning located at 349 Main St. in Exeter. Tim Hoover, a certified en- ergy advisor, will answer ques- tions about home energy audits, as well as provide information about grants available to help offset the cost of making energy efficient changes to your home. The Rural Landowner Stew- ardship Guide for the Lake Hu- ron Watershed is fashioned after the Environmental Farm Plan (EFP) for agricultural landown- ers but is aimed at engaging rural non-farm residents in the pro- tection of their natural environ- ment through individual actions. The stewardship guide helps landowners evaluate their property and identify areas where they may positively im- pact the local environment. The workbook has vari- ous worksheet themes rang- ing from wells and septic sys- tems to managing forest, stream and wetland ecosystems. The focus of the workshop will be on the worksheet that looks at home energy consumption. After the workshop is com- pleted, landowners will have cre- ated an action plan for environ- mental improvements that can be undertaken on their property. The guide also contains steward- ship tips and resource information. The workshop will provide par- ticipants with the knowledge to make sound environmental de- cisions that have the potential to impact their larger community. As a first step on the path to making changes, all participants at the workshop will receive a copy of the stewardship guide and will be entered in a draw for a chance to win a gift bag full of en- vironmentally friendly products. For more information, or to register contact Abigail Gutteridge at the ABCA at 235-2610 or 1-888-286-2610 or agutteridge@abca.on.ca Building homes McGillivray Central Public School pupils were busy constructing butterfly boxes. Shown above are students Cindy Stubbs and Lucas Godwin who used screws and cordless drills to assemble their boxes.Three LSC members involved in this school outreach program are from left to right, Jim DeZorzi, Brown and Randall. Lions donation Helping out Centralia Lions members Harvey Hillman (left) and Matt Collings made a $1,000 donation to Huron County Habitat for Humanity executive director Kevin Morrison Nov. 20 to support the new Habitat build in Exeter. (photo/Pat Bolen) Operation Christmas Child wraps up Helping the less fortunate David and Isabelle Gagne, co - pastors of Belongers, sit near some of the 500 or so shoe boxes gathered by com- munity members for Operation Christmas Child (OCC). OCC is an international project that seeks to provide shoeboxes filled with gifts to impoverished children at Christmas time.The shoe boxes shown here will make their way to Paraguay, Argentina, Peru and Nicaragua, and will benefit children aged two to 14. (photo/Ben Forrest) Benefit concert Dec. 6 planned for Sat., Dec. By Muriel Lewis GRANTON CORRESPONDENT GRANTON At Granton -Wesley United Church on Sun., Nov. 30, Pastor Paul Vollick led the communion service and the message was entitled There is always hope. Caroly- ne and Fred Walden lit the Advent candle for hope. The scripture readings were from Isaiah 64 and Mark 13. Doreen McRobert presented hand -decorated eggs to Meredith Dodds, Adam Dodds, Katherine Dodds and Michelle McBur- ney for each attending at least 26 Sundays at Sunday School. At St. Paul s Anglican Church in Kirkton on Sunday Advent I, Nov. 30, Rev. Dalice Sim cel- ebrated the Holy Eucharist. The message was about having Christmas expectations. George Burgin read the Lessons. Gifts of music Crime of the Month Huron County Crime Stoppers and the Huron County OPP are asking for your assis- tance in solving the following break and enter. Sometime between Sept. 15 and Oct.10, sus- pects attended at a cottage on Maplegrove in South Huron. Once at this location, they entered the cottage through an insecure door and removed a number of items. Included in these items are a blue Ocean Scrambler XL kayak and a Woods 30 -pint dehumidifier. A quantity of alcohol was also stolen. If you have any information about this crime or any other crime, call Crime Stoppers at 1 -800 -222 -TIPS. You will not have to reveal your identity or go to court and you may be eligible for a cash reward of up to $2,000. A Christmas benefit concert will be held at the Community Bible Church (at Hwy. 7 and Adelaide Street North) on Sat., Dec. 6 at 7 p.m. to help support the Good Samaritan Clinic in Santa Lucia, Hondu- ras. It will feature local singer / songwriter Patti Hill, the Imbrana children s choir, soloist Wendy Sibley, harpist Amy Nelham and the Community Bible • cooking with memories BY DEBBY WAGLER COURTIAG DAYS SOUP RES THIS RECIPE IS ONE I MADE MANY TIMES WHILE RANDY AND I WERE COURTING. 1 FIGURED IF HE COULD BRING FLOWERS, APPLE STRUDEL AND CHEESE ON HIS VISITS THE LEAST 1 COULD DO WOULD BE TO MAKE HIM DELECTABLE TREATS! THIS RECIPE IS A BIT FUSSY BUT OH SO GOOD! Base: 1 cup flour 1/4 cup white sugar 1/2 cup butter (softened) CREAM BUTTER AND SUGAR AND ADD FLOUR. PRESS INTO A 8 INCH SQUARE PAN, BAKE AT 350 FOR 155 MINUTES. Filling: 1 can sweetened condensed milk 1/2 cup butter 2 tsp corn syrup INTO A THICK BOTTOMED PAN PUT BUTTER, MILK AND SYRUP. FRING TO BOIL OVER LOW HEAT AND BOIL 5 MINUTES. STIR CON- STANTLY. REMOVE FROM HEAT AND BEAT 5 MINUTES. POUR ON COOLED BASE. CHILL. MELT 2 MILK CHOCOLATE BARS IN WRAPPERS IN A WARM OVEN AND THEN SPREAD THEM OVER THE FILLING. CHILL AND CUT INTO SQUARES. WOW!