HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2008-11-26, Page 2626 Times -Advocate Wednesday, November 26, 2008 Blue Christmas service at St. Peter's Lutheran Dec. 7 By Carmel Sweeney ZURICH CORRESPONDENT A buck and doe was held for Chad Masse and Amanda Thomson on Nov 21 held at the complex in Zurich. Chad is the son of Rick and Karen Masse RR 3 Zurich. The cou- ple are planning to be married in February. Congratulations go out to George and Mary Haggitt, Zurich on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary on Nov. 22. A family dinner was held in their honour. A Mittleholtz family get-togeth- er was held a the home of Jen and Trevor Skinner on Sunday in Zurich. Welcome Roy and Hilda McDonald who have recently moved to town from Woodstock and live on Goshen St. N. Lions Club turkey bingo The Lions Club will be having their annu- al Old Fashion Turkey Bingo at the complex in Zurich on Wed., Dec. 3 at 7 p.m. (doors open at 6 p.m.). Everyone is welcome. Walking in winter Anyone wanting to do some indoor walk- ing during the cold snowy winter months are welcome to come to the Bluewater Complex in Zurich every Tuesday, Wednes- day and Thursday from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Agricultural Society The Zurich Agriculture Society will be having their annual meeting at the Hay Township Hall on Thurs., Nov 27 beginning with pizza at 7 p.m. followed by a potluck dessert social with a meeting around 7:30 or so. If coming, please let Hilda Landsber- gen know so she can order enough pizza. Committee reports are to be ready for Mar- garet and $4 dues will be collected for 2009. Cabaret show Wow! What a great show! A Salute to Broadway was just terrific; packed full of singing and dancing with a large cast coming from various places. The Cabaret show with songs from Broad- way, complete with some great costumes and outfits was held at the Exeter Rec. Centre with sold out performances on both Thursday and Friday evenings of last week. It was especially nice to see so many locals in the show that we know along with our two daughters Heather and Beth. Everyone did a great job! We also enjoyed all the mu- sic played by Marcel Gelinas. St. Boniface C.W.L. will be having a ca- tered Christmas dinner in their parish hall downstairs on Tues., Dec. 2 beginning at 6:30 p.m. for $14 per person. Call president Joan Regier 236-4289 as soon as possible if you want to go and are not already on the list. You will also need to bring a small gift for the Santa gift exchange. Blessings Unlimited A lovely Christmas party and dinner was held at the club house of Stone Meadow s subdivision last Thurs., Nov 20 for the staff and volunteer helpers (along with Annual food drive their spouses) of Blessings Unlimited Happy 40th birthday wishes go out to Marty Meurer on Nov 28! A Blue Christmas service will be held at St. Peter s Lutheran Church by pas- tor Ann Krueger on Sun., Dec. 7 at 2 p.m. This is a special service for those who may be lonely or missing a loved one this holiday season. Everyone is welcome. Student info The kindergarten children from St. Boniface are going to the London Chil- dren s Museum on Thurs., Nov 27. There is no school for children onFri., Dec. 5. St. Boniface School Christ- mas concert is on Tues., Dec. 9. The Zurich Public School will be having their Christmas con- cert in the gym on Tues., Dec. 16. St. Peter s Parish - CWL at St. Jo- seph are having their Christmas dinner with a catered meal on Thurs., Dec. 4 in their parish hall. Cost is $14 per per- son. Call Dianne Tucker 236-4925 as soon as possible if planning to attend Christmas Parade Zurich s Lighted Christmas Parade is set for Sun., Dec. 7 starting at 5:30 p.m. sponsored by the Lions Club. Fol- lowing the parade Santa will be at the complex to hand out candy to the kids. For more information or to register a float in the parade call Vicki Wilder at 263-5343. The Scouts willbe walking the route to collect canned Helping the Food Bank The I st Exeter Cubs, Scouts, Guide Group and South Huron Fire Department were met with wintry weather Saturday morning during the Food Drive for the Exeter Food Bank.The involved groups, who thank all those who contributed, canvassed the town for the annual drive. Pictured above are Tyler Finch, Carter McGregor, Evan Krebs, Johnathon • Upshall, Nathan Finch and Exeter firefighter Jeff Musser.Those interested can still make dona- tions at the Exeter Food Bank. (photo/submitted) Huron United Way Poor Boy Lunch The Huron United Way is holding their annual Poor Boy Lunch on Dec. 4 at Trivltt Memorial Church, Main Street Exeter. The lunch has two seatings 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. and 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. and seat- ing is limited. On the menu for $5 are hot dogs and beans, soup, coffee, tea, water and cookies. This event is sponsored by the Royal Bank in Exeter. Tickets are available from RBC in Exeter, or by calling the Huron United Way at 524-7900. Swiss Chalet Day The Huron United Way is host- ing their 3rd annual Swiss Chalet Day on Dec. 3rd. This year we are adding something extra to the menu. Cranberry sauce will be added to the traditional quarter chicken dinner including baked potato, coleslaw, and roll with butter. The lunch is $8.50, but for an extra $1.50 you can help the United Way by additional lunches for those that cannot afford one. Huron United Way staff is tak- ing orders until Dec. 1. You can also drop into the Goderich Swiss Chalet from 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. to support this event. For more information and to place your order, please contact the Huron United Way at 524-7900. SANTA'S COMING TO.... Thiel's Merchantile in ZURICH Saturday, Nov 29/08 from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. 7 Pictures with Santa 7 Horse-drawn hay rides around town 7 Candy canes & hot chocolate for kids of all ages 7 Sales throughout the store A Christmas wonderland with great gifts for the whole family! PLUS A CHANCE TO WIN A FAMILY HORS BAW!1 SLEIGH PARTY IN THE NEW YEAR! good items for the Bless- • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 RECONDITIONING OPEN MONDAY - SATURDAY ings Food Bank. Please sup- port your community. Figure skating championships Sharon Rau and Ursula Regier motored to Windsor to the South Windsor Recreational Arena on Nov 14- 16 to watchtheir grand and great grand -daughters Jayden and Shalena Rau and partner competing in figure skating. Shalena and Phelan came in first in the Western Ontario Championship and now qualify to compete in Calgary in February for the Jr. National Competition for Canada. Jayden and Tyler came in first in their category and will compete in December in Mississauga, Ontario. These girls are the daughters of Ste- ven and Stacy Rau of Waterloo, Ontario. Building homes in El Salvador Bill and Gord Smith returned from an 18 day trip to El Salvador where they built 10 homes for the needy. The living conditions are very bad. They live in shacks with mud floors. A lot of them have no doors, just a cloth or sheet of tin to cover their entrance. They carry the water and wood on their heads from a supply tank. The kitchen is a cement slab on a stand that they cook on. They sleep on whatever they can scrape up together to make a bed. It was a wonderful trip and a good experience; sad, however to see the poverty and living conditions. Bill and Gord would like to thank everyone for their prayers and generous financial support. Shuffleboard scores Nov. 17: 4 games (3 wins) Mary Regier 257, Isabel Gascho 218, Elaine Weido 171, (2 wins) Karl Regier 166 Nov 10: 4 games (3 wins) Doris Ham- ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ' HAY'S AUTOMOBILE r CARS $75 LIGHT TRUCKS $85 BILL HAY 262-3342 Hensall 1 1 1 1 1 DRIPLESS OIL UNDERCOATING ; HERE ARE THE FACTS: • No Drip (Environmentally Friendly) • Can be applied in any weather condition • Outstanding penetration & creepability • Odour Free • Thermally stable 1 • Displaces moisture • Excellent adhesion 1 • Self -healing from road, stone & sand abrasion • Harmless to plastic & electric circuitry "PROTECTION THAT OFFERS HIGHER 1 RESALE VALUE AND PEACE OF MIND" 1 MAKE AN APPOINTMENT NOW! 1 1 1 $5.00 OFF WHEN PRESENTING THIS COUPON COUPON EXPIRES 31/12/08 CLINTON BIA presents ff/ /.117 Jag The Joy of the Holiday Season is here and good tidings are abound everywhere! Everything to fill your stockings from candy canes to couches! We've got it all in Downtown Clinton! 447' (; ' ...in Downtown Clinton. The Christmas Excitement has begun in the Heart ofHuron! * See individual stores for Selected Prize and ballots.