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The Times Advocate, 2008-10-29, Page 23
Wednesday, October 29, 2008 TIMES—ADVOCATE 23 Announcements/Community Fl CENTRALIA-ZION WEST UNITED CHURCH TURKEY SUPPER with all the trimmings and Silent Auction. South Huron Recreation Centre, Sunday, November 16, 2008, 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Adults $14, Children 6- 12, $6.50, pre-schoolers free. For tickets, please call either Marion 519-235-2944, Dave 519-228- 6638 or Larry 519-229-6304. Limited number of tickets avail- able. (44-46) COUNTRY CHRISTMAS BAZAAR- SATURDAY NOVEMBER 8 - At the Exeter United Church, given by the Exeter UCW and Women of the Congregation. Time 11 a.m.- 1:30 p.m. SEE YOU THERE! (43-45) DEMENTIA 2008, PRESENTED BY THE ALZHEIMER SOCIETY OF HURON COUNTY - November 4, from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Betty Cardno Memorial centre in Clinton. Key Note Speakers are: Dr. Suzanne Tyas, Predictors of Alzheimer's Disease across the lifespan - Findings from the Nun Study; Sylvia Davidson Rehabilitation in Dementia - facilitating strengths and promoting function. Cost is $30.00 in advance, $40.00 at the door - includes a light lunch. Please call 519-482-1482 or 1- 800-561-5012 for more informa- tion or to register. (44) EXETER VILLA'S ANNUAL CHRISTMAS BAZAAR AND TEA ROOM - Sat., Nov. 1, 2 - 3:30 p.m. Door prizes, Christmas cakes and pudding, crafts, baking and more. (42-44) NEW YEARS EVE OLD TYME COUNTRY DANCE - featuring; Rural Roots at Kirkton Community Centre, December 31, 2008, 8pm. - lam. Proceeds to Kirkton-Woodham Pool. Advance tickets $30.00 per person includes buffet lunch. Tickets available at Kirkton Market 519-229-8923. Contact: Jeff Miller 519-237-3424 or Murray Armstrong 519-236- 7746 or Wayne Otterbein 519-235- 0559. Age of Majority. (44-46) OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOEBOX GIFTS - Fill a shoebox with items for girls/boys around the world and spread a smile. Join us in making a differ- ence this Christmas one child at a time. Wish to volunteer during collection week? (November 25- 29) Please contact us. For more information, visit www.opera- tionchristmaschild.ca Shoeboxes are available - call 519-913-1256 or email exeter@belongers.ca (44- 46*) 4 V11 -COME 11111, WAGON SINCE 1930 Are you new to the Exeter and surrounding communities? IF YOU ARE: • Moving • Marrying • 1 -Caving a Baby • Retiring • Starting a Business PLEASE CALL For your in-home visit, free gifts & information FAYE 228-7053 1-877-675-8452 www.welcomewagon.ca • PRECIOUS BLOOD CWL ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PENNY SALE - Wednesday, November 5, 2008 at 5:00 p.m. Precious Blood Church Hall, 200 Sanders Street West, Exeter. Draws, baking, crafts, toys, gifts, door prizes. Bring your family and friends fun for all. Children must be accompanied by an adult. (43-45) RIVERVIEW ESTATES CRAFT AND BAKE SALE - Saturday November 1, 9 a.m. - 12 noon. Turn East at the Beer Store and follow the signs. (43;44*) SOUTH HURON HOSPITAL RUMMAGE SALE AND AUC- TION - Exeter Recreation Centre, Wednesday October 29 - 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., Thursday October 30 - 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Auction Sale Thursday 10:30 a.m. Town Wide Pick-up Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. Open for drop off Tuesday evening. Volunteers welcome, for further information call 519-235- 0847 or 519-235-0780. (42-44) ST ANDREWS UNITED CHURCH- KIPPEN - Smorgasborg Turkey and Ham Supper, held at Brucefield United Church, Sunday November 9, 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Adults $13, children 6-12 $6, 5 and under free. Advance tickets only. Call 519- 263-2682 or 519-263-6502. (43- 45) ST. BONIFACE SCHOOL PRE- SENTS ONE STOP SHOPPING EVENT ! Saturday, November 15, 2008. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., School Gym. 24 Mary St., Zurich. 519- 236-4335. Local merchants with Christmas decorating and gift giv- ing ideas along with everyday items! Great vendors including Home & Company, Epicure, Lakewood Nursery and many more. Everyone Welcome! (44- 46) TRIVITT MEMORIAL A.C.W. ANNUAL BAZAAR - Saturday, November 15, 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Baking, deli, mincemeat, crafts, tea tables. (44-46*) VETERANS DAY AT RIVERVIEW ESTATES, EXETER - A presentation by Hilary Duenk, grade 12 student of S.H.D.H.S., who attended the Vimy Ridge re -dedication ceremo- ny in France. Jim Rutledge, Goderich, will present his book on Huron County Veterans. Exeter Legion will do Remembrance Day Ceremonies. Everyone Welcome. Thursday, November 6, 11:00 a.m. Lunch $6.00 (44*) CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE, SUNSET ARTS, 63 RIVER RD, GRAND BEND - Saturday November 1, 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sunday November 2, noon to 4 p.m. Original art in watercolour, pastel, oil and acrylic, prints, cards, hand made candles and luminaries, mosaics, unique gift ideas for Christmas by Catherine Weber, Fran Roelands, Mary Venner, Debra Bailey, Helga Otton, Susan Garrington, Christopher Grims, Renata Kolarova, Bill Nieuwland. (42- 44*) South Huron Hospital Association FREE COMMUNITY FLU CLINICS on Thurs., Nov. 6 & 7 from 2 to 7 P.M. IN THE HOSPITAL Please enter through the front of the hospital and follow the signs. No appointments are necessary. There will be a Free Drive Thru Vaccination Service to accommodate those with mobility problems that restrict them going to regular clinics. THE DRIVE THRU SERVICE WILL RUN ON THE SAME DAYS AND BE BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Please call Cheryl Pfaff at 519-235-5153 to make an appointment or for more information. Qin *id outiv4 BEEF DINNER at XVI. Community Centre SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2008 4:30 TO 7:00 PM Adults $13.00 advance I At the door $15.00 Youths 5-12 yrs $6.00, Preschoolers: FREE Tickets available at Thames Valley Insurance 519-284-1900 •. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ A W WAIF' II'w ▪ $UCK DOE ■ ■ • ■ • ■ ■ ■ • • ■ Sharirion Postill ■ az Kezziri Ford Fri., Oct. 31. 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. . SOUTH HURON REC CENTRE ■ • Age of Majority • Prizes for Best Costumes ■ • Music by DJ • Late Lunch • Tickets $5 u FISHER/HULLEY iii' Canadian Fiddle Champion SCOTT WOODS 0/d 7'n e C!»isbnus A masterful two-hour presentation of old time Christmas music by Canadian Fiddle Champion Scott Woods and his band HENSALL COMMUNITY CENTRE Thursday November 20 7:00 pm • Refreshments following TICKETS $20 Bill Gibson 263-2350 or Ken Firman 262-3508 Proceeds to Hensall United Church Kimberly Hulley and Michael Fisher were united in marriage on August 30th, 2008 at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich. The bride is the daughter of Ian and Debbie Hulley and the groom is the son of Richard Fisher, Ann Ducharme and Deb Elliott, Ky Waddell. Kim and Mike honeymooned at a couple's resort by Algonquin Park and are now residing in Zurich. ruca/// Christmas era d hohlt LUCAN COMMUNITY MEMORIAL CENTRE 263 MAIN STREET, LUCAN (We /zaot%w/tat,y~are foo i.litl.. `/(ucgcce, tb ecuclity c,Ot ©urn ore %O oeizcdww! Fri., NOV. 7 - 4 TO 9 P.M. • saT.,NOV. 8 -10 a.m. TO 5 P.M. • 8111., NOV.9 -11 a.m. TO 4 P.M. Admission: Adults $2 • Children Free (Under 12) DOOR PRIZES INCLUDING A CHRISTMAS DECORATING PACKAGE, donated from earthern elegance, Floral Jaela Jenkin, 165 Main St., Lucan (Value $100) 519-227-0800 - Toll Free 1-877-638-0800 Refreshments & Lunch Available For further information or table inquiries PLEASE CONTACT 519-227-4442 (Lucan is located 15 minutes north of London on Hwy. #4) GET YOUR FREAK l ON FOR HALLOWEEN! bot% �Z Ill PI'l1Qi1�f ALOIN & FLSIE F'AULD1 NOV. 3, 2008 Love and Best Wishes from Carol, Sharon, Sandra and families GRAND BEND LEGION F R I DAY, OCT. 3 1 8 P.M. - 1 A.M. $5 ATTHE DOOR GREAT PRIZES • DJ T & A J PET ADOPTION BULLETIN Huron OSPCA (Ontario Humane Society) Tom and Katie are two little, 6 -week-old black kittens. They are very young to be without their mother, but are managing well. They came for East Huron where they were t3 left behind by their mom. They are friendly little souls and we hope that they will be adopted very soon as they need some extra tender loving care. NNW TOM & KATIE Contact the Huron OSPCA at 519-440-0250 • Open Mon. -Sat. 9-4 at 48 East St. Goderich CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE AT www.huronspca.ca to see all the dogs and cats who need loving homes! SPONSORED BY GeoShack Canada Ltd., 240 Thames Rd. W., EXETER