HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2008-10-29, Page 7Wednesday, October 29, 2008 Times -Advocate 7 Costumes, prizes and fun for all at Halloween party By Rhoda Rohde THAMES ROAD CORRESPONDENT THAMES ROAD The Christian Education Committee were in charge of the Halloween party namely Karen Gei- ger, Rebecca Heessels, Erin Pasrons and Jayne Rowcliffe. There was a visit from the four witches of West Wick. We has a costume parade and a great turn out of 40 kids and 30 adults. All enjoyed cupcakes and treats afterwards. Honourable mention costumes in each category: Insects, bugs & butterflies Grant Dougall and Katelyn Parson; Witches Elizabeth Beniot and Heather East; Cowboys, Cowgirls and Indians Sydney Rowcliffe; Storybook Characters Emerson Beal and Amanada Hodgert; Drac- ula, Vampires and Monsters Brock Passmore and Hazel McCurdy; Princesses, Fairies and Fancy Ladies Rebecca Rooseboom, Clara Hern and Kinsley Richardson; Farm Animals or Farm Related Austin McCurdy, Tatyana Ham- ilton and Natalie Parsons; Zoo Animals Kyle Dalrymple, Porter Geoffrey and Cole Heessels; T.V. and Cartoon Char- acters Devon Loerzel and Kaylee Geiger; Movie and Vid- eo Characters Brandon Johns, Mitchell Rowcliffe, Justin and Jakob Steinback; Hobos, Pirates and Ninjas Jack Mc- Curdy; Old People and Couples Pat Veal and Michelle Geoffrey; Other William Parsons, Evan Geiger and Con- nor Loerzel. Church Service Rev. Judith Ritchie was in charge of the regular church service on Sunday morning. Rev. Judith lit the Christ can- dle and everyone sang the opening hymn, Love Divine All Loves Excelling. Rev. Judith gave words of welcome and everyone Passed the Peace. The introit We Praise You For Your Love was sung. Rev. Judith led in the Call To Worship responsively and everyone read the Opening Prayer. Rev. Judith gave the an- nouncements and Joan Skinner lit the red candle for Peace. Old Testament lesson Deuteronomy 34: 1-14 was read by Rev. Judith. She told the children a story called, Loving God and everyone sang the Lord s Prayer. Parts of Psalm 90 were read respon- sively. The choir sang Do You Know My Jesus accompanied by the pianist Jean Hodgert. Rev. Judith read the Epistle lesson 1 Thes- salonians 2: 1-8. The title of her message was Accountabil- ity. Everyone sang Take Time To Be Holy. Sha- ron Passmore and Helen Webber re- ceived the offering. The Doxology was sung and everyone read the offertory prayer. Rev. Judith gave Prayers for the People. Everyone G.I.C.'s A86% • tAw J Gaiser "11 Kneale Ins. Brokerinc. EXETER - 519-235-2420 GRAND BEND - 519-238-8484 CLINTON - 519-482-3401 Sew & Save Repairs TO ALL MAKES FREE ESTIMATES 90 DAY WARRANTY Experienced since 1952 Sew and Save Centre Ltd. 149 Downie St., Stratford Phone 271-9660 Tae Kwon Do TRI STAR TaeKwonDo Teaches self-discipline, self-confidence & physical health TUES. & THURS. NIGHTS 4- 6 yrs., 7-13 yrs. & Adult Classes. 4LESSON WITHIN CaII 235-4571 for more information sang the closing hymn Sent Forth By God s Blessing. Rev. Judith gave the Commissioning and pronounced the Benediction. Everyone sang the Choral Benediction. Confirmation News As many of you know, we are preparing for confirmation. We plan to use the William Willimon mentoring program entitled, Making Disciples . Each confirmand is matched with a mentor who works individually with his /her confir- mand. In addition, everyone will gather for special events / activities such as a pizza party here and group visits to other venues. Mentors receive training as well as ongoing support. Mentors and confirmands meet as they arrange to do so. Training is slated to begin in November, beginning with a meeting with ALL potential confirmands and parents to dialogue about our mutual commitment. Actual gathersing etc. are expected to start in January with a Confirmation service at the beginning of June. Members of the planning/preparation team are asked for input about possible mentors and the confirmands as well are consulted. Confirmation is very much a community process / event. Please consider being a mentor. Please keep everyone involved in your prayers. Any questions about any aspect of this significant event can be directed to Rev. Judith. Upcoming Events Next Sunday is the first Sunday of the month. Don t for- get your items for the Exeter Food Bank. We still have a number of cookbooks available for the reduced price of $3 or four for $10. Start your Christmas shopping early. Items for the next newsletter are due Nov 16 to Ruth Ann Osgood. This year our church is decorating the Market Place for the Bethlehem Walk. We are looking for volunteers to help with painting scenes on cloth, donating items and helping to set up. We are also looking for volunteers who would like to participate in the drama portion. The Bethlehem Walk is November 28. Bethlehem Choir practices are at 7:30 p.m. on Nov 12 at Woodham UC, on Nov. 17 at the Anglican Church in Wood- ham and on Nov 26 at the KW Community Centre. Oct. 27 Volunteers are needed for Out of the Cold Pro- gram . Please contact Karen Etherington Oct. 29 Bethlehem Walk meeting at Kirkton UC at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 5 Standing Committees meet at 7:00 p.m. followed by Council meeting at 8:15 p.m. Nov. 11 UCW meeting at 8 p.m. Program: Melonie Mill- er, Nancy Smith, Alma Ballantyne, Ruth Ann Osgood. Roll Call: Who are you remembering today? Special Roll Call: Bring a gift for the Christmas Bureau. Lunch: Anne Kernick, Di- ane Jeffery, Sandra Rowe, Shirley Kerslake. Nov 16 Centralia Zion West United Church s Turkey Dinner at the South Huron Rec Centre from 4:30 6:30 p.m. Silent auction and musi- cal entertainment provided. Advance tickets are adults $14, children six -12 $6.50 and pre- schoolers free. A limited number of tickets are available. Please call Art Abbott at 519-235-2944 or Dave Elliott at 519-228-6638. Nov. 28 Bethlehem Walk at the KW Com- munity Centre at 7:30 p.m. This week we pray for the pre-schoolers and Municipal Corner MUNICIPALITY OF SOUTH HURON NOTICE of Presentation of Final Report Water and Wastewater Rate Study Watson & Associates Economists Limited will present their final report to the South Huron Council at the Council meeting of November 3, 2008 at the Old Town Hall, 322 Main Street, Exeter. The Consultant has considered and incorporated comments, suggestions and input from the public, where appropriate. The Public will be able to view a copy of the final report at the Municipal Office in Exeter or view a copy posted on the Municipal website. After receiving the final report, South Huron Council intends to pass a by-law at a subsequent Council meeting to amend the current water and wastewater user fees to provide sufficient revenues to meet the legislated requirements of"The Sustainable Water and Sewage Systems Act': It is Council's intent to make the new rates effective the first billing period in 2009. South Huron Municipal Corner 519-235-0310 MUNICIPALITY OF 11, 094 �d v families of Fairview Parent n Tot Meeting Place. Their pro- gram is supported by the M&S Fund. Pray for the young mothers of the Massey Centre for Women in Toronto, an outreach ministry supported by the M&S Fund. Personals Many people attended the open house in honour of Kay Morley s 90th birthday on Sunday at Thames Road Elim- ville Church. Her birthday was actually October 12. Kay s family catered to a very delicious supper for family, rela- tives and friends. Congratulations Kay and thanks to ev- eryone. Happy birthday to George Poortinga and Jeff Rowe whose birthdays are October 31 and to Cheryl (Ballant- yne) Pfaff whose birthday is November 1 and to Bill Johns whose birthday is November 6. Students collecting for local food bank EXETER Students at South Huron District High School are doing a good deed for Halloween and sending out students to collect non-perishable food items for the local food bank. The effort is a project of the school s newly -formed so- cial justice group C.A.S.E. Revolution (Character, Action, Solutions, Evolution). A statement from the group reads, "For many children Halloween is a great time of year when they can collect candy from residents in their neighbourhood. But some families are struggling to get their hands on any food at all. This is why the Free the Children committee and other caring students from South Huron District High School will be holding a Halloween for Hunger food drive. Instead of collecting the traditional Halloween candy, these students will be collecting non-perishable foods. All of the donations will be given to the local food bank here in Exeter. "Halloween for Hunger is a project that was activated by a group of students in the United States by Free the Children. It is now a very fun and successful fundraiser that has spread throughout the United States and Cana- da. "No trick or treat please. Help us make a positive change in someone's life in your community. Thank you for your donations and we will see you on Halloween." HEARTLAN D CREDIT UNION We are now. 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