HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2008-10-15, Page 31Wednesday, October 15, 2008 TIMES—ADVOCATE 31 CLASSIFIE CLASSIFIE. CLASSIFIE" Watch for slow-moving vehicles LAMBTON — The fall harvest has begun and Lambton OPP is reminding motorists to watch for slow moving vehicles on roadways. Here are some general things to keep in mind for everyone using the roadways this fall. • A farm tractor and/or trailer must prominently display a slow-moving vehicle sign when it is traveling not in excess of 40 km/h. It is also an offence to travel over 40 km/h with a slow moving vehicle sign prominently displayed. This sign serves as a caution to motorists that a vehicle is traveling at a much slower speed than the posted speed limit, and that there is a potential hazard on the roadway. • Lights are required on all farm vehicles when being oper- ated on a high- way at any time from one-half hour before sun- set to one-half hour after sun- rise and at any other time the atmospheric condi- tions are not favorable. Generally UCW annual bazaar Nov 8 EXETER - The evening unit of Exeter United Church Women met Oct. 6 in the ladies parlour. Speaker for the evening, Elinor Clarke showed pic- tures and spoke of her trip to Antarctica. Devotions were taken by Lucy Sage and Bev Campbell using Thanksgiving as their theme. Unit leader, Marion Kerslake conducted the evening's business. Two ban- quets will be catered to in October. Plans are being made for the annual bazaar, Nov. 8. Laurie Shapton reminded everyone of the fall rally Oct. 21 in Clinton. Bruce and Margaret Whitmore will speak. Following the Mizpah Benediction everyone enjoyed a tasty lunch served by Barb Wein's group. white lights to the front and red lights to the rear are required. Refer to the Ontario Highway Traffic Act for specific lighting information about your vehicle. • Every person drawing a trailer on a highway must use two sepa- rate means of attachment. The attachments must be constructed and attached so that if one of the attachments fails, the object being drawn will not become detached. • Drivers and farm vehicle oper- ators both have a responsibility to share the roadway. Be patient and move over to allow larger imple- ments of husbandry to pass. RICHARD LOBB AUCTION CALENDAR • CLINTON 482-7898 SAT., OCT. 18 AT 10 A.M. Large offering of hardwood and pine lumber to be held at Saratoga Sawmill, 1-1/2 miles East of Dungannon on Dungannon Road #37366. Call 519-529- 3138. See www.lobbauction.on.ca SAT., OCT. 25 AT 10 A.M. Antique furniture, modern furni- ture, appliances, riding lawn mower etc. for Mr. and Mrs. Art Aiken of Clinton, many good additions to be held at Seaforth Fair Grounds Agri Plex bldg. See www.Iobbauction.on.ca • LARGE AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD, ANTIQUES, TOOLS, GARDEN TOOLS, MISC., ETC. ILDERTON FAIR GROUNDS - ILDERTON (INSIDE) SAT., OCT.18 - 9:00 A.M. From the Est. of Anna Fidler, Strathroy plus London, Ailsa Craig & Mt. Brydges homes & Estates. Featuring: Excellent marble top wash- stands; flat -to -wall dresser; corner what -knot; dishes; glassware; ap- pliances; bedroom suites; chesterfields; love seat; odd chairs; desks; dining room suites; odd chairs; organs; wheel chair; wheel barrows; garden ornaments; tools & garden tools shelving; etc. See website for full listing - filsonrobson.theauctionadvertiser.com TERMS: Cash or Approved Cheque Sale Day. No Buyers Premium. No Plastic Cards. Hugh 519-666-0833 FILSON AUCTIONS Ray 519-666-2009 Classified Ad Deadline MONDAY AT 'I O:OO AM TENDERS WANTED I I �I I� SPOTLIGHT ON Do you have someone you would like to pay tribute to for a special accomplishment, retirement, promotion or just because they are special? Now is your chance to honour them in our new advertising feature, in the Times -Advocate. CALL DEBORAH FOR MORE INFORMATION 519-235-1336 x 112 TENDERS WANTED Municipal Corner MUNICIPALITY OF SOUTH HURON - CONTRACT NO. 308013-2 Water Meter and PRV Installation Program - Village of Dashwood SEALED TENDERS, clearly marked as to contents, will be received by The Municipality of South Huron, 322 Main Street South, Box 759, Exeter, ON NOM 1 S6, Telephone: 519.235.0310, on or before: 2:00 p.m. local time Friday, October 24, 2008 for the removal of existing water meters and related equipment and the installation of new water meters, pressure reducing valves, backflow preventers, encoder regis- ters, remote reading receptacles and all other related equipment in all dwelling units and businesses within the Village of Dashwood, Municipality of South Huron. Plans, Specifications, and Tender Forms (hardcopy and digital PDF) may be obtained on October 8, 2008 after 9:00 a.m. at the Guelph office of the Consulting Engineers for a non-refundable fee of twenty dollars ($20.00), which includes GST, per set (cheque payable to Gamsby and Mannerow Limited). Each tender must be accompanied by a tender deposit in the form of a certified cheque or bid bond in the amount of $8,000.00. The successful Bidder must pro- vide a Performance Bond for 100% of the total lump sum tender price and a Labour and Material Payment Bond for 50% of the total lump sum tender price. NOTE: Work is anticipated to commence by November 10, 2008 and shall be totally completed by February 20, 2009. The tenders will be opened in public on the closing date by the Tender Committee. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. Please direct all enquiries regarding this tender and project to Matthew Ballaban, P.Eng., Project Engineer at Gamsby and Mannerow Limited, Telephone: 519.824.8150, Fax: 519.824.8190, e-mail: mballaban@gamsby.com. MUNICIPALITY OF SOUTH HURON Don Giberson Manager of Operations 322 Main Street South, Box 759 Exeter ON NOM 1S6 CONSULTING ENGINEER Gamsby and Mannerow Limited 255 Woodlawn Road West, Suite 210 Guelph ON Ni H 8J1 Attn: Matthew Ballaban, P.Eng. Community Services Department 519-235-2833 Network Classifieds: Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country! For more information contact Your local newspaper AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR VEHICLE dealers in Ontario MUST be registered with OMVIC. To verify dealer registration or seek help with a complaint, visit www.omvic.on.ca or 1-800-943-6002. If you're buying a vehide privately, don't become a curbsider's victim. Curbsiders are impos- tors who pose as private individuals, but are actually in the business of selling stolen or damaged vehicles. BUSINESS OPPS. $$$$ EARN $$$$ WITH GREAT POTENTIAL INCOME $500. TO $1,000.NVK. with our unique, name -brand Vending program. Low investment, fast start-up in established locations. www.refreshmart.com. ATTENTION: Turn 10 hours/week into $1,500/month. Work from home online. Free Training, flexible hours. www.succeedfromhome biz.com. INSTANT IMPRINTS FRANCHISES available: unique retail "one- stop image shop" combining screen -printing, embroidery, signage and promotional products. Turn key package from $175k. Don Crupi @ 647-296-4335. www.instantimprints.ca. COMING EVENTS BE YOUR OWN BOSS - Find out how at The Canadian Franchise Association's Discovery Days: Windsor, November 8, 2008 & London, November 9, 2008 - 10a.m. - 4p.m., attend FREE if pre - register at www.cta.ca. BE YOUR OWN BOSS - Find out how at The Franchise Show, October 25 & 26, 2008, Toronto Congress Centre, Dixon Rd. near Highway 401. Visit: www.cfa.ca or Call Toll -Free 1-800-665-4232. FINANCIAL SERVICES $500$ LOAN SERVICE, by phone, no credit refused, quick and easy, payable over 6 or 12 installments. Toll -Free: 1-877-776-1660. $$$MONEY$$$ ANY PURPOSE!!! 1st, 2nd, 3rd mortgage loans and credit lines, bad credit, debt consolidation, mortgage or tax arrears - NO PROBLEM! CALL TOLL-FREE 1-888-307-7799, Ontario -Wide Finandal Corp. EMPLOYMENT OPPS. A FREE phone connection! Cheap Telephone reconnect with long distance and intemet options. Great rates and service - call today 1- 877-336-2274. Phone Factory. www.phonefactory.ca. Sign up and save! ARE YOU LAID OFF? Government Funding Available to obtain yourAZ or Heavy Equipment Certification. Call Ontario Truck Driving School Today Toll -Free 1 -800 -799 -JOBS (5627), wwwotds.com. CANADIAN TAXPAYERS FEDERATION is seeking membership representatives in your area. FT/PT/Seasonal may apply. Paid weekly, equal opportunity, rapid advancement to become man- agers. Infoline Toll -Free 1-866-443-6020 or CALL AI Vanderveen (London) 519-439-6800. Drilling Rig Employees AKITA Drilling Ltd. is a premier oil and gas well drilling contractor with operations throughout Western Canada, New Brunswick, Alaska, Colorado and Canada' s Northern Territories. The company saves to be the industry leader in matters of employee expertise, safety, equipment quality and drilling per- fomrance. Akita has openings for experienced and entry level posi- tions on Drilling Rigs in Westem Canada. For positions of Driller, Denidk hand & Motor hand the applicant will need to be either a reg- istered or journeyman Rig Technician. The entry level positions require a good attitude and a willingness to learn. A driver's license, H2S ticket and first Aid would be of benefit to successful applicants. AKITA Drilling conducts pre -access drug testing for all field employ- ees. Akita Drilling Ltd. offers a competitive compensation and bene- fits structure including a company pension plan. Wages will be paid out inline with industry levels. Please forward your resume and ref- erences in confidence to: AKITA Drilling Ltd. Human Resources Department 2302 -8th ST. Nisku. AB e-mail: Cheryl.bearchell@ akita-drilling.com or holly.rosenberger@akita-drilling.com or Tim.Dibben@akita-drilling.com. WELDERS -All levels of welders needed to join our rapidly expand- ing company. Offering overtime, competitive wages, benefits, RRSP's & apprenticeship opportunities. Apply to: Do All Metal Fabricating, Estevan, SK, Email: tschlingmann@doallmetal.com, Fax: 306-634-8623. FOR SALE #1 HIGH SPEED INTERNET $18.95 / Month. Absolutely no ports are blocked. Unlimited Downloading. Up to 5Mps Download and 800Kbps Upload. ORDER TODAY AT www.acanac.ca or CALL TOLL-FREE: 1 :66 281-3538. 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