HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2008-09-03, Page 1818
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Wednesday, September 3, 2008
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SUN., SEPT. 14
4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Exeter Legion
Advance tickets $12 • At the door $14
• Children 5 and under free
• Ages 6-12 $5
FOR TICKETS CALL 519-235-2962
OR 519-235-1167
Music by Li'l Audrey
10 Wellington St. at Main St.
EXETER 519-235-3580
HOURS: MON.-WED. 9 A.M. - 6 P.M.
THURS.-FRI. 9 A.M.-8 P.M.; SAT. 9 A.M.-6 P.M.
Caven Presbyterian Church
68 Main Street South 519-235-2784
Sunday, September 7
10:30 a.m. Worship Service
Worship by Dorothy Henderson
Come Worship With Us!
Emmanuel Baptist Church
Corner of Highway 4 & Kirkton Road 519-235-2661
Pastor Scott Stein
Assoc. Pastor Doug Watson 1111
Assoc. Pastor of Youth and Children's Ministries
Eric Veen
Sunday, September 7
- Mooring Worship 10:30 a.m.
Everyone Welcome
Exeter Bible Fellowship
187 Huron St. W. -- For info call 519-229-6572
Sunday, Sept. 7-- 9:30 a.m.
11 a.m. Family Bible Hour -- Everyone Welcome
Thursday Evening Bible Study at 7:30 p.m.
Exeter Christian Reformed Church -
332 Huron St. W. 519-235-2990
Pastor Harry Frielink
Sun., Sept. 7- 10 a.m. Morning Worship
Children's Ministry ages 3-9 during morning service;
7 p.m. Sunday Evening Service.
Youth Director: Ben Vanstraten
Everyone Welcome
Sunday Radio CJCS 1240 8:30 a.m.
& CKNX 920 10:30 a.m.
Exeter United Church
Comer of James & Andrew St.
Rev. Paul Ross
September 7, 2008 10:30 a.m.
Worship service
Courtesy car for this week
Ken Agnew 519-235-1358
All welcome! All welcome!
Nursery (age 3 & under) supervision provided
every Sunday during worship.
Office: 519-235-0860 Fax: 519-235-0861
ucexeter®quadro.net www.exeterunitedchurch.ca
Trivitt Memorial Anglican Church
264 Main St. S., Exeter, Ontario 519-235-2565
Wed., Sept. 3 10 a.m. Morning Prayer (BCP)
Seventeenth after Pentecost - Sun., Sept. 7, 2008
11 a.m. Holy Eucharist - Youth Service
For transportation call John Astle 235-4156
MCLINCHEY (CLARKE) - Billy and Lisa
are thrilled to announce the birth of their
first child, Tyler Campbell McLinchey.
Tyler was born on August 22, 2008 at
Brantford General Hospital and weighed
81b 6oz. He is the fifth grandchild for
Byron and Beth Clarke of Crediton, and
the first grandchild for Bill and Jo -Ann
McLinchey of Beechwood. Tyler is a new
nephew for Greg and Kelly Clarke, Liette
Clarke and Katie McLinchey, and is anx-
ious to play with his cousins Aislinn,
Seamus, Seanesy and Aiveen Clarke. (36*)
256 Deaths
FARWELL - It is with sadness too deep
for words that we announce the passing of
John Patrick Farwell, August 25, 2008, age
40. John will always be remembered with
great love, and so sadly missed by his
mom Cecelia (and the late Louis) Farwell,
and by his family Don and Stella Farwell
of Stratford; Dorothy and Rick Kay of St.
Thomas; MaryAnne and Greg Sunderland
of London; Berni Farwell and Sandra
Hockin of London; Ken and Hennie
Farwell of Exeter; Ed Farwell of
Tecumseh; Rita (and the late David)
Hanna of London; Joe Farwell and
Melinda McCoy of Cambridge; Tim
Farwell of Hensall. He will also be dearly
missed by 13 nieces and nephews, and
their families and his many uncles, aunts
and cousins. Fondly remembered by
Kimberley Kerr of Alberta. John was a
professor of Theatre Arts at the University
of Lethbridge, Alberta, and was very high-
ly regarded by his students and colleagues.
He was born in Zurich, ON, and has lived
in Eastern, as well as Western Canada.
John has always been a most gentle and
caring son, brother, uncle and friend. We
will always love John and cherish the won-
derful memories he has left us. With
God's help and with the love and strength
of our incredible family, we will make it
through this difficult time. Rested at the
J.M. McBeath Funeral Home, 49 Goshen
St. N, Zurich, where visitation was held
Friday, August 29, 2008. Mass of the
Christian Burial was celebrated
Saturday,August 30, 2008 at St. Boniface
Roman Catholic Church, Zurich. Father
Peter Keller, Celebrant. Interment St.
Boniface Cemetery. Parish prayers were
said in the funeral home on Friday, August
29th. Condolences may be forwarded
through www.jmmcbeathfuneralhome.com.
A tree will be planted as a living memorial to
John Farwell. (36)
CALDWELL - Unexpectedly, at South
Huron Hospital, Exeter, surrounded by the
love of her family, Wednesday, August 27,
2008, Norma Elizabeth (Snell) Caldwell of
Dashwood, formerly of Exeter, age 78.
Remembered by her husband Ron
Caldwell of Exeter. Loved mother of
Mike and Chris Caldwell of Exeter, Kim
Caldwell and companion Jason Farraway
of Dashwood. Loving "Grandma Bingo"
of Ryan Caldwell. Dear sister and sister-
in-law of George and Peggy Snell of
RR#2, Grand Bend, Jack and Lia Snell of
Exeter. Also remembered by her many
nieces, nephews and their families.
Predeceased by her brothers Gordon
(infant) and Ray Snell, sisters Isabel Snell
and Jean Smith, parents William "Bill"
and Edna (Geddes) Snell. Rested at the T.
Harry Hoffman & Sons Funeral Home,
Dashwood, where the funeral service was
held Friday August 29, 2008. Mr. Bob
Heywood officiated. Interment Exeter
Cemetery. If desired, memorial donations
to the Lung Association or charity of
choice would be appreciated. Norma was
known as the "Inside Yard Sale" lady of
Dashwood. Condolences at www.hoff-
manfuneralhome.com (36)
258 In Memoriam
VAN OSCH - In loving memory of Harry
VanOsch who passed away August 31,
May time soften the pain until
all that remains is the beauty of the
and the love, always the love.
Missing you.
Your wife Paula, sons Gerald and Fred,
daughters Liz, Mary, Teresa and families.
In Memoriam
LINDENFIELD - In loving memory of
Lloyd (Jake), dear husband, and father
who died September 6, 2007.
Those we love don't go away,
They walk beside us every day.
Unseen, unheard but always near,
Still loved and always very dear.
Dear wife Verdun and family. (36*)
PICKERING - In memory of James Harold
(Jim), who passed away August 30th,
Time may hide the grief,
Smiles may hide the tears,
But precious memories will never fade,
Despite the passing years.
Sadly missed by your brother Ken. (36*)
ROWCLIFFE - In loving memory of Bob
Rowcliffe who passed away Sept. 6, 2005.
Remember him with a smile today,
He was not one for tears.
Reflect instead on memories,
Of all the happy years.
The smiles he brought,
The way he joked and the things he said,
His strength, his courage and the way he
Remember them instead.
And think of him as living,
In the hearts of all he touched.
For nothing loved is ever lost,
And he was loved so much.
Loved and remembered always. Doreen,
Pat and Wayne, Dave and Kelly and fami-
lies. (36)
GALLAGHER - In loving memory of my
special dad, Raymond Joseph, who passed
away three years ago August 31, 2005.
Remembering you is easy,
I do it every day,
But missing you is a heartache,
That never goes away.
Memories are a wonderful thing,
That last 'til the longest day,
They never wear out, they never get lost,
And can never be given away.
To some you may be forgotten,
To others a part of the past,
But to me who loved you and lost you,
Your memories will always last.
Sadly missed and always remembered,
Lorraine. XOXOXO
P.S. I hope you're having lots of fun with
Barney!! (36*)
259 Cards of Thanks
WRIGHT - We, the family of the late
James Wright, would like to thank every-
one for their kindness and support since
James' sudden passing. We appreciate the
efforts of those who stopped on the high-
way to offer assistance, especially
Firefighter Dan Smith, and of course the
ambulance attendants who arrived so
quickly. Thank you to Dr. Salter, Kathy
Chambers, and other staff at Clinton
Hospital for your support. Our thanks to
Ross Ribey and Ruth Townsend for your
guidance at this difficult time, to Rev.
Marybeth Wilson for your compassion and
assistance in planning such a special ser-
vice for James, and also to the pallbearers
and flowerbearers. Thank you to the
Kippen U.C.W. for the lunch served after
the service, to Gwen Devereaux and
friends for the meal served to our families
between visitations, and to those who trav-
elled from afar to be with us. We are so
grateful to our families, friends, neigh-
bours, CHSS staff and students both past
and present, and business associates for all
the phone calls, visits, e-mails, cards, on-
line condolences, gifts, flowers, charitable
donations, food brought to our homes, and
help with the farm work. We are over-
whelmed by the generosity of everyone,
and truly are fortunate to live in such a
caring community. Brenda, Laura,
Rebecca, Mark and John Wright. (36*)
4:30pm - 6:30pm, Exeter Legion. Advance
Tickets $12, at the door $14, children 5
and under free, Ages 6-12 $5. For Tickets
call 519-235-2962 or 519-235-1167.
Music by Li'l Audrey, (35-37)
Cards of Thanks
OHMAYER - My sincere thanks to all my
friends, neighbours and relatives for the
beautiful flowers, cards and treats sent to
me in the hospital and since returning
home. A special thank you to those who
visited me in the hospital. Thanks to those
who helped me at the house when I
returned home. Special thanks to Rev.
Sheila Macgregor for her friendly phone
calls, and to Rev. Mark Graves for his
prayers at church. Thanks to Fred and
Lorraine Bowers and Phyllis Bender for
their help on the morning of July 31st.
Special thanks to Town and Country
Support Services for generous qualified
assistance when needed. Thanks to ALL
members of the South Huron Hospital
staff, the Grand Bend Area Community
Health Centre staff and all members of the
support staff. It is so nice to live in a com-
munity where people still care about one
another. Doris. (36*)
249 Coming Events
AUXILIARY - on Tuesday, September 9th
for a Pot Luck Luncheon at 12:OOpm
(noon). Guest speaker will be Sue
Haskett. Stratford will be hosting the
Region 2 Fall Conference on Monday
September 29, 2008. (36)
DAY! Crediton Ball Park and Pavillion,
Sat, Sept. 6th, lam -1 lam Firemen's
Breakfast (Stephen Twp. Firefighters
Assoc.) Activities throughout the day!
Childrens Events, Firefighters Vehicle
Extrication Display, Children's Mini
Tractor Pull, Beef on a Bun, 2pm -
Crediton "Cubs" Ladies Fastball Team vs.
Crediton Cuties!!? Support Your
Community - Visit our Crediton
Committee Table! (34-36)
CIDERFEST - September 28, 2008, Van
Egmond House, Egmondville. Phone John
519-527-1369 or Vivienne 519-527-0375.
SAUSAGE SUPPER - Precious Blood
Parish Hall, Sunday Sept. 21st, 4:OOpm -
7:OOpm, Adults $12.00, Children under 12
$6.00, Call Herman Steffens 519-235-1558
or Gus Gregus 519-235-1647 for tickets.
HALL - 5 miles South East of Thorndale
#20903 Purple Hill Road (The Taylor
Auction Centre) Sunday September 14th,
The Country Versatiles, Ontario's Famous
Country Dance Band 3pm-8pm. Show and
Dance. 5pm Anna's Country Supper. The
Taylor Family of Purple Hill since 1853.
Presenting Outstanding Canadian Talent.
website www.purplehillcountryhall.com
R.C.M.P. MUSICAL RIDE - Thursday,
Sept. 11, 2008. 6:30pm South Huron
Recreation Centre. Tickets available at Co-
op Gas Bar, Sears, Rec Centre, Scotiabank
or any Lions Club Member. (26-37x)
TEMBER 19TH, 20TH, 21ST. - Saturday
Events feature Little Ray's "Living
Dragons", Birds of Prey shows and con-
cludes with a dance featuring "River
Junction Band". There are clowns, a mid-
way, and mechanical bull riding all week-
end. Demolition Derby begins Sunday at
1pm. Visit our website www.parkhillfall-
fair.com (36-38*)