HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2008-09-03, Page 13Wednesday, September 3, 2008 13 Agriculture TIMES—ADVOCATE Sheep sell on strong trade at Brussels Livestock Sales For the week ending Aug. 28, 2008. E-mail us at info@brusselslivestock.ca Total Receipts 1918 head of cattle, 741 lambs and goats. Summary: Tuesday Fed steers and heifers sold $2 lower. Choice steers and heifers sold 95 - 98 with sales to 102. Second cut sold 92 - 95. Cows sold $2 lower. Thursday Veal sold $2 higher. Lambs sold on a strong active trade, sheep sold on a good strong trade and goats sold on a very strong market. Friday Calves and yearlings sold on a steady market. Steers There were 338 steers on offer. Bruce Ross of St. Mary's consigned two steers aver- aging 1473 lbs. selling for an average of 97.78. With one blk steer weighing 1450 lbs. selling for 99.75. Emerson L. Martin of Linwood consigned 16 steers averaging 14271bs, selling for an average of 98.13. With one limo steer weighing 13951bs selling for 99.75 John Wiersma of Blyth consigned nine steers averag- ing 1447 lbs. selling for an average of 97.99. With two limo steers averaging 1555 lbs. selling to Holly Park Meats Packers for 99.50. Geisel Cattle Company of Elmira consigned 28 steers averaging 1535 lbs. selling for an average of 93.06. With three char steers averaging 1560 lbs. selling for 99. Brenda Wright of Kippen consigned five steers aver- aging 1368 lbs. selling for an average of 97.10. With two gold steers averaging 1448 lbs. selling to Dominion Meat Packers for 98.75. Murray Robert Taylor of Hensall consigned two steers averaging 1303 lbs. selling for an average of 97.47. With one limo steer weighing 1390 lbs. selling for 98.75. Neil Edger of Wingham consigned 57 steers averag- ing 1369 113S. selling for average of 96.82. With five blk steers averaging 1306 lbs. selling for 98.75. Murray Rennick of Monkton consigned one limo steer weighing 1215 lbs. selling for 98. Scott Geisel of West Montrose consigned 14 steers averaging 1560 lbs. selling for an average of 96.81. With one sim steer weighing 1460 lbs. selling to Holly Park Meat Packers for 98. Leonard Black of Proton Station consigned 13 steers averaging 1461 lbs. selling for an average of 96.54 With ten char steers averaging 1433 lbs. selling to Dominion Meat Packers for 97.25. Heifers There were 235 heifers on offer. Southlore Farms of Palmerston consigned 11 heifers averaging 1209 lbs. selling for an average of 95.69. With one bion heifer weighing 1345 lbs. selling for 102. Johnston Farms of Bluevale consigned 12 heifers averaging 1287 lbs. selling for an average of 98.04. With three blk heifers averaging 1428 lbs. selling for 99. Blue Oak Farms of Ripley consigned 19 heifers aver- aging 1232 lbs. selling for an average of 95.07. With one blk heifer weighing 1200 lbs. selling to Dominion Meats Packers for 97.75. Jim Thompson of Ailsa Craig consigned 13 heifers averaging 1372 lbs. selling for an average of 97.07. With nine blk heifers averaging 1387 lbs. selling to Dominion Meat Packers for 97.50. Doug Shiell of Wingham consigned 16 heifers aver- aging 1332 lbs. selling for an average of 96.82. With nine char heifers averaging 1352 lbs. selling for 97.25. David Bowles of Brussels consigned five gold heifers averaging 1293 lbs. selling for 97.25. Duchaime Farms of Zurich consigned 29 heifers averaging 1184 lbs. selling for an average of 91.71. With three limo heifers averaging 1243 lbs. selling for 95.75. Phares Kraemer of Paisley consigned four heifers averaging 1279 lbs. selling for an average of 94.81. With one limo heifer weighing 1215 lbs. selling for 95.25. Peter Nonkes of Blyth consigned two gold heifers averaging 1210 lbs. selling for an average of 94.50. Eckard Kamradt of Mitchell consigned five heifers averaging 1156 lbs. selling for an average of 92.45. With three blk heifers averaging 1152 lbs. selling for 94.25. Cows There were 222 cows on offer. Beef Cows 50-60 sales to 63.50, Di & D2 38-50, D3 28-38 Verne Wright of Harriston consigned two cows aver- aging 1608 lbs. selling on an average of 58.84 with one limo cow weighing 1150 lbs. selling for 63.50. Survey finds Canadians are dedicated to being green (NC)—Some Canadians are willing to go to extraordinary lengths in their commitment to environmental - friendliness. In fact, the first TD Friends of the Environment Foundation 'How Green Are You?' Survey revealed that 2% of Canadians even ended a relation- ship with someone who didn't care about the environment. While most won't go to those extremes, when it comes to being environmentally responsible 96% of Canadians give themselves a passing grade. In fact, when asked to grade their environmental -friendliness, 25% gave themselves an "A" and nearly 60% gave themselves a "B." Only 2% gave themselves an "F" and said that they did not really care about the environment. "Our survey was designed to identify how many Canadians 'walk the talk' when it comes to being environmen- tally -friendly," says Matthew Fortier, Regional Manager, TD Friends of the Environment Foundation. "The results overwhelmingly demonstrate that Canadians are dedicated to making green choices as part of their daily lives." The survey also found: • 94% of Canadians report that they recycle - 43% recycle everything and 51% recycle when convenient • 82% of Canadians say they use reduced -energy light bulbs in their home • Close to one-third say that they regularly walk or bike to work or Denfield Livestock market report for Tues., Aug. 26, 2008. The market at Denfield Livestock Sales traded on a good demand at prices $1 - $2 higher on the fancy and well fed cattle. A good offering of cows traded strong at fully steady prices. A light run of stockers traded steady, a good offering of holstein bull calves traded a little stronger. Les Smith, Denfield sold four head average weight 1341 average price 97.86 sales to 101.50 purchased by Norwich Packers. Ralph Pool, Wyoming sold 12 head average school • 64% report using energy-efficient appliances in their homes • One-half of respondents say they unplug appliances, like the toaster, when not in use • 21% take public transportation regularly "One way that Canadians can take their personal 'green' commitment to the next level is to donate or vol- unteer with an environmental orga- nization such as the TD Friends of the Environment Foundation," says Fortier. "The survey showed that while 43% go out of their way to buy local grown products, only 20% of Canadians donate to an environ- mental charity and just 12% volun- teer for environmental causes." Denfield Livestock Sales weight 1291 average price 96.42. Guyitt Family Farm, Ridgetown sold six steers average weight 1273 average price 97.17. Choice steers 97 - 101.50, Good steers 92 - 97, Plain steers 80 - 90, Choice exotic cross heifers 96 - 101, Good heifers 90 - 95, Plain heifers 80 -90, Good fed cows 65 - 80, D1 & D2 cows 55 - 65, D3 & D4 cows 35 - 40, Shells 25 - 35, Good beef bulls 65 - 80, Good holstein bulls 55 - 68, Good started hol- stein bull calves $75 - $140, Newborn and plain holstein bull calves $10 - $60. Barry Johnston of Holyrood consigned two limo cows averaging 1448 lbs. selling for an average of 62.22 with sales to 63. Charles Fisher of Mildmay consigned three hol cows averaging 1280 lbs. selling for an average of 48.34 with sales to 62.50. Bulls There were 19 bulls on offer 60-72.50 sales to 76.50. Fred Veenstra of Clinton consigned one blk bull weighing 1920 lbs. selling for 76.50. Melvin Miller of Lucknow consigned one Blk bull weighing 2360 lbs. selling for 73.50. Veal There were 218 head of veal on offer. Beef 105-125 with sales to 154, Good Holstein 94- 97 sales to 102.50, Medium Holstein 94-97, Plain & Heavy Holstein Plain N/A, Good heavy 87-95 Premier Blues of Dublin, consigned one veal weigh- ing 770 lbs. selling for an average of 154. Lamar Frey of Listowel, consigned four veal averag- ing 743 lbs. selling for an average of 129.54. With one limo steer averaging 765 lbs. selling for 152. Brian Wideman of Gowanstown, consigned five veal averaging 641 lbs, selling for an average of 126.68. With one red heifer weighing 730 lbs. selling for 142. Lambs: under 50 lbs. 125-202.50 50 - 65 lbs. 161-250 65 - 80 lbs. 163-214 80 - 95 113S. 152-169 95 - 110 lbs. 147-171 110 lbs. and over 151-161 Sheep 37-57 with sales to 74 Goats Kids - $60 - $110, Nannies - $60 - $125 per head, Billies $110- $240 per head Top Quality Stocker Steers under 400 lbs. 135-142 400 - 500 lbs. 125.50-137 500 - 600 lbs. 125-143 600 - 700 lbs. 109.25-130.75 700 - 800 lbs. 107.75-118.75 800 - 900 lbs. 104-115 900 - 1000 113s. 99.25-106.85 over 1000 lbs. 98.50 -105.35 Top Quality Stocker Heifers under 300 lbs. 131-132 300 - 400 lbs. 105-142 400 - 500 lbs. 104-129 500-600 lbs. 104-114 600 - 700 lbs. 99-114 700 - 800 lbs. 96.50-111.85 800 - 900 lbs. 97-107.75 over 900 lbs. 96.75-107.25 SAVE OVER '3.00 Propane Cylinder REFILL SPECIAL MAY 10 - OCT. 11 BRING YOUR BAR -B -Q CYLINDER TO THE EXETER CO-OP GAS BAR ON SATURDAYS BETWEEN 9 A.M. AND 1 RM. AND 'TOP IT UP' FOR am" ONLY TAX INCLUDED (REGULAR VALUE $16.00) SAVE OVER $3.00