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Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Graduate -
Congratulations to
Jonathan Thornton on
your June 9 graduation
from the University of
Western Ontario with a
four-year Bachelor of
Musical Arts Degree.
Jonathan will be attend-
ing the Faculty of
Education at the
University of Windsor in
We are so proud of you!
Love Mom, Dad
& Tim
Graduate - Eugene &
Michele are pleased to
announce the gradua-
tion of Cory King from
the University of Western
Ontario. Cory received
his Bachelor of
Engineering Science,
Software Engineering, on
June 11, 2008.
We are all very proud
of you!
Love Mom, Dad, Josh,
Nathan & Brandon
Gardening seminar in Bayfield
By Liz Sangster
HENSALL - The Hensall
and Community
Horticultural Society will
be celebrating their 25th
anniversary on Tues., Oct.
14 with a Harvest
Celebration, featuring
guest speaker Denis
Flanagan. Denis is a well-
known gardening person-
ality who has hosted pro-
grams on HGTV. His topic
will be "Creating a
Spectacular Garden, with
an emphasis on Autumn
Color." Grace Campbell
will cater a roast pork din-
ner. This will be an excit-
ing event for the commu-
nity, watch for more
details in the weeks ahead.
At Carmel Presbyterian
Church Rev. Andy Meinen
was the minister, with Rob
Cameron as the guest
organist for the ministry of
song. The opening hymn
was All People That On
Earth Do Dwell. The Bible
reading was from Joshua.
Psalm 145 was read in
unison, and the Nicene
Creed repeated. The
offering was received by Al
Hoggarth and Harry Moir.
The closing hymn was
Where Cross The Crowded
Ways Of Life. The service
closed with benediction.
"Glad Days" in Hensall
will be held on Aug. 7 and
Aug. 8. The price of one
bunch of glads is $5, two
bunches $9. This event is
presented by Huron -Perth
Gardening seminar
Sept. 13
The Huron Master
Gardeners Association is
hosting an educational
seminar, "To Bee or Not
To Bee", on Sept. 13 from
9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the
Bayfield Community
Centre. Speakers will be
Bill Andrews (Professor
Emeritus of Environmental
Science at the University of
Toronto) on the topic of
low -maintenance garden-
ing, Vickie Beard on the
topic of "The Importance
and Plight of Pollinators",
and Summer and Tyler
Papple (Master Gardeners
and owners of Papple
Garden Centre in Seaforth)
on the topics of
"Perennials for
Pollinators" and "Greening
the Greenhouse". Also,
humorist David Hobson
will take a look at the
lighter side of gardening.
Registration is $40
(includes lunch). For more
information please phone
Huron Master Gardeners
Coordinator Betsy
Rowcliffe at 263-2677.
Decoration Day at
Aggressive driver caught
LAMBTON SHORES — A 19 -year-old man Lakeshore
man faces a charge of driving while prohibited and the
1997 Chevrolet he was driving was impounded for 45
days at his expense after he was stopped by Pinery Park
staff for driving aggressively within the park. It is alleged
July 10 the man was stopped by a Pinery Park warden for
erratic driving. Investigation showed the driver was pro-
hibited from driving as a result of a recent Criminal Code
Impaired Driving Conviction Lambton OPP were called to
assist in the investigation. The man will attend Sarnia
Court Sept. 8 to answer to the charge.
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Graduate - Jocelyn
Pentland daughter of
Joanne & Gord Brown
and the late Jim Pentland
graduated from Lambton
College, Sarnia on June
14th. She received her
Sports & Recreation
Administration diploma.
She will be attending the
University of Windsor in
Human Kinetics this fall.
We are all proud of you.
Love Mom, Gord
& family
Graduate - Skylar Van
Osch graduated from
the University of Western
Ontario with a
Baccalaureate of
Science, Honours
Genetics. Skylar is
presently working with
Dr. Hill as a research
associate in genetics at
Western. Skylar is the
son of Fred & Shelley
Van Osch.
Congratulations Sky!
Love Mom, Dad & the
rest of the family.
Graduate - We are
thrilled to announce the
graduation of Jaci
Riddell from Laurier
University where she
received her honours in
Business &
Communications. She
has accepted a position
with The Bank of
Montreal Mortgage
Congratulations Jaci, we
couldn't be more proud
of you!
Love Mom, Dad, Jason,
Cassie & Jeff
Hensall Union Cemetery
will be held on July 27at2
p.m. In case of rain, the
service will take place at
Carmel Presbyterian
Shuffleboard scores
The Hensall shuffle-
board scores for July 15
are as follows: (4 games)
Joe Regier 446, Edna Deitz
406, Merle McLellan 404,
Gord Ross 355. (3 games)
Catherine DeCorte 486,
Doris Hamilton 396, June
Martini 339, Doris Muir
321, Cor DeCorte 317,
Hank Dorssers 291, Ray
Bennewies 268, Harry
Pemrings 245.
Ila is looking forward to
celebrating with friends
& relatives at
507 Boler Rd., London
on Sunday, July 27
from 1:30 - 4:00.
Best wishes only.
Hospice/Palliative Care
Support when you need it
People of all ages are affected by life -altering
illness, their own, or that of a loved one.
Hospice/Palliative care volunteers provide
comfort and care during difficult times.
For more information about hospice/palliative
care, including bereavement support and other
resources, call:
VON Palliative Care Volunteer Services
A program of the VON Perth -Huron Branch
Serving Exeter and South Huron
A reward is offered for the return of my kids'
2 bikes that were taken from Exeter pool
Tues., July 15th, 2008.
One was an adult black Schwinn Kicker with a different derailer
on it. The other was a red super cycle. Both were mountain bikes.
Anyone that has any information about these bikes please call
me personally. Cathy 519-235-2135
in support of Community Living - South Huron raised
Special thanks and appreciation go to the following
sponsors of the May 26, 2008 GolfTournament
Dave Scatcherd, Oakwood Inn Resort & Golf & The Kirwood Group
Brad Baker, Heating
CBU Publications
Dunline Rubber Products
Eric Campbell Ford Lincoln
Exeter Chrysler Jeep Eagle
Exeter Produce Veri Fine Brand
Exeter Times -Advocate
Frayne's Exeter Toyota
Gary Bean Securities
Glavin Eavestroughing Ltd.
Godbolt & Cuifo Insurance & Financial Services
Haskett Funeral Homes
Hensall Co -Op, Exeter
Huron Apothecary
Huron Motor Products Ltd.
Huron Tractor
Jennison Construction
J.M.R. Electric Ltd.
Kraft Auto Parts
Latec Instruments
McCann Redi-Mix Inc.
McDonald's, Exeter
MicroAge Basics
Pinder, Taylor, McNeilly and Godkin
Sommers Motor Generator Sales
Stevenson & Hunt
The Royal Canadian Legion, Grand Bend
Tim Horton's Exeter
Algoma Tire
Bayview Golf Club
Brentwood on the Beach
Colonial Hotel
Dave Moore Fuels
Detailers, Hensall
Dinney's Fine Furniture
Dunline Rubber Co.
Ellison Travel & Tours
Grand Bend Lions Club Royal Bank, Exeter
Green Haven Tralier Park Sand Hills Gold Resort
H.O. Jerry Sobey's, Grand Bend
Hansen's Smith Peat Roofing
Haskett Funeral Homes Stevenson & Hunt
Hayter's Turkey Products Wallis Motors
Ironwood Golf Club Weiser Lock
London Life Weston Forest Corp.
McDonald's, Exeter Widder Station
MicroAge Basics Wuerth's Shoes
Paco Artisans
Propsers Garage Ltd.