HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2008-07-23, Page 5Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Opinion Forum News
July 20, 1988 - Crediton
Summerfest which has been
held for the past five years on
the second weekend in August
will be suspended for at least
one year. Acting chairman
Fred Bowers says lack of
interest by volunteers and
escalating costs are responsi-
ble for the move.
The current strike of Bell
Canada employees is in its third week.
The Kippen team of Paul Middleton, Al Kyle, Brad
Mann, Jamie Caldwell and Dan Crerar won the
annual Claybird Gun Club Championship Sunday.
Rev. Sheila McGregor has been inducted as the
minister at Thames Road and Elimville United
A tray of rings with an estimated retail value of
$5,500 was stolen from Earl Campbell Jewellers on
Monday afternoon by a male customer who looked
at the rings and said he will take them all as he ran
out the door.
July 20, 1978 - Winning the Moncur scholarships
this year at SHDHS were Heather Little and Paul
Van Esbroeck. Other Ontario Scholars are Mary
Warburton, Wes Abbott, Susan Feaver, Rene
Kirmse, Carolyn Perry, Eleanor Salmon and
Catherine Weido. Doug Scott was tops in Grade 12,
Deb Webster was best in Grade 11, Arndt
Vermaeten and Paul McAuley were tied in Grade 10
and tops in Grade nine was Kevin Glasgow.
Greg Pfaff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pfaff is
among the 31 army cadets from across Canada cho-
sen to take part in a six-week training program with
Canadian Forces in Europe.
July 15, 1963 - About 85 vehicles attended the
first drive-in gospel service at the Shipka Starlite
Theatre Sunday night.
About 300 children have registered for this year's
annual Vacation Bible School.
Rapid conclusion of the Exeter sewerage system
means the system will be ready for operation by
next week.
Record crowds swarmed to the Grand Bend
resort on the weekend in an attempt to beat 98
degree temperatures.
Max Harness, local Ontario Hydro driver won the
western region's truck rodeo for the third time last
July July 15, 1958 - A.J. Sweitzer, former Exeter
Lions Club president and now an international
councillor of the organization attended the Lions
Club convention in Chicago last week.
Sunday afternoon the new Baldwin organ was
dedicated at Thames Road United Church by Rev.
H.C. Wilson.
The general store of Emmerson Kyle at Kippen
has been purchased by the Ontario Depai t<nent of
Highways and will be demolished to provide better
vision at the intersection of the county road and
Highway 4. Mr. Kyle has operated the store since
Margaret Sanders is the first SHDHS student to
receive the bursary given by the Women's Auxiliary
of South Huron Hospital to a girl commencing train-
ing for the nursing profession. She will join the St.
Joseph's School of Nursing in September.
July 21, 1948 - Miss Jean Hennessey has been
successful in passing her exams at the Grey Beauty
School in London.
Induction service was held for Rev. Harold Currie
in Crediton United Church, Friday.
District Orange Lodges to the number of 3,500
celebrated the anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne
at Clinton.
July 14, 1923 - The local Orangemen along with a
number of citizens attended the July 12 celebrations
in Stratford.
Workmen are making progress in transforming
the vacant post office site into a playground.
Mr. Mervin Cann has resigned his position with
Cole's Drug Store and has accepted a similar posi-
tion in London.
Bett's Bakery has installed a new bread mixer
and will now be able to supply the public with more
and better bread.
Seniors' Perspective
By Jim Bearss
Adult Activities Co-ordinator
"If it weren't for stress, I'd have no energy at all." Red
Children's Festival
Join Big Brothers, Big Sisters for a children's
festival - Sat., July 26. Main Street Exeter. Yard
sale, bake sale, activity stations, drum circle,
barbecue, Scribbles the Clown and much more...
Plan to come out to the former Darling's parking
lot (Main Street, Exeter) for a fun filled day.
Come out at 9 a.m. to browse through a yard
sale, purchase a pie from Community Living
South Huron or some baked goods made from
local produce. Participate in the many activities
that are planned, such as a bubble pool, boat pond,
princess tiaras, airplanes, colouring pages, paper plate
masks and more. Check out the booths set-up by local
organizations. Through -out the day you can visit the
White Squirrel, Scribbles the Clown and the characters
from McDonald's. Participate in a local drum circle at 11
a.m. and 1 p.m. At 11 a.m. there will be a barbecue
lunch for a donation. All proceeds from the day's events
go towards supporting the programs and services at Big
Brothers / Big Sisters of South Huron. Big Brothers, Big
Sisters would like to thank local businesses for generously
sponsoring this event.
Riverview Estates of Exeter
You are invited Aug. 7 at 11 a.m. to attend a presentation
by Julie Hicks, Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority
on the MacNaughton Trails Flora and Fauna. Book a ride
on the trailmobile or enjoy a walk on the trail. Lunch at
12 p.m. Cost $6.
Coffee and tour of Renovated Club House
The New Horizons Revitalization Committee of Riverview
Estates and Parkbridge Lifestyle Communities invite you
and your friends for a coffee and a tour of the renovated
Club House at Riverview Estates, 20 Kalisch Avenue,
Exeter on Mon., July 28 from 10 a.m. to Noon. Some of
the renovations made possible from the New Horizon
Grant the group obtained are a new refrigerator, repaired
pool table, new dart boards, new exercise equipment,
clean up, paint and new flooring in the exercise room,
new chairs, replacement rug and replacement fireplace
with a gas fireplace insert and more. Please mark your
calendar for Mon., July 28 from 10 a.m. to noon. South
Huron and area residents are invited to come and see for
yourself the amazing accomplishment this group has
Golfing to help seniors
There's still time to enter Town and Country's golf tour-
nament on Sat., Aug. 9 at Woodlands Links, Clinton, start-
ing at 10 a.m. The tournament includes 18 holes of golf, a
full steak dinner, and excellent prizes for everyone.
"Businesses and individuals have been generous in sup-
porting this event. We have great prizes to give away,"
notes Shelley McPhee Haist of Town and Country Support
Services. Along with prizes for the best golfers of the day,
there will be prizes for longest drive, closest to the hole
for both men and women, and even a prize for the highest
score of the day. As well there will be a putting contest.
A day of golf for Town and Country is a great way to be
active, and support programs that make it better for oth-
ers. Golfers are asked to register by Aug. 1. The cost is
$70. To register call Town and Country Support Services
at 482-9264. Early bird registration runs until July 18 for
$60 each. For more information contact: Shelley McPhee
Haist, Town and Country Support Services 482-9264ext.
Come to the Fair — the Senior's Trade Fair
The South Huron Chamber of Commerce is proud to pre-
sent the 2008 Senior Trade Fair and Information Expo to
be held on Aug. 20. Hours will be 1 — 8 p.m. at the South
Huron Recreation Centre. A great day for visiting the
many exhibits, listening to good music, first-rate food and
great door prizes and be there for your many friends and
RCMP Musical Ride
RCMP Musical Ride will be Sept., 11 at the Recreation
Centre grounds. Tickets are available at South Huron
Recreation Centre or Bank of Nova Scotia, Exeter.
To complete your day after the show, enjoy a great roast
beef dinner with all the trimmings, put on by the Exeter
Legion Auxiliary Ladies at the South Huron Recreational
Centre. Dinner will be served from 5 — 8 p.m. Adults $12,
Children $6 and children under 5 free. Tickets are avail-
able at the legion at 235-2962 or by contacting Harvey or
Esther at 235-1167.
Octoberfest with Walter Ostenek
Enjoy your Octoberfest activities at the Walters Family
Theatre at R. R. # 3 Bright on Fri., Sept. 19. Your trip will
include matinee, meal and show complete with deluxe
transportation. Call Harry Hardy at 227-4887 or Cruise
Sell Offs, Lucan at 227-0444 or harry@cruiseselloffs.com
Math trick
Here is a math trick so unbelievable that it will stump
you. Personally I would like to know who came up with
this and why that person is not running the country. Grab
a calculator. (You won't be able to do this one in your
1. Key in the first three digits of your phone number
(without the area code...)
2. Multiply by 80
3. Add one
4. Multiply by 250
5. Add to this the last four digits of your phone
6. Add to this the last four digits of your phone
number again.
7. Subtract 250
8. Divide number by two
Do you recognize the answer??
Maybe you should ask yourself...
Does an unauthorized person have access to your bank
Who is recording your credit card numbers while you
shop online?
Is your home address known to people who should not
know it?
Was somebody watching as you filed taxes online this
Has your computer been working slowly?
Does your PC crash or freeze more frequently than it
Is somebody tracking your web surfing?
Can unscrupulous users control your PC without your
For more senior information go to
www.etmtelevision.com and click on my picture for senior
and agricultural information.
Efficient energy use
Why not opt for compact fluorescent bulbs?
Be truly brilliant and choose compact fluorescent bulbs
for the best performance and the lowest cost possible!
Compared to the competition, compact fluorescent bulbs
consume up to 75 per cent less energy than incandescent
bulbs, and they last up to 10 times longer.
They also offer worthwhile secondary benefits since they
last 10 times longer, they are ideal for hard to reach
places like a cathedral ceiling, a cornice, or above a stair-
case. As well because they consume up to 75 per cent less
energy, they will help you save even more money when
they are used in areas that require a lot of lighting.
Not all compact fluorescent bulbs have a strange shape.
"classic", candle, reflector, globe, and of course, twisted
bulb shapes are available on the market. A compact fluo-
rescent bulb uses very little energy compared to halogen
and incandescent bulbs: an incandescent bulb uses over
three quarters of the energy it consumes to produce heat
instead of light, and halogen bulb offers very poor energy
You do the math: every home saves almost $4 per year
for each 100W incandescent bulb that is replaced with a
compact fluorescent 25W bulb. How many bulbs do you
have in your home?
Have a laugh...
An Irish priest is transferred to Texas. Father O'Malley
rose from his bed. It was a fine spring day in his new
Texas mission parish. He walked to the window of his
bedroom to get a deep breath of the beautiful day outside.
He then noticed there was a jackass lying dead in the
middle of his front lawn. He promptly called the local
police station.
The conversation went like this:
'Good morning. This is Sergeant Jones. How might I help
you?' 'And the best of the day to yerself. This is Father
O'Malley at St. Brigid's. There's a jackass lying dead in
me front lawn. Would ye be so kind as to send a couple o'
yer lads to take care of the matter?' Sergeant Jones, con-
sidering himself to be quite a wit, replied with a smirk,
'Well now father, it was always my impression that you
people took care of last rites!' There was dead silence on
the line for a long moment. Father O'Malley then replied:
'Aye, tis certainly true, but we are also obliged to notify
the next of kin.' Contributed by Bill Tinney
In 1947 Milton Berle was one of the biggest names in
comedy. But as his career rose, his marriage failed, lead-
ing to a divorce from his wife Joyce Mathews. Two years
later, Berle and Mathews got married for the second time.
Why marry the same woman all over again? "Because,"
Berle explained, "she reminds me of my first wife."
A man told his friend he and his wife were going through
the empty -nest syndrome. The worst part, he said, was
"Once the children left my wife began treating me like a
"When we went to the grocery store, I reached for cereal;
she slapped my hand and said, 'We don't need that this
week.' I reached for the ice cream, and she slapped my
hand, saying, 'We don't need that this week.' I reached
for the potato chips, and ... same thing. "I finally got so
frustrated I hopped out of the grocery cart and went to
the car!"