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Times -Advocate
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
'Out of the Cold' program looking for student volunteers
By Rhoda Rohde
THAMES ROAD - UCW meeting: The
May meeting of the UCW was held on
Tuesday evening in the church basement.
The meeting table was covered with the
autographed table cloth with African vio-
lets, a flower arrangement and candle, a
beautiful arrangement of yellow and pur-
ple iris set in amongst greenery and a
lovely pot of purple petunias.
Helen Weston welcomed everyone and
Margaret Stewart, Anne Bray and Doris
Elford all stood and read a call to wor-
ship as they are all members of the mis-
sion and outreach committee. Everyone
sang The Church Is Wherever God's
People with Jean Hodgert as the accom-
panist. Doris Elford gave a reading
called "The Squirrel and The Rabbit."
Helen Weston gave prayers of the peo-
ple `Building Temples." Anne Bray read
Genesis 4:1-9. Margaret Stewart read a
devotional, "My Brother's and Sister's
Anne Bray gave a prayer "I Know God's
In Here Somewhere".
Doris Elford and Helen Weston received
the offering with offertory prayer by
Anne Bray. Everyone sang For The
Healing of The Nations.
Margaret Stewart introduced Bob
Hulley of Londesborough who is on the
rural response for Healthy Children. He
has the position of Parent Education /
Support Worker - Father Involvement.
He is a graduate of Heritage Theological
Seminary in Cambridge where in 2001
he earned his Master of Theological
Studies - Counselling Major.
Bob gave a very interesting talk and
showed some pictures. Helen Watson
thanked Bob and gave him a gift plus a
Helen gave a reading "Do Something
for Somebody, Sometime."
Margaret Stewart gave a humorous
reading "Do Old People Kiss?"
Our president Joyce Fulton opened the
business part of the meeting with a read-
ing from Reader's Digest.
The UCW Purpose was read in unison.
Our secretary took the roll call which was
answered by the ladies saying they
brought articles for the Phoenix House.
Minutes were read and adopted.
Correspondence was dealt with. A letter
was read from the secretary of Camp
Bimini. Helen Kadey gave the treasurer's
report. Diane Jeffery spoke about the
summer event at Siloam United Church,
London July 19.
Virginia Warwick has offered to be the
group leader along with Joan Morgan.
Joyce Fulton closed with a humorous
reading "Grannies Pies"
Everyone read the UCW Prayer. There
were 31 ladies and three guests present.
A delicious dessert and three different
beverages prepared by Beatrice Dawson,
Myrtle Pengelly, Jean Hodgert and
Marilyn Vandenbussche was partaken of
which brought a very interesting evening
to a close.
Church service
Rev. Judith Ritchie was in charge of the
Father's Day and the Celebration of
Baptism church service on Sunday morn-
Rev. Judith lit the Christ candle and
everyone sang verses 1 and 2 of the
hymn We Are One.
Rev. Judith gave words of welcome and
everyone passed the Peace.
The introit We Praise You For Your Love
was sung.
Rev. Judith led in the call to worship
responsively, the opening prayer and
gave the announcements.
Barry Miller lit the red candle for
Peace. Rev. Judith read Genesis 18:1-15,
21:1-7, from the Old Testament.
Rev. Judith told the children about the
baptismal font and Cole Heessels helped
her pour the water in the font.
Everyone sang The Lord's Prayer in
unison and Psalm 116 was read respon-
The choir sang We Thank You God
accompanied by the pianist Marilyn
Sharon Passmore read Matthew 9:35-
38, 10:8.
The title of Rev. Judith's message was
"A Fable" with Robert Bray and Karen
Etherington assisting.
Everyone sang verses of the hymn God
of the Sparrow and read the Affirmation
of Faith "A New Creed."
The celebration of baptism with the
statement of purpose. Grace Pym pre-
sented the candidates for baptism namely
Jake Edward Heessels son of Richard
and Rebecca Heessels and Brock Thomas
Passmore son of Tom and Sue Passmore
and Godparent Jon Passmore.
Promises of parents and con-
gregational commitment: Rev.
Judith then baptized the
babies. Grace Pym presented
the parents with a lit candle
and a certificate. Everyone
sang the baptism hymn Wash,
0 God, Our Sons and
Judith Parker and Marianne
Veldman received the offering
and everyone sang the
Doxology and read the offerto-
ry prayer in unison.
Rev. Judith gave prayers of
the people. Everyone sang
verses 4,5,6 of the hymn God
of The Sparrow.
Rev. Judith gave the commis-
sioning and pronounced the
benediction which everyone
With thanks
Thank you to all who helped
with this service. A special
thanks to Grace Pym (long
time member of this faith fami-
ly and chair of our church
council) for representing the
whole congregation as she
assisted Rev. Judith with the
We welcome to our church
Friday Fish Fry
Crediton fundraiser —The Annual Bluewater Shrine Club Fish Fry
fundraiser was June 13 at the Crediton Ball Park.Above from left are
John Wise, Bluewater Shrine Club president Don Bender, Morley
Hodgins and Ron Turner. (photo/Nina Van Lieshout)
family through baptism Jake Edward
Heessels, son of Richard and Rebecca
Heessels and Brock Thomas Passmore,
son of Tom and Sue Passmore.
Rev. Judith's expected hours to be
As part of her required continuing edu-
cation, Rev. Judith will be away on a
silent retreat from June 16 through June
23. She will return to active service on
Wed., June 25. In a pastoral emergency
please call John Miner or Kathy Bray for
further assistance. Our church website is
Future events
June 22 - Mission and Service Sunday.
The worship service will be led by the
outreach committee. Guest speakers:
Rick and Jennifer Branderhorst, speak-
ing about their trip to Haiti.
June 29 - Church service at
MacNaughton Park at 10:30 a.m.
Aug. 18 - Out of the Cold program -
Murray and Beatrice Dawson have volun-
teered to go and are wondering if there
are any high-school students needing
`volunteer hours' that would go with
Confirmation classes -
this fall we hope to have
confirmation classes. We
need to know if there are
any people in Grades 7
and up who would be
interested. Please contact
Rev. Judith before the end
of July at the church at
235-2803 or e-mail at
thame s elimvilleuc@sym-
Attending the baptism service and
guests with Tom and Sue Passmore were
Gordon and Myrtle Pengelly, Dave and
Sharon Passmore, Jon Passmore and
friend Chelsea, Brenda Montgomery,
Brad and Cindy Coates, Delaney and
Jaylene, John Batten.
Guests with Richard and Rebecca
Heessels were Ed and Joanne Heessels,
Ed and Corrine Heessels and family, Lisa
Heessels and family, Ross and Pat Veal,
Barry and Melonie Miller, Brian Miller,
Maggie Miller and friend, Sarah Miller
and friend, Laura Miller.
Congratulations to Steve and Cindy Pym
of Ilderton on the birth of their son Evan
Llewellyn on May 20, a little brother for
Alfie. Congratulations to grandparents
John and Marilyn Pym and Allan and
Nancy Hines.
Congratulations to Dan and Anne
Gallant of London on the birth of their
daughter Lilly Beverley on June 12, a lit-
tle sister for Alexander and a great niece
for Bruce Delbridge.
Quite a number of people from this
area attended Woodham chicken barbe-
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