HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2008-06-04, Page 88
Times -Advocate
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Museum construction
Men at work —The construction continued May 28 at the new Donnelly Museum on
the Main Street in Lucan. From left Brad Siddall, Brad Royackers and Randy Dare, of
Broeders in Grand Bend, were steel decking and welding. (photo/Nina Van Lieshout)
Gardening with Hurondale WI
EXETER — On Wed., May 28 the
Hurondale W.I. met at the
home of Mabel Hern. A
lovely lunch was
served to the members
by June Stewart's group.
Following lunch, president
Fern Dougall opened the meeting
and the Institute Ode and the Mary
Stewart Collect were recited in uni-
Helpful tips and plant
The roll call was answered with a
variety of green thumb helpful
hints. Donations were made to the
Erland Less (Museum) home,
Adelaide Hoodless Homestead and
A.C.W.W. - Water for All.
Discussion of the upcoming District
Picnic being held July 8 with Grand
Bend W.I. as hosts took place.
Business being concluded, June
Stewart's group took over the pro-
gramme. June and Mabel Hern
had appropriate readings on the
subject of gardening. Helen
Webber and June per-
formed a comical skit `In
a Restaurant'. Gladys
Richardson conducted a
couple of gardening contests
and Helen Webber finished off the
programme with a reading. A
plant exchange was held and
everyone went home with a lovely
sample from someone's garden.
The next meeting will be held at
BIO Connections, Exeter on June
Bridge Club
Above average scores for May 28
Carole and Dennis Hockey .583
Heather and Al Beattie .562
Doris Hackey and Bob Thompson .562
Barb and Dave Cooper .520
Last session of the year. See you on the
first Wednesday after Labour Day
Zurich playground dedication ceremony Sat., June 21
By Carmel Sweeney
ZURICH - Congratulations go out to
Neil Beauchamp and Paula Allen who
were married on Sat., May 31 at St.
Boniface Church with dinner and recep-
tion held at the Bluewater Complex.
The groom is the son of Don and
Elaine Beauchamp of Zurich. The cou-
ple are living in Bayfield.
Congratulations to Glenn and Doreen
Webb of RR 2 Zurich who celebrated
their 60th wedding anniversary on May
A family get-together was held in their
honour on Sunday with dinner at the
Hessenland along with one sister and
two brothers.
Donate to the Zurich Medical
This Sat., June 7 Jerry Rader will be
having a "Strawberry Shortcake special"
(all you can eat) with donations going to
the Zurich Medical Centre. Come out
and support this worthy cause. The fun
starts at 11 a.m. and goes until 2 p.m.
Special guest singer is an Elvis imper-
sonator along with Rader's own singing
chef Martin Gelinas.
Bette Oke; Bob and Betty Kirk and
Donna O'Brien returned home recently
from a lovely holiday in West Virginia.
Hubert and Marge Schilbe returned
home recently from a vacation in
Calgary where they visited their son
Wayne and Jody Schilbe and family.
They also spent time with Brent
Hoffman in Edmonton, visiting Banff.
While there they celebrated Hubert's
80th birthday on May 18 in Calgary.
A surprise party and supper was
recently held at Aunt Gussie's in Grand
Bend for Hubert with family members
A Buck and Doe will be held for Josh
Becker and Sarah Payton this Fri., June
6 at the Zurich Community Centre. He
is the son of John and Mary Becker from
The couple are planning to be married
in September.
A Men's Breakfast will be held on Sat.,
June 14 at Erb's Country Kitchen at
8:30 a.m.
Agriculture Society
The next meeting for the Agriculture
Society is at the town hall on Thurs.,
June 19 at 8 p.m. Come out and help to
plan for the Zurich Fair on July 25, 26,
and 27. The theme this year is "Reach
for the stars." Elimination draw and
dance tickets are now on sale for $10
each for a chance to win $1000 plus lots
of other amounts.
Members of the Lions Club, president
John Becker and members of the fair
board are selling these tickets. You can
also purchase them at Erb's Country
Kitchen, Thiel's Hardware Store or
Zurich Variety.
Music for the dance is "Quarter Mile
Lane" with Kati Durst of Goderich who
was a Canadian Idol finalist.
Lions Club
The Lions Club held their last meeting
on May 28 with 14 attending.
A dona-
tion was
made to the
Scouts for
$ 5 0 0 .
Propane Cylinder
MAY '1O - OCT. 11
Plans are being made for a playground
dedication on Sat., June 21.
Their last dinner meeting for the sum-
mer will be Wed., June 11 at Erb's
Restaurant at 7 p.m. Spouses are invit-
Best wishes for a speedy recovery go
out to Glen Weido of Zurich.
Welcome to town Angela Watson who
has recently moved into the Stone
Meadow condos subdivision.
The students of Aimee Rau held their
music and piano spring recital on Sun.,
June 1 at St. Boniface School gym with
their theme being "Circus MYC."
The next foot clinic at the Maple -
Woods Apt. will be on Mon., June 9 from
8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Cost is $13 and
please bring your own towel - no
appointment is necessary.
Open house reminder
Open house at the Bean Sprout
Nursery School at the town hall will be
this week June 4 - 6 from 10 a.m. to
11:30 a.m. each day. All moms are wel-
come to drop in with their little ones for
a visit or call 519-236-7361.
Madeline and Paul Denomme of RR 2
Zurich are happy to announce the
arrival of their first grandchild, a baby
girl Haley born on June 1.
Proud parents are
Jennifer and Kevin
NewCombe of London.
Mike and Alice Scott
spent last week visiting
Capsule Comments
by Ernie Miatello
Normal urinary bladder can hold about 450
ml of urine (about 15 oz.) People generally
urinate between 1.5 - 2 litres (50-67 oz.) daily.
Some people urinate more frequently than
others. Polyuria means the production and
excretion of excess amounts of urine. This could be due to
diabetes, excessively high intake of water, high blood calcium or
low potassium levels. If you are concerned, have it checked.
We hear often about people's blood pressure going up in the
doctor's office ("white coat hypertension"). If you are having your
blood pressure checked, avoid caffeine at least one hour before,
no smoking for 15-30 minutes prior and you shouldn't have taken
any cold medications that day. (These raise blood pressure.)
Nutritionists all agree that eating fish at least twice weekly is
good for our general health. There was a "study of studies" called
a meta-analysis, that looked at 220,000 people comparing those
that ate no fish per week and those who ate fish five times per
week. The fish eaters had a 40% lower risk of death from heart
It's the fish oils that provide the benefits. For example, a five
ounce (170 gram) serving of wild salmon contains 3.65 grams of
omega -three oils.
Huron Apothecary Ltd.
Phone 235-1982, );ist o
440 Main St. Exeter
their daughter Vikki and Jeff MacDonald
and family in Terrace Bay.
A special celebration was held for sis-
ter Joyce Smith on Sat., May 31 at Notre
Dame Convent in Waterdown (near
Hamilton) on the occasion of her 50th
anniversary of being a nun.
Approximately 25 members of the
Smith family from Zurich and various
places attended this happy occasion.
Gerald Smith of Forest spent the week-
end visiting his brother Bill and they
also went to Waterdown on Saturday.
There will be a dance in Bayfield at
the Town Hall on Sat., June 21 with Big
Band music called "Light House."
Tickets are $20 per person. Call
Charles Kalbfleisch at 565-2244 as soon
as possible.
Quilting bee
There will be a quilting bee at the
Zurich Mennonite Church on June 12
starting at 10 a.m. with a potluck lunch
at the home of Phyllis Ramer. Everyone
welcome. For more information call
Happy 53rd anniversary wishes go out
to Gord and Jeanne Hay of Exeter on
June 4.
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