HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2008-05-21, Page 1616 TIMES -ADVOCATE Wednesday, May 21, 2008 Announcements/Community Induction for Peter GummowJune 1 By Rhoda Rohde THAMES ROAD CORRESPONDENT THAMES ROAD - The May meet- ing of the UCW was held on Tuesday evening with 29 ladies present. The meeting table had a green table cloth on it with a pot of pansies, nic knacks etc., other pots of spring flowers and pots of pansies on little tables. Helen Kadey welcomed everyone and said their committee of stew- ardship and finance had the worship service as well as Mother's Day. Helen Kadey opened the worship service with a prayer. Beatrice Dawson gave a reading "The Meanest Mother in the World." The ladies sang The Church is Wherever God's People accompanied by the pianist Marilyn Vandenbussche. A humorous skit "The Great Parade" with Karen Etherington and Helen Kadey taking part with Marilyn Vandenbussche reading dif- ferent verses of Scripture, Luke 12: 48, Luke 6:32, Psalm 107:21,22 and Beatrice Dawson read 2 Corinthians 9:8-11, Matthew 19:21, Matthew 22:18. Then all four ladies said together "We Are All Called To Live, Love Now." It was a very interesting skit. Marilyn Vandenbussche sang Mother and In The Bible Mother Read accompanied by the pianist Agnes Bray which was much enjoyed. Beatrice Dawson and Helen Kadey received the offering with offertory prayer by Karen Etherington. Marilyn Vandenbussche read "Serenity of Nature" and "Talent Money." The ladies sang Now Thank We All Our God. Joyce Fulton our president opened the business part of the meeting with a poem "Making Memories." Marilyn Pym our secretary took the roll call which was answered with 'your mother's middle name.' Correspondence was dealt with. Helen Kadey our treasurer gave her report. Margaret Stewart of the mission and outreach committee gave her report stating that the visit- ing committee is Virginia Warwick for team 1 and Leone Cottle for team 2. Sharon Lynn secretary of the council gave her report informing everyone of the Induction Service for Mr. Peter Gummow to be held on June 1 at Centralia UC. On June 15 there will be a baptism service at Thames Road - Elimville UC. A plant exchange then took place. A delicious lunch of different fruit breads was served along with pineapple, grapes, strawberries etc. and beverage, all partaken of after being prepared by Judith Parker, Sharon Lynn, Marion Cann and Margaret McCarter. The delicious lunch brought an enjoyable meeting to a close. Conference Sunday and Service Sun., May 25 in Varna By Joan Beierling VARNA CORRESPONDENT VARNA - Worship was in Goshen Church on Sunday with Lay Worship Leader Gloria Wilbee leading the service. Time for the Young at Heart was `Three in One' and the Reflection was 'Then Sings My Soul'. 'How Great Thou Art' was sung and the gifted musicians, Anna Keys at the keyboard, Shirley Hill playing the piano and Gloria Wilbee playing guitar just gave it that extra touch. The Congregations thoughts and prayers are with Ruth Johnston recovering from surgery. Next Sun., May 25 will be Conference Sunday and the service will be in Varna. This is Five Alive Sunday and will be at 11 a.m. with guest sSpeaker Marc Robinet speak- ing on the Mexican Mission. Leave your regular church envelopes behind. The offering will be given to Pan de Vida Orphanage in Queretaro, Mexico. There will be a lunch social following the service so please bring sandwiches and finger desserts and lawn chairs for picnick- ing, weather permitting. The Five Alive choir practice will be held at 10:15 a.m. on May 25 in the Varna church. Later on in the evening you can go to the anniversary service at Chalmers Presbyterian in Whitechurch at 7:30 p.m. Guest speaker will be Elly Dow and special music by Gospel 4 U Quartet. Lunch will be provided and everyone is welcome! Varna UCW meet Thurs., June 5 at 7:30 p.m. There will be a bakeless bake sale. Bring your money, don't bother baking! Tickets are now available for the Annual Varna Pork BBQ scheduled for June 18. So mark you calendar and get your tickets. An official board meeting will take place on May 28 at Varna United Church at 7:30 p.m. This meeting is to deal with the Joint Needs Assessment report. Blyth Festival Singers Celebrate Canada! Featuring award-winning fiddle and step dancing duo, Mathew and Sherry Johnson. This will be a cabaret concert, dinner and silent auction on May 31 at the Stanley Complex. Doors to open at 6 p.m. Get your tickets from Willi Laurie. Gordon Hill is walking for the CNIB on Sun., May 25th . He wel- comes any pledges anyone can give him. Varna resident Argeo Dorcich passed away last Saturday night. The community's thoughts and prayers are with his daughter and son-in-law Emily and John Coultis and their family. SPC document to be discussed publically EXETER — The Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Source Protection Committee (SPC) has completed a draft version of their Proposed Terms of Reference and will hold a public meeting and three public open houses to / hear comments on the document. "The Terms of Reference will serve as a work plan to guide the creation of local, science -based plans to protect sources of municipal drinking water," SPC chairman Larry Brown. The Terms of Reference document outlines roles, responsibilities, time- lines, costs and which municipal drinking water systems will be included in the Source Protection Plans. Completing the work plan will be an important milestone for the local committee as it's the first of three major required documents. The public is invited to review the docu- ment and provide comments through attendance at one of three informal open houses in the region or through scheduled presentations at the formal public meeting in Holmesville on May 28. There are three main questions members of the public should con- sider as they review the document, according to project manager Cathie Brown: "Should the Source Protection Committee or the munici- pality take on a certain task? Are the resources adequate? Is there a residential drinking water system in the document that should be excluded or a system omitted that should be included?" Hard copies of the docu- ment are available for reading at local conserva- tion authority offices and at designated locations in each of the six counties that are part of the Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Source Protection Region. The document is also available online at www. sourcewaterinfo. on. ca Three public open houses will be held in the coming weeks to help residents learn about the Draft Proposed Terms of Reference docu- ment: Wingham (May 21), Parkhill (May 22) and Varna (May 24). Details on the upcoming open houses and public meeting can be found at www. sourcewaterinfo. on. ca Written submissions on the Draft Proposed Terms of Reference are welcome until June 10 at 4 p.m. Members of the public are also encouraged to submit written com- ments to: ABMV Source Protection Region, c/o ABCA, 71108 Morrison Line, RR#3 Exeter, Ont. The formal public meeting will be held May 28 at the White Carnation Restaurant and Banquet Hall in Holmesville. Individuals or organization repre- sentatives have the opportunity to pre -schedule short presentations to provide their comments to the Source Protection Committee. For more information, or to sched- ule your time to speak at the public meeting, phone Chris at 519-335- 3557, or Tim at 235-2610 or toll- free at 1-888-286-2610. Bridge Club Above average scores for May 14 Dave and Barb Cooper .620 Alice and Mike Scott .600 Nick Noscko and Robert Drummond .560 Lawn bowling 2008 tournaments For entries call Peter McFalls at 235-0368 or Harold `Coog' Knight at 262-1034. Fri., May 30 - MP/LP, Wed., June 4 - P, Wed., June 18 - P, Sun., July 6 - MP/LP, Sat., July 19 - MT/LT, Sat., July 26 - MP/LP, Wed., Aug. 6 - P, Fri., Aug. 29 - LP, Tues., Sept. 9 - P POLICE BRIEFS Mailbox theft LUCAN BIDDULPH — A mailbox was unscrewed from its post and stolen May 14 from a residence on Saintsbury Line near Fallon Drive in Lucan Biddulph. Graffiti on bank LUCAN — The front wall of the Bank of Montreal on Main Street in Lucan was spraypainted May 14. AUCTION RICHARD LOBB AUCTION CALENDAR • CLINTON 482-7898 SAT. MAY 24 AT 10 A.M. Annual Lumber Auction. Large offering of hardwood and pine lumber to be held at Saratoga Sawmill, 1.5 miles East of Dungannon on Dungannon Rd. #37368. Call 519-529-3138 WED., MAY 28 AT 5 P.M. Antiques, furniture, TVs, appli- ances, new set of Mizuno golf clubs, 2 Big Berthas, stacking sectional bookcase, new patio umbrella table set, lodge furni- ture, dining tables, blanket box, old doll etc. etc. to be held at Seaforth Fairgrounds Agri-Plex Building for Estate and sev- eral other homes. SAT. MAY 31 AT 10 A.M. ESTATE AUCTION '99 Dodge 2500 4x4 club cab pickup diesel truck w/5th wheel hitch, B6200 Kubota diesel lawn tractor w/60" mower and front mount snowblower, 1949 Morris Minor car, antique furniture, car trailer, van trailers, 28 ft. office type trailer w/patio door, many tools, motorcycle, portable generators, air compres- sors, power washers etc. For Estate of James (Jim) Kelly. Go North of Goderich to Saltford. Turn right follow road to top of hill. Turn left onto Westmount Line, to 1/2 mile to #81361. SEE COLOUR PHOTOS AND FULL LISTING AT www.Iobbauction.on.ca •••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • 2 RING AUCTION SALE OF ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD, FARM MACHINERY, TOOLS, MISC. ILDERTON FAIRGROUNDS, ILDERTON, ONT. TUES. EVE, MAY 27 - 4:30 P.M. Sale includes a collection of antiques, machinery including J.D. 4430,J.D. 2130, M.F. 135, plus other farm implements, plus variety of household. Some good consignments still accepted for this sale. Call the auctioneers. See Web Site for full listing of this sale. Web Site filsonrobson.theauctionadvertiser.com FILSON AUCTIONS PH/FAX 519-666-0833 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••• FARM SOLD CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD, ANTIQUES, TOOLS, SMALL BUILDING, LUMBER MISC. ETC. For Mr. and Mrs. Millar, 7300 Line Seventeen, 5 Mi. E. of Hensall, 9 Mi. N.E. of Exeter. From Exeter go E. on 83 Hwy. to the Church then N. (Watch for Signs) WED. EVE., MAY 28 - 5 P.M. HOUSEHOLD & ANTIQUES: Whirlpool dishwasher; Inglis automatic washer; air conditioner; 2 deep freezers; china cabinet; vanity; bakers rack; ele. sewing machine; patio set; maple kitchen set; glassware; bedroom suite; glider rocker; wardrobe w/shelves; iron wheels; Ford model 'T' wheel; antique crocks; bottles and sealers; antique cupboard; large Geo. Forman grill ; desks; child's wagon; stereo; handle and pump for a antique gas pump; bikes; dressers; drop leaf table; ceiling fan; pedestal sink (new); 36" vanity; walnut end table; picture frames; books; small appliances; antique dresser mirror; hall tree; etc. LUMBER: Variety of barn beams (some 24 and 30 ft. long); 1 and 2 in. spruce, pine and hemlock; 9 elm 31/2 in. floor joist TOOLS & MISC: Upright 5 h.p. 50 gal. Sanborn air compressor; air tank; acetylene welder and cart; large vice; high wood bench; table saw; chain saws; antique Lightening chain saw; rope; impact wrench; sand paper; clamps; logging chains; alternators; tool boxes; circular saws; plastic barrels; neck yoke; gear pullers; Charlon hydraulic pump; exercise equipment; punching bag and mitts; Elvis gal. can; push mower; Snapper riding lawnmower; 3 pt. h. wood splitter; alum. ext. ladder; barn door track; King cut-off saw; drill press; grinder; etc. WOODEN BOAT & TRAILER BUILDING: New 7x8 portable, well built portable building, one window and door, wood frame. Plan to attend this 3 generation sale, treasures might be found. FURTHER INFO: 519-235-3252. TERMS: Cash or Approved Cheque Sale Day. No Buyers Premium. No Plastic Cards FILSON AUCTIONS Hugh Ph/Fax 519-666-0833 • Ray 519-666-2009 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •