HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2008-05-07, Page 29Wednesday, May 7, 2008 CLASSIFIF TIMES—ADVOCATE CLASSIFIE CLASSIFIE 29 Ask TheEx ert Learn more from those who have the answers! REACH THOUSANDS OF POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS WITH YOUR MESSAGE CALL 235-1331 Ask TheEx ert Learn more from those who have the answers! TV AND APPLIANCES McIntyre TV & APPLIANCES INC. 238-8270 FROM SALES TO SERVICE -WE DO IT ALL! p.cssVu- SHOWROOM 5 km. south of GRAND BEND on west side of Hwy. 21 (Julie Aye.) www.grandbendappliances.com WATER TREATMENT t Distillers Reverse Osmosis Life LimeSofteners 4, Chlorine Filters WATER PRODUCTS CANADA INC. It. Iron & Sulphur Filters e, Ultra Violet Sterilization www. li fetimewater. ca 519-235-0699 • 1-800-529-9292 • Since 1986 LARGE AUCTION SALE OF ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD, TOOLS, MISC., ETC. AILSA CRAIG COMMUNITY CENTRE THURS. MAY 15 - 5 P.M. Call for a faxed listing or see Website filsonrobson.theauctionadvertiser.com FILSON AUCTIONS Hugh ph/fax 666-0833 • Ray 666-2009 Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Those with daims against the ESTATE OF MARY GWYNNETH STEWART HOCKEY, late of Exeter, who died on February 26, 2008, are notified to send full particulars to the undersigned by May 26, 2008, after which the Estate will be distributed with regard only to claims received. Dated at Hamilton, April 14, 2008. LAZIER HICKEY LAWYERS LLP 25 Main Street West, 15th Floor Hamilton, Ontario L8P 1H1 Lawyers for the Executors. Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Claims against the estate of the late BRUCE DOUGLAS COLEMAN late of the Municipality of South Huron, Ontario who died on the 26th day of February, 2008 must be in our hands by the 4th day of June, 2008 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at the Municipality of Huron East on this 5th day of May, 2008. Smith's - The Law Office Attention: RALPH SMITH, B.A., LLB., CFP., C.I.M., LL.M. (ADR) Lawyer, Mediator, Arbitrator, Certified Financial Planner & Consultant 20 Gouinlock Street, PO Box 159 Seaforth, ON NOK 1WO T - 519-527-0401 F - 519-527-2590 e-mail - ralphsmithlaw@tcc.on.ca Lawyer for the Estate Trustee with a will. WELL DRILLING W. D. HOPPER & SONS LTD. WATER WELL DRILLING Seaforth: 519-522-1737 Toll Free: 888-522-1737 Stratford: 519-271-7860 Toll Free: 888-271-7860 • FARMS • RESIDENTIAL • INDUSTRIAL • COTTAGES GRUNDFOS STAINLESS STEEL • 4 MODERN ROTARY DRILLS PUMPS • LICENCED WELL TECHNICIANS SALES S SERVICE •FREE ESTIMATES WATER GUARANTEED Ontario SINCE 1915 370 Pets, Supplies YORKSHIRE TERRIER PUPS, CKC - registered, microchipped, vet checked, first shots, health guarantee, parents on site. 519- 273-5276. (13-20SA) KUNG/GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES - parents on site, lov- ingly raised in our home, vet checked, 1st shots, ready to go April 26th, $300 each. 519-229- 6220. (16-23SA) 400 Cars For Sale 1993 TOYOTA COROLLA WAGON - 188,764 kms. Manual, new snow tires. Good shape. Certified. 519-284-4895. (12-19SA) Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Arthur Murray Pfaff, late of 1 Somerset Street, Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S2, in the County of Huron, and Province of Ontario, retired St. Marys Cement Safety Director. CREDITORS AND OTHERS having claims against the above Estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of May, 2008, after which date the Estate's assets will be distributed having regard only to the Claims that have then been received. DATED at Thedford, Ontario this 29th day of April, 2008. WALDEN & WALDEN, BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS PO Box 121, Medford, ON NOM 2N0 Solicitors for the Estate Trustee with a will. WINDOWS & DOORS 11 11 11 SOUTH HURON Window & Door Centre Sales • Service • Installation .j_NORTH STAR • Vinyl Replacement Windows • New Construction Windows • Steel Door Entrance Systems • Patio Doors • Terrace Doors • Aluminum Storm Doors • Garage Doors • Insulated Glass Replacement • Sun Rooms • Decks • Roof Windows • Shutters • Siding/Soffit/Fascia Free Estimates VINYL WINNOWS ADD DONDS 519-235-3502 1-800-790-4668 Visit Our Showroom at 432 Main St. S., EXETER 400 Cars for Sale 1997 OLDS AURORA - 188,000 kms., new tires, V8 auto, all power options, grey leather interior, misty teal green exterior, $1200 as is or best offer. 519-871-5516. (19-26SA) 1999 FORD WINSTAR - excel- lent condition, very clean, certi- fied, asking $2995 or make rea- sonable offer. Saunders Auto Service 519-461-0698. (12- 19SA) 410 Trucks For Sale 1986 CHEV BLAZER - 5.0L, Arizona vehicle, loaded, rust free, certified, $10,500. Call 519-284-3315. (17-24SA) 1999 FORD F150 XLT - extended cab, V8, automatic, air conditioned, fully loaded, regu- lar box with cap. 519-284-3289. (19-26SA) 1992 FORD F350 DIESEL - 5 speed, good condition. 1953 Farman H, excellent condition. 519-235-0738 evenings after 6 pm. (17-19*) 420 Vans For Sale 1998 SAFARI AWD - 7 pass., leather interior, loaded, e -test, good condition, $2995 obo. 2000 Safari AWD 8 pass., loaded, good condition, e -test & certified, $7995 obo. 2000 Astro AWD 7 pass., loaded, good condition, e -test and certi- fied, $8495 obo. 519-284-3315. (17-24SA) 1996 ASTRO VAN - need motor, body good condition. 519-284-1243. (16-23SA) 510 General Help Wanted EXPERIENCED SIGN INSTALLER REQUIRED - Wages depending on experience. Email resume to: artech@tcc.on.ca or fax to 519- 527-1411. (18;19) 510 Help Wanted PART-TIME POSITION ON SUNDAYS - Mature, outgoing, reliable person wanted for cus- tomer service and cashier posi- tions at the Pinery Antique Flea Market. Call 519-238-8382 or send resume to mswain@hay.net (19) FAMILY SWINE OPERATION - requires immediate full-time herdsperson for maternity leave. Phone/fax 519-348-8174. (18- 20*) LOCAL AREA BUSINESS - looking for labourers for all aspects of our business, including operating equipment/physical labour. If you enjoy working outdoors give us a call at 519- 236-7401 or email ctyszecki@ctenvironmental.ca (19;20) 510 Help Wanted POSITIONS AVAILABLE FOR GENERAL LABOURERS - for full-time permanent and full-time temporary positions. Duties include tree trimming, levelling sidewalks, digging, snow removal, etc. Must have valid G license. Starting wage $10.00/hr. Grand Cove, Hwy 21 N., Box 217, Grand Bend, On. NOM ITO. email: ljeffrey@capreit.net Phone 519- 238-8308, fax 519-238-8445. (19-21*) PROPERTY MAINTENANCE HELP WANTED - for grass cut- ting and outdoor work. Students welcome. 519-237-3835. (18;19) AZ TRUCK DRIVERS Positions available hauling flatbeds, stepdecks and double drop machinery trailers. Primarily midwest USA runs, home most weekends, border experience preferred. Fully maintained late model Peterbilt tractors. Up to .50 cents per mile plus company paid, driver and family benefits. For more company information please call TTK Transport Inc. in Goderich at 519-524-4331 fax 519-524-9658 or visit our website at www.ttktransport.com. Network Classifieds: Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country! For more information contact Your local newspaper DIVORCEISEPARATION SAVE ON LEGAL FEES - Hire a lawyer? Discounted Fees or LAWYER PREPARED DOCUMENTS (SEPARATION AGREEMENTS, CUSTODY. ETC)- Flat Rate. Uncontested Divorce. THE FAMILY LAW CENTRE - 1-866-472-4529 (4LAW), wwwdivorcesurvivalstrategies com_ r EDUCATIONAL OPPS. BECOME AN INTERIOR DECORATOR with our profes- sional distance education program. Gain practical skills and learn how to start your own business. FREE BROCHURE. 1-800-267-1829. www.gcdesignschool.com. EMPLOYMENT OPPS. ARE YOU LAID OFF? Government Funding Available to obtain your AZ or Heavy Equipment Certification. Cell Ontario Truck Driving School Today Toll -Free 1 -800 -799 - JOBS (5627). www .otds_com. CHEAPER than a tank of gas' Telephone Reconnect only $39.951monthl Switch, keep your number! high-speed and dial-up Internet available' Phone Factory Reconnect 1-877- 336-2274 www .phonefactoryca. EDMONTON -BASED company seeks experienced con- crete finishers and form setters, with curb and gutter expe- rience an asset, and construction labourers. Offering top wages, overtime. subsistence, accommodations, with reim- bursement of airfare in contract terms. Fax resume'. 780- 488-3002 or email_ wade@raidersconcrete. corn , Phone 780-425-6208. NORTHERN CANADA RETAIL OPPORTUNITIES - The North West Company, over 140 stores, leading provider of food, everyday products in Northern Canada. Almost cost free living, fully furnished subsidized housing, food, reloca- tion assistance, and paid vacation travel, are Seeking indi- viduals/couples for: Store Managers, Meat, Grocery, Produce, Fast Food Service, Entry Level and Regular Full - Time. Applicants must be able to relocate to Northern Canada. Send resume to retailinthenorth@northwestca or Fax: 204-934-1696. TNWC equal opportunity employer. Additional information_ wwwnorthwest ca or cal 1-800-782- 0391 press 1, and ext 8862 The North West Company FULL-TIME RETAIL MEAT CUT- TERSIMEAT TRAINEES. Leading provider of food, every- day products and financial services for Northern Canada seeking full-time retail meat -cutters _ Should have experi- ence with basic meat cuttingtwrapping. Will consider appli- cants expressing interest in the meat business_ Benefits_ almost cost-free living, subsidized housing (fully furnished), subsidized food, relocation -assistance, paid vacation travel_ Must relocate to remote northern Canada_ Resume: retailinthenorth@northwest.ca or Fax 204-934-1696. TNWC equal opportunity employer. Informationwww north west. ca or 1-800-782-0391 press 1, and ext 8862. FINANCIAL SERVICES $500$ LOAN SERVICE, by phone. no credit refused, quick and easy, payable over 6 or 12 installments. Toll -Free. 1- 877-776-1660_ DEBT STRESS? Consolidate & lower payments by 30- 40%. End those phone calls & The worry. Avoid bankruptcy. Contact us for a No -Cost Consultation. Online.. www.mydebtsolution.com or Toll -Free 1-877-556-3500, $$$MONEY$$$ ANY PURPOSE!!' 1st, 2nd, 3rd mortgage loans and credit lines, bad credit, debt consolidation, mort- gage or tax arrears - NO PROBLEM! CALL TOLL-FREE 1- 888-307-7799. Ontario -Wide Financial Corp. FOR SALE 91 HIGH SPEED INTERNET $18.95 l Month. Absolutely no ports are blocked_ Unlimited Downloading. Up to SMps Download and 800Kbps Upload. ORDER TODAY AT www_acanac ca or GALL TOLL-FREE: 1-066-281-3538. A FREE TELEPHONE SERVICE - Get Your First Month Free. Bad Credit, Don't Sweat It. No Deposits. No Credit Checks. Call Freedom Phone Lines Today Toll -Free 1-866- 884-7464. ADD AND SAVE on home phone reconnection. Bad credit - no problem! Up to $30off for new customers. plus lower monthly rales! Call Tembo 1-877-266-6398 or sign up online www.tembo.ca. SAWMILLS from only $3,495 00 - Convert your LOGS TO VALUABLE LUMBER with your own Norwood portable band sawmill. Log skidders also availablewww.norwood sawmills. ca/4001 - FREE Information: 1-800-566-6899 Ext4000T A FREE HOOKUP! Need a phone? Everyone approved' Not happy with your current phone provider? Switch for free and keep your same number. 1-877-852-1122. Protel Reconnect FARM EQUIPMENT DEALER IN ALBERTA SEEKS PARTS TECHNICIANS. Paid training! Competitive wage, benefit package includes RRSP's. Moving/signing bonus. available. Forward resumes to Camrose Farm Equipment Ltd. Fax. (780) 672-4582. Email: dell©telus.net, Website. www camrosefarmequipmenL corn, Phone (780) 672-9136. HOMES FOR SALE PREFAB HOMES DISCOUNTED 50%4 GREEN -R - PANEL Building Systems Sub -Prime Mortgage Disaster Order Cancellations. 1260sq ft Pre -Engineered Package originally 529,950 00, BLOWOUT $14,975.00111 01her sizes - SACRIFICE prices' Since 1980/BBB. 1-800-871-7089. SPRING DELIVERY AVAILABLE! MORTGAGES $$$ 1st, 2nd, 3rd MORTGAG ES - TaxArrears, Renovations, Debt Consolidation, no CMHG fees. $50K pay $263.17lmonth_ No income, bad credit, power of sale stopped' MORTGAGE CENTRE, 416-633-7447, Toll -Free 1-800-282-1169, www.mtgcentrecom. A BELOW BANK RATE, 1st and 2nd Mortgages, 96% to 100% Financing, Debt Consolidation, Self-employed Specialists, All Credit Types considered, X -Bankrupts CALL TODAY 1-800-225-1777, www.homeguard funding. com. EST. 1983. $ARE YOU SINKING IN DEBT? ist, 2nd & 3rd Mortgages - Bruised Credit - Bank Turndowns - Debt Consolidation - Refinancing - Power of Sale - Past Bankrupt - Home Renovations. We can lend a Hand www canadalend com Toll-free 1 (866) I CAN LEND (1-066-422-6536) CALL NOW! AS SEEN ON TV APPROVED MORTGAGE - Whatever your credit score with equity you're Approved for 1st or 2nd mortgage or a home equity loan. Self-employed, self declared income, great credit or poor credit, approved at Best Possible Rates, 20 to 55 year mortgages - you pick the term. Fast closings, no up tont fees_ No more waiting to hear declined by the giants. GO TO www.LaBuick. com or CALL Toll -Free 1-800-580-6318. MORTGAGES - FREE INFORMATION - INSTANT PRE - APPROVALS 57 PHONE FOR ALL PROPERTY TYPES. Bank turndowns OK, Bankruptcies OK, No/Low Income OK. 1st, 2nd, 3rd Mortgages, Constructionf Renovations, Debt Consolidations, Purchases, Refinancing. Easy Low Monthly Payments_ Good/Bad Credit If you have sufficient "Equity" YOU'RE APPROVED!' Servicing Ontario for over 20 years. CALL Toll -Free, 1-866-996-8226 - Seven Days a Week "Anytime". New Haven Mortgage Corporation. CRIMINAL RECORD? Seal it with a PARDON! Need to enter the U.S.? Get a 5 year WAIVER! Call for a free brochure. Toll-free 1 -888 -9 -PARDON or 905-459-9669. MAKING A NEW START? Lel our matchmaking team find someone special to spend your life with. GALL (519) 658- 4204, www.mislyriverinlros.com. STOP SMOKING in 1 hour and add it up $$$. Laser Ad by Anne Finlay. CALL TODAY (519) 364-0466 or Toll -Free 1- 877-262-7768. PROFESSIONAL HELP WANTED Mountain Park Lodges with 5 resorts in the Rocky Mountains OF Jasper National Park, Alberta has Front Desk, Central Reservations, Maintenance, Gardener, Cook, Server and Housekeeper positions available immediately for summer andfor long-term career opportunities_ We offer temporary accommodation, benefits, bonus, career growth, advancement & more Great experience, great memories' Eanail hire@mpljaspercom, Phone (780) 852-2505, Fax 780-852-5813, www.mpljasper com SERVICES A CRIMINAL RECORD? We'll clear ill Don't be misled by others, we'll get you what you really need. Lowest price, guaranteed PardonsiWaivers Toll -Free 1-800-507-8043, www.pardongranted ca- CLEAR YOUR CRIMINAL RECORD NOW-Arecord affects employment and any travel anywhere' We Guarantee Your Pardon. Apply online www_ canadianpardons_ca or Call Today Toll -Free 1-800-298-5520. STEEL BUILDINGS #1 ASTEEL BUILDING SALE! Save up to 60% onyour new garage, shop, warehouse, storage building. 6 colours avail- able! 40 year warranty! Free shipping, the first 20 callers' 1- 800-457-2206_ www_ crownsteelbui ldi ngs_com_ FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS Durable, Dependable, Pre- engineered, All -Steel Structures. Custom-made to suit your needs and requirements_ Factory -Direct affordable prices. Cell 1-800-668-8653 ext 170 for free brochure. 1 VACATION/TRAVEL #1 TIMESHARE RESALES -Sell-Buy-Rent. World's largest timeshare resale broker. Stroman Realty - since 1979. Worldwide selection of resort properties. Call today toll-free 1-000-201-0864. ALL INCLUSIVE PACKAGES- Book Online alwww.canada travelscom and save more on your vacations. Use code NGA74327 for discount or call us toll-free at 1-800-663- 5722. ONTARIO'S PREMIER COTTAGE RENTALAG ENGY offer- ing privately owned waterfront cottages from basic to luxu- ry, providing you with a true "cottage experience". All cot- tages fully equipped_ www. cottagevacationscom, TOLL- FREE 1-877-218-5370. TIMESHARE FORECLOSURES -- Save 60-80% off Retail' Best Resorts & Seasons' Call for FREE catalogue today' 1- 800-496-5964_ Browse hundreds of worldwide properties online--www.holidaygroup.comlocn. VISITING BARRIE? Need Accommodations? Georgian Summer Suites, Barrie's AFFORDABLE summer hotel. 2 bedroom suites wfkitchenette, Free morning coffee Service' From $701 For info/on-line Reservations visit www.summer suites. ca. VOLUNTEER OPPS. NATIONAL DENTAL ASSISTING EXAMINING BOARD requires Public Member. Letters of interest to Board office by June 20, 2008. Visit www .ndaeb_ca f Volunteer Opportunities. Tel (613) 626-3424. DRIVERS WANTED B TRAIN DRIVERS for seasonal work in 0.0. Excellent wages & clean abstraclrequired. Paid airfare to Vancouver & return_ Fax resume'. Macal Bulk Transport 604-552-0400. MOTOR VEHICLE dealers in Ontario MUST be registered with OMVIC_ To verify dealer registration or seek help with a complaint, visit www.omvic. on ca or 1-800-943-6002. If you're buying a vehicle privately, don't become a curbsider's victim. Outsiders are impostors who pose as private Indi- viduals, but are actually in the business of selling stolen or damaged vehicles. #1 Franchise in Canada_ PET LOVERS join Mut Menu, Free Home Delivery Pel Food & Accessories, marketing included, no royalties, exclusive territories, 153 franchises. www .multimenu.ca, FREE SEMINAR, Call Toll -Free 1-877- 462-0056. A GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO OWN YOUR OWN PET FOOD BUSINESS, turnkey for under $10K For more infor- mation Call Julie Mulch Toll -Free 1-077-738-3287 Ext 217 or (604) 518-7706, www .ripleesranchcorn . LOW INVESTMENT! HIGH RETURN. Part-time/Full-tine. Driveway Sealing Systems, Line Painters, Hot Boxes, Hot Pour Crack Machines, Blowers, Asphalt Preservative Products. Call Toll-free 1-000-485-0024_ Visit www protect asphalt.com. MATCO TOOLS IS LOOKING FOR FRANCHISEES IN YOUR AREA - Professional products with a complete Business System available to support you In becoming your own boss. Home-based business, Training & Support Programs. CALL TOLL-FREE 1-888-696-2826. www.gomatco. com. The UPS Store° - Franchise Opportunity Available_ Join Canada's largest network of neighbourhood business serv- ice centres. To learn more visit wwwtheupsstoreca or call 1-800-661-6232. WORLD CLASS - Far Infrared Saunas - Looking for dealers -Territories available across Canada. Sales andfor Health background an asset. Please tell us about yourself. Email Irsauna@shaw.ca or call 1-800-651-7968 ask for Greg. ANTS: www .HedoNorlhcom. We offer Events for ADVENTUROUS COUPLES held at various Locations across Ontario, spon- sored by HEDONISM RESORTS. Dare yourself to be..." 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