HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2008-05-07, Page 1010 Times -Advocate Wednesday, May 7, 2008 Annual Varna Pork BBQ to be heldWed.,June 18 By Joan Beierling VARNA CORRESPONDENT VARNA - Varna UCW met last Thursday evening to listen to Karen Ratcliffe speak on her adventure to China. Karen has traveled to many different countries with China being her twenty-first. She quoted she doesn't travel for a holiday, she wants an adventure. She had been reading Chinese stories for 30 years. The trip took her two years of planning and rounding up 14 other people to go. This was a guided tour of China. She went to Bejing commenting on how bad the environment was there. Chong Ching is a huge city with a population of 31 million Karen shared many photos with us and gave much detail on all aspects of life there as well as some very interesting history of China. Willi Laurie thanked her for sharing her trip with us as well as sharing her photos and different items she brought back with her. Leader Deb Rathwell opened the meeting with the senior version of Jesus Loves Me, Deb sang the verses and ladies sang the chorus. Barb Consitt read a read- ing on "Caring, Sharing, Giving and Taking" followed by the Scripture reading. Willi Laurie followed with a prayer. A short meeting followed with a thank you read from Ruby Hill and also a thank you from `Children of Chernobyl.' Cabin cleanup day was to be Fri., May 2. Carol Simons, Willi Laurie, Deb Rathwell, Margaret Hayter, Sjoukje Steenbeek, Geraldine Eckel and Anna Keys were all helping. Wish list for Camp Menesetung is craft equipment, maintenance supplies, sports equipment, first aid supplies, office supplies as well as Canadian Tire money. Five Alive Sunday will be May 25 in Varna United Church at 11 a.m. Speaker Marc Robinet will be speaking on Mexican Mission. There will be a lunch social after the service. Please bring sandwiches and finger desserts and lawn chairs for picnicking outside if weather permits. Camp site experience is at Camp Bimini this year on June 9. Next meeting will be Thurs., June 5 and there will be a bakeless bakesale, more info to follow. Mona Stephenson and Sjoukje Steenbeek announced that ladies will be going to Grand Bend Playhouse this year Aug. 28 to see "I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change". More details will follow. Willi Laurie read a reading on "A Mother's Way" and Barb Consitt closed with "Never Give Up Hope". Church service Melissa Snyders lead the service in Varna church on Sunday. Linda Keys and grand daughter Morgan Colclough lit the Christ candle. Melissa's children's chat was on her candy dish that her Great Aunt Ethel left for her. She compared every- one to the beautiful candy dish. We can't be replaced and we are very unique and special just like the candy dish. We must fill ourselves with good stuff like God's love, so keep coming to church and filling yourself with everything God offers. Melissa's message was on "Fill Your Soul". Sun., May 11, "Mother's Day" Alex McGillvary will speak and communion will also be celebrated. Did anyone get a chance to hear Willi Laurie on Wingham 920 Saturday morning speaking about the CT Scanner for Huron. The Crokinole Tournament held in Exeter called "It's Only Crokinole, But I Like It" hosted by Joe Fulop on Saturday proved very successful with 60 players present coming from all over. Winners of the "A" pool were 1st Brian Cook from Toronto, 2nd Bill Freeman from St. Jacobs. The "B" pool were Nate Walsh of Stratford 1st and 2nd Robert Bonnett of Kincardine. The "C" Pool Randy Wagler of Exeter 1st and 2nd Rob Knechtel of Stratford, "D" pool was Murray Matheison of Stratford 1st and Ivan McClymont of Clinton but a member of the Varna Club 2nd. Congrats to all the winners and all the players as well. This was a well run tourna- ment, lots of competition and thanks to Joe Fulop and all those who helped and supported this tournament. Coming up in May and June Next crokinole tournament will be the World's in Tavistock on June 7. Good luck to all those participat- ing. Wed., May 7 (tonight) the Stan Lee club meet at the complex at 8 p.m. to hear guest speaker Karen Hartwick, a tea merchant from Stratford. Come and enjoy a tea tasting good time. Five Alive choir practice will be Mon., May 12 at 7:30 p.m. in the Varna United Church. Get your tickets for the Annual Varna Pork BBQ to be held Wed., June 18. Official board meeting will take place on May 28 at the Goshen church at 7:30 p.m. Celebrating Mothers Tea on May 8 HENSALL — Hensall Presbyterian women supplied assistance and prizes at the Monday afternoon bingo game as they have each Monday afternoon in April. The Hensall United Church women will be providing support for bingos in May. Shirley Luther of the Salvation Army led worship for residents on Tuesday with her husband Eric as volunteer pianist. Volunteer Kay Mock assisted at the service. Residents also benefited from visitation throughout the afternoon from pastoral care volunteer Rev. Mary Beth Wilson of Brucefield and Kippen United Churches. Several residents gathered Wednesday for an afternoon of music led by Katie Fox of Community Living. Residents were given the drum or other instruments of their choice and assisted to participate in the energetic and interactive program. Retirement home residents desiring to shop enjoyed an outing to Wal-Mart on Wednesday. A special thank you to Betty Simmons, Edna Deitz and Merle McLellan, our volunteer drivers.In the evening retirement home resi- dents gathered in the lounge where the "Rambling Rowes" had everyone tapping their toes. Fresh donuts purchased in the afternoon from Culberts Bakery in Goderich were the treat following the music. Nursing home residents attended `coffee and news' Thursday morning followed by food committee with Joan, director of food services who solicited input and sugges- tions. Hot wax therapy was offered to both men and women in the retirement home Thursday afternoon, leaving everyone feeling pam- pered and relaxed. Betty Coates and Ina Russell scored the highest when residents went golfing in the lounge with the new mini putt. Baking group stirred up a batch of delicious raisin and carrot muffins which were sampled warm from the oven after the mouth watering scent drew some extra taste testers to the baking room. Friday evening the retirement lounge was filled with residents drawn to the music of Ann and Jack Youngston, Lois Hodgins and Phyllis Hurondale WI annual meeting By Bev Campbell EXETER — On Wed., April 30 the Hurondale WI met at the Tasty Bites Restaurant for supper before going to Lorraine Alexander's home for their meeting. President Fern Dougall opened the meeting and the Institute Ode and the Mary Stewart Collect were repeated in unison. Roll call was the payment of annual fees. A donation was made to the Children's Aid summer camp programme. Final plans were made for the District Annual being held May 15 at Riverside Estates clubhouse with Helen Webber as host. Marilyn Pym gave a report of the board of April 1. The district picnic is in Grand Bend on July 8. Installation of new officers The various officers gave their annual reports and the slate of officers for the coming year was presented by June Stewart. Past president Marian Dougall conducted the installation of the fol- lowing: president Fern Dougall; 1st vice president Marian Dougall; sec- retary treasurer Marilyn Pym; assis- tant district director Marian Dougall; financial examiners Bev Campbell and Helen Webber; R.O.S.E. co-ordinator Bev Campbell; press reporter Bev Campbell; Tweedsmuir history curator Fern Dougall. Business being con- cluded, the pro- gramme took place with the revealing of secret pals and choos- ing new ones for the coming year. June Stewart, Marian Dougall and Lorraine Alexander entertained the group with humorous contests and stories. Refreshments were served to end the evening. Deichert. Thank you to Edna Deitz and Iva Reid who assist- ed at the program. Coming events "Celebrating Mothers Tea" with The Spice Girls, Thurs., May 8 at 2 p.m. Wear your special apron or hat. Showing of "Stars of our Towns" May 14 at 7 p.m. and May 15 at 2 p.m. Wed., June 18 at 7:30 p.m. John Labatt Centre, London 1-866-455-2849 www.johnlabattcentre.com www.rocklandsentertainment.com 1 Reflections Gift & Home 386 Main St., Exeter Ph: 519-235-4613 LAST DAY SAT., MAY 10 - 5 P.M. CLOSING SALE 1 FINAL DISCOUNT 70 % STO WIDE Gifts for Wedding, Anniversary, B' day, Confirmation, Graduation, Communion, etc. • Willowtree • Boyds • Seagull Pewter • Bradford Exchange • Circle of Love • Garden & Home items Fixtures & Equipment for sale STORE HOURS Mon.-Thurs. 9:30 - 7 Fri. 9:30 - 8 Sat. 9:30 - 5 DRINKING WATER M.nlynd Veto SOURCE PROTECTION Bayfield Region ACT SON CEA. WATfl Notice of Public Meeting Regarding the Draft Proposed Terms of Reference The Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Source Protection Committee would like to receive your input on their draft proposed Terms of Reference at a public meeting on Wednesday, May 28, 2008. The Terms of Reference is a work plan to guide the creation of an Assessment Report and the Source Protection Plans; it includes municipal, Source Protection Committee and Source Protection Authority responsibilities, timelines, costs and lists which drinking water systems will be included in the plans. To find out if you live in the Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Source Protection region visit sourcewaterinfo.on.ca and click on the `Maps' tab or contact us at 519-335-3557 or toll-free at 1-888-286-2610. Copies of the Draft Proposed ToR are available for viewing at the following County and Municipal Offices: Huron -Kinloss, Ripley Lambton Shores, Forest County of Perth, Stratford North Middlesex, Parkhill Town of Minto, Harriston County of Huron, Goderich The document is also available online at www sourcewaterinfo.on.ca. If you would like to make a presentation at the public meeting call Chris Van Esbroeck at 519-335-3557 or toll-free at 1-888-286-2610 by May 26 to schedule a time. The public is welcome to submit written comments regarding the draft proposed ToR during a 35 -day comment period which ends June 10, at 4:00 p.m. local time. Feel free to mail your comments to: ABMV Source Protection Region c/o Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority 71108 Morrison Line R.R. #3 Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S5 Formal Public Meeting Location: The White Carnation Restaurant and Banquet Hall, south edge of Holmesville on Cty. Rd. #31 (R.R.#3 Clinton, Ontario, NOM ILO) Date: Wednesday, May 28 Time: 6:00 p.m. Public Open Houses In advance of the public meeting there will be three open houses held across the region. These open houses will give local residents a chance to learn about the Source Protection Planning process. Wingham Location: The Hot Stove Lounge, Wingham, North Huron Wescast Community Complex Date: Wednesday, May 21 Time: 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Parkhill Location: Parkhill Community Centre Date: Thursday, May 22 Time: 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Varna Location: Stanley Complex (Varna Hall) Date: Saturday, May 24 Time: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Questions? Contact: Chris Van Esbroeck at 519-335-3557 or cvanesbroeck@mvca.on.ca or phone toll-free at 1-888-286-2610 Made possible through funding support from Ontario the Government of Ontario.