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The Times Advocate, 2008-03-26, Page 25
Wednesday, March 26, 2008 CLASSIFIF TIMES—ADVOCATE CLASSIFI�_ CLASSIFIED 25 Ask TheEx ert Learn more from those who have the answers! REACH THOUSANDS OF POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS WITH YOUR MESSAGE CALL 235-1331 Ask TheEx ert Learn more from those who have the answers! PARTY & EVENT PLANNING • Birthdays • Anniversaries • Corporate Events • Weddings • Open House • Retirements • Team Events • Reunions • Seosonsals ADVERTISE HERE FOR EXPERT SERVICE CALL: 235-1331 410 Ducks for Sale 1979 FIREBIRD - 350 big block, HP Cam, HP intake, headers, 400 turbo trans with shift kit, traction bars, posi rear end, 3:43, new dual mufflers, $2500 obo. 519-933-1509 Crediton (6-13SA) 1999 FORD WINSTAR - excellent condition, very clean, certified, asking $2995 or make reasonable offer. Saunders Auto Service 519- 461-0698. (12-19SA) 2006 LINCOLN ZEPHYR - V6, heated seats, sunroof, chrome wheels, 29,000 kms., balance of warranty, 2 yrs. up to 80,000 kms. $26,900. 519- 235-2895 leave message. (13- 20SA) 420 Vans For Sale 1999 GMC SAVANNA VAN - 273,000 kms. in good condi- tion, 5.7L, V8, auto transmis- sion. Engine has been replaced in 2006 (has 42,000 kms.) Certified yearly, need little to safety. $5,500 as is obo. 1995 GMC 1500 Sierra, 291,000 kms., in good condition, 4.3L, V6, auto transmission. Engine has been replaced in 2002 (has 100,000 kmrs.) $3,000 as is obo. 519-648-3811 during day. (13x) 510 General Help Wanted DRIVER WANTED IN TOWN OF EXETER - Weekends only. No experi- ence necessary, will train. Over 25 with G license. 519- 235-2255. (13;14*) TV AND APPLIANCES WELL DRILLING McIntyre TV & APPLIANCES INC. 238-8270 _ FROM SALES TO SERVICE -WE DO IT ALL! SHOWROOM 5 km. south of GRAND BEND on west side of Hwy. 21 (Julie Ave.) www.grandbendappliances.com 510 Help Wanted W. D. HOPPER & SONS LTD. WATER WELL DRILLING Seaforth: 519-522-1737 Toll Free: 888-522-1737 Stratford: 519-271-7860 Toll Free: 888-271-7860 • FARMS • RESIDENTIAL • INDUSTRIAL • COTTAGES GRUNDFOS STAINLESS STEEL • 4 MODERN ROTARY DRILLS PUMPS • LICENCED WELL TECHNICIANS © SALES &SERVICE • FREE ESTIMATES Ontario SINCE 1915 WATER rCE 1915TEED 510 Help Wanted BRAD BAKER Plumbing, Heating & Electrical HOW HIRING LICENSED SHEET METAL WORKER Looking for an individual who is highly motivated, energetic and a team player. Full time position, competative wages, medical plan Send resume to bradbaker@cabletv.on.ca or fax to 519-235-0837 HOWSON MILLS requires a full-time permanent MILL OPERATOR in their flour mill division. - Shift work, flexible rotating shifts including Saturdays as required. - Team work with proper skills and a willingness to learn with potential for future advancement within the organization. - Bi -weekly pay period, with benefit package - Resumes accepted by fax 519-523-4920 or email office@howsonandhowson.ca Attention: Mike. - Resumes accepted until Friday, April 11, 2008. - Only suitable candidates will be contacted for interview portion. EDDINGTON'S OF EXETER - Part-time kitchen prep/dish- washer required. Please apply in person with resume or email to wine@execulink.com Must be available evenings, nights and weekends. More summer hours will be available to eligi- ble candidate. (13) EXPERIENCED FARM MECHANIC AND FARM TRACTOR OPERATOR - for spring of 2008. Welding and general repair a must. Flexible hours. Send short resume to Hank Hendriks, RR 3, Zurich, On. NOM 2T0 or email han- khendriks@yahoo.ca (12-14*) 510 Help Wanted WINDOWS & DOORS 11 ■■ SOUTH HURON Window & Door Centre Sales • Service • Installation • Vinyl Replacement Windows • Garage Doors • New Construction Windows • Insulated Glass Replacement • Steel Door Entrance Systems • Sun Rooms • Decks 519-235-3502 • Patio Doors • Terrace Doors • Roof Windows • Shutters • Aluminum Storm Doors • Siding/Soffit/Fascia 1-800-790-4668 NORTH STAR ---� VINYL WINDOWS AND DOORS Free Estimates Visit Our Showroom at 432 Main St. S., EXETER 510 Help Wanted frQUADRO. COMMUNICATIONS ,• Quadro Communications is currently seeking to fill two SUMMER STUDENT HELP positions in its Fibre -to -the -Home project for the four months from May to August. Please apply by fax to 519-229-8998 or by email to employment@quadro.net GRAND BEND MOTOR- PLEX - One of Ontario's largest motorsport venues, and home to Canada's largest drag racing event, is looking for enthusiastic, hard working individuals to join our team for the 2008 season. We have positions available for the box office, track, front gate, control tower, souvenir store, conces- sion, bar & hospitality. You must have your own trans- portation. If you think you have what it takes, please apply with a resume indicating the position you are interested in to: Grand Bend Motorplex, PO Box 668, Grand Bend, ON, NOM 1TO, Fax (519)238-5299 or email: deb_motorplex@hay.net No Phone calls please. (11-13) FULLTIME/PART-TIME PET GROOMER WANTED - for busy full service dog salon. Previous training required. Experience preferred. We're looking for a groomer who has great styling skills and is friendly with pets and their parents - if that's you...please reply to Drawer #198 c/o Goderich Signal Star, P 0 Box 220, Goderich, On N7A 4B6. (11-13) HAIRSTYLIST - Need a change? Family salon in Exeter is hiring part/full-time for upcoming season. Must be responsible, motivated and a positive team player. Licensed or apprentice with cosmetology training. Call Melissa at 519- 235-3580 or drop off resume at First Choice Haircutters, Main & Wellington St., Exeter. (12;13) 510 Help Wanted LARGE MODERN DAIRY FARM - near Kirkton looking for full-time and part-time help. Work in teams. Training will be provided if needed. Very competitive wages. Call 519-229-8036. (13;14*) LOOKING FOR A SUMMER JOB IN GRAND BEND? - Housekeeping Staff Wanted. Looking for a College or University Student that enjoys people and hard work. Summer position available, starting full-time the 1st of May. Must be willing to work weekends. Please send resume to Bonnie Doone Manor -on - the -Beach, P.O. Box 250, Grand Bend, On NOM 1TO. (9- 13*) ON GOLDEN PAWS - "your other best friend" in Varna requires weekend sales help. If you are pet and people friend- ly, outgoing, with a willingness to learn and have fun, please contact Kelly at 519-233-3647 or kelly@ongoldenpaws.com or during business hours Tuesday -Friday. (11-13) PART-TIME JOB CUTTING COUNTERTOP - mitres and possibly joining specialty mitres, applicant must be par- ticular with their work, hours are flexible, competitive wages paid. Please forward written resume to: Dawson Custom Countertops Ltd. by fax 519- 229-6935 or by email: brent- dawson@quadro.net No phone calls please. (12-14) Network Classifieds: Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country! For more information contact Your local newspaper 8 AZ DRIVERS NEEDED NOWT Due to an increase in Maritime Freight, we need Ontario based drivers to do Weekly Eastern Canada runs. Must have 2 years experi- ence and be U.S.Qualified. We also have a limited number of Ontario to BC TEAM trucks available. Call 7 days per week Toll -Free 1-888-213-3375 ext.6. www. tra n spo rtj obs. n et. MOTOR VEHICLE dealers in Ontario MUST be registered with OMVIC. To verify dealer registration or seek help with a complaint, visit www.omvlc.on.ca or 1-800-943-6002. if you're buying a vehicle privately, dont become a curbsidefs victim. Curbsiders are impostors who pose as private indi- viduals, but are actually in the business of selling stolen or damaged vehicles. A GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO OWN YOUR OWN PET FOOD BUSINESS, turnkey for under $1OK. For more infor- mation Call Julie Mulch Toll -Free 1-877-738-3287 Ext. 217 or (604) 518-7706, www.ripleesranch.com. AMAZING NEW PRODUCT $ENERGISER VENDING& INSTANT ENERGY -43$ Work 4 days per month. $106,000+ Part -Time. Protected Territories. For Free Brochure and Samples CALL NOW 1-800-661-1832. www.energiservending.com Become a dealer and installer of the Eco Systems Fuel Enhancer. Works on all makes and models of cars, trucks, buses. Contact 613-324-8521, geconomo@si-way.com or visit www.sl-way.com. DEALERSHIP OPPORTUNITY: Exciting lifestyle product) Softub®, Canada's Truly Portable Hol Tub. 18 years expe- rience, great dealer support, above average profit margins, exclusive territory, 100+ dealers, 1-800-668-8827 x227, www.soflubcanade.com. DISCOVER YOUR FUTURE, Join Canada's only mobile fleet rust control franchise. Low investment, no royalties. exceptional earning power, full training & support. Toll -Free 1-866-787-8645 or 905-667-8595, www.profleetcare.com. HOUSECLEANING BUSINESS available in select Ontario locations. Designed /or the Owner/Operator. Initial Training & Clients Included! From 55600 (financing available). Call Mathew at Maid Convenient® 519-473-9993. LOW INVESTMENT / HIGH RETURN. Part-lime/Full-time. Driveway Sealing Systems. Line Painters, Hot Boxes, Hot Pour Crack Machines, Blowers, Asphalt Preservative Products. Call Toll-free 1.800.465-0024. Visit: www.prolect asphalt.com. MATCO TOOLS IS LOOKING FOR FRANCHISEES IN YOUR AREA - Professional products with a complete Business System available to support you in becoming your own boss. Home-based business; Training & Support Programs. CALL TOLL-FREE 1-888-896-2826. www.gomatco.com. PET LOVERS join Multi Menu, Free Home Delivery Pet Food & Accessories, marketing & support, no royalties, exclusive territories, 150 franchises in Canada! www.muhl menu.ca, FREE SEMINAR, Call Toll -Free 1-877-462-0056. The UPS Store® - Franchise Opportunity Available. Join Canada's largest network of neighbourhood business serv- ice centres. To learn more visit www.lheupsatore.ca or call 1-800-661-6232. JOB HUNTING? The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Is now hiring! Look for over 2,100 jobs for youth and recent graduates at www.ontario.ca/mnryouthprograms or call 1- 800-667-1940. A NEW CAREER IN 14 MONTHS OR LESS - Earn a Diploma in Business, Technology, Healthcare or Criminal Justice. Flexible Schedules. Call triOS College Toll -Free at 1-888-334-9733. MARITIME DRILLING SCHOOLS entry-level training for land and offshore oilrigs. Excellent wages, benefits and opportunities to travel the world. April 28 -May 7/08, May 26 - June 14/08. Contact: 1.866-807-3960, www.wdslimited.ca. TRAIN FOR A NEW CAREER in medical transcription. Work from home. 99% employment rate. Contact CanScribe today for a free information package. 1-800-466- 1535. www.canscribe.com / infoucanscribe.com. ARE YOU LAID OFF? Govemment Funding Available to obtain your AZ or Heavy Equipment Certification. Call Ontario Truck Driving School Today Toll -Free 1 -800 -799 - JOBS (5627), www.otds.com. AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN REQUIRED immediately. Very busy modem shop, all new equipment, pleasant work environment. GM experience preferred but not required. We are growing every year. Career advancement training opportunity. Great recreation area nearby, golf/hunting/camping/fishing. Top wages in Saskatchewan with bonuses. Signing bonus. Relocation allowance. Company health benefits. Apply to Sheane Bimie, service manager, Carlyle Motor Products Ltd., Box 1000, Carlyle, SK, SOC ORO, email: serviceegca m.ca, ph.daytime: 1- 306-453-6741 or evening 1-306-577-7220 (cell). PHONE DISCONNECTED? Get connected! Paying too much? Save money! Great low rates and outstanding serv- ice. No deposits or credit checks. Phone Factory Reconnect 1-877-336-2274; www.phonefactory.ca. DEBT STRESS? Consolidate & lower payments by 30- 40%. End those phone calls & the worry. Avoid bankruptcy. Contact us for a No -Cost Consultation. Online: www.mydebtsolution.com or Toll -Free 1-877-556-3500. $$$MONEY$SS ANY PURPOSE!!! 1st, 2nd, 3rd mortgage loans and credit lines, bad credit, debt consolidalion, mort- gage or tax arrears - NO PROBLEM! CALL TOLL-FREE 1- 888-307.7799, Ontario -Wide Financial Corp. BUSINESS IN A BIN! Trash to N. America is a $35 billion industry. Get your piece! Bin There Dump That is a mini dis- posal system that is franchising in your area & looking for entrepreneurs with passion. Reasonable entry cost. Exclusive territory. Full training, marketing materials, lead programs & morel Over 100 years of experienced fran- chisor support. John Ferracuti (905) 823-8550 ext.25, jferracuti@bintheredumpthat.com, www.binthere dumpthat.com. LIVE READING FOR YOUR FUTURE! The best Canadian Psyches 1-900-451-5756, $2.85/minute. Bell Mobility dial # tarot (82768), $2.79/min. 18+ Webcam Reading, www.mediumcanada.com. #1 HIGH SPEED INTERNET 518.95 / Month. Absolutely no ports are blocked. Unlimited Downloading. Up to 5Mps Download and 800Kbps Upload. ORDER TODAY AT www.acanac.ca or CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-866-281-3538. A FREE TELEPHONE SERVICE - Get Your First Month Free. Bad Credit, Don't Sweat It. No Deposits. No Credit Checks. Call Freedom Phone Lines Today Toll -Free 1-866- 884-7464. ADD AND SAVE on home phone reconnection. Bad credit - no problem! Up to $30. off for new customers, plus lower monthly rates! Call Tembo 1-877-266-6398 or sign up online www.tembo.ca. AMAZING RELIEF the first night! Restless Leg Syndrome and leg cramps gone. Sleep deeply, safe with medication, proven results guaranteed! www.allcalm.com. 1-800-765- 8660. SAWMILLS from only $3,495.00 - Convert your LOGS TO VALUABLE LUMBER with your own Norwood portable band sawmill. Log skidders also available. www.norwood sawmitls.ca/4001 - FREE Information: 1-800-566-6899 Ext:4000T ESTIMATOR SUMMIT BROOKE CONSTRUCTION is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Construction Estimator. The successful applicant(a) will have a minimum of 5 years estimating experience, combined with a strong knowledge of construction and commercial contracting. The individual must also possess strong computer skills, cus- tomer -service attitude and willingness to be a team player in a fast growing and high paced environment. Proven track record of success in the commercial contracting industry also required. Competitive salary/benefit package will be offered commensurate with skills and experience. Only qualified applicants will be contacted. Please fax resume to 604850-1276. Email: angelaarmstrong©sunvnitbrooke.com. FREE HOOKUP. Need a phone? Everyone approved. Not happy with your current phone provider? Switch for free and keep your same number. 1-877-852-1122. Protel Reconnect. Mystery Shoppers aged 19 to 24 required for Retail Tobacco Compliance audit. Easy work! No fees! Information/application: www.applyshopnchek.ca. SUMMER JOBS - Want to get away? 150 cooking & kitchen positions available at children's camps across Ontario. Free accommodations & meals. Fun times. June to Labour Day. wew.gb.on.ca. Fax: 705-789-6582. PREFAB HOMES DISCOUNTED 50%+II GREEN -R - PANEL Building Systems Sub -Prime Mortgage Disaster Order Cancellations. 1260sq.ff. Pre -Engineered Package originally 529.950.00, BLOWOUT 514,975.0001 Other sizes - SACRIFICE prices! Since 1980/BBB. 1-800-871-7089. SPRING DELIVERY AVAILABLE! ONLINE AUTO - HOME INSURANCE QUOTE. Visit www.myinsurancequote.ra for your instant insurance quote. Auto, Home, Life, Travel, Business & more. Professional insurance broker service with online convenience. 1-800- 419-3723. $$$ 1st, 2nd, 3rd MORTGAGES - Tax Arrears. Renovations, Debt Consolidation, no CMHC fees. $50K pay $283.17/month. No income, bad credit, power of sale stopped!! MORTGAGE CENTRE, 416-633-7447, Toll -Free 1-800-282-1169, www.mtgcentre.com. A BELOW BANK RATE, 1st and 2nd Mortgages, 95% to 100% Financing, Debt Consolidation, Self-employed Specialists, All Credit Types considered, X -Bankrupts. CALL TODAY 1-800-225-1777, www.homeguerd lunding.com, EST. 1983. BARE YOU SINKING IN DEBT? 1st, 2nd & 3rd Mortgages - Bruised Credit - Bank Tumdowns - Debt Consolidation - Refinancing - Power of Sale - Past Bankrupt - Home Renovations. We can lend a Hand. www.canadalend.com Toll-free 1 (866) i CAN LEND (1-866-422-6536) CALL NOW! MORTGAGES - FREE INFORMATION - INSTANT PRE - APPROVALS BY PHONE FOR ALL PROPERTY TYPES. Bank turndowns OK, Bankruptcies OK, No/Low Income OK. 1st, 2nd, 3rd Mortgages, Construction/Renovations. Debt Consolidations, Purchases, Refinancing. Easy Low Monthly Payments. Good/Bad Credit. If you have sufficient 'Equity ... YOU'RE APPROVED!! Servicing Ontario for over 20 years. CALL Toll -Free: 1-866-996-8226 - Seven Days a Week "Anytime'. New Haven Mortgage Corporation. CRIMINAL RECORD? Seal it with a PARDON! Need to enter the U.S.? Get a 5 year WAIVER! Call for a free brochure. Toll-free 1 -888 -9 -PARDON or 905-459-9669. DON'T LEAVE LOVE FOR ANOTHER YEAR. Misty River Introductions can help you find someone special to share your life with. As featured in the National Post. The largest and most successful service in Ontario with people from all ages and walks of lite. CALL (519) 658-4204, www. mistyriverintros.com. AGENTS NEEDED, full/part-time, who love community. Will coordinate myCommunily Word -of -Mouth program in local community. Retired professionals and business people con- sidered. Check www.csscanada.com. Contact harmenetcsscanada.com or call 1-866258-5565. BUNGALOW -BY -THE -BAY, Immaculate, 3 years new, full high dry unfinished basemen. 1 acre ravine lot with tower- ing trees, quiet cul-de-sac. $329K. Darbyshire R.E. Ltd. Brkrg, www.darbyshire.ca, 519-599-2131. CERTIFIED ORGANIC FARM 149 Ac. 2800sf, Restored 1880's Stone Home, barns, store, artist's gallery/studio, large workshop. Ready for off grid. Darbyshire R.E. Ltd. Bkrg., www.darbyshire.ca. 519-599-2131. WE BUY HOUSES, It you need to sell, quick close, cash terms, caring and confidential. CALL TOLL-FREE Tem 1- 866-400-8374. CARPENTERS/REMODELERS $25+/hour. Canada's lead- ing home repair/remodeling company is seeking carpenters, remodelers, skilled tradespeople (M/F) in major Ontario cities. Apply toll-free 1-800-884-2639 or on-line www.handymanconnection.ca. CLEAR YOUR CRIMINAL RECORD NOW - A record affects employment and any travel anywhere! We Guarantee Your Pardon. Apply online www.canadianpardons.ca or Call Today Toll -Free 1-800-298-5520. CRIMINAL RECORD? Have trouble getting a job or travel- ing to the United States? We can clear your name, well guarantee it! Pardons/Waivers Toll -Free 1.800-507-8043, www.pardongrented.ca. 61 A STEEL BUILDING SALE! Save up to 60% on your new garage, shop, warehouse, storage building. 6 colours avail- able! 40 year warranty! Free shipping, the first 20 callers! 1- 800.457-2206. www.crownsteelbuildings.com. ALL STEEL BUILDINGS FOR SALE! 'Rock Bottom Prices!' Widths vary from 10' to 80'. Various shapes, heights and lengths. Canadian Manufacturer since 1980. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422. FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS Durable, Dependable, Pre- engineered, AIISteel Structures. Custom-made to suit your needs and requirements. Factory -Direct affordable prices. Call 1-800-668-8653 ext. 170 for free brochure. JOURNEYMAN HEAVY DUTY MECHANIC exp'd. Maintain updated fleet of excavators/oaders, welding asset. Coastal Mountain Excavations Whistler, BC, serving Olympic corri- dor, immediate opening. Competitive wages/benefits. nigelcmeI shaw.ca. SENIOR ELECTRICAL ESTIMATOR, IT Technologist/Technician, Electrical Project Manager. Join the winning team. Setting the bar for electrical contracting excellence in British Columbia. To summit a resume, and for more information about these and other job postings, please refer to our website www.statusteam.com.'We take pride in excellence'. #1 TIMESHARE RESALES - Sell -Buy -Rent. World's largest timeshare resale broker. Stroman Realty - since 1979. Worldwide selection of resort properties. Call today toll-free 1-800-201-0864. ALL INCLUSIVE PACKAGES- Book Online at www.canada travels.com and save more on your vacations. Use code NCA74327 for discount or call us toll-free at 1-800-563- 5722. ONTARIO'S PREMIER COTTAGE RENTAL AGENCY offer- ing privately owned waterfront cottages from basic to luxu- ry, providing you with a true "cottage experience'. All cot- tages fully equipped. www.cottagevacations.com, TOLL- FREE 1-877-218-5370. RIVERBOAT CRUISING - St. Lawrence & Ottawa River. The hassle free way to travel. Unpack once, relax & enjoy. Included: Shore excursions, great meals & nightly enter- tainment. 3, 5 & 6 nights. Private Staterooms. From 5995. TICO# 2168740. DIAL -A -BROCHURE 1(800)267-7868. www.StLawrenceCruiseLines.com. TIMESHARE FORECLOSURES — Save 60-80% off Retail! Best Resorts & Seasons! Call for FREE catalogue today) 1- 800-496-5964. Browse hundreds of worldwide properties online — www.holidaygroup.comlocn. • It's Affordable • It's Fast • It's Easy • It's Effective • One Bill Does It All • All Ontario $429 • Regional Ontario or National Packages Available! www.networkclassified.org