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The Times Advocate, 2008-03-26, Page 19
Wednesday, March 26, 2008 TIMES—ADVOCATE 19 Announcements/Community 259 Cards of Thanks ELLIOTT - I would like to give a big thanks to my family and friends for being so generous and thoughtful while I was sick. Thanks to all who made phone calls, sent cards, brought in food and treats. Also to the people who came to visit, and who took me out in the car. A special thanks to Murray for shovelling snow. I will be forever grateful. Reg (13*) FORD - The family of the late Gary Ford would like to extend their sincere thank you to rela- tives, neighbours and our many wonderful friends for the beauti- ful flowers, phone calls, memori- al donations, e-mails and food since the loss of a special father, son and grandfather. Special thanks to Casey for a very touch- ing tribute to Gary and also to the pallbearers. To Bob Heywood thank you for a very moving ser- vice and your special music. Thank you to Colin and Jacqueline of the Haskett Funeral Home for all their help during this most difficult time. Your kindness and support will always be remembered. Deanna, Gerry, Mike, Mary and Orville (13*) POLLOCK - A big thank you to my relatives, neighbours and friends for all the beautiful cards, flowers, phone calls and gifts of food delivered to the house dur- ing my recent confinement. Special thanks to the Carmel PCW for their prayers and lovely fruit basket and visits. Thanks also to the South Huron Hospital ER Staff for their excellent care considering their working condi- tions during renovations and doc- tor shortages. It was all very much appreciated. Pat (13*) THOMSON - 90TH BIRTH- DAY - Thank you to my family, neighbours and friends for the many, many cards, phone calls, flowers, and gifts I received despite the stormy weather. I was truly blessed to have so many come and celebrate my special birthday dinner with me. Olive (13*) 249 Coming Events A CONCERT WITH DAVE ROBILLIARD, PERCUS- SIONIST - is coming to Exeter United Church April 6, 2008, 2:00 p.m. Adults $10, students $5. Tickets available at Church office 519-235-0860, Bob Robilliard and at the door. Everyone welcome. EXETER VILLA PRE- SENTS...A MAGIC SHOW - by Peter Mennie called "Mind Games" on Saturday, March 29 at 2:OOpm. No cost, donations welcome. Proceeds raised go to Children's Miracle Network. Everyone is welcome. (13) HURON PERTH KEY BIBLE CLUBS FUNDRAIS- ING BANQUET - Exeter Bible Fellowship, Huron St. W. Friday, March 28, 2008 6:30 pm. Speaker - Pastor Wayne Topping. Music - Brennan & Evan. Contact Club Leaders or call 519- 235-1725. Ticket $10.00 (11-13*) LUCAN UNITED CHURCH ANNUAL HOT BEEF SUP- PER - Thursday, April 17 Lucan Community Centre 5:00-7:OOpm. Adults $12, children $4.00 (5-12 yrs.), preschool free. ADVANCE TICKETS ONLY. Homemade desserts. Take- out available, delivery for shut-ins. Tickets at Lankins Shell, Clarke's Food Mart or call 519-227-4664. HAPPY 65TH BIRTHDAY TIPPY GOT YA! Ralph, Yvonne, Shawn & families COMING EVENTS COMING EVENTS RETURN OF THE SWANS FESTIVAL - Lambton Heritage Museum. March 8 - March 30. Paint Ontario Art Competition & Sale. 519- 243-2600 or 1-800-265-0316. www.returnoftheswans.com THE FABULOUS COLLEC- TION - Is coming to the Exeter Villa - 155 John St. E. Exeter, on Saturday April 12 from 1:00 - 4:00 pm. (13-15) THE "RISING ABOVE" BAND - raising awareness and support for the Ministry of Rising Above Among First Peoples. Terry & Brenda and Rick Martin and Howard Jolly a Cree from Moose Factory. Saturday, March 29, 7 pm. Grace Bible Chapel, Main St., Parkhill. Free admission, good will offering to support the band. (13*) THE SCOTT WOODS SHOW - Tuesday, April 8th, 2008 - 7:30 PM. North Middlesex Community Centre, Parkhill. Tickets $15. Contact 519-294-6158. Sponsored by Greenway United Church. (11-13*) WELCOME WAGON BRIDAL SHOWCASE - Tuesday, April 1, 2008. Doors Open 6:30 pm. South Huron Rec. Centre, Exeter. FREE ADMISSION. For invitation call Brenda 519- 229-8176. www.wel- comewagon.ca (10-13) LS©© ©V Q, XIE3 (C©ff i av ®ASH! /oUe41,4Kbpa- 433d 61,4K6Ks6 4 LCOME WSllit AGON Ce 1930 Are you new to the Exeter and surrounding communities? IF YOU ARE: • Moving • Marrying •'J -laving a Baby • Retiring • Starting a Business PLEASE CALL For your in-home visit, free gifts and information FAYE 228-7053 1-877-675-8452 www.welcomewagon.ca YOGA AND WORKSHOPS - Meditation - six one hour classes Tues. 6-7pm April 9 - $60. Numerology Workshop, Life Coaching, Qigong, EFT, Long Weekend Retreat! Info. at www.heartfeltthera- pies.com Judy Dougall 519- 235-1491. (12-14) flappy 1st i►lhclay Tanner Ducharme IS ONE YEAR OLD MARCH 25. Lots of love and hugs from Mom & Dad Jami White & Justin Ducharme, Grandmas, Grandpas, Aunts, Uncles and Cousins Cowie Out lato 4 Cleo OK NICOLE DELAROCHE & NICK REGIER (TRICKLE) FRI., MARCH 28 SOUTH HURON REC CENTRE, EXETER Sports Bar: 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. • Sports Apparel Music: DJ • Age of Majority • Lunch Provided • Tickets $5 per person RUCK 'N DOE MEGHRN JIM SERTON & REGIER Fri., April • 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. @ Zurich Complex • Age of Majority • Lunch Provided • DJ • $5 •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• • • • • • • •• • • BUCK'N DOE •• •• ••KRI TY AHRENS•S • •• •&ADAMJOHNS •• • • Sat., April 5 •• FROM 8 P.M. TO 1 A.M. • •• South Huron Rec Centre, Exeter • • • Live Band & DJ • Prizes • Food • • + Much, Much More • $10 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • SPRI C • N IT'S TIME FOR OUR LI ) I II �II CGLA2D 1 A Special Feature in our April 16 edition of the Exeter Times -Advocate & also reaches an additional 6,000 readers with our Weekender! ADVERTISING DEADLINE TUES., MARCH 25, 2008 GET IN HERE... GET NOTICED! Readers will be in the swing for Spring & Summer Project Planning! Call Deborah or Jennifer to reserve your space 519-235-1336 x 112 Congratulations Heather! On your Grand Champion win at the Great Canadian Model and Talent Search 2008 in London, Ontario. We're so proud of you! Love all your family & friends • OMQ0 CP7,2 2M M118 fOnly 438,300 hrs. on the original motor. Maintained regularly, has most original parts. • 'I' Comes with a spare tire, rusty joints and springs. Rear end has a slight shimmy and is noisy on occasion, may blow a gasket if driven too hard. Hard to start in the morning but once warmed up, runs well, when engine coughs radiator leaks. Some body work would restore to mint condition. • CALL CATHY AND WISH HER A HAPPY BIRTHDAY • AND IT'S NO APRIL FOOL'S JOKE fitreailnays niener SOfh Birthday Bernard Benn March 27th, 1928 Family and friends are invited to drop in & join Bernard in celebration of this milestone on Sun., April 6th, from 2-5 p.m. at the Benn home at 33924 Roman Ln., Bes wishes only. Lucan, Ontario. MEDIA, VIOLENCE, SEXUALITY, DRUGS These influences threaten our children everyday. Sure, we want to protect our kids, but more importantly we want to empower them to make wise choices. If you're a parent (or plan to be!), join us at Emmanuel Baptist Church for this critical seminar. Joining us will be: Elaine Olson - PhD. in counselling who specializes in marriage and family. She is from the London area. Andrew Lukas - a certified counselor in sexual addiction from the London area. TOPICS INCLUDE: 1. Help I have a teenager! 2. How to safeguard your home 3. What do I do if my child is hooked on pornography? SUN., APRIL 6, 13, 20, 27 6 P.M. - 7:30 P.M. EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Free Child Care • No charge for the seminar Call Doug Watson at 519-235-2661