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The Times Advocate, 2008-03-19, Page 11
Wednesday, March 19, 2008 Times -Advocate 11 GreenBucks offers value By Pat Bolen TIMES -ADVOCATE STAFF GRAND BEND — "We're looking forward to serving customers on a 12 -month basis," says David Greene, who along with his wife Cathy has just opened GreenBucks Dollar Discount store in Grand Bend. The Greenes, who live in Mitchell, have been in the retail business for 40 years but David says this is their first venture with their own compa- ny and the Grand Bend store is the couple's flagship business. David said they decided to open a store in Grand Bend because it is a beautiful town with lots of potential. "Our theory is to provide quality goods and great service in a pleas- ing atmosphere. It's what everyone wants." He adds they didn't have any problem finding a location on Ontario Street with 5,200 square feet, "carrying a bit of everything with 70 per cent of it priced at a dollar." Value products — Cathy and David Greene are the owners of GreenBucks Dollar Discount Store, which opened last week in Grand Bend. (photo/Pat Bolen) cooking with memories BY DEBBY WAGLER EASTER IS A WONDERFUL TIME TO TRY SOMETHING NEW. WITH THE TRADITIONAL NAME TRY A NEW RICE DISH! Apple,Apricot and Almond Rice Pilaf OUR FAMILY ARE BIG RICE EATERS AND ALTHOUGH MY KIDS ENJOY PLAIN RICE WITH SOYA SAUCE I LOVE TO MAKE A FANCY PILAF DISH. 1 HAVE MADE THE FOLLOWING RECIPE WITH MANY VARIATIONS A NUMBER OF TIMES FOR THE SENIORS 1 COOK FOR AND FOR HOME. 1 PREPARE THE RICE AS DIRECTED FOR THE QUANTITY NEEDED. IN A SEPARATE POT 1 SAUTE THE `PILAF' INGREDIENTS. BE SURE TO TRY THE VARIOUS COMBINATIONS. 2 tbsp. margarine 1 cup diced dried apricots 2-3 diced apples 1 /2 cup almond slivers 1 onion sliced in rings 1-2 celery ribs diced Saute the above ingredients in the margarine till soft. Season with fresh thyme and parsley and black pepper. Mix in with the cooked rice just before serving. ♦ -1.014 .,4 We invite you to... EASTER BRUNCH BUFFET Sunday, March 23, 2008 11:00 am - 2:00 pm In the Terrace Room $24.95 per person Ages 6-12...$12.50 Ages 3-5...$6.25 Taxes & Gratuities Extra Reservations Required, call Guest Services Oakwood Resort" (volt , Spa & Conference Centre 519-238-2324 1-RII tA]-23E4 1-800-387-2324 email: oakwood@oakwoodinnresort.com www.oakwoodinnresort.com CWL conventionApri121- 23 EXETER - The March meeting of Precious Blood Catholic Women's League was held Tues., March 11 following the 7 p.m. mass. Barb Truchon, filling in for president Wendy Meidinger opened the meet- ing with the League Prayer. Anna Marie Cook led a Lenten prayer service. Denise Morgan read the minutes of the last meeting. Mary Pavkeje read the correspondence, an invitation from St. Joseph's C.W.L. Listowel to their Spring Social, April 14 at 7:30 p.m. Millie Ross gave the treasurer's report. Anna Marie Cook reported that Lent 2008 is an opportune time to continue action on Resolution 1986.03: Love of preference for the poor. The group was informed that the Right to Life garage sale will be held April 5 in St. Joseph's hall, Stratford from 8:30 a.m. - noon. A bus will also be going to Ottawa May 8 for March for Life. Roses will be purchased and • delivered to shut-ins before T " Easter. The March charity is • development and peace. Barb Truchon went over the vot- ing for the diocesan executive. Elections will be held at the convention in Windsor April 21-23. A sign-up sheet was provided for ladies interested in going to Fun Night in Goderich April 1. Several ladies vol- unteered to help clean the rectory the end of April. The meeting was closed with a prayer for vocations. Horticultural Society's annual workshop By Liz Sangster IIENSALL CORRESPONDENT HENSALL - At Carmel Presbyterian Church the ser- vice began with welcome and God's greeting. Joyce Pepper was the organist for the ministry of song. The scripture lesson was from Matthew 21:1-11. Rev. Andy Meinen's message was "On a Donkey". The offering was received by Robert Bell and Harry Moir. The service closed with benediction. Good Friday service will be at 10 a.m. At Hensall United Church Betty Simmons was the greeter with Chuck Mallette playing the organ. Cecil Pepper and Kathy Mann received the offering. Rev. Keith Lewis' message was "King of Kings, Lord of Lords". Good Friday service will be at 9:30 a.m. Sunday sunrise service will be at 8 a.m., fol- lowed by breakfast, and then morning worship at 10 a.m. Communion will also be served. The Hensall and Community Horticultural Society's Annual Workshop will be held on Sat., March 29 at 9:30 a.m. at Hensall United Church. Tickets are still available. Featured guest speakers are Janet Anderson from JEA Perennials, and Heather Wind -Mulder from Seeds of Diversity. The ticket price is $25, and includes morning refreshments, lunch, gift bags and door prizes. To register or for more informa- tion, phone 262-2715 or 263-2343. Shuffleboard scores The Hensall shuffleboard scores for March 11 are as follows: (4 games) Charlotte Norton 471, Hank Dorssers 377, Dave Woodward 341, Rebecca Wilder 292. (3 games) Ken Lingelback 332, Lorraine Alexander 285. Long-standing service 44 4,4 Legion members — Exeter Legion members receiving recognition for their years of service to the branch are from left: John Harvey, 35 years; Larry Bailey, I0 years; Sharon Colter, I0 years; Casey Zeehuisen, 30 years; Vera Armstrong, 35 years; MonaTraquair, 25 years; and Don Colter, I0 years. (photo/submitted) SPRI C • ' N ' IT'S TIME FOR OUR .21A ] JIB), ©J t,;\ A Special Feature in our April 16 edition of the Exeter Times -Advocate & also reaches an additional 6,000 readers with our Weekender! ADVERTISING DEADLINE TUES., MARCH 25, 2008 GET IN HERE... GET NOTICED! Readers will be in the swing for Spring & Summer Project Planning! Call Deborah or Jennifer to reserve your space 519-235-1336 x 112 Merry fags Debut for Spring! Happy Easter OPEN GOOD FRIDAY AND EASTER SUNDAY Visit us and enjoy browsing through our buoyant and charming collec- tion of fashions for spring, lots of colour, lots of fun, Tots of spirit. 21/4 kms South of Grand Bend on Hwy. #21