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Times -Advocate
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Easter services in Granton
By Muriel Lewis
GRANTON - The area commu-
nity Lenten luncheon was host-
ed at Holy Trinity Anglican
Church in Lucan on Wednesday
at noon on March 12. The
speaker, Rev. Kathy Wreford of
Lucan United
Church, continued
with the theme
Psalm 23 "The Lord is my
At Granton -Wesley United
Church on Sun., March 16, pas-
tor Paul Vollick led the service
and the message was entitled
`Great Contradictions.' The
Scripture readings were from
Matthew 21 and 27. Catherine
Dodds lit the Christ candle. The
ministry of music by the choir
was Blessed is He. Time was
shared with the young people of
the congregation. Flowers were
placed in the church in memory
of Marion McFarlane by her
On Fri., March 21, the Good
Friday service is scheduled for
7:30 p.m.
On Easter Sunday, March 23,
there will be an Easter break-
fast from 8-9:30 a.m.
At St. Paul's
Anglican Church in
Kirkton on Palm Sunday, March
16, Rev. Dalice Sim celebrated
the Holy Eucharist. George
Burgin read the lessons and the
passion of our Lord Jesus Christ
according to Matthew was read
in part by several in the congre-
gation. Palm crosses were dis-
The Good Friday service will
be at 10 a.m. The Easter Sunday
service will be at 9:15 a.m.
Exeter Library — Author and illustrator Werner Zimmerman entertained a group of
children March 12 at the Exeter Library.Above from left are Zimmerman with volunteers
Jade To and Madelynn VanLaar. (photo/Nina Van Lieshout)
Conference Youth Forum runs from April 17-20
By Joan Beierling
VARNA - The Varna Crokinole Club met last Tuesday
evening for a tournament of singles play. Players were
randomly put in two sides. Side B played six rounds and
side A managed to play seven rounds. Top four in side B
were Ken Pollock 50 points, Margaret Hayter 45, Doug
Mills 43 and Mary Ostrom with 42. Top four in the A
were Abe Leitch with 64 points , Joe Fulop of course
with 54 points, David Turner 45 and Dave Whyte with
44. All scores were very close.
Congrats to Joe Fulop the World Champ of Crokinole.
I am sure everyone saw Joe either on TV or in any one
of the local papers including the London Free Press and
Focus. Joe has written a book called "Its Only
Crokinole: But I Like It." This book is available for $18
(and $27 for a colour version) by calling Joe Fulop at
235-1022 or e -mailing jfulop@cabletv.ca . As a matter of
fact I have the book and it is a wonderful book to read
and pick up some hints on how to make the shots!!
Annual crokinole tournaments
It is getting to the time of the year when there is a few
annual tournaments coming up. First one is Sat., April
12 at the Schnider Hause. A team of four will be com-
peting. The next one would be the Joe Fulop Invitational
Tournament held in Exeter at South Huron District High
School on Sat., May 3. More information to follow. This
tournament gets players geared up for the big World
Crokinole Tournament in Tavistock. You can sign up on
line at www.worldcrokinole.com.
You can also visit the website called www.crokinolede-
Raymond and Jason Beierling have this website and
you can check it out. They have all kinds of crokinole
needs for sale.
The Crokinole club will meet for one last night of play
on Tues., March 25 at the Varna Church for a doubles
Worship service led by John McNeilly on Sunday was
in Goshen. John's message was on the "Serving Attitude
We Need to Adopt." A thank you was read from Linda
Linfeild and family.
Hot dogs, dessert and beverages were served follow-
ing the service and a free will offering was received. All
proceeds which were well over $300 were donated to
Camp Menestung. Thank you to all who supported this
cause and to Goshen for preparing it.
There are Camp Menesetung registration forms avail-
able at the Varna Church.
More upcoming events
The Conference Youth Forum is from April 17 - 20.
Wearing of the green — Queensway Nursing Home resident Sadie Knox with her daughter Betty Blue were
among those enjoying a St. Patrick's Day party on Sunday in Hensall. Providing the entertainment were from left, fid-
dlers Murray McCall, Sherry McCaII,Warren Whitmore,
Orville Storey, Joseph Flynn, Earl Flynn on drums and Marie
Flynn playing piano (photolPat Bolen)
7 homes in your area will be given the opportunity of having
an INTERLOCK metal roofing system installed on their home
at a reasonable cost. This lifetime product is capturing the
interest of homeowners across the country who want to know
this will be the last time they will have to re -roof their home.
Our product is environmentally friendly and comes with a
transferable Lifetime Limited Warranty with an excellent
choice of colours to complement your home and is going
to be introduced to your local market. Your home can be a
show place in your neighbourhood and we will make it worth
your while if we can use your home. Please call Rick:
Toll -Free 24 hours 7 Days a week
FREE Group Professional
Resume Development
Interview Preparation &
Job Seekers & Coaching Club
Call your local
Centre For
& Learning
"Employment Ontario Programs are funded in part
by the Government of Canada"
You may also pick registration forms up in Varna.
Young people are urged to participate in this worthwhile
activity and to connect with other people in the confer-
London Conference is in Alymer May 23-25.
Get your tickets for the Five Alive and Clinton
Community Players presentation of "Murder at the
Monastery" potluck dinner and murder mystery to be
held at the Brucefield United Church Sat., March 29 at
6:30 p.m. Tickets are $5 each and are available from
the Five Alive Committee.
The Blyth Festival Singers present "Love Songs for
Springtime" Sun., April 6 at 2:30 p.m. at the Clinton
United Church featuring world renowned Classical
Guitarist Jeffrey McFadden. Tickets are $12 for Adults,
$6 Children under 12. They are available from Willi
Laurie, the Dutch store, and Westcoast Photography.
The Carry on Cloggers present "Hit the Road" Sun.,
April 13 shows at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. at the Blyth
Memorial Hall. All proceeds to the CT scanner for
Huron. Call Deb Rathwell for tickets at 233-9153 as they
are going fast.
Varna U.C.W. will meet Thurs., April 3 at Steckles
Greenhouse at 4 p.m. for a tour by Carol. A potluck sup-
per will follow at 5:30 p.m. at the home of Bonnie Roy at
74517 Bronson Line with a meeting to follow.
Please mark your calendar, it sounds like fun!
An announcement was made by Willi Laurie in
"Free Brenda Martin Now" go to http://www.ipeti-
tions.com/petition/brenda?e and sign the petition.
Brenda Martin has a local connection to the Goderich
area. Her mother and uncle are both from Goderich and
were on T.V. this week in a plea for help. As well as
signing this petition be sure to call your local MP and let
them know what you think as well. Brenda Martin begs
for life from a Mexico prison which has been her home
for over two years. Please help her!!!
Remember to mark your calendars for April 9 for the
jamboree the Stan Lee Club are hosting at the Varna
Complex at 2 p.m. Everyone is welcome!
SUNDAYS 4:00 - 8:00 PM
In The Clubhouse
(plus tax)
Starts: Sunday March 2nd
Reservations: 519-238-2324 Ext. #363
Resort, t. C:nlf, Spit & C:canferenc:es Centre
Hwy. #21 North, Grand Bend