HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2008-03-19, Page 88 Times—Advocate Wednesday, March 19, 2008 Join Thames Road for their annual Easter extravaganza By Rhoda Rohde THAMES ROAD CORRESPONDENT THAMES ROAD - U. C.W. meeting: The March meeting of the U.C.W. was held on Tuesday evening with 27 ladies present. The meeting table had the autographed table cloth on it with a wooden cross, plush rabbit, lamb, bun, figurines, eggs, Easter lily, and candle. Green wreaths, St. Patrick and Shamrocks helped decorate the base- ment. Helen Webber welcomed everyone and gave the theme for the meeting "Easter" and also the call to worship on Easter. The ladies sang Walk Softly in Springtime with Jean Hodgert as pianist. Janis Richardson read "The Meaning of Easter" and also read from Luke 23 and 24: "Jesus Sentenced to Death, Jesus is Crucified, The Death of Jesus, The Burial Jesus, Jesus is Taken Up to Heaven," giving the meditation of the Scriptures. Muriel Parsons led in prayer. The ladies sang Christ the Lord is Risen. Janis Richardson read "Symbols of Easter." Sandra Rowe was unable to be at the meeting so she had made beautiful bookmarks which each lady received. Janis Richardson read trivia on the date of Easter which was really interest- ing. Muriel Parsons and Janis Richardson received the offering and Helen Webber gave the Offertory Prayer. Kay Cunnington, Doris Elford, Sharon Lynn, Judith Parker, Grace Pym, Marilyn Vandenbussche of the choir sang several Irish numbers accompa- nied by Jean Hodgert which were much enjoyed. Helen Webber read "St. Patrick's Day." Muriel Parsons read "Wearing of the Green" and "Don't Pinch." Janis Richardson read "Spring Cleaning." Helen Webber read "Afraid of the Dark" and "The Ten Commandments of Human Relations." Our president Joyce Fulton opened the business part of the meeting with a reading "Old Folks are Worth a Fortune." The U.C.W. Purpose was read in uni- son. Our secretary Marilyn Pym took the roll call which was answered with "What did you do with your extra day in February?" The minutes were read and correspondence was dealt with. We are catering to a wedding in September. Our treasurer Helen Kadey gave the treasurer's report. Upcoming events Anne Bray of the mission and outreach committee read about the people who are going to visit the shut-ins for Easter. Diane Jeffery of the Christian Leadership Development Committee spoke about Westminster Week -end April 11, 12 and 13 at Stoneridge Inn Conference Centre in London. Summer event at Siloam U.C. July 19, London. The 46th U.C.W. annual meeting at St. Andrew U.C., Chatham on April 28. Sharon Lynn gave the church council report. Myrtle Pengelly gave a report of the U.C.W. Executive meeting held at Bucefield U.C. recently. Grace Pym gave a report of the annual meeting held on Jan. 28 at Seaforth U.C. The April event will be held at Exeter U.C. on April 7. Joyce Fulton spoke about the Safe Foods Program course on April 8, 15, 22, 29. On June 7 Campsite event at Camp Bimini. Food Grain Bank items will be April 13. The meeting closed with the U.C.W. prayer. A delicious dessert made by Nancy Smith, Kay Hodgert, Anne Bray. Pat Ballantyne and Shirley Cooper was partaken of which brought an enjoyable meeting to a close. Church Service Rev. Judith Ritchie was in charge of the Palm Sunday church service on Sunday morning. Everyone had palm branches and the choir came up the aisle waving palm branches and singing This Is The Day. Rev. Judith lit the Christ candle and Janis Richardson lit the red candle for Peace. Rev. Judith introduced to the season and a dialogue "The Story of Palm Sunday." with Rev. Judith, Grace Pym, Marilyn Vandenbussche, Rhoda Rohde, Robert Bray and Bruce Delbridge taking part which was very meaningful. The choir sang On Palms and Praise accompanied by the pianist Jean Hodgert which was well done. Then there were more dialogues. Everyone sang Halle, Halle, Halle, three times. Rev. Judith narrated the story of "The Last Supper" and gave the blessing responsively. The Lord's Prayer was sung in unison. more dialogues and the prayer was read in unison. Everyone went to the front of the church where they partook of the Agape Meal. Everyone sang the hymn Sent Forth By God's Blessing and read the Affirmation of our Faith "A New Creed." Karen Etherington and Joan Morgan received the offering and everyone sang the Doxology and Rev. Judith gave the offertory prayer. Everyone sang the hymn Go To The World and Rev. Judith gave the commis- sioning and pronounced the benediction. Everyone sang the choral benediction God Dismiss Us With Your Blessing. Announcements Lenten tree -instead of a Lenten calen- dar we will be having a money tree again this year. Donations to go in the gallon jar in basement or to get credit, place an envelope on the collection plate. The finance Committee is hav- ing a cheese fund raiser cam- paign for spring. Order forms are included in the newsletter mailing for Easter. Anyone wishing to place an Easter lily/flower in memory of a loved one for Easter Sunday ser- vice March 23, please have the particulars to Sharon Passmore by noon March 20. Holy Week Services Good Friday -March 21 at 7:30 p.m. We plan a quiet and reflec- tive service which includes the celebration of communion Our Annual Easter Extravaganza -Sun., March 23. Invite family and friends to come to enjoy all or part of our morning, planned by the worship committee and Rev. Judith. Beginning at 8:30 a.m. with breakfast, during which we will share Easter stories and songs and the like. Followed by Easter worship. After which, Rev. Judith is planning a "special" Easter Egg Hunt for the 10 and under crowd. These events are for the young and for the young at heart. It could involve everyone who wish- es to be part of the fun. There will be something for everybody! Future events March 22 -Annual Maple Syrup Festival 8:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the Hibbert Shed located on Cty Rd. 180, south of Dublin. Sponsored by Hibbert United Church and Spring Valley Products, Staffa. Pancakes and sausages (all you can eat). Adults $7, five to 10 years $3.50, preschoolers free. Free wagon ride to bush. Maple syrup and homemade baking for sale. Mar. 30-CLUC service at Centralia United Church at 10 a.m. April 6 -Food Grains Service at Exeter United Church April 6-a concert with Dave Robilliard, percussionist - at Exeter United Church at 2 p.m. Adults $10, students $5, tickets available at church office 235-0860, Bob Robilliard and at the door. Everyone welcome. April 7 -United Church Women April event, "Come and Find the Quiet Centre" at Exeter United Church. Registration 6:30 p.m. $1. sing song at 7 p.m. Guest speaker: Nancy Urquhart, Christian Development Convener, London Conference U.C.W. Special music - Hand Chime Ensemble. April 8 - Greenway United Church is sponsoring "The Scott Woods Show" at the North Middlesex Community Centre in Parkhill. Tickets are $15. For tickets call 519-294- 6158. April 13- Food Bank Sunday April 14 - Next "Out of the Cold". If you are inter- ested please contact Karen Etherington at 519-235- 1628. April 19 -Roast Pork and Scalloped Potato Supper at Centralia U.C. from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. Adults $13, Children six -12 $6. Preschoolers free. For tick- ets phone 228-6638. April 27 -Choir's annual pancake and sausage brunch following the ser- vice. Personals Sympathy of the commu- nity is extended to Margaret Stewart and her sister Dorothy in the passing of their sis- ter the late Bertha who passed away recently. Glenn and Marilyn Rohde visited with their son Dan and Nancy Rohde, Elizabeth, Emma and Megan of Balinafad on Saturday. Happy birthday to Jean Duncan whose birthday is March 17, to Jean Coward March 25, to Gerry Riehl and Alan Hodgert March 26 and to Nathan Cann on March 27. Bill and Rhoda Rohde were among those who attended the "Dream a Little Dream With Me" skating carnival at Zurich Arena on Sunday afternoon. (#SEA)EWELS� TRADING COMPANY FEBRUARY SALE CONTINUES... FOR THE ENTIRE MONTH OF MARCH 30% OFF STOREWIDE Highway #21 N., Grand Bend, Ontario 519-238-6883 Use the mortgage for your house. And the cash back for everything else. Get up to '50,000 cash back. Limited time offer' With a 7% CashBack Mortgage from TD Canada Trust you'll get 7% of the mortgage amount back, in cash, when you choose a 7 -Year Fixed Rate Mortgage.' You could get as much as $50,000 back! Ask us about other CashBack Mortgages with a variety of terms available. Visit a branch, call 1-866-822-6370 or go to tdcanadatrust.com/mortgage ID Canada Trust Banking can be this comfortable 1. 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