HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2008-01-23, Page 1818 Times–Advocate Wednesday, January 23, 2008 St. Peter's hosts pancake supper By Carmel Sweeney ZURICH CORRESPONDENT ZURICH - Congratulations to Lloyd and Leona Steinberg of Zurich who celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on Sat., Jan. 19. Beginning with a special mass for the couple and their guests at St. Boniface Church at 3 p.m., fol- lowed by a supper at the Zurich complex with family members, friends and relatives coming from various places. The actual date of their anniversary is Jan. 10. It is also interesting to note that the Steinbergs had donated the money for the two lovely stained glass windows that were recently installed at St. Boniface Church last November in memory of Leona's parents and her baby brother. Marc and Shannon Crane and Doug and Joanne Finlay all of Zurich recently returned home from a nice week long vacation in Mexico. May we offer our sincere sympa- thy to the family and relatives of the late Gerry Kane who passed away on Jan. 9 in California, with her funeral service held at the McBeath Funeral Home in Zurich on Sat., Jan. 19. Our former neighbour had moved to California four years ago to live with her twin daughters Barb and Ann and their families. She had spent the past four months in a nursing home due to a stroke. Gerry was 96 years old. Shrove Tuesday Once again there will be a pan- cake supper on Shrove Tuesday a St. Peter's Lutheran Church on Tues., Feb. 5 from 5 - 7 p.m. There will be a free will offering (no tickets) and members from the community are welcome to attend. A Valentine's Dance will be held at the Dashwood Community Centre on Fri., Feb. 15 from 8:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. with the live band "Sunrise". Tickets are $25 a cou- ple with a lunch included. Call 237-3418 or 234-6749. Marie Gelinas of the Maple Woods Apartments enjoyed a nice visit with her brother George Harvey and son John from Michigan, while in Sarnia on Sun., Jan. 20. They had dinner at a restaurant as they were unable to come for Marie's 90th birthday celebration recently. (Also attend- ing were Paul and Heather, Jerome and Carmel and Carrie and Gerald.) St. Boniface K. of C. had a wine and cheese social and a ladies' night Jan. 21 with a guest speaker as well. Farewell to Lee Regier who has recently moved to Dorchester with his daughter Louise and Brian Trapp and family. Dick and Bette Bedard of RR 2 Zurich recently returned home from a week long holiday in the sun in the Domincan Republic along with some 17 family mem- bers and friends. Joey and Patty Groot, RR 1 Zurich and her brother Wayne and Jana Regier of near Toronto, recently spent a week in Mexico. The Exeter Skating Club will be having a "Passways to Success" showcase to celebrate the achieve- ments of all their skaters at the Exeter Arena on Thurs., Feb. 7 at 6:30 p.m.which will also feature their adult synchronize team. This event will replace the skating car- nival for this year. Please plan to attend. The next Golden Agers' card party at the town hall is on Mon., Jan. 28 at 7:30 p.m. and everyone is welcome. Agricultural Society The Agricultural Society held their last meeting on Thurs., Jan. 17 at the Hay Township Hall to plan for our next Zurich Fair to be held on July 25, 26 and 27. The theme will be "Reach For the Stars" with special guest Chris Hadfield (astronaut) coming from the Canadian Space Agency. The Annual Convention will be held at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto from Feb. 21 - 23. The O.A.A.S. District #8 spring work- shop is on Sat., March 29 in Stratford at the Kinsmen Hall from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. All Fair board directors are encouraged to attend. Call Margaret before March 1 if you are attending 236- 4130. The District #8 Home Craft judg- ing school workshop is coming up soon on April 25 and 26 from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Seaforth Agriplex building. Cost is $20 for one day or $30 for both days. Lunch is included. Registration deadline is March 1 (236-4130). The Agricultural Society books for 2007 were audited by Laurene Corriveau and Wayne Horner. Comedy Night Bean festival committee is host- ing a "Laugh Out Loud" entertain- ment evening at the Bluewater Complex in Zurich on Sat., Feb. 16, starting at 9 p.m. Doors will open at 8 p.m. Tickets are now available for $15 per person from Mark and Jodi Weigand (236- 7454) or from any Bean Festival commit- tee member. Mark it down INDIAN RIVER DIRECT CITRURUCKLOAD SALE --- CptISN_ -NEW � --- MON., JAN. 28, 10:00 a.m. • 12 noon Gar's Bar & Grill (58 Main St. North) (20 LB BOX OF FLORIDA" Seedless Navel Oranges $ 2 000 for Ruby Red Grapefruit PER BOX y/ and plan to attend! Zurich Diners Every Wednesday the Zurich Diners enjoy a delicious hot meal at the arena over the lunch hour. This past week slides were shown by Glena. After the meal on Jan. 30 the diners will be playing bingo. Wed., Feb. 6 is progressive euchre and on Feb. 13 there will be a Valentine's program with Jim and Elaine Scott. Full schedule of events for seniors can be found on the bul- letin board at the post office. If you are going to eat at the Diners let Kay Hay know by the Monday before 236-4632 so they can prepare enough food. Francis and Cindy Denomme along with Roger and Denise O'Brien, Ken and Deb Regier and John Paul and Barb Rau enjoyed a relaxing vacation in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic from Jan. 8 - 15. While there they enjoyed snorkeling, swimming with sharks, para sailing and deep sea fishing. Ken caught a large 24 pound fish. Dianne Miller, Karen Mathonia and Fr. Peter Keller from St. Boniface Parish were among those who attended the National Youth Ministry Conference held in Banff from Jan. 10 - 12. Bluewater Rest Home's annual meeting will be held Tues., Feb. 5 at 6:30 p.m. St. Peter's Parish in St. Joseph celebrates 135 years July 12 and 13, 2008. Anyone and everyone who has had any association with St. Peter's parish are invited to attend this grand event. Social in the parish hall - Sat., July 12 at 7 p.m. Sun., July 13 - outdoor mass, fol- lowed by a catered brunch. Help the registration committee get information out to your siblings, relatives, and school chums who have moved away. Pick up a reg- istration form at St. Peter's or St. Boniface's churches and return as soon as possible. This promises to be a wonderful reunion of friends and families. The committee would like to get the mailing list completed by mid February. For more info please call Monique Hartman at 236-7817. 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Linda Reaume Design Consultant Bob Smyth Design Consultant West Coast kitchens.. And Much More • Kitchens • CustomVanities • Entertainment Units • Home Offices PROFESSIONAL INSTALLATIONS CUSTOM DESIGNS & COUNTERTOPS Visit Our Showroom! 50 West St. Goderich 519-440-0352 • 1-866-440-0352 Goderich & District Chamber of Commerce Business of the Year Award 2006 Email: westcoastkit@cabletv.on.ca PUBLIC MEETING CONCERNING A PROPOSED OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT (OPA #6) IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF SOUTH HURON TO CHANGE THE APPLICATION OF MDS I FORMULAE FOR SURPLUS DWELLING SEVERANCES AND LOTS OF RECORD TAKE NOTICE that Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of South Huron will hold a public meeting on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2008 at 5:30 pm in the Olde Town Hall Council Chambers, 322 Main St. S, Exeter to consider a proposed official plan amendment under Section 17 of the Planning Act. BE ADVISED that this application was initiated by the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of South Huron on November 5, 2007, and for the purpose of the Planning Act, this application was considered to be complete by Council on January 7, 2008. ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in support of or in opposition to the proposed official plan amendment. IF you wish to be notified of the adoption of the proposed official plan amendment, or of the refusal of a request to amendment the official plan you must make a written request to the Clerk of the Municipality of South Huron, 322 Main St., P.O. Box 759, Exeter, Ontario, NOM 1S6. IF a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Municipality of South Huron before the proposed official plan amendment is adopted, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision of the County of Huron to the Ontario Municipal Board. IF a person or public body does not make an oral submission at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Municipality of South Huron before the official plan amendment is adopted, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Municipal Board unless, in the opinion of the Board, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed amendment is available for inspection during regular office hours at the South Huron Municipal Office (322 Main St., Exeter) (519) 235-0310 x239 and the County of Huron Planning and Development Department (519) 524-8394 x3. Dated at the Municipality of South Huron This 14th day of January, 2008. Sandra Strang, Clerk Municipality of South Huron 322 Main St. S, P.O. Box 759, Exeter, Ontario, NOM 1S6 PURPOSE AND EFFECT The purpose of Official Plan Amendment #6 is to amend how the Minimum Distance Separation formulae is applied to the creation of surplus dwelling severances and building on existing lots (lots of record) designated agriculture in the South Huron Official Plan. OPA #6 proposes to amend the surplus dwelling severance policies of the South Huron Official Plan to remove the requirement that the severed lot must comply with the MDS I — "Type B" land use (double MDS distance) and permit severances to be created where they comply with the MDS I — "Type A" land use (single MDS distance). This amendment will also permit a residence to be built on an existing lot (lot of record) where it complies with MDS I formulae — "Type A" land use. This Official Plan Amendment has been initiated by the Municipality of South Huron. A related zoning by-law amendment is being circulated concurrently with this Official Plan Amendment. Official Plan Amendment #6 applies to all land designated Agriculture in the Municipality of South Huron Official Plan.