HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2008-01-02, Page 19Classifieds The Classifieds The Classifieds Classitieds The 'fieds The Classifieds The Classifieds 19 PLACE AN AD In Person: 424 Main Street South, Exeter, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. By Phone: 519- 235-1331 By Fax: 519-235-0766 By E-mail: ads@southhuron.com CLASSIFIED/ ANNOUNCEMENT WORD AD DEADLINE MON. 10 A.M. SUPER ADS Get results with our $15 Super Ad or we will repeat your ad up to another seven times at no charge. • For Sale items only • One item per ad • Private non-commercial ads only • All ads must be prepaid Call 519-235-1331 for bordered or monthly ad rates TIMES -ADVOCATE 4W3 W_F---1-1 I; [♦7_"i 1E0] [♦7211 [•7 100 Houses For Sale 103 Private Sales 112 Cottages For Sale 115 Farms For Sale, Rent & Wanted 130 Housing Wanted 135 Lots and Acreages 145 Industrial/ Commercial Space 160 Business Opportunities 164 Tax & Financial 165 Mortgages/Loans 166 Accountants (Chartered) 170 Apartments For Rent 173 Misc. for Rent 180 Condo's For Rent 185 Houses For Rent 193 Room & Board Available Wanted 194 Shared Accomodations 263 Car Pool/Transportation 209 Cottages For Rent 265 Lost & Found 212 Recreational Vehicles 268 Personals 215 Campers, Trailers & Sites 273 Daycare Available 234 Pools & Supplies 274 Daycare Wanted 245 Births 275 Babysitting 248 Birthdays 277 Music & 249 Coming Events Dancing Instruction 251 Forthcoming Marriage 280 Lessons 252 Marriages 288 Fitness Services 253 Anniversaries 302 Farm Services 254 Graduations 303 Horses, Supplies, 255 Announcements Boarding 256 Deaths 304 FarmProduce/Crops 258 In Memoriam 305 Poultry & Livestock 259 Card of Thanks 310 Articles For Sale 260 Tenders 315 Articles Wanted 261 Legal Notices 320 Garage & Yard Sales 262 Public Notices 325 Auction Sales 335 Christmas Trees & Gifts 340 Antiques & Art 352 Farm Equipment 353 Appliances 365 Musical Instruments 370 Pets,Supplies&Boarding 400 Cars For Sale 410 Trucks For Sale 420 Vans For Sale 455 Garage & Storage Space 500 Career Training 510 General Help Wanted 565 Volunteers 570 Employment Wanted 735 Lawn & Garden 760 Service Directory Wednesday, January 2, 2008 WORD ADS I insertion $12.00 2 insertions $21.00 3 insertions $29.00 20 word maximum; 206 for each additional word Plus GST NOTICES Births, Announcements, Cards of Thanks, Coming Events - 50 words 1 insertion $15.00 2 insertions $30.00 3rd insertion free 206 for each additional word In Memoriam - $15.00, plus .25 per line of verse Plus GST PAYMENT METHODS: • Cash • Cheque • Debit Card • VISA • Mastercard PLEASE CHECK YOUR AD ON THE FIRST DAY IT APPEARS TO ENSURE THAT IS CORRECT. ALL CLASSIFIED ADS MUST BE PREPAID. 100 Houses for Sale 100 Houses for Sale 115 Farms for Sale, Rent & Wanted CASH CROP LAND WANT- ED TO RENT OR SHARE- CROP FOR 2008 - and beyond. Phone 519-229-8176. (48tfn) 135 Lots and Acreages 1/2 ACRE COUNTRY LOT - 100'x200' Bronson Line, south of Dashwood. $34,500. Build this spring. (519)235-3633. (8tfn) 160 Business Opportunities PROMOTE YOUR BUSI- NESS OR SERVICE - to over 4 million adults in Ontario. Call today to book your classi- fied word ad in over 100 com- munity newspapers! Regional & Weekly packages avail. (Includes online). 416-493- 1300 ext 237, 288,276. adver- tising@metroland.com (40-5x) 165 Mortgages & Loans $$CONSOLIDATE$$ - bad credit, tax/mortgage arrears, self-employed, 100% Mortgages, don't pay lyr Program! Ontariowide Financial Corp. 1-888-307- 7799. (32-5x) 170 Apartments For Rent 1 BEDROOM - fridge, stove, utilities included. $600/month, just North of Grand Bend. Beach access, no smoking, no dogs. 519-236-7349.(45-8*) ALL ONTARIO FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS LTD. The Mortgage People 1st 2nd and 3rd Mortgages All Types of Properties Fast Service - Prime Rates Difficult Mortgages Private Funds Investor Inquires Welcome Contact Frank Rowley 519-238-5851 - Grand Bend 170 Apts for Rent 2 BEDROOM APT. - EXETER - ground floor, avail- able now. $475/month also 1 bedroom ground level avail- able Nov. 1, $395/month plus electric heat and water. First and last month's rent. No laundry facilities. Call 519- 235-1547 prior to 8:00 pm. (37tfn) ADULT BUILDING - WHILTON APT. EXETER - One bedroom apartment avail- able. Includes appliances, heat and water/sewage. Newly ren- ovated. Laundry on site. $525/month Please call 519- 236-4052. (47tfn) APT. IN ZURICH - Spacious 2 bedroom apt. with controlled entry. Washer & dryer hook- up. Rau Manor 519-236-4607. (49tfn) EXETER - 2 bedroom apts., fridge, stove, water, sewer included. $565-$665/month. 519-235-0349. (50tfn) EXETER - 1 BEDROOM GROUND FLOOR - Central location. $405 plus hydro. 519-272-0042.(34-5*) 100 Houses for Sale 100 Houses for Sale 170 For Rent Need Mortgage Money? Farm & Residential 1st & 2nd Mortgage $ 3.25% Interest or Less • No upfront fees • Personal loans/mtges. • Consolidate your debts • Problem mtge. specialist ASTRAL FUNDING INC. (519) 364-0450 or 1-800-387-1932 If you qualify, payments: Amt. Approx. Mo. Payment $ 5,000 $13.55 $ 10,000 $27.08 $ 50,000 $135.42 $100,000 $270.83 170 For Rent "Your Stuff" SELF -STORAGE 280 THAMES RD. W., EXETER 519-235-2345 NEED SPACE? WE HAVE IT! Indoor and Outdoor www.yourstuff.ca EXETER - 2 BEDROOM APT. - $550 plus heat and hydro. 519-235-4694. (37tfn) EXETER - 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE - $750 plus utilities. No dogs. 519-235- 4694. (42tfn) EXETER ONE BEDROOM - Security entrance. Fridge & stove, water included. $395 plus hydro. Call 519-235-4613 or 519-236-7744. (50tfn) PARKER APARTMENTS - 1 bedrooms available. 519-235- 1497. (48tfn) HENSALL, QUEEN MARY APARTMENTS - 2 Bedroom $545, water included, laundry on site, available Jan. 1st, 519- 262-3186. (50tfn) LUCAN - 1 bedroom apt. Controlled entry, c/a, laundry, parking. $500. Available January 1st. 519-227-4766. (46-1*) MAIN FLOOR 1 & 2 BED- ROOM APT.'S - Available immediately. Fridge, stove DUCKS FOR SALE - 519 - and water included. Oak 227-4690. (50-5SA) kitchen, laundry facilities available. $450 & $475 plus hydro. Call 519-235-1304 Marlene Parsons. (49tfn) 170 For Rent COUNTRY 3 BEDROOM HOUSE - in the hamlet of Woodham (Hwy.23) between Exeter and St.Mary's. $785 plus utilities. Sunroom off kitchen. Basement walk -out to large backyard. Garage. New furnace and roof. Fridge & stove provided. Hook-ups for washer, dryer and satellite dish. 519-229-6600 or 519- 663-9400.(45-8*) 273 Daycare Available AFFORDABLE HOME CHILDCARE - near Exeter on Hern Line. A fun, safe and happy environment where your child can play and learn. Please contact Vicki at 519- 229-8790. First Aid and CPR trained. (50-1x) 303 Horses, Supplies, Boarding EIGHT MONTH OLD PONIES FOR SALE - Two males and two females. Complete with saddle and bri- dle. Make special Christmas gift. 519-475-4531. (49-4SA) 2 YEAR OLD DONKEY JACK YEARLING - quarter horse gelding show quality. Used English and Western sad- dle also used tack. Call 519- 225-2130.(51-6*) 305 Poultry & Livestock ZURICH - 2 BEDROOM - 4 new appliances, main floor, seniors bonus, available now, $525 plus hydro. 519-679- 5810. (1-8*) 2 BEDROOM APT. - $525/month. Fridge, stove, heat, water, parking, garbage and laundry facilities included. Renovated recently. Rob 519- 777-8946. (1-8*) 185 Houses For Rent EXETER - 3 BEDROOM HOUSE WITH GARAGE - Appliances included. $700/month plus utilities. Available mid January. Call Steve 519-808-5039 or 519- 235-2553. (1*) LIVE MUSKCOVY DUCKS & DRAKES - for sale. 519- 229-6404. (52-7SA) 310 Articles For Sale 1.06K DIAMOND ENGAGE- MENT RING - appraised at $2785, certificate available, 14k white gold band, will sell for $1800. 519-243-1 188. 10'6" CHURCH PEW FOR SALE - $250. Call 519-284- 4703. (51-6*) 200 GAL. OIL TANK - used 1 year. 519-284-2232. (47-2SA) 7 PIECE DRUM SET AND STOOL - $500. Call Jeff 519- 235-1399 after 5:00. (50-5SA) CEMENT BLOCKS - New 8" standard size 1600 count, $1600, 10" standard 1000+, $1250, will load. 519-235- 0392. (48-35A) 170 For Rent SENIORS 2 MONTHS RENT FREE! Skyline is also offereing a free month of rent to all other accepted applicants for our location at: 176 OXFORD ST. HENSALL 1 and 2 bedroom suites ranging from $550 to $650, incl. "...A peaceful, country setting in a quaint Ontario town!..." • Professionally managed, renovated suites • Walk to community centre, library and amenities • Visit nearby lake Huron, Stratford and Grand Bend for theatre, entertainment and shopping • 5 min. drive to Exeter, 40 min. to London SKYLINE INCORPORATED To find out more and to apply, please contact 519-262-2796 .skylineonline.ca 310 Articles for Sale A GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFT SEWING MACHINES & SERGERS - New and recon- ditioned up to 50% off MSRP. Prices starting at $89.95, and ready for Christmas giving, Janomes, Babylocks, Singers, Whites, Husgvarnas and many more. Come see our full line of new sewing machines. Sew & Save Centre, 149 Downie St. Stratford 519-271-9660. APPLES FOR SALE - Different Varieties. Cider - pressed fresh every Saturday. Pure fruit juices, Apple Butter, Greaves Jams & Jellies, Local Honey. Open Saturdays. Hwy. 4 & Crediton Sideroad. Sawyer's Orchard. 235-0446. (47tfn) BLACK FIBREGLASS TON- NEAU COVER - fits 6 ft. box for 2004-2006 crew cab pickup truck. $550. 519-227-1704. (47-2SA) COUNTRY ACCENTS QUILT SHOPPE - ANNUAL JANUARY SALE - Jan. 2 - Jan. 12/08. Hours: Tues. -Fri. l0am-5pm., Sat. 10am-2pm. 50% off selected fabrics, 25% off all other fabrics. 20% off books, patterns, notions and kits. 8698 Bog Line Rd. RR#4 Thedford. 519-296-4738. (l;2*) 310 Articles for Sale 310 Articles for Sale CRAFTSMAN 10 INCH - compound saw like new $125, great for Christmas, 2 15 inch GM wheels and ice trac snow tires, perfect condition, $180. 519-284-1623. (47-2SA) CRAFTSMAN SLIDING COMPOUND - Tradesman combination 4" belt and 6" disc sander, c/w rolling stand, $150; Jet 12 speed drill press c/w rolling stand, $250. 519- 284-3185. (47-2SA) DINING ROOM SET - solid mahogany table, 8 chairs and matching corner cabinet. $500. 519-236-4360 St. Josephs. (51-6SA) DINING/KITCHEN ORNATE GLASS & METAL - square table, 4 padded metal chairs, $250. Wood TV/DVD unit $50. Corner 2 piece sofa brown/beige $400. All in very good condition. 519-236- 7460. (1*) DRY FIREWOOD, ALL HARDWOOD - $40/cord and up, $60 a pickup load; large orders available. Hardwood pellets available. Can be deliv- ered to your door. Call Kirkton 519-229-8237, cell 519-276-7310. (32-3SA) 12 Pets PEDIS PRESSURE RELIEVING SWEDISH MATTRESSES AND PILLOWS •' I -eepili B titers y14.. fAiTRES'S' tk I/FE 58 The Square Goderich 524-6064 SOMERSET GARDEN HOMES MODEL SUITES AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING BY APPOINTMENT z7,1 i J Luxurious Freehold Townhouses IN EXETER are now For Sale. Sande St. Located on a new Street Only four blocks from downtown. w IDEAL FOR ADULTS! y - NO EXTERIOR MAINTENANCE - NEW UNITS UNDER CONSTRUCTION Joe Durand PLEASE CALL Doug Geoffrey 1-519-565-5062 OR 1-519-235-2961 115 Farms for Sale, Rent & Wanted CASH CROP LAND WANT- ED TO RENT OR SHARE- CROP FOR 2008 - and beyond. Phone 519-229-8176. (48tfn) 135 Lots and Acreages 1/2 ACRE COUNTRY LOT - 100'x200' Bronson Line, south of Dashwood. $34,500. Build this spring. (519)235-3633. (8tfn) 160 Business Opportunities PROMOTE YOUR BUSI- NESS OR SERVICE - to over 4 million adults in Ontario. Call today to book your classi- fied word ad in over 100 com- munity newspapers! Regional & Weekly packages avail. (Includes online). 416-493- 1300 ext 237, 288,276. adver- tising@metroland.com (40-5x) 165 Mortgages & Loans $$CONSOLIDATE$$ - bad credit, tax/mortgage arrears, self-employed, 100% Mortgages, don't pay lyr Program! Ontariowide Financial Corp. 1-888-307- 7799. (32-5x) 170 Apartments For Rent 1 BEDROOM - fridge, stove, utilities included. $600/month, just North of Grand Bend. Beach access, no smoking, no dogs. 519-236-7349.(45-8*) ALL ONTARIO FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS LTD. The Mortgage People 1st 2nd and 3rd Mortgages All Types of Properties Fast Service - Prime Rates Difficult Mortgages Private Funds Investor Inquires Welcome Contact Frank Rowley 519-238-5851 - Grand Bend 170 Apts for Rent 2 BEDROOM APT. - EXETER - ground floor, avail- able now. $475/month also 1 bedroom ground level avail- able Nov. 1, $395/month plus electric heat and water. First and last month's rent. No laundry facilities. Call 519- 235-1547 prior to 8:00 pm. (37tfn) ADULT BUILDING - WHILTON APT. EXETER - One bedroom apartment avail- able. Includes appliances, heat and water/sewage. Newly ren- ovated. Laundry on site. $525/month Please call 519- 236-4052. (47tfn) APT. IN ZURICH - Spacious 2 bedroom apt. with controlled entry. Washer & dryer hook- up. Rau Manor 519-236-4607. (49tfn) EXETER - 2 bedroom apts., fridge, stove, water, sewer included. $565-$665/month. 519-235-0349. (50tfn) EXETER - 1 BEDROOM GROUND FLOOR - Central location. $405 plus hydro. 519-272-0042.(34-5*) 100 Houses for Sale 100 Houses for Sale 170 For Rent Need Mortgage Money? Farm & Residential 1st & 2nd Mortgage $ 3.25% Interest or Less • No upfront fees • Personal loans/mtges. • Consolidate your debts • Problem mtge. specialist ASTRAL FUNDING INC. (519) 364-0450 or 1-800-387-1932 If you qualify, payments: Amt. Approx. Mo. Payment $ 5,000 $13.55 $ 10,000 $27.08 $ 50,000 $135.42 $100,000 $270.83 170 For Rent "Your Stuff" SELF -STORAGE 280 THAMES RD. W., EXETER 519-235-2345 NEED SPACE? WE HAVE IT! Indoor and Outdoor www.yourstuff.ca EXETER - 2 BEDROOM APT. - $550 plus heat and hydro. 519-235-4694. (37tfn) EXETER - 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE - $750 plus utilities. No dogs. 519-235- 4694. (42tfn) EXETER ONE BEDROOM - Security entrance. Fridge & stove, water included. $395 plus hydro. Call 519-235-4613 or 519-236-7744. (50tfn) PARKER APARTMENTS - 1 bedrooms available. 519-235- 1497. (48tfn) HENSALL, QUEEN MARY APARTMENTS - 2 Bedroom $545, water included, laundry on site, available Jan. 1st, 519- 262-3186. (50tfn) LUCAN - 1 bedroom apt. Controlled entry, c/a, laundry, parking. $500. Available January 1st. 519-227-4766. (46-1*) MAIN FLOOR 1 & 2 BED- ROOM APT.'S - Available immediately. Fridge, stove DUCKS FOR SALE - 519 - and water included. Oak 227-4690. (50-5SA) kitchen, laundry facilities available. $450 & $475 plus hydro. Call 519-235-1304 Marlene Parsons. (49tfn) 170 For Rent COUNTRY 3 BEDROOM HOUSE - in the hamlet of Woodham (Hwy.23) between Exeter and St.Mary's. $785 plus utilities. Sunroom off kitchen. Basement walk -out to large backyard. Garage. New furnace and roof. Fridge & stove provided. Hook-ups for washer, dryer and satellite dish. 519-229-6600 or 519- 663-9400.(45-8*) 273 Daycare Available AFFORDABLE HOME CHILDCARE - near Exeter on Hern Line. A fun, safe and happy environment where your child can play and learn. Please contact Vicki at 519- 229-8790. First Aid and CPR trained. (50-1x) 303 Horses, Supplies, Boarding EIGHT MONTH OLD PONIES FOR SALE - Two males and two females. Complete with saddle and bri- dle. Make special Christmas gift. 519-475-4531. (49-4SA) 2 YEAR OLD DONKEY JACK YEARLING - quarter horse gelding show quality. Used English and Western sad- dle also used tack. Call 519- 225-2130.(51-6*) 305 Poultry & Livestock ZURICH - 2 BEDROOM - 4 new appliances, main floor, seniors bonus, available now, $525 plus hydro. 519-679- 5810. (1-8*) 2 BEDROOM APT. - $525/month. Fridge, stove, heat, water, parking, garbage and laundry facilities included. Renovated recently. Rob 519- 777-8946. (1-8*) 185 Houses For Rent EXETER - 3 BEDROOM HOUSE WITH GARAGE - Appliances included. $700/month plus utilities. Available mid January. Call Steve 519-808-5039 or 519- 235-2553. (1*) LIVE MUSKCOVY DUCKS & DRAKES - for sale. 519- 229-6404. (52-7SA) 310 Articles For Sale 1.06K DIAMOND ENGAGE- MENT RING - appraised at $2785, certificate available, 14k white gold band, will sell for $1800. 519-243-1 188. 10'6" CHURCH PEW FOR SALE - $250. Call 519-284- 4703. (51-6*) 200 GAL. OIL TANK - used 1 year. 519-284-2232. (47-2SA) 7 PIECE DRUM SET AND STOOL - $500. Call Jeff 519- 235-1399 after 5:00. (50-5SA) CEMENT BLOCKS - New 8" standard size 1600 count, $1600, 10" standard 1000+, $1250, will load. 519-235- 0392. (48-35A) 170 For Rent SENIORS 2 MONTHS RENT FREE! Skyline is also offereing a free month of rent to all other accepted applicants for our location at: 176 OXFORD ST. HENSALL 1 and 2 bedroom suites ranging from $550 to $650, incl. "...A peaceful, country setting in a quaint Ontario town!..." • Professionally managed, renovated suites • Walk to community centre, library and amenities • Visit nearby lake Huron, Stratford and Grand Bend for theatre, entertainment and shopping • 5 min. drive to Exeter, 40 min. to London SKYLINE INCORPORATED To find out more and to apply, please contact 519-262-2796 .skylineonline.ca 310 Articles for Sale A GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFT SEWING MACHINES & SERGERS - New and recon- ditioned up to 50% off MSRP. Prices starting at $89.95, and ready for Christmas giving, Janomes, Babylocks, Singers, Whites, Husgvarnas and many more. Come see our full line of new sewing machines. Sew & Save Centre, 149 Downie St. Stratford 519-271-9660. APPLES FOR SALE - Different Varieties. Cider - pressed fresh every Saturday. Pure fruit juices, Apple Butter, Greaves Jams & Jellies, Local Honey. Open Saturdays. Hwy. 4 & Crediton Sideroad. Sawyer's Orchard. 235-0446. (47tfn) BLACK FIBREGLASS TON- NEAU COVER - fits 6 ft. box for 2004-2006 crew cab pickup truck. $550. 519-227-1704. (47-2SA) COUNTRY ACCENTS QUILT SHOPPE - ANNUAL JANUARY SALE - Jan. 2 - Jan. 12/08. Hours: Tues. -Fri. l0am-5pm., Sat. 10am-2pm. 50% off selected fabrics, 25% off all other fabrics. 20% off books, patterns, notions and kits. 8698 Bog Line Rd. RR#4 Thedford. 519-296-4738. (l;2*) 310 Articles for Sale 310 Articles for Sale CRAFTSMAN 10 INCH - compound saw like new $125, great for Christmas, 2 15 inch GM wheels and ice trac snow tires, perfect condition, $180. 519-284-1623. (47-2SA) CRAFTSMAN SLIDING COMPOUND - Tradesman combination 4" belt and 6" disc sander, c/w rolling stand, $150; Jet 12 speed drill press c/w rolling stand, $250. 519- 284-3185. (47-2SA) DINING ROOM SET - solid mahogany table, 8 chairs and matching corner cabinet. $500. 519-236-4360 St. Josephs. (51-6SA) DINING/KITCHEN ORNATE GLASS & METAL - square table, 4 padded metal chairs, $250. Wood TV/DVD unit $50. Corner 2 piece sofa brown/beige $400. All in very good condition. 519-236- 7460. (1*) DRY FIREWOOD, ALL HARDWOOD - $40/cord and up, $60 a pickup load; large orders available. Hardwood pellets available. Can be deliv- ered to your door. Call Kirkton 519-229-8237, cell 519-276-7310. (32-3SA) 12 Pets PEDIS PRESSURE RELIEVING SWEDISH MATTRESSES AND PILLOWS •' I -eepili B titers y14.. fAiTRES'S' tk I/FE 58 The Square Goderich 524-6064