HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2007-12-12, Page 31Wednesday, December 12.2007
Zurich area churches gather around a `Living Nativity'
By Carmel Sweeney
ZURICH - The Zurich
Public School Christmas
concert has been changed
to Tues., Dec. 18 at 7 p.m.
Dress rehearsal will take
place on Mon., Dec. 17 at
11:30 a.m. in the gym for
those not able to make it
out in the evening.
The penny sale and auc-
tion will begin on Fri.,
Dec. 14 until the school
concert. A canned good
donation at the door
would be appreciated for
our local food bank.
May we offer our sincere
sympathy to the family
and relatives of the late
Keith Westlake who
passed away on Dec. 4.
To the family and rela-
tives of the late Carmen
Bedard (son of Dick and
Betty Bedard of RR #2
Zurich) who passed away
this week we also offer
our condolences.
Happy 50th birthday
wishes go out to Martin
Gelinas on Dec. 13.
The Blue Christmas ser-
vice will be on Sun., Dec.
16 at St. Peter's Lutheran
Church at 3 p.m.
Everyone is welcome.
Sunday night was great
weather for the Living
Nativity at the pavilion.
We all sat on bales of
straw to watch the
manger scene while the
story was read by Darcy
Martin and Doug Klopp.
Carol Steckle led the large
crowd in singing
Christmas carols which
was followed by having
hot chocolate around the
bon fire. We also enjoyed
going for a ride around
the park in the snow with
the Thiel's sleigh and
The St. Boniface School's
youth group will be
singing Christmas carols
for the residents at the
rest home on Thurs., Dec.
13 from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Stories from
There will be guest
speakers for missions this
Thurs., Dec. 13 at the
Zurich Mennonite Church
beginning at 7 p.m.
Everyone is welcome.
Please let Mary -Ellen
Gingerich know as soon as
possible if you are attend-
ing 236-4615.
The family of Jean
Geoffrey held their
Christmas get-together
and dinner at the town-
ship hall on Saturday
night with relatives com-
ing from various places.
Also the children of
Lucilee Masse and their
spouses and grand -chil-
dren enjoyed being togeth-
er last Saturday at the
Zurich complex for their
Christmas party.
The Christmas staff
party for the volunteer
helpers at Blessings store
along with their spouses
was enjoyed last Thursday
night (Dec. 6) with supper
at Erb's Country Kitchen.
It's nice to see our neigh-
bour Kathlene and Mick
Todoroff home during the
winter now from
Tennessee and will spend
Christmas with their fami-
ly in London.
Herb and Donna Klopp
will soon be home again
from Victoria, B.C. to cele-
brate the holiday season
with their children and
families and relatives.
`Little Women'
showing at The
Heather and I (Carmel)
enjoyed going to see the
play "Little Women" at the
Livery in Goderich last
Friday night. It was really
good. One of the cast
members was Lisa Miller
of RR 2 Zurich, daughter
of Mike and Dianne.
The performance still
runs until Dec. 15.
St. Peter's ELW annual
meeting was held on Dec.
11 in their parish hall.
The program topic was on
Advent / Christmas theme.
President is Margaret
Deichert. This past week
the E.L.W. members deliv-
ered poinsettia plants to
the sick and shut-ins of
their church.
Cook books are on sale
for $8 and the youth
group is selling "Gourmet
Lollipops" for $1 each as a
The scouting groups in
town are planning to have
a Christmas party together
on Dec. 17 and will be
going on wagon rides
around the village singing
Christmas carols with the
Thiel's horse and sleigh.
Don't forget to still save
your pop cans and stamps
for St. Boniface parish.
Sherman and Jenny
Roth enjoyed spending
four days in Las Vegas last
Edgar and Ann
Steinbach along with their
daughter Karen attend the
Convention for their
daughter and sister
Connie Steinbach in
Toronto. Connie has com-
pleted her Charted
General Accountant stud-
ies. She received her
Diploma of Membership
into the Ontario and
Canadian C.G.A. associa-
tions. Congratulations
During the winter
months people who like to
go for walks can still do so
at the high school in
Exeter down the long halls
in the mornings from 7:30
a.m. to 8:30 a.m.
C.L.U.C. service Dec. 30 at SHDHS
By Rhoda Rohde
THAMES ROAD - Church Service
Rev. Judith Ritchie was in charge
of the 2nd Advent church service
on Sunday morning. Rev. Judith
lit the red candle for Peace.
Everyone sang the first hymn
Come Thou Long Expected Jesus.
Rev. Judith said words of wel-
come and everyone passed the
Everyone sang the Introit Hope
is a Star. Rev. Judith led in the
call to worship responsively and
everyone read the opening prayer
in unison.
Rev. Judith read the announce-
ments and everyone sang Happy
Birthday to Bill Rohde whose
birthday was on Friday.
Fred Delbridge lit the candle for
joy and peace, in the the Advent
Wreath while Bruce Delbridge
read about it.
Rev. Judith read the Old
Testament Lesson Isaiah 11:1-10
entitled "The Peaceful Kingdom."
Rev. Judith handed out puzzles
and she told the children about
the whole picture. The Lord's
Prayer was sung in unison. Parts
1 and 3 of Psalm 72 were read
The choir sang Christmas
Jubilee accompanied by the
pianist Marilyn Vandenbussche,
which was much enjoyed. The
Epistle Lesson Romans 15:4-13
was read by Joyce Fulton.
The title of Rev. Judith's mes-
sage was entitled "Puzzles."
The hymn Through Ancient
Walls was sung.
Anne Kernick and Melonie
Miller received the offering and
the Doxology was sung. Everyone
read the offertory prayer. Rev.
Judith had prayers for the people.
Everyone sang the hymn God of
Grace and God of Glory.
Rev. Judith gave the commis-
sioning and pronounced the bene-
diction. Everyone sang the choral
Dec. 16 -3rd Sunday of Advent at
10 a.m.
Dec. 23 -4th Sunday of Advent at
10 a.m.
Dec. 24 -Christmas Eve Service
at 7:30 p.m.
Dec. 30- C.L.U.C. service at
South Huron High School in the
small gym at 10 a.m. Light lunch
to follow. There will be no service
at Thames Road - Elimville
Spaghetti Supper
There were about 60 people
attended the spaghetti supper on
Sunday evening. Then the Silent
Auction took place which was
very successful with the Christian
Education in charge namely
Karen Geiger, Sharon Pavkeje and
Erin Parsons. The Finance com-
mittee (namely John Batten, Beth
Cooper, Shirley Kerslake, Marilyn
Vadenbussche) were in charge of
the supper which was very deli-
Happy Birthday to June Stewart
whose birthday is Dec. 14 and to
Melonie Miller whose birthday is
Dec. 15.
Bill and Rhoda Rohde were on a
Kirkton Horticulture Bus trip on
Thursday with Canadian Bus
Tours. Our bus driver was Jim
who took us to Terra Green
Houses at Clappison Corners and
then to Hamilton Place where we
had our lunch and then to the
Gertitol Follies which was marvel-
lous. Thanks to Reta Facey and
Marilyn Robinson for planning it.
It was good to see Marion Cann
at the supper Sunday evening
after her recent stay in the hospi-
Get well wishes are extended to
Dave Passmore after his recent
accident. He hopes to come home
Monday from University Hospital,
Quite a number of people from
this area called at the T. Harry
Hoffman & sons Funeral Home
Dashwood on Sunday to pay their
respects to the late Eleanor
(Dawson/Brophey) who passed
away Friday.
Sympathy is extended to her
family and to her brother Murray
and Beatrice Dawson and family.
Quite a number of people from
this community called at the
Haskett Funeral Home, Exeter on
Sunday to pay their respect tho
the late Art Pfaff who passed
away Friday.
Sympathy is extended to his wife
Verna and family, to his daughter,
husband and family and to his
brother and brother in law.
Pine branches
and greenery
HURON — Huron OPP officers
have received complaints regarding
trespassers who cut pine branches
and other greenery from trees on
private property during the
Christmas season. Community
members are reminded to request
permission before going onto any
persons' property to cut and chop.
Trees on the road allowance belong
to the municipality or county and
should also be left alone without
prior permission.
Bring along your run-
ning shoes and leave the
wet boots by the door.
St. Boniface CWL
A delicious turkey dinner
with all the trimmings was
enjoyed by 26 ladies -
CWL members at St.
Boniface Hall along with
our two Priests Fr. Keller
and Fr. Poel on Dec. 4 that
was prepared by Diane
Afterwards a fun game
and gift exchange was
held. President Debbie
Pennings presented the
Fathers with a Christmas
card and cheque.
There is no meeting for
January. February will be
elections. Readings were
given by Deb, Bella and
Virgine. A good time was
had by all those attending
in spite of the snowy
weather that day.
Muffin time is still being
held at the United Church
in Zurich every Tuesday
morning from 10 a.m. to
11 a.m. Everyone in the
community are welcome
to attend. On Dec. 18 they
will be having a special
lunch of soup and sand-
wiches at their parish hall
with proceeds going to the
women's shelter in
Grades 5 to 7 students of
St. Boniface School will be
going to see the play
"Anne of Green Gables" in
London at the Grand
Theatre on Dec. 19 along
with their teachers and
some parents.
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Are you new to
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Dave and Kathy Townsend of Blenheim are pleased to
announce the engagement of their daughter Sadie
Katherine to Shawn James, son of George and Kathy
Lee of Ailsa Craig. The wedding will take place on
June 28, 2008 at Cedar Springs United Church,
Ken and Sylvia Mittelholtz along with Dale and Joan
Skinner wish to announce the up -coming wedding of
Jennifer Jean and Trevor Philip. The wedding will take
place at St. Boniface Church in Zurich at 2:30 p.m. on
December 15th, 2007. Open reception at South
Huron Rec. Centre in Exeter. Family and friends are
welcome to attend.