HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2007-12-12, Page 2424 TIMES—ADVOCATE Wednesday, December 12.2007 Announcements/Community 258 In Memoriam HENDRICK In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather Hugh Hendrick, who passed away ten years ago, December 9, 1997. Unselfish, thoughtful, loving & kind. These are the memories he left behind. Always remembered by his wife Eleanor and daughters Gwen, Karen and Kathryn and families JON ELLERINGTON July 9, 1973 - Dec., 16, 2006 We remember him with a smile today For Jon was not one for tears We'II reflect instead on memories Of all our happy years We remember the way he smiled and spoke The hilarious things he said His strength, his love, his hearty laugh We recall all this instead We remember all the joyful times His eyes that shone with laughter So much of him will never die But live on (in Ty) ever after Forever in our HEARTS Dad, Mom, Ty, Lisa, Brian, Hayden, Collin, Bryon, Crystal, Audrey & Christopher RICHARDS (GAGE) - In memory of Karen Richards (Gage) a loving wife, mother, daughter, sister, step -sister, granddaughter and aunt who passsed away on December 17, 2002. Anniversary of Love... Silver bells ring Special choirs sing I shed a tear For another year. Please hold my hand To help me understand After five years have past Why does the pain still last. It feels like yesterday The angels took you away To live in heaven above Surrounded by everlasting love. Yet my heart holds you still Always has and always will. ...by cousin Jennifer Christensen You are always sadly missed, especially during the holiday season. We keep you forever in our hearts and prayers. Love from the Richards, Dunlop and Gage families. (50*) WORRELL - In loving mem- ory of Bill who left us December 12, 2004. We cannot have old days back When we were all together But secret tears and loving thoughts Will be with us forever. Sadly missed by Pauline, Cody & Tazz (50*) 258 In Memoriam TRIEBNER - In loving mem- ory of a special MOM, Mother-in-law, and Grandma, Marg Triebner whom left us 15 years ago, December 15. It's been 15 years since you've been gone I can hardly believe it's true You left "your boys" at such a young age You had so much more to do. I miss your laugh and your smiling eyes And your easy going way I would have given the moon and stars If there was a way for you to stay Your courage and determina- tion Your death with such a grace I will never forget and always love The memories of your smiling face. I hold them tightly in my heart And there they will remain Life has gone on without you But it will never be the same. Today, tomorrow, my whole life through I'll always love and remember you Merry Christmas Mom, miss ya! Always missed and never for- gotten by your daughter Cathy, son-in-law Ralph and your grandsons Jason & Jeremy (50*) BELL, BARBARA - In lov- ing memory of my mom who passed away December 1, 2004. How Do I Love Thee Let me count the ways I love thee to the depth And breadth and height My soul can reach When feeling out of sight For the ends of being and ideal grace I love thee to the level of Everydays most quiet need By sun and candlelight I love thee freely As men strive for right I love thee purely as they turn from praise, I shall but love thee better after death. ...Elizabeth Barrett -Browning To my wonderful, generous, loving, kind mother forever remembered and sadly missed by her daughter Barbara Anne Bell (50*) 259 Cards of Thanks ELLERINGTON - We don't always appreciate what a great and caring community we live in, until need or tragedy occurs. We wish to thank all the great people in our area who have gone out of their way to express their con- cerned thoughts and feelings, about Jon, to us. Be it a sim- ple hand squeeze, pat on the back, hugs, tears and words of comfort, many that happened in stores and parking lots, vis- its and invitations. They may not have always been acknowledged but were and continue to be heartfelt and so, so appreciated, helping us on our journey. To all Jon's friends and co-workers, we know you are feeling the same loss. Your caring deeds have touched our hearts and we thank you. Please come to call, bring your memories - written or in words, they will be cherished. God Bless. Peace be with you. Tom, Jude & Ty, Lisa, Brian, Hayden & Collin, Bryon, Crystal, Audrey & Chris (50*) HODGINS - Treasured mem- ories of our 60th wedding anniversary party. Thank you to all who came, sent cards, flowers, gifts and messages. A secial thank you to Barry and Kelly who organized the party and to Jean and Pam who helped in the kitchen. "Seasons Greetings" with our best wishes. Lorne & Marjorie (50*) 259 Cards of Thanks JAQUES - A special thank you to the doctors and nurses of Stratford General Hospital, South Huron Hospital, and Exeter Medical Clinic for their expert care and concern. Also thank you to all family, friends and neighbours for get well wishes, help and food brought to the house. Thanks also to St. Elizabeth Home Care. Everything was deeply appreci- ated. Leona (50*) KINAT - Your birthday party was grand. Thanks to all who braved the weather to come. Thanks for the cards, good wish- es, hugs and friendship. Thanks to the Hensall Legion girls for preparing the luncheon. To my daughters Christine and Betty for their arrangements and all of the extras that make a party great. My son Bill Cameron who came from Fox Creek, Alberta to cele- brate with us. To my sons-in- law Bob & Bill and to Richard for their part in it. Turning 80 is great. Love Jessie (50*) 249 Coming Events A PLACE WHERE YOU BELONG! - You're invited Sunday's, 9:30am at Belongers for music, a mes- sage and a meal. Come as you are! Friday Nite Movies - Dec. 7, Pirates - At World's End, Dec. 14, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Dec. 21, Underdog. www.belongers.ca 519-913-1256.(48-50*) CHRISTMAS CANTATA "PEACE ON EARTH" Sunday, December 23rd, 7 PM, Exeter Christian Reformed Church, 332 Huron St. W. Exeter. An evening seeking Christ's peace on earth for Christmas. (48-51) CHRISTMAS IN THE COUNTRY OPEN HOUSE - 3 Weekends in December. Thursday, Friday & Saturday, 6,7,8th - 13,14,15th 20,21,22nd. l0am-6pm. M. Ellen Montgomery -Dykstra of Country Stained Glass invites you to come and enjoy a warm cup of cider while you browse for that perfect gift. Door Prizes. 1.25 miles north of Brucefield, Hwy.#4. (519)233-7533.(48-51*) COZYN'S GARDEN GALLERY - Now Open: "Christmas Wonderland". Mon -Wed 9 am. -6 pm., Thurs. & Fri. 9 am. -8 pm., Sat. 9 am. -5:30 pm. and Sun. 10 am. -5 pm. For all your Christmas Shopping needs! 4224 Huron St., Stratford. 519-393-6661. (46-50x) COMING EVENTS EXETER LEGION ENTER- TAINMENT - December 22nd. Music by Ben Shane and Bobby K. Meat draw, mystery draw. (49-51) OUTDOOR LIVE NATIVITY - Come Share the Experience of the Blessed Christmas Message. Zion Lutheran Church, Dashwood, 148 Frederick St. Friday Evening Dec. 21 Outdoors (weather permitting) or indoors featuring real people and real animals. Reading of Luke 2 and Christmas Caroling. Four Rotations. 6 pm, 6:30 pm, 7 pm, 7:30 pm. and inside enjoy warm refreshments. (50*) PARKHILL OPTIMIST NEW YEARS EVE PARTY - Parkhill Community Center. Dance 9pm.-2am. Lunch and party favours. Kevin Grigg D.J. Tickets $20 per person. Free draw for $1000 at 10:30pm. You must be present to WIN! For more info call 519-294-0214 or 519-294-0248. (49-51*) PLAY EUCHRE AT MASON- IC HALL THIS NEW YEARS EVE - from 8 pm. For tickets call 519-235-2194. Partners not required. (50-52*) THE STARDUST DINNER THEATRE - StarDust New Years Eve Party Dec.31. Check us out at www stardustparkhill com or call the Box Office for more infor- mation at 519-294-1141, 245 Main Street, Parkhill. (35-52*) TRIVITT MEMORIAL ANGLICAN CHURCH, EXETER - Lessons and Carols Wednesday, December 19th, 7 pm. with Community Choir and Community Band. Free will offering. (48-51) NEW YEARS EVE DANCE AT EXETER LEGION CHRIS & THE BOYS (COUNTRY & 50'S /60'S) 8:30 PM TO 1:00 AM $30.00 /PERSON $50.00 A COUPLE TICKETS AT LEGION 519-235-2962 COMING EVENTS AN EVENING OF CHRIST- MAS MUSIC AND SONG - Caven Presbyterian Church, 68 Main Street S., Exeter. Sunday, December 16th at 7:00 pm. Donations to the Exeter Community Food Bank. Social gathering to follow. (48-50) CHANGING EFFECTS HAIR, MAKE-UP & ESTHETICS Invites you to book an appointment withJ-Ieather Baker for full Salon Seri ices 170 Main St.,Lucan 519-227-0100 WEDDINGS & ENGAGEMENT TURN TO PG. 3 law 40 Allen's Country Cafe 185 Main St. Dashwood 237-3553 Pooh your gim ii Christm.9g ot7th 'r1og �o1I1f OPEN CHRISTMAS DAY 3 Seatings: 4pm, 5pm&bpm MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW! • _ t�� T T T T r T T T.7 T T T -r -v T -r T-rT-r T T h ,. ` F F F F F Book We CT 1 ' I ' ifl . ea• 6 . Greetin your family Christmas arty or N- Years Eve Bowling NOW at LUCAN LANES Are your looking for something A to do on New Year's Eve? A Then come bowling. will be open from 7 pm til 11 pm. ; We will be closed A December 22-27 inclusive. 1 Computerized Scoring, ; • For reservations call r X41 519-227-4236 Don, Margaret, ri and Norma II -I 1 1 ��� 11 ��� �������� 1 11V1 ll CREDIT UNION a division of UNRED COMMUNES CREDIR ONION UMIfED ,seasons' Greetings! Holiday Hours Mon. Dec. 24 - OPEN until 1pm Tues, Dec. 25 - CLOSED Wed., Dec. 26 - CLOSED Thurs. Dec. 27 & Fri. 28 - OPEN REGULAR BRANCH HOURS: Mon. Dec. 31 - OPEN until 1pm Tues., Jan. 1 - CLOSED Open 24 hrs with MemberLine automated telebanking 1-800-492-9492 or MemberDirecf online banking heartlandcommunitycu. on. ca 24 hr ATMs also available at all branch locations