HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2007-12-05, Page 301 30 TIMES—ADVOCATE Wednesday, December 5, 2007 CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIES CLASSIFIED South Huron Hospital chosen for pilot project By Scott Nixon TIMES -ADVOCATE STAFF EXETER — South Huron Hospital has been chosen the first site in the Thames Valley Hospital Planning Partnership to expand its Electronic Patient Record (EPR) system. South Huron went "live" last January with its EPR system, which allows doctors at South Huron to see electronic test results that patients have had done at other sites, such as in London. Under the new expansion, called the "All Organization Access Project," access to records will be extended to staff in nursing, physiotherapy, the labs and the x-ray department. South Huron Hospital priva- cy officer Lisa Campbell told the Times -Advocate last week information from a patient's EPR will only be accessed for the purpose of providing care and the only people accessing the records will be those health care providers who need it to provide care to the patient. She said South Huron Hospital has been chosen for the pilot project because of its strong privacy record and compliance record. She said regular audits are Tenders Wanted Tenders Wanted uury Hin0" CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF SOUTH HURON INVITES TENDERS TO CLOSE DECEMBER 13, 2007 AT 12:00 NOON AGRICULTURE LAND LEASE: Lease of 65 down to 45 workable ares, more or less, of land at Lot 6, South Boundary Concession, Hay Ward, Municipality of Bluewater for a 5 -year term beginning January 2, 2008. Tenders to be accompanied by a cheque equal to 10% of the total first year payment. Equal annual payments are due and payable on April 1 each year over the term of the lease. NO SPLIT BIDS. Tenders to be submitted on a PER ACRE BASIS ONLY exclusive of GST. GST will be charged in addition to the anual lease payment. Call Ken for more information at 519-235-3351 Sealed Tenders, prepared on your own form and clearly marked as to con- tents may be mailed or delivered to: Ken Betties, Road Superintendent Municipality of South Huron P.O. Box 759 322 Main St. S. Exeter, ON NOM 1S6 Highest or Any Tender Not Necessarily Accepted done on the hospital's EPR system to ensure only the required information is being accessed. —All Organization' access gives your health care providers access to valuable information to help them provide you with the best possible care," Campbell said in a statement. As an example, under the pilot project, a physiother- apist at South Huron would be able to see an MRI image a patient had at another site. Campbell said this provides better care, reduces duplicate tests and results in faster treatment. In another example, if a London resident was in an accident in the area and admitted to South Huron Hospital, accessing their records would indicate to local doctors if the patient had any allergies to medica- tion. Campbell said under the Personal Health Information Protection Act, patients have the right to have access to their health information restricted, but it is not pos- sible to do so in the EPR system. Anyone with any questions about the pilot project can call Campbell at 235-2700, ext. 5181. The hospital will also be providing handouts to patients and putting up signage to help educate the public on the new project. Santa suggests giving life-saving gds (NC) — As Santa prepares to clamber down chimneys across Canada, he has a special Holiday Wish of his own this year: give a gift that could save a life. While fire safety products might not be something you've consid- ered before as a holiday gift, research shows the trend is slowly catching on. Nearly 10 per cent of smoke alarms and other fire safety products purchased in Canada last year were bought as gifts, with Christmas being a key time. So after you've purchased the last of the toys, funny ties, electronics and sports gear, home safety prod- ucts make an excellent gift or stocking stuffer. Smoke alarms, carbon monoxide alarms, fire extinguishers and escape ladders may not be a hit with youngsters, but they draw certain appreciation from students, parents and grand- parents. More than 300 Canadians die in fires each year, with 10 per cent being children, a statistic fire safety and prevention officials want to see reduced. Preventing tragedy often comes down to a matter of com- mon sense, and alarm replacement recommendations from the National Fire Protection Association. "Most people don't realize their smoke alarms wear out after 10 years, whether they are wired into a home's electrical system or run on batteries," says Carol Heller, vice-president of product innova- tion at Kidde Canada, the country's number one manufacturer of fire safety products. "As well, carbon monoxide alarms stop performing at their peak after 5-7 years. So the holiday season is a perfect time to think about this 10/7 Replacement Rule, and give gifts that allow loved ones and friends to bring their alarms and fire preparedness up- to-date." For more fire safety tips and gift- giving ideas visit the www.SafeAtHome.ca website. Network Classifieds: Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country! A -Z DRIVERS WANTED AZ DRIVERS REQUIRED to run the U.S. Work out of our Brampton & Wallaceburg terminals. Minimum 2 years experience + FAST Card = $0.41 per mile. Home on a regular basis. Call Rick Butterworth (Monday -Thursday) Toll -Free 1- 877-214-8789. M. 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