HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2007-11-07, Page 3030 TIMES -ADVOCATE Wednesday, November 7, 2007 CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIEL CLASSIFIED Mason and group perform at Queensway HENSALL - Gail Mason and The Fellowship Singers provided a won- derful program of gospel music for residents on Sun., Oct. 28. We appreci- ate Gail's group and their commitment to visiting Queensway alternate months. Monday afternoon the Hensall United Church women provided prizes and assistance for their last Bingo of the month . Breakfast group Tuesday morning dined on a virtual smorgasbord of blueberry or pear pan- cakes with syrup, eggs, toast, fruit, coffee, tea and juice. Volunteer Lillian Beer assisted at the pro- gram. In the afternoon Rev. John Zwaan led wor- ship with Belva Fuss as volunteer pianist Residents enjoyed special music at the service when Rev. Zwaan and his wife Greta sang a duet. Euchre players gathered in the dining room with volunteer Francis Kinsman on Wednesday for a lively afternoon of cards. Pumpkin carving occupied several others as they created various Halloween faces for dis- play at our front entrance. Residents were entertained by an amaz- ing array of costumed staff throughout the day with a favourite being the expectant black cat. Coffee and Current events drew a good crowd Thursday followed by Food Committee where everyone was happy to give input and sugges- tions for food services. Candle crafts was the focus in the afternoon when a group worked on making various sizes of beeswax candles to sell at our Craft and Bake Sale Nov. 17. Music therapist Lisa Stewart spent a produc- tive morning working with residents Friday going from small music group, to chime choir. Baking group also met Friday and tried out a recipe for Divine Toffee Squares which they agreed upon sampling truly was divine. In the evening Andy's friends entertained at Friendship Friday in the Retirement Home Lounge. Coming events: • Sun., Nov. 11, 11 a.m., ceremony at Cenotaph; • Wed., Nov. 14, 1:30 to 4 p.m., Jewellery check and clean with Adrian Bakelaar; • Thurs., Nov. 15, 7 p.m., music with Carol Lebeau; • Sat., Nov. 17, 10 to 11:30 a.m., Craft & Bake Sale Woodslee Credit Union announces the appointment of Jim Lynn President & CEO It is with great pleasure that the Board of Directors announces the appointment of Jim Lynn as President & Chief Executive Officer of United Communities Credit Union Limited. Jim will be replacing retiring Dennis Wipp, current President & CEO who, with 20 years of dedicated service, has built this organization into one of Ontario's most successful Credit Unions. The Board engaged in a nationwide search for a senior executive with an unwavering passion for service excellence, a commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility and the financial acumen to deliver bottom-line financial success. He understands the importance of the Credit Union's role as an innovative financial services provider, a co-operative, an employer, and a contributing member of the community. Born and raised on a dairy and cash crop Farm near Exeter, Jim joined Heartland Credit Union (forrnerly Clinton Community Credit Union) in 1998 as Operations Manager and was promoted to CEO in 2001. He has served as Executive VP and COO since the successful amalgamation of Heartland Credit Union and Woodslee Credit Union (corporately named United Communities Credit Union Limited) on January 1, 2006. Jim has a strong history of public service including Rotary International, the Canadian Diabetes Association, the Heart and Stroke Foundation, and as a Mentor for Young Entrepreneurs. Married with three grown children, Jim plans to maintain offices and residences in both regions in keeping with the Regional focus of our Credit Union business model. He will be taking up his new position on November 1, 2007. UCCUL is Ontario's ninth largest credit union, with $570 million in assets under administration, 33,000 members, 191 employees and 10 branches throughout Southwestern Ontario. Both Heartland Credit Union and Woodslee Credit Union are guided by a commitment to driving positive change and to improving the quality of life in the communities where we live and work. WOODSLEE CREDIT UNION a division of UNITED COMMUNITIES CREDIT UNION LIMITED Anherstburg • Belle River • Clinton • Essex • Exeter • Harrow • Kingsville* Leamington* Listowel ■ Woodslee Imagine NA Canna Company Network C 1 a s s i fi e d s: Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country! 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