HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2007-11-07, Page 23Wednesday, November 7, 2007 TIMES—ADVOCATE 23 Announcements/Community 21ST ANNUAL COL- LECTIBLE, CRAFT & KEEP- SAKE SHOW & SALE - (farm, construction, die cast, nascar toys & more, sports cards, mem- orabilia, dolls, teddy bears, & related items, fashion, home & garden accessories) at Seaforth Arena, Agriplex & Public School on Nov. 24 & 25/07, 9:30-4:OOpm. Sponsored by Seaforth Agricultural Society. Admission $4.00 daily (over 10 years). Information 519-527- 1321, www.c4thagsociety.on.ca (vendor list) (45-47) BETHLEHEM WALK - Friday, November 23 at 7:45 pm at Kirkton-Woodham Community Centre. Re-enactment of the Christmas Story in a country set- ting. Tax for census taking is $2.00 per family. Non-perish- able goods for local food banks are welcome. Hosted by Centralia, Zion West, Thames Road-Elimville, Woodham, and Crediton United Churches and St. Pauls Anglican. Refreshments will be served after the walk. Please dress for the outdoors. (45-47*) CENTRALIA-ZION WEST UNITED CHURCHES TURKEY SUPPER & SILENT AUCTION - at South Huron Recreation Centre in Exeter on Sunday, November 18, 2007, 4:30-6:30 pm. Doors open at 4 pm. to view Silent Auction. Entertainment by Exeter Community Band. Tickets: Judy 519-228-6704, Larry 519-229- 6304, Marion 519-235-2944, take-outs & delivery Dave 519- 777-6960. Adults $13.00, chil- dren 12 & under $6.50, preschool free. At door $14.00. COMPLIMENTARY CONTI- NENTAL BREAKFAST - and short annual meeting for Friends of the South Huron Trail. New members welcome. Exeter Curling Club, Friday, Nov. 9 at 9 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. For informa- tion phone Tim at ABCA at 519- 235-2610. (45) COUNTRY CHRISTMAS BAZAAR - to be held on November 10th at the Exeter United Church. Given by the Exeter UCW and Women of the congregation. Time 11 am. - 1:30 pm. SEE YOU THERE! DEMENTIA 2007 - presented by the Alzheimer Society of Huron County, Tuesday, Nov. 13 from 7 to 9 pm. at the Betty Cardno Memorial Centre in Clinton. Key note speakers are: Dr. Michael Borrie MB ChB, FRCPC - "A Research Update", Dr. J. Eggert Registered Art Therapist - "Finding Voice Through Art". Cost is $20 in advance, $30.00 at the door. Please phone 519-482-1482 or 1-800-561-5012 for more infor- mation or to register. (45x) EXETER COLLECTIVE KITCHEN - Getting better all the time! We're proud to be in another session of practical cooking, stretching your food dollar and having a good time doing it. It's once a month, for the morning and babysitting is free. For more info contact Yvonne at 519-235-0769. EXETER LEGION - Entertainment by Don Harvey, 4-6 pm., Sat. Nov. 24th. Meat Draw, Mystery Draws and Food. 519-235-2962. (45-47) TRIVITT MEMORIAL A.C.W. ANNUAL BAZAAR - Sat. November 17, 10am-lpm. Baking, Deli, Mincemeat, Crafts, Tea Tables. (45;46*) GROUP HEALING WORK- SHOP - hosted by Judy Dougall Nov. 24, 7:30-9:30pm, 71880 London Rd. Exeter. Facilitators from London with channeling abilities, have been invited to deliver "The Core Program" to participants. Issues that have caused havoc in our lives will be addressed. $60-$100 depending on registration by Nov. 17 at 519-235-1491. (45;46) NEW YEARS EVE OLD TYME COUNTRY DANCE - featuring; Rural Roots at Kirkton Community Centre, December 31, 2007, 8pm. - lam. Proceeds to Kirkton-Woodham Pool. Advance tickets $30.00 per per- son includes buffet lunch. Contact: Jeff Miller 519-237- 3424 or Murray Armstrong 519- 236-7746 or Wayne Otterbein - 519-235-0559. Age of Majority. (43-45*) OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL CATHOLIC WOM- ENS LEAGUE ANNUAL CHRISTMAS BAZAAR - Sat. Nov. 10. 10 am - 1pm. Dashwood Community Centre. Admission $1.00 (includes Tea Room & Door Prizes). Raffle for home-made quilt, 2nd prize $100 cash, 3rd prize - gift certifi- cate, Hayters Turkey. Christmas crafts, Baking & Preserves, Penny Sale. (45) SCOTT WOODS (CANADIAN FIDDLE CHAMPION) - Old time Christmas at Kirkton- Woodham Community Centre, Friday, November 16, 2007, 7 pm. Tickets $15.00. Presented by Kirkton United Church. Tickets available from Kirkton Market or call Pam 519-229- 6931, Keith 519-229-6410. (44- 46*) SOUP AND SANDWICH LUNCH - Royal Canadian Legion R.E. Pooley Branch #167, Exeter. Friday, November 23, 2007, 11:30 - 1:30 PM. $6.00 per person. Take-out available (44-47) ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH - KIPPEN - Smorgasboard Ham & Turkey Supper. Held at Brucefield United Church. SUNDAY, November 11, 2007, 4:30- 7:OOpm. Adults $12.00, children 6-12 $6.00, 5 and under free. Advance tickets only. Call 519- 263-2682,519-263-6502. THE STARDUST DINNER THEATRE - Fab Four Beatles Tribute Nov. 10 & 11. Red Hat Gala Event Nov. 24 & 25. StarDust New Years Eve Party Dec.31. Check us out at www.stardustparkhill.com or call the Box Office for more information at 519-294-1141, 245 Main Street, Parkhill. ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH Kippen Smorgasbord Ham & Turkey Supper Held at Brucefield United Church Sun., Nov. 11, 2007 4:30 - 7:00 p.m. Adult - $12 Children 6-12 - $6 5 & under FREE Advance tickets only Call 263-2682, 263-6502 i JASONn SKONIECZNY is turning 35! WITH LOVE FROM JENNIFER, DEAN & JARED, MOM & LARRY AND ALL YOUR FAMILY .♦ Caul/dry/ Cfiristrna& 'Bazaar Place: Exeter United Church A �% Date: November 10, 2007 y Time: 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. i Given by: Exeter UCW & vz.- Women of the congregation Deli; Famous Meat Pies; Baking; �r _� Christmas Cookie Baking Pkgs; Preserves & lc v ofK: Produce; Sewing; Old Jewellery; Odds & Ends 9m- LUNCHEON V: THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! $1 0.00 per ticket Exeter Skating Club Christmas Home Tour 2007 Saturday, November 10th, 2007 Sunday, November 11th, 2007 Homes open for viewing from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. Homes decorated by... Willow Valley — Village Vines Seasonals — The Garden Gate Tickets available at the stores & the homes during the tour. PET ADOPTION BULLETIN Huron OSPCA (Ontario Humane Society) Matilda is a brown and white tabby marked female. She is a young girl who is about 1 year old. She is friendly and learning the routines of the shelter. She really would like to have her own home again. Come into the shelter and meet Matilda. MATILDA Contact the Huron OSPCA at 519-440-0250 • Open Mon. -Sat. 9-4 at 48 East St. Goderich CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE AT www.huronspca.ca to see all the dogs and cats who need loving homes! SPONSORED BY GeoShack Canada Ltd., 240 Thames Rd. W. EXETER 60th wed 71 Please join us for an Open House Honouring our Parents' LORNE & MARJORIE HODGINS 60TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY On Sat., Nov. 10, 2007 from 2-4 pm At the Lions Parkview Place 271 Beech Street, Lucan, ON Please Best Wishes Only. d d The Rankin Sisters 4314 MartZme Christmafa Mon., Dec. 17 at 7:30pm Blyth Memorial Hall 1-877-862-5984 or 41 519-523-9300 wwwblythfestival.com TIME, TALENT &TREASURE AUCTION Saturday, [ovember 17th Silent Auction 6 p.m. Live Auction 7:15 p.m. Sponsored by and held at Emmanuel Baptist Church AUCTIONEER BOB HEYWOOD PROCEEDS GO TO SOUTH HURON HOSPITAL For more information call 519-235-2661 • Come celebrate with us, around The t~ . i.nge Tree Our Memorial Angel Tree offers a living tribute, a unique way to honor a loved one by donating a light to the tree. We now have a beautiful Blue Spruce on our property, generously donated by Lakewood Nursery & Garden [ventre. We are holding a service on the 3rd Sunday cvciiit% _ in November every year - this year on November18 at 7 pm. hie For every memory, there will - ater ,=z,?, be a light on the tree. est / To add your memory to the tree, or for ome more information, phone: 519-236-4373 or e-mail: pertty.groot@hay.net