HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2007-10-24, Page 7Wednesday, October 24, 2007 Times—Advocate 7 Get your tickets for this Sunday's roast beef dinner By Rhoda Rohde THAMES ROAD CORRESPONDENT THAMES ROAD - Rev. Judith Ritchie was in charge of the regular church ser- vice on Sunday morning. Rev. Judith lit the Christ candle and everyone sang the opening hymn Great is Thy Faithfulness. Rev. Judith gave words of Welcome and everyone passed the Peace. The Introit We Praise you For Your Love was sung. Rev. Judith led in the call to worship responsively and everyone read the opening prayer in unison. Rev. Judith gave the announcements. Diane Jeffery lit the red candle for Peace. Rev. Judith read the Old Testament Lesson Jeremiah 31:27-34. Rev. Judith told the four boys a story about "The Bible in God's Words", and the Lord's Prayer was sung in unison. Part four of Psalm 119 was read responsively. Sharon Lynn read a piece about Prayer and the choir sang Every Day When You Pray accompanied by the pianist Marilyn Vandenbussche. Diane Jeffery read the Epistle Lesson 2 Timothy 3:14 - 4:5. The title of Rev. Judith's message was "Open Door Policy." Everyone sang the hymn Come to My Heart and read the Affirmation of Our Faith "A New Creed" in unison. Joyce Fulton and Joan Skinner received the offering and everyone sang the Doxology and read the offertory prayer in unison. Rev. Judith gave the prayers of the people. Everyone sang the closing hymn To Show By Touch and Word. Rev. Judith gave the commissioning and pronounced the benediction. Everyone sang the choral benediction. Future Events Newsletter information from all com- mittees to be in to Ruthanne Osgood by Nov. 11. E-mail - ozzie4@quadro.net. Sunday services will be held in the lower level of the church on the following dates Oct. 28 and Nov. 25. Oct. 24 - Bethlehem Walk choir practice at Kirkton United Church at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 14 at Thames Road - Elimville U.C. at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 21 at Woodham U C at 7:30 p.m. Halloween Extravaganza Come one! Come all! Come in Costume!: To our Community Halloween Party, Oct. 26 - 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Thames Road - Elimville United Church Fun - lots to do. Bring an old shirt for painting, food - potluck snacks, costume parade with prizes, everyone is welcome. This Sun., Oct. 28: Zion United Church, Crediton - Hot Roast Beef Dinner - 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. at South Huron Rec. Centre, Exeter. Please note change of location. Adults $12, Children 12 and under $4. Take-out dinners are avail- able. Music by Harvey Smith and Friends. For tickets call 234-6278 or 238-2610. Nov. 23 - Bethlehem Walk at Kirkton- Woodham Community Centre at 7:45 p.m. Personals Several people attended the brunch at Hibbert United Church on Sunday. Happy 95th Birthday to Gordon Pengelly on Sun., Oct. 28 and to Jeff Rowe and George Poortinga on Oct. 31. Varna congregation says goodbye to a valued pastor By Joan Beierling VARNA CORRESPONDENT VARNA — It was a definite case of "come early for a back pew" on Oct. 21 as former and present congregation members filled the church to celebrate Goshen United Church Anniversary and Pastor Elly Van Bergen's ministry there for the past nine years! Organists Anna Keys and pianist Shirley Hill joined together for the opening hymns. Willi Laurie sang a solo, the choir an anthem. Linda Linfield and Terri Louch assisted Elly with the Scripture reading. For the children's story time Pastor Elly told of her 30 km walk on Saturday from Varna to Auburn, raising funds and awareness for the plight of children in Northern Uganda. Though Elly's walk was a solo, people all around the world joined together in orga- nized Gulu walks that day for the same reasons. The Gulu Walk began in 2005 at the initiative of two men in Toronto who had heard of the children walking from 5 - 20 km each night to sleep in safety in urban centres such as the town of Gulu in Uganda. At that time many young children were being abducted by resistance armies. Anyone wishing to make a donation toward the cause please contact Elly at 233-3110. Pastor Elly talked to the children about God's blessings, especial- ly those so evident as she walked the scenic route to Auburn, along with blessings of home family and safety. The service ended with the mother and daughter quar- tet of Mona Stephenson, Deb Rathwell, Joyce Dowson and Brenda Consitt singing a "Special" rendition of the The Church In The 14rldwood for pastor Elly. Following the benediction the service clerks of the ses- sion, Gerald Hayter after a farewell reading and Jim Kirton on behalf of the congregation presented Elly with a beautiful memory box. On behalf of the two U.C.W. 's Linda Linfield and Debbie Rathwell presented Elly with a church birdhouse, one half looking like the Goshen Church and the other half like the Varna Church. Tearful Elly, very graciously thanked everyone and invit- ed everyone to her wedding on Fri., Oct. 26 at rCapsule Comments by Ernie Miatello Its the season for flu shots soon. We encourage everyone to get a flu shot. To get the best effects from the immunization, get a good night's sleep the night before the shot. That helps it to work better. If your immune system is busy fighting another type of infection like a major cold or "strep" throat or an ear infection, you should probably wait until the infection clears before getting your flu shot. You don't want your immune system to be distracted while it's trying to build flu antibodies in your blood. If you are a person who cares for the elderly or works in a hospital or even in the service industry with the general public, get a flu shot. The concept of "herd immunity" i.e. building a protective barrier around your contacts will go a long way to protect them. Talking about viral infections, if you've had a case of shingles as an adult, chances are pretty slim that you will have to suffer through another episode of this very painful viral infection. Chances of recurrence is from 1-5 per cent. That's good news! Many people aren't aware they can ask the pharmacist for advice on non-prescription medications. Some people feel the pharmacist is too busy but I want you to know that we are nevertoo busy to answer your questions about medications. Ifs part of our job description and one that we enjoy. Huron Apothecary Ltd. Phone 235-1982, 440 Main St. Exeter "YOUR HEALTH CARE PHARMACY" PHARM ASSIST Egmondville United Church. Her reception will be in Seaforth Community Centre. Elly will be missed so much but is wished all the happiness in the world! Thank you Elly! A social with lunch followed . Anna Keys and Carol Simons were wished birthday greetings. Worship will be in Goshen on Sun., Oct. 28. Cara Stephenson, daughter of Blaine and Leisa, is currently in B.C. shooting the Moo Clue Crew Videos. They are posted on www.mooyouwin.ca Cara and another fellow have been going to cities in Canada and shooting episodes for the Moo Milk Carton Contest. They give out clues to people as to where they can find the win- ning milk cartons. So go on the web site and sign on to receive daily e-mail clues. Cara is really enjoying this experience. Check it out now!! Varna U.CW. meet Thurs., Nov. 1 at 7:30 p.m. for planning and an executive meeting. The Stan Lee meeting will be on Wed., Nov. 7 at 7:30 p.m. Note change of time. HENSALL OCTOBER 16 Shuffleboard (5 GAMES) HARRY PENNINGS 404, (4 GAMES) THEO VANDENBOOM 351, BILL COLEMAN 326, (3 GAMES) GORD Ross 437, DAVE WOODWARD 389, JOYCE PEPPER 346, WILLIE HOORNAERT 341, MERLE MCLELLAN 319, JOE STEPHENS 299, RAY BENNEWEIS 290 EXETER OCTOBER 16 Shuffleboard (3 WINS)RAY HODGSON 282, (2 WINS) MARGE MCCURDY 202, JEANENE HAYTER 157, ESTHER HILLMAN 151, WILMER ADKINS 145, JIM DAVIS 132 October 17 (3 WINS) MARGE MCCURDY 320, (2 WINS) IRENE DYCK 178, JEANENE HAYTER 152, JEAN CRERAR 135 u.Icirni NOTICE Consideration of Sign By-law Municipality of South Huron Council will consider a new Sign By-law at its regular council meeting on November 19,2007. Comments will be received by the Manager of Building and Development until 4:00 p.m. on November 9, 2007. Dwayne McNab, Chief Building Official Municipality of South Huron P.O. Box 759 Exeter, Ontario, NOM 1 S6 -OUTH HOOK � R ROYAL HDMES Uniquely you! 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