HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2007-10-17, Page 35Wednesday, October 17, 2007 TIMES -ADVOCATE 35 CLASSIFI CI,ASSI CLASSIFIF After school club - The Exeter United Church is holding after school sessions for stu- dents in South Huron. Snack Homework Reading Educational Club (SHREC) is a free pro- gram assisting students with their homework, fol- lowed by games.Above left SHREC volunteer Eleanor Clark helps Grade 6 Precious Blood studentTristen Kuo finish his math homework.The program runs from Monday to Thursday from 3:15 to 5 p.m. Spaces are still available. If interested contact Susanne Strang at 235-1466 or Glenda Wagner at 235-2755. Transportation is not available for the students. (photo/Nina Van Lieshout) cooking with memories BY DEBBY WAGLER CREAMY RICE PUDDING A GOOD RICE PUDDING IS WONDERFUL! I HAVE TRIED MANY DIFFERENT KINDS OF ONES AND ALWAYS TRY TO DOCTOR UP A RECIPE. HERE IS AN EASY ONE THAT IS VERY GOOD! MAKE EXTRA RICE NEXT MEAL AND THEN TRY YOUR HAND AT THIS. 2 cups cooked rice 1-1/2 cup water 1 cup skim milk powder 1/4 cup white sugar 1/4 cup raisins 1/2 tsp cinnamon 1/4 tsp salt 1-1/2 tsp vanilla Put rice, water, skim milk powder, sugar, raisins, cinnamon and salt into a pot. Mix well. Turn stove on to low heat. Cook and stir until pudding is creamy. (About 20 minutes). Stir in vanilla and serve warm with whipped cream and cinnamon. Replace skim milk powder and water with milk if you want! Good stuff! Avon Maitland marks 10 years By Stew Slater SPECIAL TO THE TIMES -ADVOCATE SEAFORTH - As they look forward into 12 months which could see signifi- cant changes in schools in St. Marys, Goderich and Mitchell, trustees of the Avon Maitland District School Board are taking the opportunity to celebrate a decade of unity. "I don't feel there's any longer a divi- sion between Huron and Perth. We are the Avon Maitland board," said Perth South/West Perth represen- tative Carol Bennewies after a regular meeting Oct. 9. At the meeting, Bennewies gave a brief report about plans to cele- brate the board's 10th anniversary. Ice cream cake was handed out to those in attendance, anniversary flags were dis- tributed to trustees and trustees were asked to take the flags back to their jurisdictions and encourage schools to join the celebra- tion. Plans for other official events are expected to take shape during a meet- ing in late October. The Mike Harris -led provincial govern- ment was the catalyst for the board's formation in 1998, thanks to the forced amalgamation of the former Huron and Perth County boards of education. Early months were marked by struggles over where to establish a headquarters and which staff members from each board should receive top-level positions. From there, the board moved into discussions of school closures and declining fund- ing, with the climax coming as the board first failed and then finally suc- ceeded in closing the former Seaforth District High School. Bennewies, now in her seventh year with the board, was elected just as some major school closure and funding chal- lenges were being tackled. So, when she commented after the Oct. 9 meeting that "it's good at the Avon Maitland right now," it's easy to accept her point. Still, 2007-08 will see the board return once again to the always -thorny accom- modation review issue. Committees have already been struck in Goderich, Mitchell and St. Marys to consider the potential consolidation of ele- mentary students from two facilities into one, and the potential relocation of Grades 7 and 8 students into sec- ondary school buildings. Asked if trustees might stir up discontent if they're seen to be celebrating while such changes are being considered, Bennewies responded that the board's updated approach to making such deci- sions is actually one reason to cele- brate. "I think you have to learn to accept change. And I think one of the big suc- cesses of our board is we now have bet- ter communication with our communi- ties," she said. "We have succeeded in getting people in the communities to understand that we want to listen to them . . . We've successfully introduced a sharing of ideas." Over the next few weeks, a calendar of 10th anniversary events will be devel- oped and shared with schools. "I don't feel there's any longer a division between Huron and Perth.We are the Avon Maitland board," CAROL BENNEWIES PERTH SOUTH/WEST PERTH REPRESENTATIVE CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE www.southhuron.com Network Classifieds: Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country! 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