HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2007-10-17, Page 3030 TIMES -ADVOCATE Wednesday, October 17, 2007 CLASSIFIES.. CLASSIFIES CLASSIFIF 170 Apts for Rent EXETER - Enjoy this 2 bedroom heated lower apartment in quiet building. Single adult, non- smoker, no pets. $460 plus hydro. 519-235-2146. (42;43*) EXETER - 1 BEDROOM GROUND FLOOR - Central location. $415 plus hydro. 519- 272-0042.(3449*) EXETER - 1 BEDROOM GROUND FLOOR - $500/month plus utilities. No pets. Mature adults only. 519- 235-4694. (35tfn) EXETER - 189 VICTORIA ST. W. - 1 & 2 bedroom apts. Fridge, stove, water, sewer included. $415-$665 a month. 519-235-0349. (28tfn) EXETER - 2 BEDROOM APT. - $560 plus heat and hydro. 519- 235-4694. (37tfn) EXETER - 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE - $750 plus utili- ties. No dogs. 519-235-4694. (42tfn) EXETER DOWNTOWN - quiet 1 plus bedroom. Washer, dryer, fridge and stove. References. $545/month. 519-235-0302. (37- 44*) HENSALL, QUEEN MARY APARTMENTS - 2 bedroom apt. available Dec. 1, water included, laundry on site, $512 plus utilities. 519-262-3186. (41tfn) LARGE 1 BEDROOM APT. IN TRI-PLEX - water included, par- tially furnished. Quiet, non- smoker. 519-235-1854. (41tfn) LUCAN - 1 bedroom main floor apt. Parking. Available Nov. 1. 519-227-4766.(42-49*) ONE BEDROOM APART- MENT - A very cozy apartment with it's own entrance to upper level and an outdoor balcony. Call 519-235-0173 l0am-5pm. (42tfn) PARKER APARTMENTS - 1 bedrooms available. 519-235- 1497. (48tfn) SPACIOUS 1 & 2 BEDROOM APTS. - in quiet adult building. $510 & $555/month includes water, sewage and garbage. Contact Bob 519-235-0874 or Ron at 519-235-2087. (41tfn) THREE BEDROOM APART- MENT - Very large 3 bedroom apartment located downtown. This apartment has it's own secure entrance, large kitchen with pantry, washer dryer hook- ups, lots of closet space, air con- ditioning, speakers throughout and a huge living room. Call 519-235-0173 l0am-5pm. (42tfn) 170 Apts. For Rent TWO BEDROOM APART- MENT - Located downtown. Heat and water is included. Call 519-235-0173 l0am-5pm. fn) ZURICH - 2 BEDROOM - 4 new appliances, balcony, avail- able now, $525 plus hydro. 519- 679-5810. (3643*) 185 Houses For Rent 3 BEDROOM COUNTRY HOME - 2 miles from Exeter. Central air, oil heat, $675/month plus utilities. References required. 519-229-8176. (40tfn) 3 BEDROOM FARMHOUSE FOR RENT - oil heat, references required, close to Exeter and Mitchell. 519-229-6414. (42*) HOUSE FOR RENT - 4 bed- room house available Oct. 1/07, first & last $750 plus utilities. Please call 519-235-3141, no pets. (37tfn) 212 Recreational Vehicles 15.5 COLEMAN CANOE - bought in '06, used 2 times, $700 new cost, asking $300. 519-284- 3190. (39-46SA) 2004 POLARIS PRX600 SNOWMOBILE - low kms, reverse, exc. condition, dealer serviced. Includes cover and saddle bags. $4,750. OBO. Call evenings/weekends 519-284- 1598. (42-49SA) 215 Campers, Trailers, Sites GYPSY TRAILER - 16 foot, 900 KGS easy pulled by minivan or car. Lots of storage, sleeps 5, hot water, stove, fridge, bath- room with shower, electric heat. Very good condition. Have to see to appreciate. Asking $5,000. 519-271-6317. 302 Farm Services J.D. NO TIL DRILL FOR RENT & CUSTOM PLANTING Jeff Horn 519-229-8176 or 519-318-0204 cell 303 Horses, Supplies, Boarding 2 MORAB COLTS - $750 each obo. 1 Egyptian Arabian Mare, 8 years old, $2500. 519-349-2671 CLASSIFIEIT TIMES ADVOCATE ADVERTISING SPECIAL, $15.00 SUPER AD FOR CLASSIFIED WORD ADS You will reach over 25,000 readers in the Exeter Times Advocate, The Weekender, the St. Marys Journal Argus, JA Weekender and our on-line data base @www.southhuron.com GREAT VALUE FOR YOUR ADVERTISING DOLLARS WILL RUN YOUR AD FOR 8 WEEKS FOR THE LOW COST OF $15.00 PLUS GST 20 words, one item per ad, we suggest you put a price in the ad, private, non-commercial ads only. Not for business purposes. No changes can be made to the ad and if you sell the item, please call us and the ad is cancelled. MUST BE PREPAID. VISA, MC, DEBIT, CASH CaII our office at 235-1331, fax to 235-0766 or bring to 424 Main Street S., Exeter MONDAY -FRIDAY 8:30 A.M. - 4:30 RM. AD DEADLINE IS MONDAY AT 10 A.M. CLASSIFIE 303 Horses, Supplies 4-6 MONTH OLD PONYS FOR SALE - Very good temper- ment, males and females. Also new saddles and bridles. 519- 475-4531.(40-47*) BILYEA CONSIGNMENT HORSE & TACK AUCTION - Denfield Livestock Exchange, Denfield. Friday, Oct. 19, 7 pm., Saturday, Oct. 20, 9:30 am. 519- 225-2130. (41;42x) 304 Farm Produce/Crops 52 LARGE ROUND ORGAN- IC GRASS - hay bales. 519- 349-2815. (34-47SA) POTATOES FOR SALE - 10 lbs. $3.00, 20 lbs. $5.00, 50 lbs. $10.00, Yukon Gold, Superior, Shepody, Adora, Vivaldi. For more info call 519-461-1295. 305 Poultry & Livestock REGISTERED SUFFOLK RAM - Excellent breeder, 3 years old. 519-263-6208 leave a message. (42*) 310 Articles For Sale 2 TRUCKS, 2 CARS, 2 BOATS - 2 sleds, 2 camping trailers, 2 sled trailers, 2 riding mowers, snowblowers, dirt bike and a blue sectional sofa bed with recliner. $300 to $950 each. 519-271-1185. (42-49SA) 3-3 FT. SECTIONS 8 1/2" STAINLESS STEEL STOVE PIPE - $150 obo. Working Culligan water softener, $200. Call anytime 519-745-7350 or 519-229-8587. (42*) 4 - P245/65R17 MICH TIRES - in new condition. To fit Envoy - $175 each. Black TV stand for 50" TV. Compartments on each end $200. Call Steve at 519- 301-2694. (36-43SA) 100 Houses for Sale 310 Articles for Sale APPLES FOR SALE - Open Saturdays. Hwy. 4 & Crediton Sideroad. Sawyer's Orchard. 235-0446. (41tfn) BARN BEAMS - board, 2 farm gates, chain hay elevator (30ft). Phone Dan 519-461-1744 (leave message.) (34-475A) CANON CAMERA AE1 - $200; Selmer flute $225. 2 matching antique stained glass windows, price negotiable. 519- 461-0004. (38-45SA) CORN STOVE, DIRECT VENT - great for shop or home. Moving, must sell. $1000 firm. 519-859-6785 anytime. (37- 44SA) CROSS AUDIO CUSTOM BUILT PA/DJ/BAND OR BAR SPEAKERS - built custom made and delivered from Nova Scotia to Toronto. Never used. 600 watts per speaker, two 15" speakers in each cabinet with Tweeters, close to 4 feet tall each, $200 for both speakers (non-negotiable). 519-284-1114. (36-43SA) DRY FIREWOOD, ALL HARDWOOD - $40/cord and up, $60 a pickup load; large orders available. Hardwood pel- lets available. Can be delivered to your door. Call Kirkton 519- 229-8237, cell 519-276-7310. ELMIRA WOODSTOVE BROWN - with glass door, excellent condition, $450; small wagon for lawn tractor $150. Call 519-475-6543. (39-46SA) FIREWOOD - seasoned hard- wood beech, ash and maple, delivered or picked up. Call Dignan Landscaping at 519-236- 4457 (47tfn) HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS - Best Price, Best Quality. All Shapes & Colours. Call 1-866- 585-0056 www.thecoverguy.ca (10-45x) 100 Houses for Sale 310 Articles for Sale 310 Articles for Sale •PEDIC PRESSURE RELIEVING SWEDISH MATTRESSES AND PILLOWS 58 The Square Goderich 524-6064 a j abtes ArrkEss'i.4-5niality Li Ft7 GREAT GIFT IDEAS FOR THE PERSON WHO LOVES TO DRAW - ART SUPPLIES AT THE TIMES ADVOCATE - Sketch pads - $5.95 - $13.95 sizes up to 14 x 17. Suitable for: pen, pencil, charcoal or water- colour. Acid free. Graphic and technical pencil sets, erasers, charcoal, pastels, watercolour pencils. Instruction Books $7.99 or $12.95. 424 Main St. Exeter. Open Mon -Fri. 8:30am-4:30pm. (6tfx) KILN DRIED LUMBER - Ash, Hard & Soft Maple, Hickory $2.50 BF, cherry and walnut $3.50, poplar $1.50. 519-229- 8135. (42-49SA) LE BRA - BRAND NEW - for a Ford Windstar. $60. 519-228- 9595. (42*) 100 Houses for Sale MAYTAG 36" GAS SLIDE -IN RANGE - black, $250. Woods 21 cu. ft. chest freezer $50, drum set Pearl 5 drums, 3cymbals, stool, $500. 519-349-2617. (38- 45SA) OXY -ACETYLENE TORCH- ES - hose, gauges and cart, $150. 519-475-6543. (39-46SA) ROASTING CHICKENS - gift- ware, antiques, quilts, washer & dryer, freezer, many small arti- cles. Call 519-225-2609 or 519- 630-7930. (36-43SA) SOD FOR SALE, FIELD FRESH - $1.55/roll. Lakeside. Call 519-349-2804 or 519-645- 9083. (39-46SA) 100 Houses for Sale RF/M� RF1A+X BLUEWATER REALTY INC. 519-235-3777 EXETER SHELLEY BEDARD SALES REP. OPEN HOUSE SAT OCT 20, 1 - 3 104 Victoria St. W, EXETER Warm & inviting, 4 bedroom, Century home on mature, corner lot close to downtown. This spa- cious 2 storey features original trim, high ceilings, beautiful open staircase, formal dining & living room plus huge family room with gas fireplace. $209,000 Your Res: 519-235-4964 ; PAT O'ROURKE CELL' 519-871-7487 RES. 519-237-3762 got -ISA- M.J. M.J. DWAYNE - TENA CHANT! TINNEY McKay RES. 519-235-1077 RES. 519-235-3889 CELL: 519-878-TENA RES. 519-229-8090 519-235-1449 407 MAIN �ER 052604 8299.000 • LAKEVIEW • Four season, 3 bedroom cottage • 2 baths • High eff. gas heating • Gas fireplace in livingroom • Huge mas- ter bedroom w/ corner brick fire- place • Laundry room • Upperlevel family room w/ balcony & great view of the lake • Located in Grand Bend area • CALL DWAYNE $189,900 • Stunning red brick home on large corner lot with 2 concrete driveways • Totally refinished inside with windows, kitchen, electrical & newer bath • Partially finished lower level • Attached garage • CALL M.J. TO VIEW BEFORE ITS GONE cOLDwe BANKCR ALL POINTS -FESTIVAL CITY REALTY BROKERAGE OPEN HOUSE 19 Conrad Dr., Zurich Every Sunday from 2-4 p.m. Hosts Pat O'Rourke & Randy Oke Come take a look at these upscale one level condos • Built by Oke Woodsmith one of the areas premium builders • Only 5 units left • Both single & double garages available • Cozy infloor heat- ing • You won't be disappointed with the quality of work in these beauties. .1:71-104U • 0 (13 CO E 0 Immediate possession avail- able for this newly renovat- ed bungalow • All new floor- ing, painting, decor, win- dows, doors, two tiered deck, utility shed • Double concrete driveway with room for 8 cars • Full lower level ready for your decorating dreams • Fabulous 198 ft. deep lot overlooking open space, horse paddocks and bush area • Call Pat for your personal tour r !Pi'► =Ti IN II 072531 $95,000 • Excellent investment opportunity • Building in small village presently leased to Canada Post • CALL M.J. FOR INFO LI� w J 41 What a location! Corner of Riverside Drive and Orchard St., Exeter • Nice attractive red brick bungalow • Recently redecorated with nice neutral colours • Immaculate interior and grounds • Professionally updated landscaping • Sunroom off of dining area • 3+1 bedrooms • Finished lower level with huge rec room, bath- room and 4th bedroom • $199,900 • Call Pat for details 'NEW- !STING NEW-(STING fn. •or'oo To view interior video tours of any of Pat's listings just click on Personal Listings on my website www.exeterforsale.com 24 hours a day. 073178 $249,900 • 3 bed- room cen- tury home Beautiful modern oak kitchen • Lots of hardwood & original trim • 3 baths • Gas heat, central air • Indoor pool • Large private fenced yard with deck, storage shed workshop & pond • CALL M.J. SIM or 11-1'. 0 E 0 073292 - Quality home offered for sale by local craftsman • Huge insu- lated & heated shop, cherry floors, cathedral ceiling in kitchen, loft bedroom with ensuite, 3 baths, double garage, 2 decks, patio & front porch & huge addition. • Call Tena McKa Need those extra bedrooms for your family? Then take a look at this 4-5 bedroom Exeter home • Unbelievable amount of space • Newer 2 level addition at rear • Renovated interior from front to back • New maple kitchen • Updated baths with whirlpool tub • Pine floors in original part of house • Main floor laundry • Lower level walkout to patio area and fenced rear yard • Gas heat • Central air • Just move in and spread out • Call Pat for your viewing! LISTIN_ 4 a O 2 kms to Exeter on a paved road • 3 bedroom one level home on 3/4 acre lot • Spacious open con- cept offers lots of liveable space • Main floor laundry • Large newer heated, cooled and insulated addi- tion at rear would be ideal for your hobby or trades- man shop • And best of all, priced at only $159,900 • Call Pat for before this one's gone. -NEW-7 LISTING -71 r • • www.coldwellbanker.ca • TOLL FREE 1-877-599-0090 • •