HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2007-10-17, Page 2828 TIMES—ADVOCATE Wednesday, October 17, 2007 Announcements/Community Big Brothers presents murder mystery dinner Nov 16 EXETER — An upcoming evening presented by the Big Brothers Big Sisters of South Huron will offer you not only a chance to help raise money for the organi- zation, but an opportunity to watch actors present a western -style mystery. A three -course dinner from Catering By Barbara will also be served. "Whodunnit???" will be held Nov. 16 at South Huron Rec Centre at a cost of $50 per person. Cocktail hour runs from 6-7 p.m., followed by the mystery and dinner at 7 p.m. Musical entertainment will be provided by "Stone Angels" from 9:30 p.m. until midnight. A press release from Big Brothers Big Sisters states, "Join us for an evening of mystery mixed with food and fun. It's the height of the gold rush in the Klondike as a cast of characters arrive at the Gold Rush Saloon with one thing on their minds — gold! Calamity ensues and eventually one of the characters `bites the dust' — can you figure out whodunnit?" A full bar and silent auction will also be at the event. Attire is "Wild West" style. Tickets can be reserved by calling 235-3307. Visa and Mastercard are accepted. Granton's beef supper on Nov. 4 By Muriel Lewis GRANTON CORRESPONDENT GRANTON - The har- vest dinner presented by Granton -Wesley United Church and catered by Huron Shores was very successful at the Kirkton- Woodham Community Centre on Friday evening, Oct. 12. Entertainment was provided by Bob Heywood and Don Vair. At the Granton -Wesley United Church on Sun., Oct. 14, Pastor Paul Vollick led the service and the message was entitled, "Get Living." The Scripture readings were from Jeremiah 29 and second Timothy 2. Bob Pincombe lit the Christ candle. The ministry of music by the choir was River Running in You and Me. The annual beef supper is scheduled for November 4 at the com- munity centre in Kirkton. The prayer services are being held this month at Lucan United Church every Wednesday at 11:30 a.m. The euchre nights com- mence again at Granton - Wesley on Fri., Oct. 19, at 7:30 p.m. On Sun., Oct. 14, at St. Paul's Anglican Church in Kirkton, Rev. Dalice Sim led the service of morning prayer. The message was about respecting and lis- tening to others to serve God. Carol Herbert read the lessons. Get well wishes to Peggy Paul from St. Paul's con- gregation, who is recov- ering in St. Marys Hospital from a fall. Seniors' Christmas dinner registration EXETER - The Exeter Seniors met at the Legion Oct. 2. Fifty-five members and guests enjoyed a delicious pot luck meal at 6 p.m. President Mildred Chalmers welcomed all and presided for the business meeting. Happy Birthday was sung to Judy Leybourne, Mary Thompson, Pearl Kirk, Madeline Switzer and Gordon Penquilley. Gerald and Jane Dearing and Lois and Iry Armstrong cel- ebrated anniversaries. Mildred read "Don't Eat The Forbidden Fruit" and "God Says". Reports were given and Judy Leybourne reported on the cash register tapes. Gerald Dearing gave the summa- ry of the Euchreama held Sept. 28. Senior games Euchre was discussed and volunteers looking after the cupcakes are: Shirley Kirk, Jeanene Hayter and Lil McLellan. Cookie makers are Olga Davis, Joyce Lavender and Ruby Beavers. November is membership and Christmas dinner registration. Turkey dinner for December is $11 and mem- berships are $5. Lois Armstrong asked for Bingo helpers for November. Murray Taylor and Mary Horn volunteered. Howard Holtzman was chairperson for the program. Joyce Lavender read "Operation" and "Doctors". Howard read "Speed Trap" and University Student". Share the wealth winners were Lil McLellan, Joe Stephens, Madelin Switzer, Anne Keller, Claire Hayter, Chris Phillips, Anne Cottel, Helen Webber and Lorraine Alexander. Door prize winners were: Lois McFalls, Burdene Morgan, Harry Mathers, Vera Armstrong, Lillian Mathers, Anne Cottel and Dave Cottel. Musical entertainment for the evening was provided by Harvey Smith and Friends. Members of his group were Don Finkbeiner, Harold Mills, Ivan Norris and Devon Martene. We also enjoyed some tap dancing by Olga Davis. The evening closed with "The Seniors Prayer" The November meeting will be held Tues., Nov. 6 at 6 pm. Graduate - Congratulations Cheri McDonald on your graduation from the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario. Cheri has now opened her own Registered Massage Therapist Clinic in her home and is welcoming all new clients. Best wishes, Jeff, family and friends GRADUATE - Glenn and Sue are pleased to announce the graduation of Laura Rollings from Brock University in St. Catharines. Laura received her Bachelor of Accounting (Honours) degree at the October 13, 2007 Convocation. Laura has happily accepted the position of Assistant Controller at General Coach in Hensall. YOUR PROUD FAMILY WISHES YOU SUCCESS AND HAPPINESS IN ALL YOU DO. GRADUATE - On August 7, 2007, at his graduation in Regina, Saskatchewan, Jesse Schroeder became a member of the RCMP. He and his wife Rachel ars posted in beautiful Terrace, British Columbia. JESSE, WE'RE SC PROUD OF YOU. Love, Dad, Mom, Brittney, Carly & Rachei COUNTRY FALL & CHRISTMAS CRAFT SHOW Sat. Oct. 27, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Kirkton Woodham Community Centre Adults $2.00, Children under 12 FREE Lunch counter proceeds to The Motherwell Women's Institute. Many New Crafts People! COMING EVENTS... COMING EVENTS... COMING EVENTS... COMING EVENTS... BELONGERS: YOU'RE INVITED! - Come as you are - everyone is welcome! Join us each Sunday at 9:30am as we gather to build rela- tionships with one another and God - and be our guest for lunch! FRIDAY NIGHT MOVIES $2 Admission. FREE POPCORN. Oct. 19th - Evan Almighty. Nov. 2nd - Transformers. Nov. 9th - Ratatouille. www.belongers.ca (42-44*) BRUCEFIELD UNITED CHURCH BEEF BARBECUE - Sunday, October 21 from 5-7 pm. Advance tickets only: Adults $12.00, Children (6-12) $6.00. Take-outs available. Phone 519-233-7188 or 519-482-3718 for tickets. (3942*) CENTRALIA-ZION WEST UNITED CHURCHES TURKEY SUPPER & SILENT AUCTION - at South Huron Recreation Centre in Exeter on Sunday, November 18, 2007, 4:30-6:30 pm. Doors open at 4 pm. to view Silent Auction. Entertainment by Exeter Community Band. Tickets: Judy 519-228-6704, Larry 519-229-6304, Marion 519-235-2944, take-outs Dave 519-777-6960. Adults $13.00, chil- dren 12 & under $6.50, preschool free. At door $14.00. (41113*) EXETER LEGION - SAT. OCT. 20TH - 4-6 pm. Music by Gene & Anne Hartman. Meat and mystery draws. Bacon on a bun. (42) EXETER VILLA'S ANNUAL CHRISTMAS BAZAAR AND TEA ROOM - Sat. November 3, 2007, 1:30 - 3:00 pm. Crafts, Christmas Cakes and Puddings, Baking, Draws and Door prizes. (42-44) HARLEY DRAW DANCE - featuring The River Junction Band, Saturday, Oct. 20th, 2007, Seaforth & District Community Centre, Tickets $10 call 519-482-3544 for more info. (42) HENSALL UNITED CHURCH CHRISTMAS FANTASY AUC- TION - November 3, Hensall Community Centre. Silent & Live Auction 7:30 pm. Featuring HOW GREAT THOU ART - hand - painted items from local artists plus much more. Door prizes: Antique Quilt, Christmas Centrepiece, Cookbook. Admission $5.00, Complimentary hors d'oeuvres. Cash bar. Dinner tickets call Lynn 262-2938. (42-44) HOLY TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH TURKEY SUPPER - at Lucan Community Centre on Wednesday, October 24, 2007 from 5-7 pm. For reservations call: Beth 519-227-4905, Marg 519-227-4272, Phyllis 519-227-4508, Marie 519-227-4469. For take-out call Muriel 519-227-4766. Limited number of tickets available at door. Adult $12.00, children $6.00, pre-school free. (39-42x) HURON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY - The next meeting on Friday, October 26, 7:OOpm will be at the historic Van Egmond House in Egmondville for a Huron County dinner and tour of the his- toric building. $15 pp. Public welcome. For further information con- tact 519-440-6206. (42*) LADIES' COFFEE BREAK BIBLE STUDY - meets each Thursday 9:30 am. at Emmanuel Baptist Church. No previous Bible knowledge necessary. All ladies welcome. Call 519-235-2661. (41-43) SOUTH HURON HOSPITAL AUXILIARY FALL RUMMAGE SALE - Wed., Oct. 17 - 6:OOpm-9:OOpm. Thurs. Oct. 18 - 9:30am- 2:OOpm. Auction Thurs. at 10:30am. Town -wide pickup - Wed. Oct. 17 - 9:OOam. Open for drop off Tues. For further info call 519-235- 0780. Volunteers welcome. (40-42) OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOEBOX GIFTS - Make a child smile - join in the global effort of bringing joy and hope to a less fortunate child. Collection week is Nov. 6 to 10. Visit our website (www.belongers.ca) or call 519-913-1256 for hours as well as shoe - box supplies. If you would like to volunteer and be involved during collection week please contact us by tel. or email - exeter@belongers.ca (42-44*) PHIL MAIN IN CONCERT - at Exeter United Church, Sunday, November 4, 2007 at 2:00 p.m. Phil Main (known from the morning show on CKNX AM920) has been writing songs, singing, and enter- taining for many years and has recorded several CD's. Come and enjoy an afternoon filled with stories, and a mix of Christian folk/country/pop music sung from the heart, with an inspiring mes- sage. Adults $10, Students $5. Tickets available at church office 519-235-0860 or at the door. (42-44) RURAL ROADS CHRISTMAS HOME TOUR - Hosted by Brinsley United Church. Sat., Nov. 3rd, l0am-4pm., Sun., Nov. 4th, 1pm- 4pm. Tour 7 homes and church. Cheesecake, tea & coffee will be served. Tickets $10.00 from church members or call Marion - 519- 293-3298, Sandi - 519-293-3633 or at Exeter Times Advocate. ST. BONIFACE C.W.L. HARVEST BAZAAR - Sat. Oct. 27. 10:OOam-2:OOpm. St. Boniface Parish Hall, 22 Mary St., Zurich. Numerous draws, Penny sale, Merchant's table, refreshments and baking. (42;43*) THE PERFORMING ARTS SOCIETY OF ONTARIO - is holding an on-line auction during the month of October featuring autographed items from many of todays most popular entertainers. Most items will make great gifs for the upcoming holiday season. www.tiuni.ca for details or email: patrick@tiuni.ca (42*) THE STARDUST DINNER THEATRE - Grease..ish A 50's Murder Mystery Oct. 27 & 28. Fab Four Beatles Tribute Nov. 10 & 11. Red Hat Gala Event Nov. 24 & 25. StarDust New Years Eve Party Dec.31. Check us out at www.stardustparkhill.com or call the Box Office for more information at 519-294-1141, 245 Main Street, Parkhill. (35-52*) TIME, TALENT AND TREASURE AUCTION - Sat. Nov. 17th sponsored by Emmanuel Baptist Church proceeds to South Huron Hospital. Silent Auction 6 pm., live auction 7:15 pm. Auctioneer Bob Heywood. For information 519-235-2661. (36-43) ZION UNITED CHURCH, CREDITON - "HOT' ROAST BEEF DINNER - Sunday, October 28, 4:30pm to 6:30 pm. at South Huron Rec Centre, Exeter. Please note change of location. Adults $12, chil- dren 12 and under $4.00. Take-out dinners available. Music by Harvey Smith and Friends. For tickets call 519-234-6278 or 519-238- 2610. (40-43) ANNUAL CWL PENNY SALE - Wed. Nov. 7/07. Doors open at 5 pm. Precious Blood Church Hall, 200 Sanders St. Exeter, Admission $1.00, children free with adult. (40-42)