HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2007-10-17, Page 1818 Times -Advocate Wednesday, October 17, 2007 Join Exeter UC for a beef bbq and entertainment By Rhoda Rohde THAMES ROAD CORRESPONDENT THAMES ROAD - The Christian Leadership Development Committee were in charge of the Thanksgiving meeting of the U.C.W. on Tuesday evening. The meeting table had a lace cloth with a painted cloth over it. The table had a bouquet of mums in a pumpkin, candles, a flower arrangement and a delft turkey on it, a ladder with a wreath on it, many big pots of mums sitting on the floor, and another table with pumpkins on it. Marjorie Johns played several tunes on the piano before the meeting started. Ruth Anne Osgood wel- comed the ladies and visiting ladies from Cromarty and Kirkton and lit the candles on the table. Ruth Anne read "Reflections on Autumn Days." The ladies sang For the Beauty of the Earth with Marjorie Johns at the piano. Helen Weston read the Scripture Psalm 100 Myrtle Pengelly led in prayer, and gave several humorous read- ings. Myrtle Pengelly and Helen Webber received the offer- ing and Diane Jeffery gave the offertory prayer. The ladies sang Come Ye Thankful People Come. Marjorie Johns introduced Glenna Olcen who showed pictures and gave a wonderful travelogue of her recent trip to Chile, Argentina and Antarctica. It was enjoyed very much Glenna said she saw a lot of different kinds of pen- guins. Diane Jeffery thanked Glenna and presented her with a gift. Agnes Bray played the piano accompanying Beth Cooper, Judith Parker, Sharon Lynn, and Marilyn Vandenbussche who sang different songs which were well done. The last song was A Few of My Favorite Things which was very humorous. Ruth Anne read "A Thanksgiving Story" and Helen Webber read a humor- ous reading "Your Turkey." The ladies sang Now Thank We All Our God which brought the meeting to a close. Delicious desserts and beverages were partaken of and had been prepared by Marilyn Pym, Pat Ballantyne, Sharon Passmore, Jo Anne Rowe, Judith Parker and Anne Bray. There were forty three ladies present. Thanksgiving Sunday and Worldwide Communion Church Service Rev. Judith Ritchie was in charge of the regular church service on Sunday morning. Sharon Lynn gave a minute for council stating that the Halloween Party would be Oct. 26 at 6:30 p.m. in the church basement. A silent auction will be held in November. Karen Etherington gave a minute for Out of the Cold program saying she and her mother Connie Kerick were down to London at First St. Andrews U.C. for September and the two people are needed for Nov. 26 Marilyn Pym gave a minute for mission entitled 'Fred Victor Mission in Toronto.' Marianne Veldman lit the red candle for Peace. The choir sang Here at This Table accompanied by the pianist Marilyn Vandebussche. The Gospel lesson John 6:25-35 was read by Marianne Veldman from The Dutch Bible, and Anne Kernick read- ing form the English Bible. Anne Kernick, Melonie Miller, Judith Parker and Marianne Veldman served communion. Sharon Lynn and Margaret Stewart received the offer- ing and Marilyn Pym brought an item forward for the food bank. Everyone sang In Christ There Is No East or West. The service closed with a choral benediction. The church was tastefully decorated with Thanksgiving theme and four beautiful mums. Church Service Oct. 14 Rev. Judith Ritchie was in charge of the regular church service on Sunday morning. Rev. Judith lit the Christ candle. Everyone sang the opening hymn Worship The Lord. Rev. Judith welcomed everyone and everybody passed the Peace. The Introit We Praise You For Your Love was sung. Rev. Judith led in the call to worship and the opening prayer in unison. Rev. Judith gave the announcements. Zachary Kadey lit the red candle for Peace. The title of Rev. Judith's message was "An Attitude of Gratitude" with Rev. Judith giving different readings and everyone singing Love Divine All Loves Excelling. Rev. Judith read the Old Testament Lesson Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7. Everyone sang Eternal, Unchanging, We Sing and The Lord's Prayer in unison. Parts 1 and 2 of Psalm 66 was read responsively. The choir sang A Thanksgiving Song accompanied by Marilyn Vandenbussche on the piano. Rev. Judith read the Epistle Lesson 2 Timothy 2:8-15. Everyone sang Take Time to Be Holy. The gospel Lesson Luke 17:11-19 was read by Zachary Kadey. Rev. Judith gave a reading "Thank You." Everyone sang the hymn Now Thank We All Our God and the Affirmation of Our Faith "A New Creed" was read in uni- son. June Stewart and Helen Webber received the offering and everyone sang the Doxology and read the offertory prayer in unison. Rev. Judith gave prayers for the peo- ple. Everyone sang Lead On 0 Cloud of Presence. Rev. Judith gave the commissioning and pronounced the benediction. Everyone sang the choral benediction. Announcements Rev. Judith expects to be at the church sometime Wednesday afternoon and Thursday afternoon 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Pat Ballantyne would like people to bring some flower bulbs next Sunday to church and they will be planted along the church. Oct. 16 - Bethlehem Walk Planning meeting at 7 p.m. at Kirkton U.C. Hibbert United Church is having a brunch on Sun., Oct. 21 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Everyone welcome. Newsletter info from all the committees to be in to Ruthanne Osgood by Nov. 11. email - ozzie4@quadro.net Sunday services will be held in the lower level of the church on the following dates: Oct. 28, Nov. 25 Oct. 22 - Fall Rally: Celebrating the 45th Anniversary of the United Church Women at St. Marys United Church. Registration 6:30 p.m. $1. Sing song 7 p.m. Guest speaker: Elly Van Bergen, special music. Oct. 20 - Exeter UC Beef BBQ and Country Western Entertainment at the South Huron Rec Centre. Advance tickets only. Adults $15, Ages seven to 12 $6, children six and under are free. Tickets are available from the church (235-0860), Exeter Decor Centre, Maclean's Home Hardware, Bob Coates (235-2787) and Arnold Mathers (235-1037). Oct. 26 - Halloween Party starting at 6:30 p.m. Pot luck snacks. Bring a paint shirt. Everyone welcome. Personals Many people from this community attended the visita- tion and funeral on Tuesday of the late Bev Delbridge. After the service the family and friends had lunch and fellowship at the Thames Road Elimville U.C. with the ladies catering. Sympathy is extended to Fred, Anne and Party band — Ina Russell and DougWedlake were among the Queensway Retirement residents enjoying the Octoberfest sounds on Sunday provided by from left, Keith Tyndall, Gladys Van Egmond and George Turner who make up Gladys and the Merry Makers.' (photo/Pat Bolen) Dan Gallant and Alexander and Bruce Delbridge. George Reycraft of Moncton and Jean Scott of Stratford visited with Bill and Rhoda Rohde on Tuesday afternoon. Pat Ballantyne, Doris Elford, Marjorie Johns, Rhoda Rohde and Helen Weston were among those who attended the "Autumn Splendour" of the Kirkton Horticulture at K.W. community centre on Tuesday evening. Rick Maim of St. Marys showed pictures and talked about "Amazing Iris." There was a plant auction and focus on youth. Ross and Kay Hodgert attended a wedding of their nephew in Calgary last weekend. Robyn Etherington of Ajax spent the holiday weekend with her parents Rick and Karen Etherington. Karel Hodgert of Toronto spent the holiday weekend with her cousins Arnold and Marion Cann. Happy Belated Birthdays to Glenn Rohe on Oct. 9, Kay Morley Oct. 12, Jane Cann, Oct. 15, Elson Lynn and Ken Duncan Oct. 16. Happy Anniversary to Calvin and Val Rohde Oct. 14. Bus Trip BM and Rhoda Rohde were among those who went on a Cherry Bus Line tour on Friday with Alex as our driver and Harry and Jean Hardy of Lucan as our tour guides. The bus left the Legion in Exeter at 8:02 a.m. Harry read a couple of readings "Indian Summer" and "Where Are All The Grandmas Gone". We went through Harmony, Tavistock, Punkey Doodles Corner, New Hamburg, Kitchener, stopped at Tim Horton's where a tour guide Warren got on with us and told us about Williamsburg, Huron Heights, Homer Watson House and Gallery, Community of Doon, Conestoga College, Cambridge, Preston, Speed River, Galt, Puslinch Lake, Kettle Lake, Crief Mounstburg, Drumblin, Halton Hills, Campbellville, Hilton Falls. The Niagara Escarpment was really pretty with the coloured leaves. Orangeville was where we had our lunch at the Royal Canadian Legion. After lunch we were through Nasgawea, Speyside, Limehouse, Glen Williams, Credit River, Terra Cotta, Salmonville, taking in the Bad Lands. We saw Caledon Hills, Caledon, Alton, Cataract, Belfountian, Erin, Drumblin, Rockwood, Guelph, Speed River, we saw the Wings of Paradise building and stopped at Tim Horton's to let Warren off and then home. We saw a beautiful rainbow. Thanks Alex, Harry and Jean we had a wonderful trip. We travelled on the back roads and saw beautiful scenery. In Orangeville a lot of the tree stumps had carvings and paintings on them as well as men carved out of wood. A cut above all. Purchase one of the following saws and receive a fres Grown Kit consisting of a carrying use, knife, DVD and cap (value $ 85). 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