HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2007-10-03, Page 13Wednesday, October 3, 2007 Times -Advocate 13 School leaders — Pictured above are the new members of Precious Blood student council for the 2007-08 school year. In front from left are treasurer Carly Johns, Grade 7/8 rep. Corey Davidson, Grade 4 rep.Aveleigh Keller, Grade 5 rep. Megan Dalrymple and Grade 6/7 rep.Alastair Howe; in back from left are activities co- ordinator Grace Stephens, President Jenn Walker, Deputy Prime Minister Anna Bilcke and secretary Bailey Oud. (photo/Scott Nixon) Exeter United Church will host Beef BBQ By Rhoda Rohde TI-IAMES ROAD CORRESPONDENT THAMES ROAD - Community of Local United Churches service at Centralia United Church: Before the service the band played and sang several songs. Judy Mills welcomed everyone and gave the announcements and led in the call to worship responsively. Everyone sang "Jesus Loves Me" to the band accompaniment. Brenda Hern read the Scripture Luke 17:5-10, 2 Timothy 1:1-4. Helen Kadey read the message "The Prince and The Swallow" which was prepared by Dave Williams. Everyone sang Pass Me Not 0 Gentle Savior and Amazing Grace. Rev. Judith Ritchie gave the invitation for commu- nion responsively. Those assisting with communion were Robert and Kathy Bray, Rob Essery, Clare Wright, Zachary Kadey and Judith Parker. While Communion was being served Mike Brine and Agnes Denham sang, I Came Expecting Jesus in this Place. Rev. Judith led in prayer in unison as well as the Lord's Prayer. Ivan Hern and Dalton Jaques received the offering and Barry Miller gave the offertory prayer. Everyone sang When We Walk With The Lord. Helen Kadey gave the benediction responsively and prayed the grace. A delicious lunch and beverage was partaken of upstairs in the church which brought a very nice service to a close. Members of the band were keyboard Mike Brine, Agnes Denham guitar and singer, Jason Denham, Matthew Denham, Cameron Denham, Steven Denham, Matt Brine. Announcements Centralia/Zion West Oct. 4 -Centralia UCW at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Audrey McFalls. Oct. 7 -Thanksgiving services - Zion at 9:45 a.m. and Centralia at 11:30 a.m. with Dave Williams. Oct. 14 -Centralia Anniversary at 11:30 a.m. with Dave Williams. All are welcome. There will be no service at Zion. Oct. 20 -Wedding of Shawn Stuckless and Marsha Kirk at Centralia at 6:30 p.m. (Wedding rehearsal on Oct. 19 at 6:30 p.m.) Thames Road-Elimville Oct. 3 -Standing committees meet at 7 p.m. fol- lowed by council meeting at 8:15 p.m. Oct. 7 -Thanksgiving and Worldwide Communion. Oct. 9-UCW meeting at 8 p.m. Entertainment Program: Ruth Anne Osgood, Helen Weston, Helen Webber, Marjorie Johns, Diane Jeffery and Myrtle Pengelly. Lunch: Marilyn Pym, Pat Ballantyne, Sharon Passmore, Jo -Anne Rowe, Judith Parker and Anne Bray. General Oct. 20 -Exeter United Church Beef BBQ and Country and Western entertainment at the South Huron Rec. Centre. Advance tickets only. Adults $12.50; Ages seven to 12 - $6 and children under six are free. Tickets available from the church (235- 0860), Exeter Decor Centre, MacLeans Home Hardware, Bob Coates (235-2787) and Arnold Mathers (235-1037). Nov. 16 -Old Time Christmas with Scott Woods (Canadian Fiddle Champion) at Kirkton Woodham Community Centre at 7 p.m. Tickets are $15. Please call Pam 229-6931 or Keith 229-6410. Going Away Party Barry and Melonie Miller and family hosted a going away party on Sunday afternoon and evening for Glenn and Dorothy Jeffery who have moved to Exeter. Barry drove his team of horses and took the company for a wagon ride. Everyone partook of a delicious pot luck supper. Virginia Warwick and Lorne Ballantyne reminisced of old times and Barry Miller presented Glenn and Dorothy with a beautiful mum and a gift certificate at Klomps Nursery. Both Glenn and Dorothy replied. There were 35 people in attendance. 519-236-4979 Hwy #84 between Hensall & Zurich Open: Thurs. to Sat. 9 am -5 pm Bill & Rosemary Ferguson acs Ikon the tiEEK FERGUSON APIARIES VISIT OUR RETAIL STORE FOR GREAT GIFTWARE. See our new selection of: Teapots • Cream & Sugar Sets • Tea Cups • Mugs • Notecards • Stationery • Notebooks • Greeting Cards. Gift Baskets • Giftsets Don't miss our homemade soaps, candles, lip balm & skin food Half pig Side of beef Hind Quarter Front Quarter Lean Ground Beef Pork Butt Chops Oktoberfest Sausage $1.09 lb $2.09 Ib $2.69 Ib $ I.59 Ib $2.19 Ib $1.49 lb ..$2.99 Ib fully processed (curing not included) fully processed fully processed fully processed POLICE BRIEFS Engine stolen in Lucan LUCAN — On Sept. 18 an engine was being repaired in a Lucan garage. The culprits entered the garage and stole the engine. College break-in HURON PARK — Between Sept. 27 at 2 p.m. and Sept. 28 in the afternoon, unknown vandals entered the former Centralia College building at Huron Park. The building has been vacant for several years. On this occasion the suspects entered the premises and caused significant damage throughout. Tatil$ WHY FERTILIZE YOUR LAWN THIS FALL? A lawn should be fertilized in the spring, summer and fall, but the fall is probably the most important time to fertilize lawn grasses. Fall fertilizing stimulates a lawn to become thick and strong rather than increasing the top growth. In the fall, grass plants utilize fertilizer to manufacture food while, due to the cool temperatures, other plant processes are slowed down. Some fertilizer is stored in the plant tissues to produce a dense, green lawn early in the spring. A fall fertilizer supplies a homeowner with more value for the money spent. More nutrients are used in the direct maintenance of lawn density and its green colour. 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