HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2007-08-29, Page 31Wednesday, August 29, 2007 TIMES -ADVOCATE 31 CLASSIFTF CI,ASSIFIFT CLASSIFIES`"' Rewear brings community partnership to Exeter Exeter lawn bowling scores Aug. 21 Fran Mickle Jerry Deboer Har Brintnell Marg Deichert Barb Truchon Marshall Dearing Mary De Boer Kathryn Triebner Marg Consitt Bob Russell John Batten Jim Chapman Russell Snider W1T33 1W23 2W21 1W16 1W16 1W14 1W11 1W11 1W10 1W10 1T10 1T10 1T10 Aug. 23 Bob Thompson Barb Truchon Har Brintnell Jeff Mason Jerry Walker Russell Snider Ray Consitt Brenda Marshall Fran Mickle Eudora Caldwell Gus Gregus Aug. 25 Jerry De Boer Barb Truchon 2W29 2W27 2W24 1W17 1W16 1W15 1W13 1W13 1W13 1W12 1W11 1W15 1W15 Gun Club The following are the results of the 30th Annual Kyle - Cooper Memorial shoot on Sun., Aug. 26. The program consisted of 100 singles tar- gets and included A,B,C and D categories as well as Ladies, Sub Jr. and Junior classes; "A" Class - Jamie Caldwell 100; "B" Class - Jim Pollock 94; "C" Class - Buck Searson 85; "D" Class - Doug Work 66; Veterans Chuck Krieger 98; Lady - Brittany Caldwell 94; Junior - Runner up Garrett Alexander 72; Sub Junior - Kyle Mann 80; Sub Junior - Jake Caldwell 79; Runner up. By Nina Van Lieshout TIMES -ADVOCATE STAFF EXETER -When open- ing Jannet Lynns Rewear on the Main Street of Exeter, owner and Exeter resident Jannet Lynn Lane thought it would be a great opportunity to partner with the Exeter community. Lane's first business sells second hand design- er clothing donated by the public. Once the item sells, the item donator receives an amount for their item being sold. "Everybody's been com- ing, excited the store is here," says Lane. "We've only been open for about a month and everyday people are buy- ing or bringing stuff in," Lane adds. Lane, who is focusing on designer names, fea- turing Tommy Hilfiger, Old Navy, Liz Claiborne and more, says the cloth- ing she collects should also be in good shape when donated. Lane also sells men's wear, children's wear, jewelry and shoes. A draw is also being held, considered to be another perk. "Every time you make a purchase, you have a chance to win a watch," says Lane. The draw ends at the end of the month, but Lane hopes to periodically have draws for her cus- tomers to show her appreciation. Lane is open during the week from Tuesday to Saturday. Designer clothing - A new store can be found on the Main Street of Exeter, Jannet Lynns Rewear, which sells second hand designer clothing donated by the Exeter and area community.Above owner Jannet Lynn Lane stands in front of her store. Lane says the community has been excited and responsive since she opened last month. (photo/Nina Van Lieshout) 510 Help Wanted 510 Help Wanted 510 Help Wanted GODFATHER PIZZA Exeter 345 Main St. • MANAGE R The management position is a hands-on working position. We are looking for an individual who can work a flexible schedule and is willing to take on the responsibility of management. If you are motivated, energetic and outgoing, we would like to meet you. Please send us your resume Fax resume to 519-641-1276 or E-mail: hr@godfatherspizza.ca Or mail: 585 Springbank Dr. London, ON N6J 1H3 Network Classifieds: Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country! A -Z DRIVERS WANTED Bison Transport requires AZ long haul Drivers. Excellent pay, benefits, regular home time and Safe Driving Reward Program. Visit our website or call today! 1.800.GO.BISON. AUCTIONS UNRESERVED AUCTION: Prime industrial land with exceptional frontage on Alberta's busiest cor- ridor, Hwy. 2, Ponoka, 4 parcels, 45+/- acres, 110,000+/- sf buildings. Ritchie Bros. Edmonton Auction, Sept. 6. 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