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The Times Advocate, 2007-08-22, Page 10
10 Times–Advocate Wednesday, August 22, 2007 Church services start Sun., Sept. 2 By Rhoda Rohde THAMES ROAD CORRESPONDENT THAMES ROAD - Mystery Tour Some 35 ladies attended the Mystery Tour on Wednesday evening. The bus driver was Sharon Campbell. Each lady was given a very colourful Lei as we boarded the bus. We left the church at 5:25 p.m. Carolyn Johns welcomed everyone and read a joke. Virginia Warwick gave us a quiz. We were given a drink and a clue was given to where we were going. We passed through Kirkton, St. Marys, Punkidoodles Corner, Harmony, and Tavistock. We ended up at Puddicombe House Restaurant in New Hamburg for our delicious supper. We then went to Zion United Church where six ladies sang numerous numbers which were out of this world, another lady accompanied them on the piano. After the program Sharon drove the bus to Baden where we saw the Castle Kincade. It was really a pic- turesque building. We arrived back to the church safe and sound. The trip was planned by Virginia Warwick and Carolyn Johns. Thanks very much ladies! Congratulations Belated congratulations to Maggie Miller who graduated from the University of Guelph on June 14. Maggie received her Bachelor of Applied Science Degree majoring in Child, Youth and Family Studies. Maggie will be pursuing a graduate certificate in counselling at the Orillia campus of Georgian College. Belated congratulations to Sarah Miller who graduated from Olds College Alberta on June 16. Sarah received her diploma in Agricultural Business majoring in marketing and sales. Sarah has accepted a posi- tion with Kenpal Farm Products as a marketing and sales assistant. Maggie and Sarah are daughters of Barry and Melonie Miller. There will be a community bridal shower for Lori Over their head — Karen and Ben Geiger, along with their children Kaylee and Evan, have raised a sun- flower 10 feet high this summer on their farm on Parr Line. (photo/Pat Bolen) SAVE OVER ' 2.00 Propane Cylinder REFILL SPECIAL MAY 12 - OCT. 6 BRING YOUR BAR -B -Q CYLINDER TO THE EXETER CO-OP GAS BAR ON SATURDAYS BETWEEN 9 A.M. AND 1 P.M. AND 'TOP IT UP' for ONLY 91.95 TAX INCLUDED (REGULAR VALUE $14.00) SAVE OVER $2.00 Richardson, bride elect of September. The shower is on Thurs., Aug. 23 at 8 p.m. in the church basement. Everyone is wel- come. Happy Birthday to Kathy Bray on Aug. 24; Karen Geiger on Aug. 26; Doris Elford on Aug. 26; Kay Hodgert, Ava (Elford) Murray, Alice Cann, Isabel Thomson, Steve Thomson, Laura and Melissa Thomson all on Aug. 27; Rhoda Rohde on Aug. 28 and Margaret Miller on Aug. 29. Church Services Church services will commence on Sun., Sept. 2 in the church base- ment. Communion will be served. F(oor sFi st Innovative Flooring * Armstrong Vinyl * Ceramics * Pergo * Carpet * Hardwood * Area Carpets PROFESSIONAL INSTALLATIONS 519-235-4401 457 MAIN ST. S. EXETER www,floorsfirst,com/innovativeflooring PARA of Lame quantity of N I s."in stock" Wallpaper, also 300 sample books to choose from Paint - Sundries - Giftware Exeter Decor Centre 15 GIDLEY ST. EXETER 519-235-1010 BEHIND BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA) $(0 -sr-- MUNICIPALITY OF BLUEWATER BAYFIELD - HAY - HENSALL - STANLEY - ZURICH 2001 TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE WARD OF ZURICH for the annual BEAN FESTIVAL Aug. 25 from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. County Road 84 between Goshen Street and John Street N. John Graham Roads and Property Manager 519-494-4492 6EO410i TECK Heating & Cooling Limited Gas Furnaces • Fireplaces • BBQ Plumbing • Electrical • Hot Tubs Geothermal Heating & Cooling Hwy 21 & 84, St. Joseph•519-236-4770 Suncoast Mall, Goderich•519-524-4199 1-888-GEO-TECK(436-8325) www.geo-teck.com THE HOME OF THE WEEK HOME IMPROVEMENT SPECIALISTS 7 • =411Ltilrr-. I 1 ll 1 I 11911—d i .n 4F 1 11 HIV .,'. , I 1 1 111111111 p!lb 7..2111411 THIS DESIGN INCLUDES NM UNFINISHED BASEMENT SECOND FLOOR PLAN 10011$4 FT. 403-5 Mt] AL•_ RENDERINIGS x+ COATE GMT JENISH NEESE DESIGN LIMITED MAIN FLOOR PLAN 1110 SG- FT- 011.1 M') Sl-B.CEIL•NG HEIGHT JENISH HOUSE DESIGN LIMITED WIDTH -e1• -e- i15.&111 DEPTH - ee'- 0" 120110 £ PLAN NO. 7-3-948 TOTAI. 2998 5R FT. {]75.5 rPl, TWO STOREY OME PLAN OF THE WEEK Plan Number 7-3-948 GRACIOUS TWO-STOREY This gracious, capacious three-bedroom home features a wide covered porch emarcated by wooden railings and stone -based pilasters, bringing to mind old-fashioned summers, with home-made lemonade and comfy wicker wing -chairs. The front door, bordered by sidelights, leads into a double -height foyer. Wooden posts frame an archway to the right, leading to the formal living room, and one to he left, leading to the dining room. Half -walls allow views into both rooms from the foyer. Opposite the U-shaped staircase leading to the upper floor is a coat upboard, with a powder room just behind it. To the left is the great room complex, where a fireplace is flanked by entertainment units. Separated from the .pacious kitchen only by an island with a raised eating bar, the great room and kitchen form a splendid space that will be ideal for entertaining on a grand scale, is well as for intimate family gatherings. The kitchen features an L-shaped counter configuration, and a roomy walk-in pantry will provide plenty of storage space. small section of counter space could be the perfect spot for a telephone, fax and computer. Both the kitchen and great room enjoy access to a large covered eck that overlooks the back garden. On the other side of the house, the master suite boasts its own fireplace, as well as a dramatic double -height ceiling. pposite the roomy walk-in closet is the en suite, with a double basin. As well as a tile -surrounded soaker tub, near a window overlooking the back garden, there 's a corner shower. The powder room nearby will provide more facilities and ease the moming rush-hour. In the laundry room a counter offers space for folding lothes and linens. The doorway opens on to a small corridor with another coat cupboard, a great place to keep the family's outerwear and sports gear. This orddor leads to the double garage, where there's enough room for a small workshop. Upstairs are the children's bedrooms, well -separated from the master suite n the main floor. Bedroom No. 2 is especially large, while the third and fourth bedrooms occupy the ront gables, and boast windows with extra -wide sills, perfect for curling up with a good book. These o bedrooms are separated by an opening to the foyer below, with a window. The three rooms share 1 bathroom with a double sink. Exterior finishes include decorative wood pilasters that frame the able windows, stone accents, wood shingles and stucco walls. This home measures 61 feet wide and 6 feet deep, for a total of 2,998 square feet Plans for design 7-3-948 are available for $742 (set of .), $838 (set of 8) and $899 for a super set of 10. B.C. residents add 7% Prov. Sales Tax. Also add „25.00 Priority Post charge within B.C. or $45.00 outside of B.C. Please add 6% G.S.T. or 14% H.S.T. where applicable) to both the plan price and Priority charges. Our 39th Edition of the Home Plan atalogue containing over 300 plans is available for $13.50 (includes taxes, postage and handling). ake all cheques and money orders payable to "Horne Plan of the Week" and mail to: HOME PLAN OF THE WEEK c/o Exeter Times Advocate, Unit 7,15243 91 Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3R 8P8 OR SEE OUR EB PAGE ORDER FORM ON: www.jenish.com AND E-MAIL YOUR ORDER TO: homeplans@ jenish.com MIVORUCTVIV `STAMPCRETE DECORATIVE CONCRETE" • Installation • Cement Finishing • Patios • Sidewalks • Driveways • Pools FREE ESTIMATES MOBILE 519-521-3271 MoFFFA &PowEL1 LUMBER STORE "YOU CAN SHOP WHERE THE BUILDERS BUY" MITCHELL - #8 Highway CALL WAYNE PEARCE 519-348-8437.1-800-663-6977 MoN.-FRI. 7:30-5:30 SATURDAY 8-5 P.M. HURON CONTRACTORS INC. DESIGN & BUILD 1, , 280 Thames Rd. W. P.O. 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DOORS Sales • Service • Installation .. ©WEN. www. bl uewaterwindows.ca e-mail: sales@bluewaterwindows.ca 394 HURON RD. GODERICH, ON PHONE 519-524-1520 • FAX 519-524-9705 RON/A c ±env Hwy. 84, ZURICH Tel: 519-236-4393 265 Main St. N. EXETER Tel: 519-235-2081 Your Pro ect Partner... • Pa'nts • Cedar Lumber • Lumber • Patio Stones • Hardware • Decks • Fences \ • Kitchen Cabinets • Bath Fixtures