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Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Zurich Fair's volunteer appreciation dinner Thursday
By Carmel Sweeney
ZURICH - Jerome and Carmel
Sweeney spent a great week-
end in Toronto from Aug. 10 -
12, travelling by train to visit
with our daughter Meagan.
While there we went to many
places such as Greek Town and
China Town, getting around the
city by taxi, subway and street
cars. We also enjoyed a boat
cruise around Centre Island in
Meagan returned back to
Zurich with us Sunday night for
a week's vacation to visit her
sister's families and friends in
the area.
Congratulations to Rachelle
Beauchamp and Sam Hill who
were married on Sat., Aug. 11
in Zurich with everything held
at the Bluewater Complex.
The bride is the daughter of
Doan and Elaine Beauchamp.
On returning from their honey-
moon, the couple will reside in
Congratulations to Charlie
Rau and Alicia Laye who were
married on Aug. 11 with a love-
ly out -door wedding and recep-
tion. The groom is the son of
Dennis Rau and Susan Rau.
The couple live in Hensall.
Aron Nonkes and Stephanie
Johnston were married on Aug.
11 with dinner and reception
held at Hessenland Country
Inn. The bride is the daughter
of John and Sharon Munn of
RR #2 Hensall.
Congratulations go out to Ron
and Marilyn Heimrich of Zurich
on the occasion of their 50th
Anniversary on Aug. 10. An
open -house was held in their
honor on Saturday at St. Peter's
Lutheran Church with several
family members, relatives and
friends attending from various
Annual Fish Fry
Tickets are still available for
the Annual Fish Fry to be held
in Hensall this Sat., Aug. 18 at
the community Centre from 5 -
7 p.m. Cost $12 per person
with proceeds going to Habitat
for Humanity.
Call Arlene Seyler in Zurich at
236-4955 as soon as possible.
A lovely bridal shower was
held for Jen Mittelholtz on
Sunday at the home of Patty
Groot RR#1 Zurich given by
Cassie and friends.
Jen is the daughter of Ken
and Sylvia Mittleholtz and
fiance of Trevor Skinner.
Hilda and Ted Lansbergen of
Zurich are happy to announce
the arrival of their second
grandchild little Delaney
Venneata Richards was born
on Aug. 4 to proud parents
Kelly and Horace.
The Zurich and Area
Bluewater Skating Club will be
having registration at the com-
plex on Tues., Aug. 21 from
6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Tues., Sept.
4 from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Sat.,
Sept. 22 from 10 a.m. to 12
For more information call
Kathy Steckle at 236-4080.
On Sat., Aug. 4 several
Dashwood families celebrated
Friedsburg Day together and
had fun doing various things
with the children. They had a
parade around town with their
original float and a street dance
with Hook's Party Sound.
Bean Sprouts Nursery School
registration will be on Thurs.,
Aug. 30 at the Hay Township
hall in Zurich from 7 p.m. to 8
p.m. Call Kim Geoffrey for
more information at 236-9957.
The annual Breakfast in the
park at St. Joseph's was held
last Sat., Aug. 11 sponsored by
the Historical society to pro-
mote and protect their her-
Help Stir the Beans!
Don't forget to come down to
the Bean Festival Kitchen the
week of Sun., Aug. 19 until the
big day on Sat., Aug. 25 as
there will be all kinds of jobs to
do. Cooking and stirring beans
every night will start around
6:30 p.m. out front of the bean
kitchen. Everyone is welcome
to help out in any way - men,
women and youth.
Belated Happy Birthday wish-
es go out to Bill Watson who
turned 96 years old on Aug. 3.
St. Boniface C.W.L.
St. Boniface C.W.L. Quilt tick-
ets and money can soon be
returned to the drum at the
back of the church for the Bean
Festival draw.
Tickets and money can also
be returned to Julie Becker.
Quilt tickets and money from
the Ladies Auxiliary of the
Bluewater Rest Home can be
given to Hilda Lansbergen as
soon as possible. Our booth
this year will be beside the
hardware store.
Travelling to the far north to
Yellowknife, N.W.T., from July
28 - Aug. 4 were Valerie and
John VanOosterhout and
Ursula Regier to visit Val and
John's son Tyler and Corrine.
Tyler is a pilot in Yellowknife.
The trip was awesome along
with beautiful weather, a trip
they shall never forget.
Lewis and Marlene Gingerich
returned from a six week vaca-
tion to Torrence California vis-
iting with David and Richelle
Gingerich and granddaughter
Abigail. While there they went
to the museum of the American
Indian, the Gene Autry National
Centre, Ocean Trails and the
Donald Trump Centre. They
visited with cousins Andy and
Ruth Imanse and Jeff and
Shirley Stickney.
Zurich Fair Results
"Elementary School Dept.
Zurich Lions Club Special" for
most points in school Dept.
which includes flowers, vegeta-
bles, crafts and exhibits com-
pleted at school: Sarah
Hendriks, 77 pts., Heather
Hendriks, 53 pts., Colin
52 pts.,
Neeb, 45
pts •
McBride, 40 pts., Branden
Neeb, 38 pts., Kara McBride,
32 pts.
"Zurich Agricultural Society
Special" to the student who
wins the most points in each
grade for classes C to J - the
school subjects: J.K. - Jacob
Gingerich, 9 pts., S.K. - James
Cuipak, 11 pts., Grade 1 -
Logan Brand, 19 pts., Grade 2 -
Jenna Schade and McKenna
Clendenning, 7 pts. (tie), Grade
3 - Aerin Martin - 12 pts.,
Grade 4 - Sydney Groot, 9 pts.,
Grade 5 - Autstin Armstrong, 5
pts., Grade 6 - Andrea Beeler,
10 pts., Grade 7 - Kayla
Wondergem, 15 pts., Grade 8 -
Alexandra Jones, 17 pts.
The winners of the "A.B.
Printing Special" for a hand-
made poster to promote the
Zurich Fair: Grades 5 & 6 -
Nicole Dunn, Zurich Public
School; Grades 7 to 12 - Megan
O'Brien, Zurich Public School.
These winning posters will be
entered in the Ontario
Association of Agricultural
Societies District 8 competition
in October.
Volunteer Appreciation
The directors of the Zurich
Agricultural Society invite all
volunteers of the 2007 Zurich
Fair to a volunteer supper at
the Hay Township Hall on
Thurs., Aug. 16 at 6:30 p.m.
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HENSALL — There were a few worrisome moments
about the weather when we set out for the St. Jacobs
Market on Thursday but after just a sprinkle of rain
when we arrived, the day was beautiful. Every resident
had a volunteer or family member with them as they
chose their lunch location from the many vendors avail-
able. Following lunch they could wander through the
indoor markets or spend time in the fresh air absorbing
the sights, sounds and scents of the numerous outdoor
vendors. It was an exhausted group that met back at the
bus for the return home.
Queensway Volunteer Auxiliary met Tuesday morning
and finalized plans for the St. Jacobs trip along with
organizing and offering their assistance for numerous
upcoming programs. In the afternoon Pastor Les Hills
led worship with Belva Fuss as volunteer organist.
Volunteer Kay Mock was in to assist with ushering and
Wednesday morning residents benefited from their
thrice weekly exercise session outdoors on the deck, fol-
lowed by quizzes and games. In the afternoon Donna
Smale was in to assist with Euchre.
Lisa Stewart, Registered Music Therapist was in Friday
Male performs
inappropriate act
OPP are investigating an incident
Aug. 3 at Pinery Provincial Park. It is
alleged that a camper was taking his
young daughter to the public wash-
room at Riverside Campground. At
that time, he observed a male per-
son standing not far from the wash-
room exposing himself and perform-
ing an inappropriate act. OPP and
park staff were notified and attended
the area to search for the suspect.
They were unable to locate him. The
suspect is described as being a white
male, six feet tall, 225 pounds, with
short dark hair and clean shaven.
He was last seen wearing a blue
bathing suit with longer pant legs,
no shirt and riding away on a
mountain bike. The investigation is
to preside over the Chime Choir, our newest program. It
was nothing short of amazing to hear the residents
chiming recognizable tunes by the end of our 40 minutes
together. The Chime Choir will meet and practice the
first and third Fridays of each month at 10:30 a.m.
Sunday afternoon Sharon and residents hosted a tea
party. This once a month Sunday afternoon program is
an enjoyable one for residents as their tea, coffee and
special treats are served on the good China while they
welcome their family members and friends to join them.
Coming events
Thurs., Aug. 16 at 5 p.m. Eric Kints and Marlene
Mathers entertain at the NH outdoor BBQ.
Fri., Aug. 17 at 7 p.m. Friendship
Friday with Gladys Van Egmond.
Thurs., Aug. 23 6 p.m. Senior Diners
7 p.m. Birthday Party with Marie
Flynn and The Huron Strings.
Sun., Aug. 26 2 p.m. Gospel Music
with Bob Heywood.
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