HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2007-07-11, Page 2424 TIMES—ADVOCATE Wednesday, July 11, 2007 Announcements/Community BENEFIT DANCE FOR Bill and Eedy Graham (house fire) Friday, July 13, 2007 at the Centralia Ball Park Roast Beef or Sausage on a bun BBQ includes salads & dessert $10/person, $5 children 5-10, kids under 5 free • Door prizes • Cash Bar Tickets available at Centralia Variety, Gloria 228-6609, Rose 234-6421 Happy 1 st Birthday Y;SOPHIE DOW it. (JULY 11TH) • ore and Jlugs from your Mommy and Daddy, Grand- parents, mounts and (Uncles DROUILLARD / BARTY Candy Drouillard and Edward Barty along with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Brian Mayer, Mr. Robert Drouillard and Mr. and Mrs. David Barty are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage to take place at a private ceremony in Exeter on July 21, 2007 at 6 p.m. Open reception to follow in Exeter at the Exeter Legion. 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Graduate - Congratulations Kevin Dickins on receiving your BA in Sociology from the University of Windsor on June 13. We are all so proud of you! Love Mom and Family Graduate - David and Tracey Regier wish to congratulate their son Ricky on graduating from the 2 -year Recreation and Leisure Program at Niagara College. He will be attending Brock Univer- sity in September. We are so proud of you! COMING EVENTS... COMING EVENTS... COMING EVENTS... ABCA - NATURE DAY CAMPS - for children aged 5-10 on July 17, July 31, August 14 and August 28 from 9am-4pm. Camps will be held at the Morrison Dam Conservation Area and activities will include nature art, hiking, eco -games and more. Cost $35/day; Discount available for multi -day registrants. 519-235-2610, dbie- ga@abca.on.ca (27;28) BELONGERS SUMMER EVENTS! - July 21, llam-2pm M&M Fundraiser BBQ for Belongers ***Sundays, 9:30am: Weekly Gathering - Special Guest speakers and Joel Osteen LIVE on cinema screen. COME AS YOU ARE and stay for lunch! (Check schedule on web calender) ***Friday Nite Movies: July 13 Firehouse Dog/ July 27 The Last Mimzy/ August 10 Spiderman 3/ August 13 Miss Potter.***365 Youth, Ages 13-18 - Thursdays, 7pm - Friends, fun and faith - come and live life out loud!! Visit 365.belongers.ca ***Youth Leadership Training: Ages 12- 16 : GIRLS Aug. 13-17, 9am- 12pm BOYS Aug. 27-31, 9am- 12pm: Limited availability - max class of 20. $50/youth cov- ers our special speakers, activi- ties and expenses. Daily ses- sions will emphasize taking the lead by being an example that others will follow. If you wish to register yourself (12-16), or your son(s)/daughter(s), please email us and send a cheque payable to Belongers indicating for (Boys) or (Girls) LEADER- SHIP TRAINING, Belongers - a place where YOU belong! www.belongers.ca 519-913- 1256. (28-30*) CREDITON VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL - presents "Walk thru the Bible". Monday, July 16 - Friday, July 20. 9am- 12pm. Zion United Church, Crediton. Cost $10 per child to a maximum of $25 per family. To register call Vicki Gower at 519-235-0419. (28) GRAND BEND OUTREACH SERVICE - will be conducted by Exeter Christian Reform Church on Sunday, July 15th at Grand Bend United Church. Special music by Jeremy Jonejan at 5:30 pm. Service starts at 6 pm. (28) HURON COUNTY FOR CHILDREN OF CHERNOBYL - will celebrate "A Decade of Caring" Sat. July 14, 2007 from 5 - 11 p.m. at Hensall Arena Auditorium. Pork BBQ and Family Dance. Entertainer Crystal Gage. Silent Auction. Tickets $50 a family or $15 a person. Call Dianne 519-235- 1902 for tickets. (26-28*) r Happy iith Birthday JASON! LOVE AND BEST WISHES FROM YOUR L FAMILY Happy Sweet 16 CARRIE POWE! Love, (grandpa, 11 Linc(sa J,11 Morgan and Candace ART SHOW & SALE - hen- sall.by.design Hensall United Church. July 14, 15, 16, 20 l0am-4pm. July 17,18,19, 2pm- 9pm. July 16 - Seniors Day. (27- 29) BOOK SALE AT EXETER LIBRARY - July 16-21 during library hours. Bargains galore! (27-29*) VIDEO "THE END OF THE SPEAR" - to be shown Friday, July 20th, 7 pm. at Emmanuel Baptist Church, London & Kirkton Rd., 1 1/4 m. south of Exeter. Free admission. (28;29) Celebrating! Ps.127:3 "ALL Children are a gift from God" Graduate - It's with joy in the Lord that Gary and Rue Brenner, and Micah and Jeremiah announce the graduation of their daughter/sister, Anna Rebecca, from St. Anne's Catholic Secondary School. Anna was named Valedictorian of the class of 2007, was the recipient of Proficiency Awards in Canadian and International Law, English - The Writer's Craft and Recreation and Fitness Leadership. In addition, she received the Goderich Pro -Life Scholarship Award and the McTavish Scholarship Award of Merit. In addi- tion to being named Ontario Scholar, Anna was blessed to receive the Governor General's Academic Medal. Anna will be attending King's University college at the University of Western Ontario, in the pursuit of a degree in Social Justice and Peace Studies. (JER.1: 7... "Do NOT SAY, `I AM TOO YOUNG', FOR YOU MUST GO WHEREV- ER I SEND YOU AND SAY WHATEVER I TELL YOU.Y9 Graduate - Gary and Rue Brenner, along with Micah and Anna, praise God in announcing the grad- uation of their son/brother, Jeremiah Benjamin, from the University of Waterloo. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Honours Sociology and Arts and Business. Jeremiah is currently employed at the corporate offices of Rogers Communication in Kitchener, ON. We are blessed to give him congratulations and thank God for the truth in his Word. (IsAIAH 54:7... "YOUR CHILDREN WILL BE TAUGHT OF THE LORD, AND GREAT WILL BE THE WELL BEING OF YOUR CHILDREN") Graduate - Gary and Rue Brenner, along with Anna and Jeremiah are grateful to God to take this opportunity to acknowledge their son/ brother, Micah Aaron, who is currently attending Fanshawe college. Micah is a gift- ed and proven photog- rapher, who has been an award-winning recipient for his inspir- ing photographs. He is also a gifted writer and an aspiring musician, having written and recorded his original music, with more to come! God has richly blessed Micah with many artistic gifts and insights and we are honoured to be his family. (JER.29:11... "I KNOW THE PLANS I HAVE FOR YOU, SAYS THE LORD. THEY ARE PLANS FOR GOOD AND NOT FOR DISASTER, TO GIVE YOU A FUTURE AND A HOPE.') The Village of Hensall is proud 3uried to present our fourth annual ....i hensal I.bydesign Spotlit Creative ISH�V July 14 thru 20, 2007 anti GALE HENSALL UNITED CHURCH More than 50 artists exhibiting paintings, sculpture, photography/digital, fabric Admission $5.00 MONDAY IS SENIORS' DAY Admission $2.50 Enjoy a tasty treat in our TEA ROOM SHOW HOURS Saturday - Monday 10 am - 4 pm Tuesday - Thursday 2 pm - 9 pm Friday 10 am - 4 pm Contact: ANN BAYLEY 519-262-3500 ann@iceculture.com