HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2006-04-26, Page 3130 Exeter Times -Advocate Wednesday, April 26, 2006 CLASSIFIET' CLASSIFIEr CLASSIFIEn 17 Wanted to Buy WOODEN OUTDOOR SWING SET/PLAY CENTRE - with slide. In good condition. We will remove. Please call 262-2707. (17;18*) TWO LADIES AND A TRUCK - Cash paid for antiques, primitive pine; cup- boards, tables, estates, old lighting, etc. Fair and honest. Call 433-4440 or 227-1886. (15-17*) 18 Wanted GOT AN OLD COIN COL- LECTION? - Turn it into $$$! Local collector buying pre - 1967 Canadian and US coin and paper currency. I come to you; top dollar paid on the spot. 519-284-1134. (16-21x) 19 Property For Sale BUY DIRECT AND SAVE $8,000 TO $10,000 - in real estate fees! Homes for sale - existing and build to suit. Also, building lots for sale starting at $50,000. Call 235- 4726. (43tfn) HOUSE FOR SALE BY OWNER - 4 level back split, 3 plus 1 bedroom with double attached garage. Open concept living/dining/kitchen, 2 bath- rooms, family room with gas fireplace. 2,000 sq. ft. living space, C/A, CN, arrigation & security system. Attached workshop off large back deck, many upgrades. Close to the park on Mill Street in Exeter. For viewing phone 235-4452. (17-20*) © ALL ONTARIO FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS LTD. The Mortgage People 1ST 2ND AND 3RD MORTGAGES ALL TYPES OF PROPERTIES FAST SERVICE - PRIME RATES DIFFICULT MORTGAGES - PRIVATE FUNDS INVESTOR INQUIRIES WELCOME CONTACT FRANK ROWLEY 519-238-5851 - GRAND BEND 1-800-361-5114 - KITCHENER 19 Property for Sale 19 Property for Sale 1/2 ACRE COUNTRY LOT - 100'x200' Bronson Line, south of Dashwood. $34,500. Build this spring. (519)235-3633. (8tfn) 20 Property For Rent 1 BEDROOM APT. - $450/month. Call 235-1286 after 6 pm. (16tfn) 2 BEDROOM APT. - EXETER - ground floor, $475/month. Available June lst/06. First & last month's rent. No laundry facilities. Suitable for older individual or couple. Call 235-1547 prior to 8 pm. (12tfn) Need Mortgage Money? Farm & Residential 1st & 2nd Mortgage $ 3.25% Interest or Less • No upfront fees • Personal loans/mtges. • Consolidate your debts • Problem mtge. specialist ASTRAL FUNDING INC. (519) 364-0450 or 1-800-387-1932 If you qualify, payments: Amt. Approx. Mo. Payment $ 5,000 $13.55 $ 10,000 $27.08 $ 50,000 $135.42 $100,000 $270.83 20 Property for Rent ASHWOOD APTS.1 BED- ROOM - $450, furnished $525. Rent includes water, fridge, stove and parking. Call Marlene Parsons 235-1304. (14tfn) CLEAN ONE BEDROOM - new f & s, laundry facilities, parking, eat -in kitchen, suitable for quiet adult. 235-1497. (49tfn) EXETER - 2 bedroom apart- ment with fridge and stove. 235-0349. (45tfn) EXETER - 2 bedroom apt., first floor, $480/month. Call Ed (days) 1-877-224-7043 or (nights) 1-519-852-8544. (17*) "Your Stuff" Self -Storage 280 THAMES RD. W., EXETER 235-2345 NEED SPACE? WE HAVE IT! Indoor and Outdoor 20 Property for Rent 20 Property for Rent HURON PARK, ONTARIO RESIDENTIAL HOMES FOR RENT 2, 3 & 4 Bedroom Single & Semi -Detached Homes All have front and backyards and a full basement Rent ranging from $394.00 per month and up, plus utilities DEL Management Solutions Inc. Telephone 519-228-6657 EXETER - 2 BEDROOM - luxury apt. $650 per month plus heat and hydro. 235- 4694. (12tfn) EXETER - 2 BEDROOM APT. - $550/month plus utili- ties. 235-4694. (45tfn) EXETER - 2 BEDROOM APT. - Newly renovated. $550 monthly plus utilities. 1st/last, references required. 235-3293. (12tfn) EXETER - DASHWOOD RD. - 2 bedroom ground floor. Non-smoking. $525 a month, first/last, plus heat/hydro. References. 235-1348. (15- 18*) GROUND LEVEL APT. - with yard. Heat, hydro, cable and four appliances included. $700 month. Suitable for a senior or business. Available May 1st. Call Mark 235-1344. (15-17x) HENSALL - 2 BEDROOM APT. - Controlled entrance. Appliances, laundry. 1st 6 months $440/month, after $460/month. lst/last. 262- 3146. (17*) HENSALL, QUEEN MARY APARTMENTS - 2 bedroom available now, $545. Bachelor apartment May 1st, $410, both include water, parking, appli- ances, on site laundry. 262- 3186. (17tfn) HOUSE FOR RENT IN EXETER - 2+1 bedroom. Available May 1. $575 plus utilities. Call 234-6262 or 234-6252. (17tfn) HURON PARK - TAKE OVER LEASE - 2 bedroom house, full basement. $394/month plus utilities. 228- 8011 leave message. (17;18*) LUCAN - 1 bedroom apt., 241 Butler St. All utilities paid. $545/month. 227-1285 or 681- 4827. (14-17*) LUCAN - 1 & 2 BEDROOM APTS. - Available June lst. Central air, laundry, parking. $515 and $565. Call 227- 4766. (17-24*) ZURICH - 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT - with fridge and stove. No pets. Non- smoker. References required. Off street parking. 236-4320. (13-18*) 1 BEDROOM APT. - Fridge & stove included. References, first and last. 235-1950 or 659-9831. (12tfn) 23 Wanted to Rent WANTED - AT LEAST 3 BEDROOM HOME TO RENT - in Exeter or surrounding area. Call 235-4404 leave message. (16;17*) 27 Tenders Wanted POLICE BRIEFS Suspicious fire in Exeter EXETER - Huron OPP were dispatched April 21 to a suspicious garbage fire on James Street just east of Main Street south in Exeter. The South Huron fire department attended and put the fire out without any further damage to the surround- ing property. Window smashed on Roman Line LUCAN BIDDULPH - On April 20 a window was smashed on the Roman Line in Lucan Biddulph. OPP believe it may have been an attempted break and enter. 27 Tenders Wanted MUNICIPALITY OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF SOUTH HURON INVITES QUOTATIONS for the Removal and Replacement of Windows at the Dashwood Community Centre SH-06-D.W.01 To CLOSE Thursday, May 18 at 12:00 NOON The Municipality of South Huron seeks quotations for the removal and replacement of the windows at the Dashwood Community Centre. Documentation will be available for pick up at the South Huron Recreation Centre. Sealed quotations, on the forms provided and clearly marked as to contents, may be mailed or delivered to: South Huron Recreation Centre 94 Victoria Street East EXETER, Ontario NOM 1S1 235-2833 Lowest or any Tender Not Necessarily Accepted Network Classifieds: Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country! For more information contact Your local newspaper COMING EVENTS TOY/TRAIN & DOLL SHOW, May 7 - 10 am - 4 pm, International Centre, 6900 Airport Road, Mississ- auga. Hundreds of Antique / Collectable Toys. Free identification clinic. 12-2 pm. Bring the whole family! WWW.ANTIQUETOYS.CA 905-945-2775 IUTOMOTIVE� MOTOR VEHICLE dealers in Ontario MUST be registered with OMVIC. To verify dealer registration or seek help with a complaint, visit www.omvic.on.ca or 1-800-943-6002. If you're buying a vehicle privately, don't become a curbsider's victim. Curbsiders are imposters who pose as private individ- uals, but are actually in the business of selling stolen or dam- aged vehicles. EXCITING MOBILE TOOL FRANCHISE - Complete Business System: Premium Quality Products, Financing pro- grams, Training & Support Programs. No franchise fees or royalties. Call Matco Tools Toll -Free 1-888-696-2826. www.matcotools.com MAKE BIG DOLLARS from your back deck. Absolutely the most profitable home biz. Training provided. Call now 1-800- 637-1893 www.extreme-success.net MAKE FAST CASH. Driveway Sealing Systems, Line Painters, Hot Pour Crack Machines, Blowers, Edgers, Asphalt Preservative Products. Call Toll-free 1-800-465-0024 Pro-Tect Asphalt Ltd. Visit: www.protectasphalt.com OWN YOUR OWN STORE - Country Depot, TrueValue Hardware, V&S Department Stores - New & existing loca- tions. No Franchise Fee - Eam Dividends. Call TruSery Canada TODAY -1-800-665-5085 www.truserv.ca MARITIME DRILLING SCHOOLS entry-level training for land and offshore oilrigs. Excellent wages, benefits and opportuni- ties to travel the world. May 22 - June 10, 2006 & June 19 - July 8, 2006. Information contact: 1-866-807-3960, www.mdslimited.ca. START YOUR ONLINE Medical Transcription training today! Certificate program endorsed by employers. At-home and on-site job placement assistance. Contact CanScribe Career Centre. 1-800-466-1535, www.canscribe.com, info@canscribe.com. EMPLOYMENT OPPS. NEED A home phone? Reduced! Monthly service only $39.95 and low connection fee! Cheapest rates around! Call Phone Factory Reconnect 1-877-336-2274; www.phonefactory.ca PHONE DISCONNECTED? Super Special: only $13. for first month plus hook up. Everyone welcome. Guaranteed approval. Free long distance package. Call Easy Reconnect now 1-877-446-5877. RUSKIN CONSTRUCTION LTD. Pile driving and bridge construction; www.ruskinconstruction.com currently looking in Alberta and BC for Project Managers, welders, crane and equipment operators, bridgemen, pile drivers, heavy duty equipment mechanics, riggers and safety officers. Permanent and seasonal work. Competitive wages $20. - $35. Fax resume 780-538-3350. Email eoracheski@ruskinconstruction.com. ANCIAL SERVICES DEBT STRESS? Consolidate & lower payments by 30- 40%. End those phone calls & the worry. Avoid bankruptcy. Contact us for a No -Cost Consultation, Online: www.mydebtsolution.com or Toll -Free 1-877-556-3500 ONALS� CRIMINAL RECORD? Get yours cleared. For travel to U.S.A., career advancement and your peace of mind. Free Assessments. Call Jennifer at the National Pardon Centre toll free 1-866-242-2411; www.nationalpardon.org. CRIMINAL RECORD? Seal it with a PARDON! Need to enter the U.S.? Get a 5 year WAIVER! Call for a free brochure. Toll-free 1 -888 -9 -PARDON or 905-459-9669. STOP SMOKING AND WEIGHT CONTROL - One treat- ment, Safe, Drug Free, Painless. LazerAid by Anne Finlay. For more information CALL TODAY Toll -Free 1-877-262- 7768 or 519-364-0466 OUTDOOR RECREATIO SKYDIVE ADVENTURE - Thrilling first jump outings with friends and family. Jump the same day. Register now for spring discounts. Skydive Toronto Inc. 800-668-5867, www.skydivetoronto.com 1 DISCONNECTED TELEPHONE? RECONNECT NOW! National Teleconnect has the best available rates. No customer refused. Free long distance when activated. Call National Teleconnect at 1-866-443-4408 A FREE TELEPHONE SERVICE - Get your first month free. No Credit, Bad Credit, No Problem! Call Freedom Phone Lines Today Toll -Free 1-866-884-7464 A NEW PC ONLY 99 cents/day! & EVERYONE'S APPROVED!* Get a fully loaded MDG Computer with an Intel P4 3Ghz from 99 cents/day. Includes everything you need: 512MB RAM, 17" LCD flat panel, Windows XP and a FREE* Printer/Scanner/Copier for first 500 callers (*Call for conditions) 1-800-236-2504. AWESOME! BAD CREDIT ACCEPTED! New Brand - Name Computer. FREE photo printer & 5mp digital cam- era (while supplies last)! No Money Down! Fast Delivery! Call Now! 1-866-259-1171. www.brandsnow.com CEDAR, SPRUCE, PINE & TAMARACK seedlings for sale! Free Catalogues! Call Forest 1-866-640-8733. www.forestcare.com CHEAP Phone Reconnection. Free voicemail. No refusals, no credit check. Tembo Telecom toll free 1-877- 468-3626. Sign-up online and save $20.; www.tembo.ca. NEED A PHONE? Been DISCONNECTED? Get your con- nection, first 30 days and one feature for only $80. We have LONG DISTANCE too. Call 1-866-392-5066 or visit www.telereconnect.com SAWMILLS from only $3,495.00 - Convert your LOGS TO VALUABLE LUMBER with your own Norwood portable band sawmill. Log skidders also available. www.norwoodindustries.com - FREE Information: 1-800- 566-6899 Ext:4000T CANADA'S TOP DIRECT SALES TEAM needs consult- ants in your area. Earn a great income and free vacations. Call 1-866-597-1507 or email cperlock@golden.net for free catalogues and information. A -Z DRIVERS WANTED Are You A Skilled, Concientious Team interested in running west or a single driver looking for local work? WE OFFER: Top team km rates per stop; border crossing and waiting time pay, excellent hourly rate for singles, well-maintained trucks, paid benefits. We Require: AZ License, Clean driver's abstract; criminal search or FAST card, Minimum 1 year's driving experience. Contact: Human Resources, Partner Dedicated Services, 1459 Sise Rd., London, Ontario, N6N 1E1, Fax: 519-680-1120, e-mail: DriverResumes@pollockadvantage.com MORTGAGES A BELOW BANK RATE, 1st and 2nd Mortgages, 95% to 100% Financing, Debt Consolidation, No Income Verification Plans, Residential, Commercial, Industrial. CALL TODAY 1- 800-225-1777, www.homeguardfunding.com LARGE FUND -Borrowers Wanted. Start saving hundreds of dollars today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don't rely on credit, age or income. CALL ANYTIME 1-800-814-2578 or 905-361-1153. Apply online at www.capita!direct.ca $$ MONEY $$ 1st, 2nd & 3rd Mortgages / Loans up to 100% for any purpose. Debt Consolidations. Bad Credit OK. Call Ontario -Wide Financial Corp. Ltd. 1-866-777-6384. MORTGAGES - FREE INFORMATION - INSTANT PRE - APPROVALS BY PHONE FOR ALL PROPERTY TYPES. Bank tumdowns OK, Bankruptcies OK, No/Low Income OK. 1st, 2nd, 3rd Mortgages, Construction/Renovations, Debt Consolidations, Purchases, Refinancing. Easy Low Monthly Payments. Good/Bad Credit. If you have sufficient "Equity" ... YOU'RE APPROVED!! Servicing Ontario for over 20 years. CALL Toll -Free: 1-866-996-8226 - Seven Days a Week "Anytime." New Haven Mortgage Corporation. SINKING IN DEBT? 1st, 2nd & 3rd Mortgages. If you have Bruised Credit - Bank Tumdowns - Debt Consolidation - Refinancing - Self Employed - Power of Sale - Past Bankrupt. We can lend a Hand. www.canadalend.com Toll-free 1 (866) i CAN LEND (1-866-422-6536) CALL NOW! 'AY TELEPHONE SERVICES CANADA'S TOP PSYCHICS...Are You Ready to Believe in Psychics Again? Call Now, You Won't Be Disappointed! 1- 900-451-7070. $2.95/min. 18+ SERVICE, CRIMINAL RECORDS REMOVAL. We guarantee. Free Assessments. U.S. waivers. Peace of mind, keeping a job, bondability, travel to U.S., custody of children. Apply in 60 seconds, 1-800-298-5520; www.canadianpardons.ca STEEL BUILDINGS BUILDING SALE! - "PLUS FREE BONUS!" 20x32 Now $4100. 25x42 $6200. 30x52 $9800. 40x82 $18,400. Extensive range of sizes and models. Ends/accessories optional. Pioneer 1-800-668-5422 FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS Durable, Dependable, Pre- engineered, All -Steel Structures. Custom-made to suit your needs and requirements. Factory -Direct affordable prices. Call 1-800-668-8653 ext. 536 for free brochure. HEAVY INDUSTRIAL Solid !beam Steel Buildings for sale with Canada Stamped Drawings. Clearance models avail- able for balance owed, 60x100, 70x150, 90x180, others available. Call 1-800-259-5946 VACATION/TRAVEL -1111 RIVERBOAT CRUISING - St. Lawrence River. The hassle free way to travel. Unpack once, relax & enjoy. Included: Shore excursions, great meals & nightly entertainment. 3, 5 & 6 nights. Private Staterooms. From $969. DIAL -A -BROCHURE 1 (800) 267-7868. www.stlawrencecruiselines.com TIMESHARE RESALES -- 60-80% off Retail! Best Resorts and Seasons! Call for FREE Customized Magazine! 1-800- 496-5964. Browse online for over 400 worldwide properties www.holidaygroup.com/ocn TIMESHARE RESALES - Sell -Buy -Rent -Exchange. World's largest timeshare resale broker. Stroman Realty - since 1979. World-wide selection of resort properties. Call today toll-free 1-800-201-0864. WANTED: OLD TUBE AUDIO EQUIPMENT. 40 years or older. Amplifiers, Stereo, Recording and Theatre Sound Equipment. Hammond organs. Any condition, no floor model consoles. Call Toll -Free 1-800-947-0393 / 519-853- 2157 • It's Affordable • It's Fast • It's Easy • It's Effective • One Bill Does It All • Northern Ontario $82 • Eastern Ontario $143 • Westem Ontario $133 • Central Ontario $139 • All Ontario $424 • National Packages Available! SOMERSET GARDEN HOMES MODEL SUITES AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING - x in11:1 IM BY APPOINTMENT ie ' - - _ -. 11P f .41 m Luxurious Freehold Townhouses IN EXETER are now For Sale. Sande St. Located on a new Street Only four blocks from downtown. wp IDEAL FOR ADULTS! • N o 1 1 -- NO EXTERIOR MAINTENANCE -- HuronSt. NEW UNITS UNDER CONSTRUCTION J Joe Durand PLEASE CALL Doug Geoffrey 1-519-565-5062 OR 1-519-235-2961 1/2 ACRE COUNTRY LOT - 100'x200' Bronson Line, south of Dashwood. $34,500. Build this spring. (519)235-3633. (8tfn) 20 Property For Rent 1 BEDROOM APT. - $450/month. Call 235-1286 after 6 pm. (16tfn) 2 BEDROOM APT. - EXETER - ground floor, $475/month. Available June lst/06. First & last month's rent. No laundry facilities. Suitable for older individual or couple. Call 235-1547 prior to 8 pm. (12tfn) Need Mortgage Money? Farm & Residential 1st & 2nd Mortgage $ 3.25% Interest or Less • No upfront fees • Personal loans/mtges. • Consolidate your debts • Problem mtge. specialist ASTRAL FUNDING INC. (519) 364-0450 or 1-800-387-1932 If you qualify, payments: Amt. Approx. Mo. Payment $ 5,000 $13.55 $ 10,000 $27.08 $ 50,000 $135.42 $100,000 $270.83 20 Property for Rent ASHWOOD APTS.1 BED- ROOM - $450, furnished $525. Rent includes water, fridge, stove and parking. Call Marlene Parsons 235-1304. (14tfn) CLEAN ONE BEDROOM - new f & s, laundry facilities, parking, eat -in kitchen, suitable for quiet adult. 235-1497. (49tfn) EXETER - 2 bedroom apart- ment with fridge and stove. 235-0349. (45tfn) EXETER - 2 bedroom apt., first floor, $480/month. Call Ed (days) 1-877-224-7043 or (nights) 1-519-852-8544. (17*) "Your Stuff" Self -Storage 280 THAMES RD. W., EXETER 235-2345 NEED SPACE? WE HAVE IT! Indoor and Outdoor 20 Property for Rent 20 Property for Rent HURON PARK, ONTARIO RESIDENTIAL HOMES FOR RENT 2, 3 & 4 Bedroom Single & Semi -Detached Homes All have front and backyards and a full basement Rent ranging from $394.00 per month and up, plus utilities DEL Management Solutions Inc. Telephone 519-228-6657 EXETER - 2 BEDROOM - luxury apt. $650 per month plus heat and hydro. 235- 4694. (12tfn) EXETER - 2 BEDROOM APT. - $550/month plus utili- ties. 235-4694. (45tfn) EXETER - 2 BEDROOM APT. - Newly renovated. $550 monthly plus utilities. 1st/last, references required. 235-3293. (12tfn) EXETER - DASHWOOD RD. - 2 bedroom ground floor. Non-smoking. $525 a month, first/last, plus heat/hydro. References. 235-1348. (15- 18*) GROUND LEVEL APT. - with yard. Heat, hydro, cable and four appliances included. $700 month. Suitable for a senior or business. Available May 1st. Call Mark 235-1344. (15-17x) HENSALL - 2 BEDROOM APT. - Controlled entrance. Appliances, laundry. 1st 6 months $440/month, after $460/month. lst/last. 262- 3146. (17*) HENSALL, QUEEN MARY APARTMENTS - 2 bedroom available now, $545. Bachelor apartment May 1st, $410, both include water, parking, appli- ances, on site laundry. 262- 3186. (17tfn) HOUSE FOR RENT IN EXETER - 2+1 bedroom. Available May 1. $575 plus utilities. Call 234-6262 or 234-6252. (17tfn) HURON PARK - TAKE OVER LEASE - 2 bedroom house, full basement. $394/month plus utilities. 228- 8011 leave message. (17;18*) LUCAN - 1 bedroom apt., 241 Butler St. All utilities paid. $545/month. 227-1285 or 681- 4827. (14-17*) LUCAN - 1 & 2 BEDROOM APTS. - Available June lst. Central air, laundry, parking. $515 and $565. Call 227- 4766. (17-24*) ZURICH - 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT - with fridge and stove. No pets. Non- smoker. References required. Off street parking. 236-4320. (13-18*) 1 BEDROOM APT. - Fridge & stove included. References, first and last. 235-1950 or 659-9831. (12tfn) 23 Wanted to Rent WANTED - AT LEAST 3 BEDROOM HOME TO RENT - in Exeter or surrounding area. Call 235-4404 leave message. (16;17*) 27 Tenders Wanted POLICE BRIEFS Suspicious fire in Exeter EXETER - Huron OPP were dispatched April 21 to a suspicious garbage fire on James Street just east of Main Street south in Exeter. The South Huron fire department attended and put the fire out without any further damage to the surround- ing property. Window smashed on Roman Line LUCAN BIDDULPH - On April 20 a window was smashed on the Roman Line in Lucan Biddulph. OPP believe it may have been an attempted break and enter. 27 Tenders Wanted MUNICIPALITY OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF SOUTH HURON INVITES QUOTATIONS for the Removal and Replacement of Windows at the Dashwood Community Centre SH-06-D.W.01 To CLOSE Thursday, May 18 at 12:00 NOON The Municipality of South Huron seeks quotations for the removal and replacement of the windows at the Dashwood Community Centre. Documentation will be available for pick up at the South Huron Recreation Centre. Sealed quotations, on the forms provided and clearly marked as to contents, may be mailed or delivered to: South Huron Recreation Centre 94 Victoria Street East EXETER, Ontario NOM 1S1 235-2833 Lowest or any Tender Not Necessarily Accepted Network Classifieds: Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country! For more information contact Your local newspaper COMING EVENTS TOY/TRAIN & DOLL SHOW, May 7 - 10 am - 4 pm, International Centre, 6900 Airport Road, Mississ- auga. Hundreds of Antique / Collectable Toys. Free identification clinic. 12-2 pm. Bring the whole family! WWW.ANTIQUETOYS.CA 905-945-2775 IUTOMOTIVE� MOTOR VEHICLE dealers in Ontario MUST be registered with OMVIC. To verify dealer registration or seek help with a complaint, visit www.omvic.on.ca or 1-800-943-6002. If you're buying a vehicle privately, don't become a curbsider's victim. Curbsiders are imposters who pose as private individ- uals, but are actually in the business of selling stolen or dam- aged vehicles. EXCITING MOBILE TOOL FRANCHISE - Complete Business System: Premium Quality Products, Financing pro- grams, Training & Support Programs. No franchise fees or royalties. Call Matco Tools Toll -Free 1-888-696-2826. www.matcotools.com MAKE BIG DOLLARS from your back deck. Absolutely the most profitable home biz. Training provided. Call now 1-800- 637-1893 www.extreme-success.net MAKE FAST CASH. Driveway Sealing Systems, Line Painters, Hot Pour Crack Machines, Blowers, Edgers, Asphalt Preservative Products. Call Toll-free 1-800-465-0024 Pro-Tect Asphalt Ltd. Visit: www.protectasphalt.com OWN YOUR OWN STORE - Country Depot, TrueValue Hardware, V&S Department Stores - New & existing loca- tions. No Franchise Fee - Eam Dividends. Call TruSery Canada TODAY -1-800-665-5085 www.truserv.ca MARITIME DRILLING SCHOOLS entry-level training for land and offshore oilrigs. Excellent wages, benefits and opportuni- ties to travel the world. May 22 - June 10, 2006 & June 19 - July 8, 2006. Information contact: 1-866-807-3960, www.mdslimited.ca. START YOUR ONLINE Medical Transcription training today! Certificate program endorsed by employers. At-home and on-site job placement assistance. Contact CanScribe Career Centre. 1-800-466-1535, www.canscribe.com, info@canscribe.com. EMPLOYMENT OPPS. NEED A home phone? Reduced! Monthly service only $39.95 and low connection fee! Cheapest rates around! Call Phone Factory Reconnect 1-877-336-2274; www.phonefactory.ca PHONE DISCONNECTED? Super Special: only $13. for first month plus hook up. Everyone welcome. Guaranteed approval. Free long distance package. Call Easy Reconnect now 1-877-446-5877. RUSKIN CONSTRUCTION LTD. Pile driving and bridge construction; www.ruskinconstruction.com currently looking in Alberta and BC for Project Managers, welders, crane and equipment operators, bridgemen, pile drivers, heavy duty equipment mechanics, riggers and safety officers. Permanent and seasonal work. Competitive wages $20. - $35. Fax resume 780-538-3350. Email eoracheski@ruskinconstruction.com. ANCIAL SERVICES DEBT STRESS? Consolidate & lower payments by 30- 40%. End those phone calls & the worry. Avoid bankruptcy. Contact us for a No -Cost Consultation, Online: www.mydebtsolution.com or Toll -Free 1-877-556-3500 ONALS� CRIMINAL RECORD? Get yours cleared. For travel to U.S.A., career advancement and your peace of mind. Free Assessments. Call Jennifer at the National Pardon Centre toll free 1-866-242-2411; www.nationalpardon.org. CRIMINAL RECORD? Seal it with a PARDON! Need to enter the U.S.? Get a 5 year WAIVER! Call for a free brochure. Toll-free 1 -888 -9 -PARDON or 905-459-9669. STOP SMOKING AND WEIGHT CONTROL - One treat- ment, Safe, Drug Free, Painless. LazerAid by Anne Finlay. For more information CALL TODAY Toll -Free 1-877-262- 7768 or 519-364-0466 OUTDOOR RECREATIO SKYDIVE ADVENTURE - Thrilling first jump outings with friends and family. Jump the same day. Register now for spring discounts. Skydive Toronto Inc. 800-668-5867, www.skydivetoronto.com 1 DISCONNECTED TELEPHONE? RECONNECT NOW! National Teleconnect has the best available rates. No customer refused. Free long distance when activated. Call National Teleconnect at 1-866-443-4408 A FREE TELEPHONE SERVICE - Get your first month free. No Credit, Bad Credit, No Problem! Call Freedom Phone Lines Today Toll -Free 1-866-884-7464 A NEW PC ONLY 99 cents/day! & EVERYONE'S APPROVED!* Get a fully loaded MDG Computer with an Intel P4 3Ghz from 99 cents/day. Includes everything you need: 512MB RAM, 17" LCD flat panel, Windows XP and a FREE* Printer/Scanner/Copier for first 500 callers (*Call for conditions) 1-800-236-2504. AWESOME! BAD CREDIT ACCEPTED! New Brand - Name Computer. FREE photo printer & 5mp digital cam- era (while supplies last)! No Money Down! Fast Delivery! Call Now! 1-866-259-1171. www.brandsnow.com CEDAR, SPRUCE, PINE & TAMARACK seedlings for sale! Free Catalogues! Call Forest 1-866-640-8733. www.forestcare.com CHEAP Phone Reconnection. Free voicemail. No refusals, no credit check. Tembo Telecom toll free 1-877- 468-3626. Sign-up online and save $20.; www.tembo.ca. NEED A PHONE? Been DISCONNECTED? Get your con- nection, first 30 days and one feature for only $80. We have LONG DISTANCE too. Call 1-866-392-5066 or visit www.telereconnect.com SAWMILLS from only $3,495.00 - Convert your LOGS TO VALUABLE LUMBER with your own Norwood portable band sawmill. Log skidders also available. www.norwoodindustries.com - FREE Information: 1-800- 566-6899 Ext:4000T CANADA'S TOP DIRECT SALES TEAM needs consult- ants in your area. Earn a great income and free vacations. Call 1-866-597-1507 or email cperlock@golden.net for free catalogues and information. A -Z DRIVERS WANTED Are You A Skilled, Concientious Team interested in running west or a single driver looking for local work? WE OFFER: Top team km rates per stop; border crossing and waiting time pay, excellent hourly rate for singles, well-maintained trucks, paid benefits. We Require: AZ License, Clean driver's abstract; criminal search or FAST card, Minimum 1 year's driving experience. 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