HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2006-04-19, Page 13Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Exeter Times -Advocate
Red Cross Babysitting Course
planned for Sat., April 29
By Carmel Sweeney
ZURICH - The Lions Club Fish Fry
is on Fri., April 21 at the Zurich
Complex from 5 to 8 p.m. Tickets
are $10 for adults and a lower cost
for children.
Tickets available from Lions
members or at the door. There will
be a silent auction as well, so don't
eat and run. The 150th Anniversary
Committee will be selling tickets on
three lovely prizes and the special
Anniversary Books at the Fish Fry.
Be sure to mark your calendar for
the Big 150th Anniversary Home
Coming Weekend to be held on
June 16, 17, and 18. You won't
want to miss all the exciting things
that will be going on those three
days. Friday night is a German sup-
per and dance. Saturday, bed races,
parade, donkey baseball and enter-
tainment by Joe Overholt in the
afternoon followed by a dance in
the evening.
Sunday morning will be a
Community Church Service at the
Zurich Complex in the arena, with a
brunch to follow.
Congratulations to Doug and Tao
Corriveau who were married on
March 20 in China. Doug is the son
of Laurene Corriveau of Zurich.
The Drama Club of St. Boniface
School is having a musical called
"Music Man" this week, April 19,
20, and 21 in the gym at 7 p.m.
each evening. Tickets available at
the door.
A retirement dinner was held for
Judy Voogel recently at Hessenland.
She has worked at Hay
Communications in Zurich for the
past 26 years. Rosi Rothenberg has
taken over her job.
The Graduation Class at St.
Anne's High School in Clinton is
having their annual Fashion Show
on April 27 and 28 at 7:30 p.m.
The theme being: "So You Think
You Can Dance" with clothing from
local stores.
The Blue Water Rest Home
Volunteer Appreciation Night will
be held at the Mennonite Church
Hall in Zurich on Wed., April 26 at
7 p.m. If you are planning to attend
please call Patty Groot as soon as
possible (236-4373).
A lovely belated "50th" Surprise
Birthday Party was held for Diane
Klopp on Easter Sunday at the
home of Francine and Mike. Several
friends and relatives attended. Her
parents, Herb and Donna Klopp
and sister Martha arrived home
from British Columbia in time for
the celebration.
A big Surprise "40th" Birthday
Party was held at the Ironwood Golf
Course recently for Nancy Becker
(Joe) of Dashwood.
Jeff and Rosi Rothenberg, Steve
and Patti Geoffrey of Zurich and
Joey and Sandra Overholt of
London, recently enjoyed a week's
vacation in the Dominican Republic.
Welcome home to Paul and Joan
Ducharme, Joe and Rose -Marie
Regier and Michael and Yvonne
Hartman from Florida.
Mary -Lou Denomme recently
spent a week visiting with her sis-
ter, Patricia in London. Audrey
Smith has been in Kitchener visiting
her sister.
Several families in town had nice
get-togethers for Easter weekend.
Once again all our family enjoyed
a delicious brunch at Erb's Country
Kitchen with a social after at the
home of Paul and Heather Klopp. It
was nice to have our daughter
Meagan home from Waterloo for
the weekend.
If you would like to be in the choir
for Zurich's 150th Anniversary to
be held on Sun., June 18 come out
and attend the first practice this
Thurs., April 20 at St. Peter's
Lutheran Church 7 p.m. anyone is
welcome to attend.
The BX -93 Dance and
Elimination draw is at the Zurich
Complex, Sat., April 22 beginning at
9 p.m. It is sponsored by the Minor
Athletic Association. Tickets will be
available at the door.
The benefit dance for Karmen
Bedard is postponed until Sat., May
20 at the complex in Zurich.
The Ladies Auxiliary will meet at
the Blue Water Rest Home in
Zurich on Tues., May 2 at 6:30 p.m.
with a special musical program by
seniors of the Mennonite Church.
There will also be a bake sale and
any donations would be appreciat-
Leo and Cecile Meidinger have
moved to Blue Water Rest Home
Apartments recently.
Anyone wishing to go on a bus
trip to 1,000 Island from July 24 to
28 please call Gwen 236-7209 or
Lottie 236-4217 as soon as possible.
Seats are going fast.
The Red Cross Babysitting Course
will be held at St. Boniface School
on Sat., April 29 from 9 a.m. to 4
p.m. For more information call
236-4335. Cost is $32 a person and
you must be turning 11 years of age
this year.
Stan Lee Club to entertain residents at Huronview
By Joan Beierling
VARNA - The walls of a filled Goshen
United Church reverberated with gifts of
music Easter Sunday morning. Heather
Dawe and Valerie Laurie played trumpets,
and brother Cameron on guitar joined with
piano and organ for the choir's anthem of:
"Jesus Christ Is Risen". Lelayna Hayter
especially enjoyed the music, showing off
some interesting dance steps and moves.
The Christ candle which had been extin-
guished at the close of the Maundy Thursday
service in observance of Jesus' death on the
cross, was lit again by Mike Colclough signi-
fying Jesus' resurrection glory. Alysha
Dowson sang a solo - "God's Will, and Carol
Simons joined Pastor Elly in scripture read-
ings from 1 Cor. 15:1-11 and Mark 16:1-8.
The children were delighted with the Easter
surprise guest appearance of a day old baby
lamb brought in by Joan van Slightenhorst.
Pastor Elly spoke to the children about being
"Jesus' little lamb - ever glad at heart I am.
For my Shepherd gently guides me, knows
my need and well provides me. Loves me
every day the same, even calls me by my
After worship the children hurried outside
for their Easter egg hunt thanks to Brenda,
Kim and Kelly Consitt. Birthday wishes were
extended to Mike Colclough and Pastor Elly
wished everyone, especially the many who
had come a distance to be with family, a
happy and blessed Easter.
The Stan Lee Club met in the complex on
April 13. Bernice Reid opened the program
with the reading: "What Is A
Grandparent"? Anna Keys read the minutes
and Bill Taylor gave the treasurer's report.
Plans were made to entertain at Huronview
on April 19 at 2 p.m. Glen Deichert is look-
ing after the music and the ladies will supply
The Zone 8 Rally will be in Dungannon on
May 4 with registration at 10 a.m. The noon
meal is $7 paid in advance. Meet at Marg
Hayter's, Varna at 9:20 a.m. for car pool-
Elmer and Norene Hayter conveyed thanks
for card and gift received honouring their
65th wedding anniversary.
Marlene Deichert reported that senior
games croldnole is in Seaforth, May 11, shuf-
fleboard in Mitchell May 24 and euchre in
Lucan June 15. For registration forms due
April 24 or sooner, call 263-6503.
An invitation from Londesboro Happy Gang
seniors was accepted for May 25 at 12:30
p.m with a pot luck lunch served by the host
ladies and lunch will be followed with enter-
High euchre winners were Norene Hayter
and Eleanor McAsh and consolation prize
winners were Marj Sterling and Glen
The next meeting is June 8 at the Dinner
Bell at 12:30 p.m.
nes POOL league
Chris MacDonald
John Burdon 1904
Terry Haugh 1784
Bill Crump 1780
Bob Jones 1752
Garrett Redegeld1620
Tyler Scott 1603
Ray Hodgson 1591
Jim Scott 1348
Pat Lane 1212
Shaun Dawe 1134
Howard Jones 1050
Chris Haugh 979
Mark Hunt 754
Darcy Smith 734
Nathan Howe 639
Nathan Hart 473
Ervin Vincent 456
Rick Marshall 422
Garry Shier 333
Fabian Hart 330
Matt Huard 320
Jason Kew 214
Gus Gregus 206
Dean McKnight 148
Trevor Struth 140
Dave Ferguson 111
Dan Dawe 100
Trent Taylor 89
Jeff Gooch 85
Gavin Harburn 85
Sean Craig 46
Tyler Scott 1410
Zach Kadey 749
Wayne Drake 612
Justin Finkbeiner 637
Dillon Finkbeiner 593
Mitch Boyle 555
Jeff McNutt 355
Ryan Smith 227
Mandi Brown 29
Kathy Wark 1325
Shannon Green 1062
Audrey Haugh 990
Tracey Boitson 822
Vicki Myatte 716
Kim Dawe 681
Taralyn Koebel 410
Karen Vincent 384
Sam McGee 324
Therese Wankin 187
Alice McLean 11
April 12
S010 results
1st high
2nd high
1st solo - tied
2nd solo
Hidden score
Betty Coates
Millie Webber
Shorty Caldwell
Hubert Miller
Bill Dixon
Summertime events decided for Town of Hensall
By Liz Sangster
HENSALL - The Hensall Legion meeting was held
Wed., April 12. We were pleased to have zone comman-
der Shirley Chalmers and her deputy Stewart Taylor
attend our meeting and conduct the installation of offi-
cers. The following members will hold office, taking
over their positions in June: president Larry Uyl, first
vice president David Smale, second vice president Tom
Neilands, secretary Sue Riley, treasurer Bea
Uyl, sergeant at arms Peter Zwaan, chaplain
Tracy Whitson-Bahro, and service officer
Larry Uyl. The executive consists of Gary Kyle, Betty
Taylor, Sandy Wallace, and Kathy Neilands.
A donation of $50 was made to the Walk for Multiple
Plans were made for another soup and sandwich lun-
cheon in June, please watch for further information
regarding the date.
The Hensall and Community Horticultural Society met
on April 10 at Hensall United Church. President Luanne
Phair welcomed everyone and guest speaker Brenda
Campbell proceeded to give a lively presentation on sea-
sonal container plantings. Brenda let the group in on
the secrets of Cozyn's famously gorgeous container
plantings, one of the keys to success being generous
planting. Brenda announced that all members will
receive a 10 per cent discount from Cozyn's and that she
is conducting ongoing classes, another great reason to
check out Cozyn's. Janeth thanked Brenda, and door
prizes were awarded and lunch served before the meet-
ing adjourned.
At Easter Sunday service at Hensall United Church Les
Hills was the minister. Service began with welcome and
announcements and the passing of the peace. The
organist was Bill Gibson. The greeters
were Marj Heemeryck and Ross Riley.
Janice Alderdice looked after the nurs-
ery. The ushers were Glenn and Lois Hayter. Service
closed with commissioning, benediction, and choral
At Carmel Presbyterian Church Tracy Whitson-Bahro
was the minister. Joyce Pepper and Dorothy Taylor
accompanied the hymns on organ and piano. The offer-
ing was received by Harry Smith and Al Hoggarth. The
service closed with benediction and choral amen.
The Hensall Village Yard Sale will be held on May 27.
The Hensall Spring Fair will be held on Sat., June 10.
Activities will center around the Bluewater Tug -of -War
competition. There will also be a wide variety of activi-
ties, novelties and amusements for the whole family.
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