HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2006-04-05, Page 3232 Exeter Times -Advocate Wednesday, April 5, 2006 16 For Sale FREE EARTH FILL FROM HURON PARK RECONSTRUC- TION Please call Carlos at (519) 808-1599 DRY FIREWOOD, ALL HARDWOOD - $40/cord and up, $60 a pickup load; Large orders available. Can be deliv- ered to your door. Call Kirkton 229-8237. (10-17SA) FIREWOOD - seasoned hard- wood beech, ash and maple, delivered or picked up. Call Dignan Landscaping at 236-4457 (47tfn) FOUR ALUMINUM 14" 4 BOLT RIMS - $120 obo. 349- 2226. (11-18SA) FREE FOR PRICE OF AD - Large quantity of glass, good for greenhouse or shops. 236-4979. (13;14) FREEZER BEEF - order your 1/2 beef now! Direct from farmer, government inspected. Limited quantity. Chose your own cuts of steaks, roasts, ham- burg, etc. only $2.30 lb. + pro- cessing. Free delivery. Phone 225-2345 or 225-2591. (8-15SA) FRIDGE, 2 DOOR FROST FREE - $80, Gurney fridge $10, Beumark stove $60, Dynamic audio speakers, pair $90. GE TV stereo $80, stainless steel work bench $60. OBO. 238-2919. (14;15*) GOLF CLUBS, NICKLAUS AIR BEARS - RH Cavity backs, reg. shaft steel, 1-3 woods with covers, 3 pw, very good condi- tion, $150; Toshiba fullsize micro, good condition, $40; 12' x 30" fun pool, solar blanket, cover, vacuum, brush, chemicals, etc. $75. 284-2903 or leave mes- sage. (8-15SA) GRAVEL - TOPSOIL - STONE - SAND - Lobo Sand & Gravel. 519-666-1742. (14-43) GREAT GIFT IDEAS FOR THE PERSON WHO LOVES TO DRAW - ART SUPPLIES AT THE TIMES ADVOCATE - Sketch pads - $3.95 - $13.95 sizes up to 14 x 17. Suitable for: pen, pencil, charcoal or water- colour. Acid free. Graphic and technical pencil sets, erasers, charcoal, pastels, watercolour pencils. Instruction Books $7.99 or $12.95. 424 Main St. Exeter. Open Mon -Fri. 8:30am-4:30pm. (31tfx) GUITAR AMP LINE 6 SPIDER - with Line 6 floorboard. Mint condition. $600 obo. Call for details. 519-880-9638. (47tfx) HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS - Best Price, Best Quality. All Shapes & Colours. Call 1-866- 585-0056 www.thecoverguy.ca (13-17x) HUGE SELECTION OF TURKEY HUNTING GEAR - in stock now. More bows, cross- bows, camo clothes, bow hunting supplies than ever before. Open Tuesday to Saturday. Huron Sports Outfitters, Hwy. 4, Kippen. (Now all hunting gear). 519-263-2141. (14;15) KILN DRIED LUMBER - Hard Maple & Ash $2.50 BF, Poplar $1.25, Walnut $3.00, Cherry $2- $4. Air dried lumber $1.00 BF. Hand crafted Ash queen size sleigh bed $600, unfinished. 229-8135. (13-20SA) KIRBY CARPET CLEANER - with all vaucum and shampoo attachments, Like new. Instruction video included. $800.00 Call 235-3587 (11- 18SA) Classifieds/Community 16 For Sale PATIO/POOL BAR & 4 STOOLS - (like new). 1 antique table (maple & elm), 4 pressed back chairs. Call 237-3758 after 5 pm. (13;14*) SIX 85R16 TIRES, 4 7R16 LIGHT TRUCK TIRES - 50%+ tread. Best offer. 236-4979. (13;14) THE FUEL GENIE - decreases in fuel consumption 30-50%. For cars and trucks. Will also install. 519-595-4553. (19tfx) WROUGHT IRON RAILINGS - Excellent condition. Height 30". Total length: 80' +. (vari- ous length, curves and straight). Price $999 obo. (New value $2000) Call 519-235-2900. (10- 17SA) 10" TABLE SAW - XL10, Delta direct drive, $250 obo. 8 1/2 Hitachi Compound Mitre saw S250 obo. 229-6961. (7-14SA) 17 Wanted To Buy WANTED: CARS & TRUCKS - for wrecking. Any condition. Will buy any scrap metal. You will be surprised at our prices. Pickups can be arranged. 234- 6252 Advanced Auto Parts. (14tfn) 18 Wanted GOT AN OLD COIN COL- LECTION? - Turn it into $$$! Local collector buying pre -1967 Canadian and US coin and paper currency. I come to you; top dol- lar paid on the spot. 519-284- 1134. (51-14SA) 19 Property for Sale 18 Wanted WANTED - OLD BRICK BUILDINGS FOR SALVAGE - used building material and re- claimed bricks for sale. 235- 1662. (38tfn2) BALL PLAYER LOOKING FOR TEAM - New to the area. Looking for a Men's or Co-ed Slo-Pitch team to play on, this up -coming season. Have played Men's Rec. D and C, and Co-ed Rec and D. I play OF and 1B. Pleae call Chris at 235-0074. (13;14*) BUYING CENTURY OLD BRICK - farmhouses, schools, churches, etc. for wrecking and brick salvage. Ross Lumley (519_383-2024. Wrecking peo- ple's homes (46 last year) all over Southwestern Ontario since 1 9 6 9 . (6;8;10;12;14;16;18;20;22;24x) 19 Property For Sale 1/2 ACRE COUNTRY LOT - 100'x200' Bronson Line, south of Dashwood. $34,500. Build this spring. (519)235-3633. © ALL ONTARIO FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS LTD. The Mortgage People 1ST 2ND AND 3RD MORTGAGES ALL TYPES OF PROPERTIES FAST SERVICE - PRIME RATES DIFFICULT MORTGAGES - PRIVATE FUNDS INVESTOR INQUIRIES WELCOME CONTACT FRANK ROWLEY 519-238-5851 - GRAND BEND 1-800-361-5114 - KITCHENER Need Mortgage Money? Farm & Residential 1st & 2nd Mortgage $ 3.25% Interest or Less • No upfront fees • Personal loans/mtges. • Consolidate your debts • Problem mtge. specialist ASTRAL FUNDING INC. (519) 364-0450 or 1-800-387-1932 If you qualify, payments: Amt. Approx. Mo. Payment $ 5,000 $13.55 $ 10,000 $27.08 $ 50,000 $135.42 $100,000 $270.83 OPEN HOUSE SAT., APRIL 8 & SUN., APRIL 9 • 2-4 P.M. Approx. 2100 sq. ft. sidesplit 3 bedroom, 2 bath, sunroom, separate office, 2 car garage with basement entrance. Gas heat, air conditioning, water softener, municipal water plus much more. Located at edge of Exeter. 40226 Thames Rd. (Hwy. #83) East Please call for viewing. Ask for Jeff or Angela 229-6472 19 Property for Sale BUY DIRECT AND SAVE $8,000 TO $10,000 - in real estate fees! Homes for sale - existing and build to suit. Also, building lots for sale starting at $50,000. Call 235-4726. (43tfn) 15 ACRE HOBBY FARM - INCOME PROPERTY - on paved road. 2 miles south of Goderich. Older farmhouse, house trailer and land all rented. $185,000. Leave message 519- 524-5348. (12-14*) 20 Property For Rent 1 BEDROOM APT. - Fridge & stove included. References, first and last. 235-1950 or 659-9831. (12tfn) 2 BEDROOM APT. - EXETER - ground floor, $475/month. Available June lst/06. First & last month's rent. No laundry facilities. Suitable for older indi- vidual or couple. Call 235-1547 prior to 8 pm. (12tfn) 2 BEDROOM UPPER DOWN- TOWN LUCAN - Completely renovated. Washer, dryer, dish- washer. Over 800 sq. ft. References. 227-2010 or 641- 0507. (13;14) ASHWOOD APTS.1 BED- ROOM - $450, furnished $525. Rent includes water, fridge, stove and parking. Call Marlene Parsons 235-1304. (14tfn) AVAILABLE NOW - Downtown Exeter. One bed- room apartment suitable for sin- gle bed. Heated, stove, fridge, water included. $415/month. First/last and references required. Call 235-1354. (13tfn) CLEAN ONE BEDROOM - new f & s, laundry facilities, parking, eat -in kitchen, suitable for quiet adult. 235-1497. (49tfn) COTTAGE FOR RENT - TOBERMORY - 7 minutes. Bright and clean cottage on Cameron Lake. Panoramic view, private yard. Hiking trails to the Bruce Trail and the grotto. Kayaks and canoe and fishing boat included. Call 519-229- 8686. (14;15x) EXETER - 2 bedroom apartment with fridge and stove. 235-0349. (45tfn) EXETER - Excellent location, close to all your needs. One bed- room apartment in heritage home. Suitable for quiet mature individual. $410 monthly, water, sewage and heat included. Non- smoker, no pets. 235-2146 for details. (14;15*) EXETER - 1 BEDROOM APT. - $550 per month includes heat. Suitable for quiet adult. 235- 4694. (12tfn) EXETER - 2 BEDROOM - lux- ury apt. $650 per month plus heat and hydro. 235-4694. (l2tfn) EXETER - 2 BEDROOM APT. - $550/month plus utilities. 235- 4694. (45tfn) "Your Stuff" Self -Storage 280 THAMES RD. W., EXETER 235-2345 NEED SPACE? WE HAVE IT! Indoor and Outdoor 20 Property for Rent EXETER - 2 BEDROOM APT. - Newly renovated. $550 month- ly plus utilities. 1st/last, refer- ences required. 235-3293. (12tfn) EXETER - GORGEOUS 2 FLOOR URBAN LOFT APARTMENT - Approx. 1400 sq. ft. Newly decorated, 2 gas fireplaces, central air both levels, Jenn air kitchen stove, new frig. Loft has pine floor/ceiling, ceil- ing fans. Furnished $900. Above Village Vines, formerly Country Flowers, 391 Main St., Exeter. Available March 1st, April 1st or May 1st. Quiet tenants only please. Contact JoAnne Dinney 519-235-1030. (l0tfn) HENSALL, QUEEN MARY APARTMENTS - 2 bedroom available Mar. 1st. Water, appli- ances, parking, laundry. $545.00. 262-3186. (3tfn) HOUSE FOR RENT - Nice country property. 3 bedroom & den. Newly renovated 2 bath. Attached garage, paved drive, treed property. 5 appliances. $950 a month plus utilities. 519- 235-2736(13-16*) HOUSE FOR RENT - 3 bed- room home in Exeter. Available immediately. $600 per month plus utilities. Call 235-1286 after 6 pm. (14tfn) HOUSE TO SHARE - Utilities included. Henson $400 a month. 262-3388 leave message. (11- 14*) LUCAN - Available immediate- ly. Beautiful 2 bedroom apt. Hardwood floors. $535 monthly plus utilities. 227-4923 or 227- 6724. (13-16*) LUCAN - 1 bedroom apt., 241 Butler St. All utilities paid. $545/month. 227-1285 or 681- 4827.(14-17*) ZURICH - 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT - with fridge and stove. No pets. Non-smoker. References required. Off street parking. 236-4320. (13-18*) INSIDE STORAGE Snowmobiles, Snowblowers, etc. Becker Power & Leisure Products 600 Main St. S. 235-2757 SWEEPER RENTAL • Tractor mounted • Hand held Becker Power & Leisure Products 600 Main St. S. 235-2757 HURON PARK, ONTARIO RESIDENTIAL HOMES FOR RENT 2, 3 & 4 Bedroom Single & Semi -Detached Homes All have front and backyards and a full basement Rent ranging from $394.00 per month and up, plus utilities DEL Management Solutions Inc. Telephone 519-228-6657 20 Property for Sale 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT - in Exeter. $475 includes water, sewer. Electric extra. References required. 1st/last. No pets. 235-3152. (13;14*) 23 Wanted to Rent FARM LAND - Top Dollar paid. Share cropping also avail- able. Phone 519-521-7380. (13- 15*) CASH CROP LAND WANTED - Offering short or long term leases. Call 1-519-236-4050 or 1-519-276-1102. (10-15*) 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of MARION JESSIE SHAW Late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, who died on the 3rd day of November, 2005. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 13th day of April 2006, after which date the estate assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received. ROBERT J. DEANE, Q.C. Barrister and Solicitor 417 Main Street South Exeter, Ontario NOM 1 S6 Solicitor for the Estate Trustee(s) OUR ADVERTISING POLICY Advertising in the Times -Advocate is accept- ed on condition that, in the event of a typo- graphical error, that portion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item, will be re -run in a subsequent issue as a make good at no charge, while the balance of the advertisement will be paid for at an applica- ble rate. In the event of a typographical error advertising goods or services at a wrong price, goods or services may not be sold. Advertising is an offer to sell and may be withdrawn at any time. Any errors must be acknowledged within seven days of publica- tion. The Times -Advocate reserves the privilege of revising or rejecting advertisements that it considers objectionable and to change the classification of any advertisement from that ordered to conform to the policy of this news- paper. Contents are protected by copyright. Reproduction of any material without the per- mission of the publisher is forbidden. Advertisers purchase space and circulation only. All rights to any advertisements pro- duced by the Times -Advocate, using artwork, typography or photographs arranged for by the newspaper shall be the property of the Times -Advocate. No such ad or any part thereof may be reproduced or assigned with- out written consent of the Times -Advocate. STATEMENT OF POLICY: The Times - Advocate is not responsible for errors in advertisements not submitted in legible form, nor for more than a single incorrect insertion of that advertisement. TIMES -ADVOCATE Exeter 235-1331 POLICE BRIEF Youth struck by plastic pellet HENSALL - Huron OPP are investigating a youth who was struck by a plastic pellet March 27 in Hensall. The youth was struck in the mouth, shattering their tooth by a plastic projectile from a BB gun, while walking home after school. A friend of the victim operated the air pow- ered BB gun at the time of the incident. Huron OPP wish to remind parents of the dangers of not supervising your children with these items and instructing them on safe practices. SOMERSET GARDEN HOMES MODEL SUITES AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING BY APPOINTMENT inn II is ku II Ii ■■ -law 1}, . 111 , ,, as II Luxurious Freehold Townhouses IN EXETER are now For Sale. - Sande s St. Located on a new Street l„I Only four blocks from downtown. g IDEAL FOR ADULTS! a - No EXTERIOR MAINTENANCE - NEW UNITS UNDER CONSTRUCTION Joe Durand PLEASE CALL Doug Geoffrey 1-519-565-5062 oR 1-519-235-2961 19 Property for Sale BUY DIRECT AND SAVE $8,000 TO $10,000 - in real estate fees! Homes for sale - existing and build to suit. Also, building lots for sale starting at $50,000. Call 235-4726. (43tfn) 15 ACRE HOBBY FARM - INCOME PROPERTY - on paved road. 2 miles south of Goderich. Older farmhouse, house trailer and land all rented. $185,000. Leave message 519- 524-5348. (12-14*) 20 Property For Rent 1 BEDROOM APT. - Fridge & stove included. References, first and last. 235-1950 or 659-9831. (12tfn) 2 BEDROOM APT. - EXETER - ground floor, $475/month. Available June lst/06. First & last month's rent. No laundry facilities. Suitable for older indi- vidual or couple. Call 235-1547 prior to 8 pm. (12tfn) 2 BEDROOM UPPER DOWN- TOWN LUCAN - Completely renovated. Washer, dryer, dish- washer. Over 800 sq. ft. References. 227-2010 or 641- 0507. (13;14) ASHWOOD APTS.1 BED- ROOM - $450, furnished $525. Rent includes water, fridge, stove and parking. Call Marlene Parsons 235-1304. (14tfn) AVAILABLE NOW - Downtown Exeter. One bed- room apartment suitable for sin- gle bed. Heated, stove, fridge, water included. $415/month. First/last and references required. Call 235-1354. (13tfn) CLEAN ONE BEDROOM - new f & s, laundry facilities, parking, eat -in kitchen, suitable for quiet adult. 235-1497. (49tfn) COTTAGE FOR RENT - TOBERMORY - 7 minutes. Bright and clean cottage on Cameron Lake. Panoramic view, private yard. Hiking trails to the Bruce Trail and the grotto. Kayaks and canoe and fishing boat included. Call 519-229- 8686. (14;15x) EXETER - 2 bedroom apartment with fridge and stove. 235-0349. (45tfn) EXETER - Excellent location, close to all your needs. One bed- room apartment in heritage home. Suitable for quiet mature individual. $410 monthly, water, sewage and heat included. Non- smoker, no pets. 235-2146 for details. (14;15*) EXETER - 1 BEDROOM APT. - $550 per month includes heat. Suitable for quiet adult. 235- 4694. (12tfn) EXETER - 2 BEDROOM - lux- ury apt. $650 per month plus heat and hydro. 235-4694. (l2tfn) EXETER - 2 BEDROOM APT. - $550/month plus utilities. 235- 4694. (45tfn) "Your Stuff" Self -Storage 280 THAMES RD. W., EXETER 235-2345 NEED SPACE? WE HAVE IT! Indoor and Outdoor 20 Property for Rent EXETER - 2 BEDROOM APT. - Newly renovated. $550 month- ly plus utilities. 1st/last, refer- ences required. 235-3293. (12tfn) EXETER - GORGEOUS 2 FLOOR URBAN LOFT APARTMENT - Approx. 1400 sq. ft. Newly decorated, 2 gas fireplaces, central air both levels, Jenn air kitchen stove, new frig. Loft has pine floor/ceiling, ceil- ing fans. Furnished $900. Above Village Vines, formerly Country Flowers, 391 Main St., Exeter. Available March 1st, April 1st or May 1st. Quiet tenants only please. Contact JoAnne Dinney 519-235-1030. (l0tfn) HENSALL, QUEEN MARY APARTMENTS - 2 bedroom available Mar. 1st. Water, appli- ances, parking, laundry. $545.00. 262-3186. (3tfn) HOUSE FOR RENT - Nice country property. 3 bedroom & den. Newly renovated 2 bath. Attached garage, paved drive, treed property. 5 appliances. $950 a month plus utilities. 519- 235-2736(13-16*) HOUSE FOR RENT - 3 bed- room home in Exeter. Available immediately. $600 per month plus utilities. Call 235-1286 after 6 pm. (14tfn) HOUSE TO SHARE - Utilities included. Henson $400 a month. 262-3388 leave message. (11- 14*) LUCAN - Available immediate- ly. Beautiful 2 bedroom apt. Hardwood floors. $535 monthly plus utilities. 227-4923 or 227- 6724. (13-16*) LUCAN - 1 bedroom apt., 241 Butler St. All utilities paid. $545/month. 227-1285 or 681- 4827.(14-17*) ZURICH - 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT - with fridge and stove. No pets. Non-smoker. References required. Off street parking. 236-4320. (13-18*) INSIDE STORAGE Snowmobiles, Snowblowers, etc. Becker Power & Leisure Products 600 Main St. S. 235-2757 SWEEPER RENTAL • Tractor mounted • Hand held Becker Power & Leisure Products 600 Main St. S. 235-2757 HURON PARK, ONTARIO RESIDENTIAL HOMES FOR RENT 2, 3 & 4 Bedroom Single & Semi -Detached Homes All have front and backyards and a full basement Rent ranging from $394.00 per month and up, plus utilities DEL Management Solutions Inc. Telephone 519-228-6657 20 Property for Sale 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT - in Exeter. $475 includes water, sewer. Electric extra. References required. 1st/last. No pets. 235-3152. (13;14*) 23 Wanted to Rent FARM LAND - Top Dollar paid. Share cropping also avail- able. Phone 519-521-7380. (13- 15*) CASH CROP LAND WANTED - Offering short or long term leases. Call 1-519-236-4050 or 1-519-276-1102. (10-15*) 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of MARION JESSIE SHAW Late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, who died on the 3rd day of November, 2005. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 13th day of April 2006, after which date the estate assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received. ROBERT J. DEANE, Q.C. Barrister and Solicitor 417 Main Street South Exeter, Ontario NOM 1 S6 Solicitor for the Estate Trustee(s) OUR ADVERTISING POLICY Advertising in the Times -Advocate is accept- ed on condition that, in the event of a typo- graphical error, that portion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item, will be re -run in a subsequent issue as a make good at no charge, while the balance of the advertisement will be paid for at an applica- ble rate. In the event of a typographical error advertising goods or services at a wrong price, goods or services may not be sold. Advertising is an offer to sell and may be withdrawn at any time. Any errors must be acknowledged within seven days of publica- tion. The Times -Advocate reserves the privilege of revising or rejecting advertisements that it considers objectionable and to change the classification of any advertisement from that ordered to conform to the policy of this news- paper. Contents are protected by copyright. Reproduction of any material without the per- mission of the publisher is forbidden. Advertisers purchase space and circulation only. All rights to any advertisements pro- duced by the Times -Advocate, using artwork, typography or photographs arranged for by the newspaper shall be the property of the Times -Advocate. No such ad or any part thereof may be reproduced or assigned with- out written consent of the Times -Advocate. STATEMENT OF POLICY: The Times - Advocate is not responsible for errors in advertisements not submitted in legible form, nor for more than a single incorrect insertion of that advertisement. TIMES -ADVOCATE Exeter 235-1331 POLICE BRIEF Youth struck by plastic pellet HENSALL - Huron OPP are investigating a youth who was struck by a plastic pellet March 27 in Hensall. The youth was struck in the mouth, shattering their tooth by a plastic projectile from a BB gun, while walking home after school. A friend of the victim operated the air pow- ered BB gun at the time of the incident. Huron OPP wish to remind parents of the dangers of not supervising your children with these items and instructing them on safe practices.